How do I raise from poverty?
How do I raise from poverty?
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Fuck horsing around, focus on your purpose.
If the reward is prosperity, stop rewarding yourself now and save everything.
be smart, dont get caught
good luck
I'd agree with these. Also, define how far you want to go and have a plan that matches it. Are you shooting for middle-class? Professional level life? Full-on financial independence? Multiple millions? Get the plan in place now, set your course, and get going on it.
>raise from poverty
that's a modest goal, but a great place to start. find steady employment at a salary that raises your income above poverty levels, or even higher if you can. Or, you could get inheritance from a dead uncle you never met.
Fucking first worlders have no idea how the real world works. Fuck OP is probably not even poor if he has time for browsing Jow Forums.
You either hit the jackpot or are born into money and that's the hard truth. Now some asshole will want to argue in favor of hard work but that's bullshit, working hard does improve your chances of success, I'll even admit that there is no success without hard work but it still comes down to luck, being in the right place at the right time, the guy who made undertale is now rich and so is the guy who made minecraft but there are thousands of other indy developers whom you've never heard of and who spend even more time and worked harder than either of them yet they will never accomplish anything simply because they're not as lucky.
If you had been born into poverty and want out then you should've started ten years ago.
you've had too many false aw0kenings. lot of pure shit, to be frank.
God damn you're one dumb mother fucker. "raising from poverty" doesn't have to mean making gurrilions of dollars, it also means just means being lifted up to middle class. Only takes making $35k a year in most of the US (outside of big cites) to be middle class.
Get an education in something, this does not necessarily mean collage, it could be trades, tech certs, whatever, just get education/training of some kind for a industry and jump in.
I lifted my self out poverty of working 50 hours a week soul crushing retail (split between 2 jobs so I didn't get OT) by simply dropping about 1k in to training and testing to get 2 tech certs (the shitty CompTIA ones) and with those I was able to land a low level tech support job. Its not glamorous but I'm very much middle class now working strictly 40 hours with a retirement and benefits.
I had 2 friends take the trade route and now make far more then me, but granted they have to work out in the weather so its has it's pluses and minuses, but they were making $14+ doing apprenticeship so they could make a living even before they were in training, its like being paid to go to a 2 year collage, and if you're not a fuck up a guaranteed job after said training that likely pays 2-4x more.
You can do it without a degree, certification, whatever but it's a much much larger risk of never getting out of that pit. But you don't necessarily have to drop a ton of cash in education either to get the job done.
I've read that doujin.
I grew up one step away from homelessness and decided to live on my own when I could.
Youre going to have a lot of millennial kids tell you it's impossible because minimum wage this, prices that, etc, but it's not. Trying to be successful from poverty is possible but it's mostly a battle of will and decisions.
The first thing is you'll need to work 40 hours a week. Get two jobs close by, get full time at one job, factor in your travel time to not be late but try not to work literally all day with travel time. Full time at one place is preferable for the pay increase but not needed.
Next is take classes at your school two days a week. Pay attention in class. Take then when you're supposed to wake up for work to keep you on schedule. Try to leave 2 hours for each class after so you can do the classwork unless you're not too tired from working.
For an apartment more friends is better for the cheaper apartments. If you have a couple as a friend and they're mostly decent and willing to get a two bed with you, you in one room them in the other, that's even better. Pretty much go for more people less rooms.
If you do drugs of any kind, stop.
Make sure you get sleep. Don't sacrifice sleep to party or get work done.
Don't party.
Keep luxury items to a minimum.
This is assuming you at least have a car that won't shit out and be a big bill at some point.
You'll notice your schedule it pretty much filled with no fun allowed if you don't want to just be the kid who says "Cs get degrees lol" and isn't worth much after college/Uni. But those are the people who don't have to work hard or dont have any sense of accomplishment after. It'll be a hard four years that will pay off unless you get a degree in theoretical geometric basket weaving or something.
Pt 2.
There are two paths you could take if you're okay delaying education for a while in exchange for work and labor.
The most popular
1. Military.
Take the ASVAB first. Look into the options of your score gives after. 4 years minimum contract but food and sleep is covered for the most part. Don't fall into the traps of having kids, getting married or liking someone enough for them to spend all your money. Just save it all. The use the government programs for school and housing afterwards. The hardest part will be whatever training you do when you first get there. Maybe the schools depending. Generally easy. Pretty much one big gym membership with a bunch of frat Bros. Don't feel so lost afterwards you keep reenlisting, unless you want to, but not for you not knowing what else you'd do.
Less popular but freedom
2. Work in the oil fields a few years. Most oil companies will cover food and housing and pay well. Don't fall into the traps listed above. You also have another trap to worry about which is feeling ghetto rich. You'll work a few weeks at a time and get a few off with tons of cash. Save most of it. Don't be retarded.
Itll likely be 84 hour work weeks for anywhere from 2-4 weeks of work with a week or two off. Even the hard labor rigging guys make at least 13, but some companies start riggers at 17.
Benefits not as good as option 1 but you're free to quit whenever you want.
I agree with the military route as long as you are a decent human being. getting kicked out will leave you worse than you currently are. but if you do go this route make sure you do your research into a job that
1. suits you and your personality
2. leaves you with options afterward highly suggest going airforce if your ASVAB allows you too. they treat you better than most branches and definitely dont go Marines.
Live efficiently. Do what you need to do, not what you want to do.
Also, cowhides are down right now. They haven't been fluctuating as much on the market. Capes are selling for a bit if you're willing to walk into the wildy.
Stop pissing away all your money. Save it. Never borrow money. Sometimes that means you don't have nice shit.
I have a 15 year old car, but I have saved for the past few years and now have a contract to pay cash for an office for my work. The office is a little run down, but I will work on it and make it beautiful. Then I won't need to pay office rent anymore. I'll use the savings on rent to improve the building I own and invest in stocks. I'll get richer by denying myself luxuries, saving for my future and working hard.