rumors are floating in melbourne that ASIO and the police stopped a bataclan tier attack over the past week (group of several muslims looking to acquire AK47s and grenades and planning to target the city, probably for new years eve).
literally hundreds of homes in the northern suburbs have been raided over the past 48 hours alone.

the fact that melbourne didn't get a bataclan tier attack already is shocking to me.
almost every small level muslim and meth head drug dealing gang here has access to guns now (i heard a gun firing full auto in melbournes northern suburbs at 3am less than a week ago, turned out to be a muslim meth gang related drive by shooting).

we also had a FUCKING GRENADE ATTACK in MELBOURNES NORTHERN SUBURBS earlier this year (luckily it was just targeting a rival drug dealing gang and not innocent people).

despite what you hear from official sources, almost nothing is being done about these gangs, there is no surveillance, no one is ever arrested.
the only reason they have managed to keep us relatively safe so far is because based america is spying on these towel heads and relaying the information back to australian intelligence.

one day now, one of these groups will be smart enough not to use unencrypted devices, or brag about their plans, and melbourne will see the 'big one'.
achmed and abdul will give some meth heads a few grand to source some guns and pipe bombs, or maybe even a rocket launcher, and a lot of people will die.
it is inevitable if things continue on as they are with meth and muslim drug dealing gangs going unchecked like this.

there is already 8 stolen M72 LAW launchers and rockets buried somewhere just outside of sydney or melbourne waiting to be dug up.
the police have arrested and released those responsible (a meth head and his muslim friends), but they still have no idea where those weapons are.
how long until one of those rocket launchers is used to bring down a fully loaded A380 departing melbourne or sydney airport?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I hope so, I wish for a major happening over Christmas, it will be comfy.

>Implying that life is normal enough for the difference to be considered a happening anymore

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Bataclan was super comfy, shitposting on Jow Forums while watching live news in a blanket. I wish for a night like that again.

Communities need to fight back. They put a white in hospital? We put 10 of theirs in one. If the law is unwilling to protect you, who will?

oi mate, sounds like mi6 to me


Fuck austrailia.

i can see something very similar happening in melbourne.
the northern suburbs is FULL OF GUNS, and we are only a 20 minute drive away from the city, which is packed full of people EVERY night of the week.
(not much of a difference between weekdays and weekends in melbourne, the city is FULL of drunks stumbling from club to club every night, until 4am or later, 7 days a week).

if an actual suicidal muslim got his hands on an AK47, the police would have 20 minutes or less to intercept him before he reached the city.

mudslimes are too busy selling drugs and living the high life on all the money to care about doing some attack

the only thing better was the coup attempt in turkey, the weeks and days before and after had almost daily smaller happenings + the always entertaining US elections shit was always simmering in the background, it was the summer of happenings.

Hang yourself and stream it. That would be comfy.

If it's like all the other (((attacks))) they have thwarted recently, all the people arrested will be released without charge, leaving only the headline as a reminder. I remember in Sydney they arrested a bunch of Shias and claimed they were ISIS.

I wish they didn't get caught.
Melbourne needs this enrichment desperately.

You guys would be in a total uproar about this shit but your intel agencies are too good that they're stopping them all before the carnage begins. 'Would haves' and 'could haves' do nothing to motivate people to action like a proper massacre does.
Problem is having done nothing to address the root cause, unfortunately one of them is eventually going to slip through and it could be brutal.

that is unironically probably the reason they haven't done a bataclan tier attack yet.
muslims lives are just so good here they have no reason to kill themselves.

>never go to work (or work and claim the dole on the side)
>have $800k mc mansion in roxburgh park or broadmeadows
>have 2 brand new mercedes, porsche or BMW in the driveway
>all fast food in the northern suburbs are now halal only
>sell ice and pistols at the shisha cafe til 4 in the morning
>police totally ignore your drug and gun dealing activities

Australia has gone down the Chute. Good people will be safe in Limetown.

Daily reminder to leafs that if Canada doesn't change the path we are on, that we could end up as bad ad Australia.

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It won't affect Jow Forumstards cause we are usually in our basements, not out partying or living life desu.

I'd love to see a Greens stronghold get properly redpilled

Wasn't so comfy when I was in one of the most frequented nighttime Paris places

>the fact that melbourne didn't get a bataclan tier attack already is shocking to me.
it's shouldn't be shocking.
Australia has fantastic gun control laws. We should copy australia's gun laws.

Why are leafs retarded when it comes to the history of Islamic terror in their own country?

>Shooting in Greektown in Toronto.
>Gunman who rushed into Parliament building
>Guy who tried to run people over in Edmonton
>The 8th and 8th mosque in Calgary producing suicide bombers for ISIS.
>The guy who ran over the soldiers in Quebec
>The Toronto 18 arrested after 911.
>Guy who threw a bomb into the restaurant in Toronto (possible)

There have been multiple successful small scale attacks and one large one that was stopped. Canada is more than due for a successful large scale Islamic terror attack. The fact that it hasn't happened yet is surprising. Christmas is coming though.

>group of several muslims looking to acquire AK47s
Boy oh boy, I'm sure glad the government took away my right to own a kalashnikov. I'd hate to think of a weapon like that falling into the hands of some sort of lunatic.

I'm being sarcastic, of course. The niggers in melbourne already have dozens of them.

And nothing of value would be lost.

none of them were large attacks desu.


Lmao this city fucking sucks.

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I said the large attack was stopped.

Imagine being so braindead you think it'll stop in Melbourne

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You just had a bunch of armed cops, armed intelligence agents and armed unspecified persons swoop through Toronto for no stated reason. You are going through the same thing, you're just not as observant.

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Probably false flags to strengthen government power.
Ruling class loves these kind of incidents, as long as not threatening their dominance position (revolution).
They love to, and intend to import hostile group of people then using the conflicts/terror they caused as an excuse to advance their power.

Were you finger blasting one of the ventilated roasties? Or did you bugger some dying boipucci?

They are

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The day of Melboune attack

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