Defend this

Defend this.

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Doctors kill more people than guns... even if you include doctors with guns.

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The worst thing you can do with a gun is shoot someone, now a doctor can do human centipede

Shit you got me there

Being able to arm yourself is not about safety. It's about intrinsic liberties that SHOULD be afforded to all citizens of a free and sovereign nation. No governmental entity should have the authority to tell citizens they can't defend themselves.

Yea shit head, I bought my guns with money that I earned. If you want health care then go get a fucking job and buy some. No one is stopping you, you worthless piece of shit.

Women have killed more babies than we ever killed in any war

Guns keep people from doing stupid shit, "free" healthcare is dogshit and gets nothing fixed other than disposing of money for no reasonm

who is going to pay for healthcare?

I don't know why Jow Forums supports our current healthcare systems.... a lot of doctors are Jews who are against the second amendment.

Nice strawman, but Republicans already obey sensible gun control laws.

Your mom gay.

>same thing

The mental gymnastics of this meme.

Forcing someone to pay for someone else's healthcare is not anywhere near the same thing as allowing your citizens to purchase their own firearms with their own money. if the second amendment forced you to pay for someone elses gun you would have a leg to stand on but no your a faggot.

i’m not paying for your nigger aids

except the government isn't issuing out the guns
its up to the citizen to buy the gun and ammunition

in a apples to apples comparison
everyone in the us can have healthcare
if they fucking pay for it

Everyone having a gun forces self-reliance and accountability to your community.

Everyone having healthcare (from the taxpayer) is taking from producers and giving something of value to a great many people who will never contribute to the system, and increase their burden as they reproduce.

By cutting the Military, Foreign aid and increasing taxes on the rich by cutting the Trump tax plan should do it. If we need more taxes then a slight increase on the middle class which still benefits them more then the current system.

This. Also, universal healthcare is a major failure in every "industrialized" country were exist.

Correct because free healthcare helps the least intelligent and strong to survive . Laws of nature must apply, Guns allow us to protect ourselves from the sub classes and deviant criminal perverts which most browns and blacks are. Have you not figures it out yet? most browns and blacks are not able to legally obtain guns so this is about protecting whites

>Making every healthy and responsible adult pay for the mistakes of unhealthy retards.

Why would you want this unless you're a Commie moron that thinks you have a right to other people's money?

>Cops are there to collect evidence not enforce the law.
>Cops should have the freedom to enforce the law regardless of whether the perp is a nigger.
Pick one.
If you pick #1 then gun ownership keeps us safe.
If you pick #2 then cops keep us safe.
You cannot pick an option that is not safe.

Sick ass stawman ya cuck

Free guns? I don’t understand your logic, user.

there is no way "free healthcare" would work in america with all that diversity and homeless they got

That's a strawman.
Nobody is saying Healthcare shouldn't be accessible to everyone, we just want the same person who pays for your gun to pay for your Healthcare. Coincidentally, that person is you.

Everybody needs a gun
Not everybody needs healthcare

Free guns and free healthcare? Yeah alright

One is a right you can exercise and requires nobody else. The other is taking the rights of others because you've failed to exercise.

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One of these does not require taxes from people. Figure it out, dipshit.

Have you tried heroin? will LOVE IT. So good.

Everybody has to pay for their own gun.

>everyone having a gun
>it is an object
>it does not affect anyone unless touched
>it merely exists to deter
>deterrence stops most crime
>civil wars don’t occur for no reason

>is needed by everyone at some point
>even people with no money
>even people who ruin their own health with no care
>it is an idea, not an object
>not everyone can have it, without there being repercussions, unless there is a near unlimited supply of hospital beds and equipment
>if people don’t have this, even for a few days sometimes, it can completely ruin their life
>waiting a month to get scanned for cancer to find out it progressed to stage 4 sucks

Wouldn't free guns be less expensive than universal healthcare?

>natural right not subsidized by government theft
>product/service subsidized by government theft
So when do I get my government issued AR? Actually I’d rather but my own in a free market. The quality will be better. Hey! Maybe we should try that with healthcare!

notice how afraid conservative shills are. They get their brainwashing directly from Fox and Prager U. The conservative propaganda outlets are scared because their rich owners know social programs are popular and liked by the majority of the country.

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how about you instead

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You have a right to own a gun. You don't have a right to force someone else to buy me a gun

You already have access to healthcare. You don't have a right to force someone else to pay for it.

Liberals seem to not get this concept.

Otherwise please buy me a M2HB Browning for my home defense and all the ammo I want. You fuck nugget.

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>Doctors kill more people than guns

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Weak bait strawman. Buy as much PRIVATE INSURANCE as you want, I don't give a shit.

Isn't it weird how every time I see a leftie meme criticizing Republicans, it's actually secretly criticizing niggers?

>They get their brainwashing directly from Fox and Prager U
Cringe desu. 2/10

Correct. It is simply another attempt at more gibs. The people who demand it statistically contribute nothing to the tax pool. The expense of this would be 36+ trillion dollars over ten years. Something no single country on the planet can afford but still morons are demanding it. It's like demanding the roads be made of gold and the buildings be cotton candy. It is not feasible. Yet the same people cry about 20 billion for a wall or 15 million for our soldiers salary at the border. It's asinine.

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Republicans just want people to be able to buy and own them not get them for fucking free.
OP's image is misleading on the healthcare too, they don't want a repeat of Obamacare where if you couldn't get one of the prepacked healthcare plans you and your employer got heavily penalized for it and those who could ended up paying for services they ultimately didn't need.

Everyone having a gun is nothing to do with safety you fucking libtards, it's a guarantee of all the other parts of the constitution. Without guns, there is absolutely nothing stopping big government from infringing on the rights of the masses.

It's why they attack little by little, eroding away gun rights piece by piece as they ramp up totalitarianism elsewhere. Look at my country for instance, we lack guns and the government has been able to run roughshod over us for decades. By the time I was an adult, my rights as a white native male of my country were all but gone. I inherit nothing of what my forebears slaved and fought to bring my people.

My guns are my property
your medical problems are not.
The sick and elderly should be put to death before costing society anything it is very selfish of them to continue on with life at the cost of the taxpayer.

>Roses are red
>Violets are blue
>This is why you should let refugees rape you

while it's not coming from reality, that's pretty clear

"Fuck everyone else as long as I get mine"

The mentality that will destroy our country.

Throughout biological history, the strong have a will to survive. All the medical help in the world will not save humanity from people too weak willed to get out of bed to help themselves, and to be fair, those sorts of people haven't earned the right to continue living or using up the resources available for those who have.

>gib me dat!
The mentality that HAS destroyed our country. Get your own things you fucking communist.

there are more fat people than gun owners in the us
imagine how much money will be put on useless skin
pretty much

It's shit like the OP that makes me think the NRA is just one more piece of controlled opposition that the globalists keep around for these dumbass strawman memes.

What the fuck kind of right wing, freedom-orientated organization would think that the STATE distributing guns, AND subsidizing them, is a decent idea?

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No, the mentality to bring in more illegal aliens who have no ties to American culture, values, ideas, and communities to become a burden on the nation and push wages through the floor has been the death of the USA. The nation is already dead, you just haven't noticed it yet living in your false sense of security and well being.

Welfare is only for those who have already put into the system, and is a hand up to get you situated with a job wherein you can start contributing again, not a handout on which you'll suckle forever.
Stop being a disgusting red.

meant for

A gun costs 300 dollars of my hard earned money. Shaniqas tenth kid costs 10,000 and her diabeetus costs 40000 a year.

The third largest cause of death iks the us is medical errors. At nearly 300,000 dead from medical incompetence, guns are far safer than a visit to your doctor. US medicine cures nobody and bankrupts everybody. Why do we fork over 30% of our income to a shit profession? Why do you want to take a shit profession and make it shittier?

The third largest cause of death in the us is medical errors. At nearly 300,000 dead from medical incompetence, guns are far safer than a visit to your doctor. US medicine cures nobody and bankrupts everybody. Why do we fork over 30% of our income to a shit profession? Why do you want to take a shit profession and make it shittier?

Commodity vs service

>free guns for everyone

You have the freedom to buy guns if you can afford them.

Expanded healthcare will halt medical advancements like cures, treatments, etc because there will no longer be an incentive for it. It's why the US is the leading country for the best doctors and treatments. Even cutting Military and foreign aid, plus raising taxes on the rich won't be enough to sustain it without taxing the fuck out the middle class.

That's pretty much been the mentality forever and we've done pretty fucking good. Your mentality is the one that will fuck us over. You're not entitled to anyones work or money you fucking prick, no one owes you anything

If my taxes go up I wont be able to afford my mortgage

no one is saying that others have to pay for your gun

are you a doctor faggot?

I hope you die of the flu you dumb worthless faggot.

Tax his land, tax his wage,
Tax his bed in which he lays.
Tax his tractor, tax his mule,
Teach him taxes is the rule.

Tax his cow, tax his goat,
Tax his pants, tax his coat.
Tax his ties, tax his shirts,
Tax his work, tax his dirt.

Tax his chew, tax his smoke,
Teach him taxes are no joke.
Tax his car, tax his grass,
Tax the roads he must pass.

Tax his food, tax his drink,
Tax him if he tries to think.
Tax his sodas, tax his beers,
If he cries, tax his tears.

Tax his bills, tax his gas,
Tax his notes, tax his cash.
Tax him good and let him know
That after taxes, he has no dough.

If he hollers, tax him more,
Tax him until he’s good and sore.
Tax his coffin, tax his grave,
Tax the sod in which he lays.

Put these words upon his tomb,
"Taxes drove me to my doom!"
And when he’s gone, we won’t relax,
We’ll still be after the inheritance tax.
Fuck you, no more taxes.

The government doesn't give you guns. You have the right to own them if you can get one. It's the same with quality healthcare. BTFO'd by yourself faggot

>'our healthcare system' goyim
fuckoff schlomo

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Alcohol is third after heart attacks and cancer.
Alcohol lobbying is powerful.

Who pays for the gun, and who pays for the health care?

>if I write a lie on an image it will magically become true

Do not reply to spam. Reject the no-effort garbage reposted every day.

People buy there own guns, government pays for healthcare.

Apples and oranges.

Leftist IQ is so low they argue through memes

While I disagree that universal health care is inherently a bad idea. I will say that it is hugely expensive and needs to be well regulated and maintained. This necessitates a tax increase that would stress the poor in America. Where as responsible gun owner ship requires no tax burden to the public at large.

>gun = kill
>medicine = heal
the essence of this retarded meme lacks such nuance that it only could come from the mind of a liberal

Defend what? Republicans are right.

Pick a side, leftists:
>government buys all citizens guns
>all citizens have a right to pay for healthcare

Liberal logic:
I'm ENTITLED to having others pay for my healthcare.
I'm ENTITLED to having others pay for my education (even in faggoty useless made up shit like gender studies).
I'm ENTITLED to having others pay for my housing, nobody should be homeless!
kys you faggot retard parasite.

How about we compromise, SAFE CARE ACT. military surplus guns, instead of being melted down, granted to citizens.

Dumbest argument there is to UHC. The current system is far more expensive than what UHC would actually end up costing. This used to be a Republican they let the Democrats take this over is beyond my understanding.

>everyone in America having a gun, that they pay for, will make us safer
>everyone in America having healthcare, that I pay for, will destroy us

ok I tell you what. How about this deal?
Complete and total unfettered access to all firearms, including fully automatic, and concealed carry, nationwide, no permits, no backgrounds checks, no restrictions whatsoever, permanently enshrined in constitution, any attempt to change it ever again deemed treason and punishable only by death
in exchange
100% universal healthcare, full single payer system, no checks, every citizen can access full and total healthcare, cradle to grave


>I make an anti-Jewish comment
>Get called a Jew in return

Yeah, sounds about what I've come to expect around here.



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This is true, actually. John Hopkins released a report estimating that about 250,000 people die from complications due to medical malpractice annually. Which would make "death by doctor" the third leading cause of death in the United States.

Single payer costs the same as health insurance in Canada. Does it cover dental and eyecare too? If so its better than in Canada. The healthcare meme in USA is just another larp to take away guns

Compare that per capita to Russia and venezuela. Im waiting.

Can we deal with drug patents and prescription drug ads first

Well for starters the ability to defend yourself is a right and guns are simply a means to do so.
Secondly you are not entitled to someone else's work. In "universal healthcare" you are either going to have to force doctors to work or take money from someone else to pay for it. Currently if you are severely injured it is against the law for a hospital to turn you away, they MUST fix you as best as they can. In some of the iterations of modern healthcare laws the hospital is given room to decide who it treats, as in if your wounds are serious but it will be expensive to treat you, they can let you die.

Gormless goys with guns are a risk only to themselves and other goys.

Healthy goyim start to think and inevitably try to emancipate their manacles.

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you don't pay a premium to have guns
every month, OP must be a kike fag.

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I don’t see how that’s any worse than an insurance plan I’ve been paying into for decades arbitrarily deciding they don’t cover some particular thing I need and that I can either die or spend the rest of my life paying off an exorbitant debt.

americans are retarded

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