How many of you think it's okay for someone in a relationship to hang out with a member of the opposite sex alone? Been arguing with my girlfriend about this too much. I can't believe this is still a problem in the current year.
Men and Women Hanging Out One on One
Because she realises what's between your legs and you don't or you're in denial. She's a smart girl, keep her.
No you fucking idiot, she's the one that wants to hang out with other guys and somehow doesn't see the problem with that. When is it ever the guy hanging out with other girls?
I hang out with many women and it's fine. Thing is, my girlfriend always catches a invite. It's only really bad, when there are sleepovers.
Personally, I a female friend of mine sleeps over here almost bi-weekly but in a other room or on the sofa. I understand why it upsets my gf and I personally hate the thought of a guy sleeping over at her place (my trust got a big hit when ex cheated on me), so that's kinda unfair on my part lmao.
kek when the dudes not a pussy. Shes testing you bro, you're insecurity is showing. if she says "im going to hang out with x" just dismiss it or playfully tell her thats great because you needed an excuse to banh your hot neighbor etc. you cant control women bro, but you should dump her ass if she doesnt let up on hanging with extra cock while youre not around. its blatantly disrespectful to you and youre proving your bitchdom by putting up with it. buttblasted roastie (you)'s incoming.
I think if she was a good gf, she would be understanding how uncomfortable to you it is, and for the sake of you and the relationship, she would not do it. I good comprise would be letting said friend come over and maybe you make a new friend to. If she's not willing to put your needs above her guy friends then why are you even dating her.
The only chick I've hung out with some was one of my best friends fiancee after a really bad annulment.
Eventually some tension develops , it's just biological. I don't even find her attractive but the closeness of the relationship plays tricks on the brain.
Same, but it was her best friend lmao.
Alright but what am I supposed to do? We split rent on a house. I'm out of town right now and won't be back for a week, and she's completely disregarding my request for her not to hang out with another guy. But I can't break up with her right now, it would be such a huge fucking mess
Same problem but reversed, my bf meeting with his ex, who is apparently his friend now. I hate it so much I made a drama.
you definitely can, got a car you can live in for a while? shes cheating on you my dude. and if by some miracle shes not she is basically demonstrating that she has no respect for you whatsoever
you should make a drama how fucking naive are you
Men and women should not hang out alone together. A magnetism will develop that will influence them.
Depends on if you still want to give the relationship a chance. Basically tell her what I said in that post and if she realizes and says OK I understand then you grow from there if she's still not willing to compromise then you break up and are now roommates splitting rent. Try to reverse the genders and ask how she would feel if you were leaving constantly to spend one on one time with a female friend of yours. Also, you should really discuss this face to face and not online or over the phone. Finally, if you do breakup, I recommend some soundblocking headphones, so you don't have to hear her slut ass fucking anyone if you do breakup.
Well it's not working I begged him to stop meeting her, but he says I'm making a problrm and he is absolute loyal to me. They meet 3 times, obe time with me
starting meeting someone else, fair is fair. Give him a taste of his own medicine. He will wisen up
I'm a guy and I can tell you with 100% certainty that he's going to end up fucking her. He might be a really really great guy, but nature made succubuses to fuck over men. So you should be mad at her if anything.
Just tell him what I told the op the same thing applies
Tell him to invite her over or invite you along. If he's not willing to do either he's probably cheating or planning on cheating.
He invited me already, he initiated a party including me, her and couple of our friends
That's what I fucking told him, he insists that it's a bullshit "we're not animals we're people and won't fuck each other just because" Even thou I trust him I totally do not trust her.
I literally moved in to apartment where is my new roommate is a guy. My bf says it's not a problem because he trusts me 100%
when you become an adult you realize humans with penises can spend time with humans with vaginas in a non-sexual way
well then it actually looks like youre in the wrong here but no judgement. you should just tell your bf youre not cool with it and he shouldnt be either. how long have yall been together