>retired old man wants to visit his family at the border >decides to infiltrate the caravan >starts walking with them >rides the bus with them >gets to experience what caravan is really about >gets interview by the Mexican news >the majority of them don’t come to work >they’re looking for handouts and laugh at how stupid Mexicans and Americans are >the majority are made of drug addicts, prostitutes, >sees a drug taxi pull up to a group of the caravan >sees an old fat lady Honduran do a drug transaction >he says they’re aggressive when it comes to asking for stuff >they don’t value the things Mexicans have done >he says these people don’t come in good faith
Mexicans killed a bunch of college students and buried them in mass graves, they can at least do the same to these subhumans
Xavier Powell
The media once again has warped the story to create a more sensational headline. The college chaps that were murdered we're extreme lefty antifa like protestors who were burning cars, blocking roadways, throwing rocks at police and hijacking buses. The governor in that state got tired of that bullshit and rounded them up. Memes aside Murdering them was probably not the correct thing to do but there is a saying that goes if you look for it you are going to find it.
Nolan Cook
Oliver Kelly
Interesting video OP. Where did you find out about it?
Jacob Wright
Came here to post este
Grayson Ward
wait! fox news told me they were looking for work and a better life
Charles Foster
Obviously this old man isn't a TRUE CONSERVATIVE. I sure hope Israel is ok after seeing news not about them.
Andrew Peterson
>Mexicans killed a bunch of college students and buried them in mass graves, they can at least do the same to these subhumans fuck totally forgot about this
>The college chaps that were murdered we're extreme lefty antifa like protestors i don belie id
Chase Watson
Lots, fuck you PRI/PAN for being always such a huge piece of steamy hot shit, you let them in because you just want to fuck up our country and the next presidency.
>northernfags being guilluable as fuck again with their MAGA shit >again
Not only you let them in, you PRI-PAN-shits are purposely ignoring OUR people in need in favor of these illegal immigrants, you fucking sore losers and rats.
I will never forget it!!!! Fucking traitors!
Carter Walker
They just need to anger us more, I also want the gloves to come off.
these people are shitting all over mexico and mexicans (they said the food they were given was for pigs). still walking around with their faces attached. i really don't get it. who is protecting these fuckers? did someone pay off the cartels?
Juan Moore
Seems like an normal older Latino guy.
He said he believes the caravan conspired with rich people.
The immigrants in general are ignorant not knowing North from South. Resorting to drugs and prostitution because they don't work. The majority were young people.
Joseph Ward
News flash: Mexicans learn karma is still karma in Mexican Spanish >Welcome to what you've dished out to America >Film at 11
Thomas Sanchez
ya but the obvious is racist. stop being racist
Aaron Jones
can someone sub this for spreading? maybe cut and edit
Noah Torres
Jose Brooks
>americans and mexicans have to team up to defeat a worse opponent
It's just like my japanese animes
Jackson Stewart
You really fucked up not blocking them from getting through your boarder. now see how the pros handle this band of degenerates.
I want to see blood on the boarder. LEt it run like a fukign river!!!
Isaac Jones
Julian Gutierrez
FAKE AND GAY First off: There is no caravan. It was a midterm stunt created by Drumpf (Jake Tapper and Shepard smith both confirmed this as well as other trusted sources so you know it's true) Second: The Caravan is almost entirely women and children with a couple of male doctors, lawyers and physicists marching with them. Bigots BTFO.
Joseph Rodriguez
Kayden Thomas
>Implying AMLO wont bring in even more.
Samuel Nguyen
Camden Sullivan
It seems to me more and more that it's a central and south American problem, not a Mexican one.
Grayson Gray
it's because all eyes are on it right now don't worry it's hitting our cartel's business since there's a lot of activity near the border, they'll probably try solving the issue
Ian Scott
Old good Mexicans are the best. One saved me in Tijuana.
Henry Powell
Believe it. Public teachers training colleges over here are quite left-leaning
Daniel Morgan
>PRIAN let them in >fucking Peje promises them jobs that they're not qualified to do and free housing
AMLO has openly stated he plans to go full Trudeau on these subhumans you retarded shithead. It doesn't matter whos president when they all work for the same kikes you fucking chilango insect
keep falling for this shit
Zachary Miller
you dumb burgers really can't tell this is the work of the same kikes that keep giving them free shit? how can you be so gullible?
Alexander Phillips
this is quality shitposting
John Robinson
>mfw cdmx hosted the caravan scum in the middle of a water shortage >migrantes got unlimited access to clean water tanks while half of the city had to gather water in pans and bins >Still in denial about prd/morena commie agenda
Chase Myers
did he die?
Tyler Roberts
Only chilango subhumans fell for that lie, it was obvious he was yet another useless puppet when it came to light that he was financed by Soros
Jordan Wood
Really why don't you just fuck off back to mexico? I know you are a fucking spic. hello lebbit
What was he saying about unbalanced homosexuals at the end?
Dylan Young
why would they kill off a future client base? The narocs will go full out chimp on some part of border security in order to open route for em.
Heroin addled honduran nigger on welfare handouts in some CA projects slum is the best nigger.
Jordan White
>mfw cdmx hosted the caravan scum in the middle of a water shortage >migrantes got unlimited access to clean water tanks while half of the city had to gather water in pans and bins >Chilangos still in denial about prd/morena commie agenda >"hurr everything is prian's fault durr"
Evan Parker
You're telling me there is something worst than Mexico ?
Carson Barnes
more like they're the Somalia of Latin america
Thomas Hill
You know it's shit when a Mexican says it is.
Aiden Diaz
old mexicans are unironically redpilled I hate to admit. I know quite a few of them.
Andrew Anderson
Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala are far worse than Mexico. They're Somalians if they were also good at organized crime.
Xavier Kelly
This guy basically bummed a ride from guadalajara to los mochis so he can visit his family for christmas.
Some important things he mentions apart from what op greentext describes. He mentions that this caravan is comparable to the marielitos boat drop. Two he mentions that he believes that there is a conspiracy in the organizers basically taking money from the UN and using for other things because the migrants only get a piece of bread and tuna. Ends it with saying that most of the migrants are looking to take shit and are ungrateful.
Adam Taylor
>piece of bread and tuna
what would you expect from a kike, belunga caviar?
Cooper Watson
Brazin and Mexico: two excellent countries overall filled with great people and lots of resources. Had been memed as the shittiest shitholes on earth since they can have so much potential to be first world countries if they take care of their corruption/drug cartel problem.
>they can have so much potential to be first world countries I wouldn't go that far.
Nathaniel Hill
migrantes unironically do
Adam Fisher
>I wouldn't go that far.
I know part of the charm of Jow Forums is never breaking the kayfabe of the meme fueled reality. But I will break character this once to leave that redpill on Mexico and Brazil, because it is a fact that can be backed by math and facts.
the caravan is the equivalent of leftist migration
Cameron Williams
soros, its literally soros.
Julian Garcia
if you give an inch they will take your scalp. better to double down on 'all those with a darker complexion are animals' than to cuck out. that is the only time i will break character, shitskin.
Owen Gutierrez
>did someone pay off the cartels?
No, cartels wont do shit about it because they are minding their business. This is reality user, not the stereotype of an african warlord in an action movie. Although they did snuff one ungrateful Honduran dickhead for being an entitled piece of shit.
>Mexicans are going to be stuck with thousands of Honduran thugs.
I think even these thugs will run like girls when the cartels decides what to do with them
Sebastian Collins
The Caravan is literally the queue of dirty filthy third world niggers waiting their turn to fun your mum, some have indeed brought doctors along with them who will medicate their turboAIDS AND keep them alive long enough to squirt a hot load up your own mother’s disgusting stinky cunt.
Gavin Morgan
Criminals will literally be looking at that group as a pool of slave labour.
Adam Gonzalez
Or even meat to sell to China as pet food
Evan Baker
Noah Evans
Mex Tex Redemption
Landon Jackson
We still need a large portion of Mexico to make a more defensible border
Blake Sanders
My relatives in Mexico and here in the states are posting stuff like this too. Calling them ingrates, mostly made up of trash and people looking for handouts. So glad that actual mexicans are calling this shit out, some white ex-friends started posting pro-caravan crap, the fools.
Adrian Richardson
It's not that user, it's that these "enlightened" people, honest to god, believe that these caravan people are just downtrodden victims that are just looking for a better life, and that we have a duty to help them.
The idea that these people are vultures, degenerates, and harbor ill-will is unimaginative to them. It just can't be possible in their minds, and since that's not a possibility, the only possibility that is left is that you're actually just a racist!
Angel Jones
Dont destroy friendships over politics user. Take it from a 32 year old boomer, true friendship is hard to find and isnt worth losing over a disagreement.
Bentley Carter
When will Mexico start the night of broken tortillas and over throw that socialist fuck of a president and revive the U.N.S
Well ex-friends as in unfriended on cuckbook. I'll still have a beer with them and be actual friends but the site of whites rolling over to people just because their brown and poor fucking sickens me, this coming from a poor brown fuck. Just couldn't stand to see it every time I went on FB.
I dont get it, why do people like to go to the USA?
I have been in mexico all my life and i have seen a lot of violence, corruption and abuse, but i have worked and studied hard to the point that i have a really good and comfy job.
Just work and study and youre set. Is it really that hard for some people?
Alexander Reyes
Story time?
John Miller
Yes when the possibility to get caught up in something deadly can happen, even if you're a always avoiding it. Hell my grandparents were threatened with kidnapping if they didn't pay some people. If I ever won the lotto I'd be fucked if they show my name and face on TV, and that's a reality if anyone with Mexican relatives faces.
Luke Sanders
he was a DEGENErATE wh-Toid who got saved by a poc like always happens