"A federal judge in San Francisco . . ."


Attached: Screenshot_2018-11-20 Federal judge blocks Trump's new asylum rules 'He may not rewrite th (892x511, 494K)

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>faggot judge in faggot city makes faggot ruling

What's new.

So when do we repeal the law so that you have to enter at a designated point of entry to request your asylum? or through the appropriate consulate office. or

I don't understand the logic in allowing those who enter illegally to be allowed to apply for asylum. If you've already demonstrated that you have contempt for our laws, why should we let you in?

thank you for removing the archive part of the link
USA today thanks you


This presidency has been a fucking joke

it won't. your congress is going to be a stand still for the next 2 years. The best you can hope for is for it to get overruled by scotus

>This presidency has been a fucking joke
More like it exposes how corrupt our entire government is.

No it doesn't. If trump actually had a pair he'd just tell them to fuck off. His cuck attitude is going to be his downfall

well hes exposed you being the actual cuck

who would look for logic in San Francisco?

>You cant rewrite the law but were not going to enforce the existing laws anyway

Trump better appeal this fast.

He should order a firing squad for the faggot judge and add another layer of razor wire to the wall you fucking cuck

>tell federal judge to fuck off
Oh yes break federal law! That will SURELY go well for him!

Stupid fucking dipshit. Trump isn't a fucking king and would be impeached for doing so.
It has to be overruled by a higher court.

1 federal judge isn't a fucking dictator you desperate shill


Don’t be silly.

hey so when the democrats control the executive again, we're going to pull this same bullshit nonstop too...right?

>Trump isn't a fucking king
the judge is a king though

you have exchanged kings for judges

>not singling him out
>not publicly ask him how many asylum seekers will you welcome into your home and sponsor?

When do treasonous judges overstepping their bounds get the rope?

Just ignore the judge and enforce the rule anyways to keep them from escaping. The 1965 rule was for the cube cucks to stick it to Castro.

judges like this need to be roped with bricks and bloody raw meat and launched out of a cannon into shark-infested waters

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>He may not rewrite immigration laws
Does this clown not remember when SCOTUS blew his court the fuck out over the immigration reform?

The judges and alphabet soups and lobbyists have become our royal kings and court. What the American people want doesn't matter, it's what the judges want. Do you want to make policy to affect the whole country? Then just become a judge. Judges are walking tyrants and they have become monstrously consumed with power and control.


>Just ignore the judge
but then the USA would get into a systemic crisis

*in minecraft

we're already in one

Good thing everyone is on this board complaining and nothing is going to happen besides the slow decline of our once great nation

Judges don't overrule laws. They merely advise and interrupt. Judges don't decide policy.

>They merely advise and interrupt. Judges don't decide policy
Yeah, that's wrong though. See gay marriage and half a dozen fucking other things. The US Courts are notorious for legislating from the bench.

I agree, but then enforce this in practice, which is very hard

>Judges don't decide policy
activist judges do

it's practically impossible not to have activist judges

democrat judges will block everything trump does, he just has to keep appealing until the judges aren't all democrats

It is. I'm not even going to vote in 2020 trump is a fucking weak pussy

>get elected president to run the show
>literally any one of the 10,000 judges anywhere in the country can veto you

>trump does thing
>9th circuit blocks or overturns it
>is itself overturned later
>does nothing but block the thing for six months or force minor alterations

Didn't the supreme court, in one of their recent ruling on this exact process, state that if dems keep "judge shopping" and just funneling everything they don't like to California and Hawaii, they were going to have to change law? It's getting so goddamn old at this point, what they can't accomplish in the legislative branch, or at the ballot box, they're trying to just end-run around with the judicial.

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just hire private security to block them from the port of entry.


You don't need to be a king, just a fucking leader defending your own country, obviously something Trump doesn't give a shit about

Me neither my fellow white.

It is. He has done absolutely fucking nothing I'm starting to think Obama has a stricter immigration policy. Best will get is less based tweet that all the reddit fags will suck his dick over

What Is one policy trump has done to help whites?

Problem is they're all like this. I'm an ivy leaguer and you have no idea how nightmarish the next batch of appointments after Trump leaves will be. I went to school with these fuckers and they have nothing but contempt for the Constitution, white people, and any hard working minorities that support those two things rather than kowtowing to the liberal agenda. These schools are feeding ideologue tyrants into our legal system and there's no stopping them. Turtleman and Trump have bought us some time, maybe a decade in the lower courts and a couple decades on SCOTUS, but it's still a terrible situation.

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>hard working minorities
Here we go with the CivNat cuck shit again

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They took our jubs!
They are lazy and only want welfare?

Wich is it?

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What'd I tell you

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Hurr durr i’ll look at his flag and call him out on it! If it’s not his real flag I’ll just say >memeflag, that’ll sure show him!

I already know you are a trumptard, what did I expect

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