Fuck you degenerates

"muh greter white country"

a country which had the balls to fight turkey
a country which had the balls to fight germany and austria
a country which had balls to fight the ustashe and nazis
a country which had balls to fight NATO

a country which was backstabbed the whole way trough

keep waving your beta flags, you will never reach our alpha throne. remember: those "barbaric retards" will have more balls than your whole family line

its in our blood now, the common sight of death, its in our songs and minds.

if i have to die for my brothers, ill die with the greatest fire in my soul

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Other urls found in this thread:


And didnt have the balls to fight communism

Being raped by all your neighbors doesn't make you brave.

partisans werent hardcore commies, just poor peasants savin their ass

thats why commies were seenas good
but times have change

also show flag fag

ahh the murican NPC strikes again

who brags about being raped?
we keep our heads up because we showed your beta ass we aint scared

>blebbit spacing
I don't care

also about rape uggh ugh nigg.. sorry ugh ugh arab...

everyone raped everybody here
balkan needs to be nuked

i agree

yeah fuck Colgate

serbs are kebaps

Attached: serb_kebap_removers.jpg (657x1024, 118K)

yes obviously

>the 89 iq "ubermench" albo

ustase i cetnici su cancer
nisam komunjara al partizani su neki kurac napravili od zemlje
danas smi kurcina

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deflecting because being turkish rapebaby is too hard to cope

jesmo kurcina
treba da izginemo jer na sve strane samo cigare i depresija

nema niceg vrednog ovde vise

the "you're not white!" shill posters mainly pushed this shit
serbia is still a shithole, you can have the balls to fight (((Them))) but they will make sure you become or stay a shithole

so you want it the hard way albo...

two mass imigrations, the creation of vojna krajina and vojvodina, the 2 revolutions against turks and modern mass anti-turkish sentiment dont fit in with ya?

"the ablos aint the turyak puppets"

you only settled kosovo because turksh you stupid idiots. you were their puppets, and even had that one shitty failed revolution.

if you call yourselves supreme over us, you arent intelligent at all. albanians are subhuman and deserve to be nuked

one battle and some gay leftist data wont win an argument pal


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a fine serbian specimen

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a typical Serbian subhuman doing what he's good at, sucking the Russian dick

the most popular serbian youtuber

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the best serbian striker

Attached: 74B8E2B1-91D6-4D92-BA69-79CA9812971A.png (930x620, 529K)

former serbian basketball player

Attached: FBA325F0-E299-4984-89AA-A73791A512B8.jpg (534x712, 41K)

serbian minister of defence

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some Serbs protesting

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some Serbs defending serbian honour

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popular serbian tv host

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serbian politician

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is that a nigger?

Blah blah blah
*drowns in own shit*

believes in his own lies. LULZ

never trust the Russians remember the 10 million Ukrainians who died in Holodomor


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Based serbbro
We love you guys

Attached: FB_IMG_1532697967264.jpg (720x1087, 72K)

I didn't say anything about that, calm down

gypo footballer

Serbs butthurt and ashamed of their name.

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Get a load of this s*rbian dog HEHEHEHE

kinda makes you wonder what % of his brain is shorting out.

FACT: Any country going to war against Serbia will get obliterated


We've also been building up our naval supremacy.
It's fucking over for anyone who stands in our way.

Attached: the reckoning.jpg (400x286, 45K)

Ovde ništa nemaš da radiš osim da piješ i slušaš turbo folk koji je najgori žanr muzike ikad. Zašto sam rođen ovde, nije mi jasno?

NATO literally has you by the testicles, s*rbboy, try your genocidal war mongering shit again for another helping.

Attached: NATO.jpg (273x185, 12K)

b-but, Jews are our allies...

We will turn your shithole "countries" into fucking graveyards.
And Poland is first on that fucking list cause I'm sick of them.

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explain this to me why your country didn't fought the Russians after all what they did to you, you just said okay and then continued your life like nothing happened, even now after the USSR fallout many of you still with the ''Muh Russia is our greatest ally'' mentality
is this because you don't give a shit about what happens to you or you just simply cucks?


Holy shit, he looks like a goblin!

I hope your sickness will be the death of you, that or an Albanian car bomb. LMFAO

fuck s*rbia and double fuck r*ssia

Allahu Akbar

Attached: russhit.jpg (320x249, 18K)

i don't contest any of that. i always wondered why the russians did not eat the us' lunch and made it to mars with radio valve computers and vodka. if nothing else,my resting dick face would not have been a crime in soviet russia. serbs are the klingons of europe. what's not to like?

Yeah, the Serbian IQ is so high that the world is flooded with Serbian High Tech products and scientific inventions. Without Russia you would be the Shithole of Europe in one line with Bosnia. Is that the reason you start this Russia Asslicking thread? Typical Slav behavior: a big mouth and nothing behind.
inb4 „muuh ze Refugees will make you Muzzle“

ze Refugees will make you Muzzie

>the world is flooded with Serbian High Tech products and scientific inventions

Alternating current?

Look, we even must help you with creating arguments on a Shitposting board, but your welcome. But beside that: you are good in removing Kebab, for that you have my respect.

>S*rbrat trying to take the fame away from Thomas Alva Edison

how typical

You cant help retarded bongs that cant even spell your name right

>A country that helped the Turks conquer Constantinople

mudja CIGAN

you dont know the trends
dunno who dis is
dunno who dis is eiither
source of place
who is dis
this guy was called out on beign a druggie and is publicly hated

The slaveshit is such a disgusting criminalistic dumb subhuman that the 1st world literally prefers Muslim migration to them.

really makes you wonder tho

dont get angry comrade, a memeflag cant win a argument

Fuck kurwatja
ustashe even killed Poles
they are the same tribal scum as hohols

says the jew

Stop posting Jew

you cant shit on me as long as you want about immigration, but your flag defects your argument

We never had a chance to deploy a real military power against Russia. It became impossible to fight them on equal terms after they created an empire, eastern and south-eastern Ukrainians considered Russia an elder brother and did not believe in our national idea. Many actual Russians migrated to eastern Ukraine by soviet state programs in order to dilute Ukrainian people. It kind of ruined our national structure and caused some troubles. Now situation only got more complicated and we are being collapsed ourselves so whatever this clash will end up, we are doomed to stagnate.

To be fair, the Ustasha was compiled of a supsicious amount of Jews

albanian internet defence squad strikes again

All I can see is a county that demontaged itself and threw its future in the garbage by single-handedly causing the most pointless war ever fought in Europe, which says a lot

Was invented by Faraday. Also many scientists were making research in this field at the end of the 18th century if you are convinced that Tesla was the pioneer or whatever you trying to tell me with your (you).

>agree with me or youre albanian

Scathing, it's almost as hurting as when American hamburger cowboys use the (((parentheses))) on me

>pointless wars
Coming from a kraut. You can’t make this shit up

sorry germ, its funny how we fucked your asses twice

ughh ugh vojvodina

Pointless, but not THAT pointless.

you dont know how albanians operate dont you?

that shows how mindlessly angry you are

>implying protestant reformation was not pointless war

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Pointless to the pint that we’ve literally been assraped by kikes for almost a century. Ww1 is also one of your pointless endeavors.

>Being this butthurt over our prevalently pro-Russian stance.

I don't buy into all that Russophilic shit but you can't deny that, unlike you guys, or Ukraine, we never got conquered or destroyed by Russia.
We we're always getting buttblasted by the West, despite the fact that we were always on the right side.
But don't forget, even though Russia is the big bad bogeyman, the Westerners never treated you kindly and will always use you as a buffer zone, as they use Ukraine nowadays.

>stick your hand up your own butt so far that you get hurt

You don’t know what inb4 does mean, the last proof that discussions with you make no sense.

magyar shit magyar shit magyar shit now go back to cry in ur closet magyar

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Why do I get the feeling Serbs are the most high-iq of all eastern shitposters on this board? Always intelligent banter, can talk down anyone, like Israelis. They are nothing like Russians, Ukrainians, or Poles

does anyone notice how much diaspora albos start hitting reply buttons when they see a serbian post

its like they dont have computers in albania lol

calm down nervewreck, a aint that retard

>russians are such subhuman savages that even r*ssia's neighbors prefer to ally with their enemy rather then r*ssia

really makes you wonder why, tho

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why do i get the felling people with pirate flag are so afraid to show in what nigger hole third world country they live in

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Fuck off Shqah

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oh yeah, now i remember...



>that image


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Says the vodka soaked retard with an iq of 70. Fuck off and die subhuman shitlicker

hello mr memeflag


FUCK: croatia, serbia, romania, bulgaria, greece, ukraine, poland and germany

i tought the germs had better buisness to fuck niggs rather than to argue with "subhuman servians"

No one drinks vodka over here man.
Balkan Slavs drink rakija.

In this term we finally agree: posting with a meme flag on an anonymous board is beyond virgin fag behavior.

look at all those retards having orgasms
"ooga booga kill svrbians HAHAH"

muh supreme shiptar strikes

Extremely based and redpilled.

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>FUCK: croatia, serbia, romania, bulgaria, greece, ukraine, poland
Uh-huh, I getcha-
>and germany
Now why you gotta be so mean?

>a country which had the balls to fight turkey
negroid, you were a turkish colony, the majority of your city's were founded by turks and named by turks

Attached: he bought.jpg (258x213, 20K)

lmao Not even germans are this autistic.

Your country got fucked over, lost territory and you come here say how great you are. kek