Well Jow Forums?
Well Jow Forums?
Trump rally
>implying his sermons werent the trump rallies of his day
Thats why the kikes had him killed.
shill absolutely btfo
Jesus was a bit of a free loader desu
Funny, this argument wouldn’t work on a leftist like yourself, but you think it would work on right wingers because most of them are religious am I right?
A brighter future is one without Churches
FPBP and /thread
He wouldn't be at a Trump rally, you stupid assholes. Get real.
Render unto Caesar, you imbecile
Jesus wasn't a political activist, he was a spiritual teacher
Correct, he would not be at A Trump rally because he'd be at ALL of them
He'd be using guns to remove the money changers from the temple.
He would be in Salt Lake talking about how everything's going as planned.
Jesus never was on this earth because Christianity is a made up religion drawn from ancient European religions
Nobody cares about your sand idol you double nigger
Straight from the rules for radicals
If Jesus were on Earth today we'd have much bigger problems than migrants or Trump.
Yep. Leftists hate Christianity but are gay for Islam and everything else.
He'd be shitposting on Jow Forums
Cringe and bluepilled.
He'd be playing red dead 2 smoking weed desu
Jesus died, Romans killed him and then killed the jews that hated him as an aftermath of some uprising.
I'd rather be Roman than Jesus.
Fuck Jesus, you slave moralists.
maybe repent and put your faith in Christ
When Jesus returns it will be on a white horse bringing judgement upon the wicked all over the earth
I think there are couple Jesuses walking in the caravan
He'd have his own rallies.... Duh.
And yes he would be in the caravan.
Jesus Christ, this board is a cult. You're the NPC, Jow Forums.
>Holding Christians to their own standards and beliefs is bad
FPBP the /thread
I do. When Armageddon comes knocking I'm selling my cloak and buying a sword and finding the nearest angel and asking how I can help.
Jesus would be at a Trump rally.
Jesus here on vacation up here in Canada
OP is literally a faggot
Neither he would be getting water boarded in a CIA black site.
Jesus didn't tell people they were entitled to take other people's wealth.
>a brighter future is one without Churches
yep an uncivilized pagan future where everyone is living in mud huts
Yes if it's about politics and white genocide.
he'd in Palestine fighting kikes
It is when u don’t give a shit about it
Anyone that thinks Jesus would be at a Trump rally is a fucking retard. Trump is Tiberius.
An NPC couldn't come up with that original of a thought that quickly to BTFO OP. They'd pick one of the options in his image. You have no idea how the NPC meme works, hence, you are an NPC