Are shit tests real?

If so, how do I identify and pass them?

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Women are basically just a never ending stream of shit tests and then they suddenly want sex.

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. >mfw thinking of you hurting
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

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I think the OP is male
But the rest is spot on

Wtf is a shit test?
I'm a woman, and I have no idea what this "shit test" is that you guys are obsessing over. Maybe youd stop running into shitty women if you stopped making assumptions about them before you meet any of them and get to actually know them. Shit personalities attract each other

Spot on what?

What makes you think that you're not a shitty woman?

>"shit test"
They are more nicely called a "fitness test"
Women tend not to notice them the same way a fish does not notice it is wet. When something is such a key part of life it becomes noticeable.

A shit test occurs when a woman puts down someone or asks them to do something that is unreasonable. If they do it "be nice" the woman assumes they are low in status and loses respect for them. If they don't do it, the woman gets momentarily upset, but thinks the other person is higher in status and is therefor worth respect.

Men failing shit tests is the main reason they get friendzoned, men passing shit tests is the main reason women have sex with assholes.

All women shit test, some more than others. youll get more shit the less chadly you are but even chads deal with them. Its how they guage your suitability as the giver of genes to their children. Learn to pass them or suffer the consequences. It is a good thing that they shit test because without it the human species would degenerate gentically very rapidly. you will notice the reason that americas gene pool is so terrible has a lot to do with women taking the pill, which causes them to seek beta males, and they dont come off the pill until its time to reproduce. shit tests are easy, agree and amplify or dont give a fuck. NEVER treat a shit test with seriousness or you lose

What makes you think you're not a shitty man?

How would you fail suitability by suiting for someone, if its biological? If they are seeking out the best suitor it would logical sense the person that pass the test is the one that suits for someone.

Somehow the logic here is. its biological. They are seeking for suitable mate. The suitable mate most not suit for their partner, because that makes them the most suitable mate?!?

Shit tests are ways women use to figure how firm you are to your word. I've failed a lot of them because i was blue pilled.

Pretty much to pass any shit test, you need to do/say what ever you feel is right regardless of what the women does/says.

So an ultimatum? Yeah, those are stupid, and both sexes can pull that shit in relationships. My bf and I both think that shit is stupid. So again, you guys need to stop blaming all women, for things that shitty humans in general do
Brain washed meme repeater; well you have nothing of value to add

>blue pulled
Uh oh, another meme repeater. Is it really so hard to develop your own opinions vs. Just repeating what strangers on Jow Forums tell you to say? Why is that user?

Can someone give some examples of shit tests?

t. buttblasted whore. women shit test, theres nothing wrong with it. the chad meme is so prevalent because there is some truth to it.

Men's job is to be cynical chad apex predators who fucks submissive angels.

Nobody is blaming women you dumb skank. Acknowledging the universal nature of the female sex does not mean hatred of the female sex. Oh wait, you stand to benefit from spreading your feminist lies, that would explain your disingenuous position in this discussion. View women for what they are lads, not for what theyd like to be seen as.

No, it's not an ultimatum. Setting boundaries early and standing by them is a part of fostering respect in others, which will help ensure that you don't end up in the position where an ultimatum feels necessary.

The fastest way to lose respect (from either sex) is just going along with all requests even when you don't like or want it. It's analogous to having a backbone.

Saying no sometimes might seem counter-intuitive, but that's how it is. This extends to a lot of things in life, not just relationships.

>"do you think this chick is attractive"
And I actually said yes, because she is attractive but apparently that was wrong answer.

You're welcome, learn these truths or get cucked.

serious question, how many women have you been with?

Shit tests are real. I read the article on Immutable Man and it gives some pretty good insight on them. First of all, everyone shit tests, women just do it more/differently. With guys, it's considered "bullying" or "breaking someone's balls". Basically it's guys fucking around with each other, saying stupid shit to get a certain response out of others. I feel like it's only reserved for Chads, niggers, and annoying guys who like to throw their weight around. If you have male friends, you guys are going to constantly shit test each other. It's a fact of male interaction. Women, on the other hand, shit test to check you socially. They use them to get certain answers out of you, but I think they only shit test men they deem attractive. They use it to affirm that they're right in being attracted to a certain man. They'll come off as coy and flirtatious, or "obvious" dumb questions they'll ask you when you're in a relationship with them.