Why are modern women so anti children lately...

Why are modern women so anti children lately? Call me a vanilla faggot but I really want to cuddle with a girl and hold hands with her over her pregnant belly.
But pretty much every girl I've found around my age is like "kids ewwww"

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What age? Women's biological clock kicks in around age 26-36 and they suddenly crave kids. I have three (3) older sisters in their early 30s and late 20s, and every single of them said that they would NEVER have children when they were in their early 20s. Every single one of them.

They all have kids now, which they are obsessed about (literally all they talk about) and 2 of them are married.

Girl in my class's only life goal is having a family. Talk to more people or don't ask like an autist.

Most girls I talk to are in that age range and I still see them be very anti child

I think because women are getting told nowadays that career is most important and they should pursue that. And with that thinking the wish of family gets left behind. It kinda pisses me off too that whole "women absolutly have to make career!!!!" I share the same dream and like that vanilla thinking.

There's several possibilities here:

There's the women who are adult children, and don't want to have any responsibilities. They coast from guy to guy or mooch off their parents, don't want a job, don't want a family, and just want to party until they wake up one day and are too old to get the attention they used to get. This is the dangerous type of woman who at 30-something who will try and snag any guy she can and who will likely try to him down with a kid.

Then there's the type of woman who genuinely doesn't want to have children, for whatever reason. Could be ideological, could be they have a bad family situation and don't know how to introduce a child into that, could be they genuinely just don't want kids. This is generally not a large portion of women.

Then there are the women who want children, but who also want security. These are the modern women who understand that marriage isn't the security that it used to be, so they feel like they have to focus on career until their late 20's / early 30's in order to be self reliant. Being perceived as a woman who wants to have a baby is bad for a career, so these women pretend they don't want to have kids, up until they can't hide their baby-bump anymore.

Out of these two groups, groups one and three make up the majority of women. Genuinely children-abstaining women are rare.

No clue where you're getting that only women are this way. People in general have less good opinions about marriage and commitment than they used to, or at least they're more open about it. People are also more educated now, so they see that bringing human life into the world is a tremendous responsibility, not just a cute little thing that everyone does.

>biological clock
stop quoting Cosmo please

Lots and lots of people aren't fond of marriage lately, and that includes both men and women. I wouldn't like little demons running around the house either but I'd still like to have a kid. I guess it's a matter of the responsibility that comes with it.

I don't want kids because I would make a terrible mother. I'd rather stay childless than have kids and fuck them up beyond repair by being absent, unstable, depressed and god knows what else.

Would rather live my life that spend a big chunk of it raising someone else. Also getting pregnant sucks

I just want one kid. I want a career as well as a family, and the world has enough people as it is.

Probably because modern men don't want to be father's, break down of the nuclear family, etc. It's too easy to break up and it's hard to work and take care of brats.

They're too expensive and stressful. And for what? For what?

It's because of the career focus.

Most of the girls I know are not anti-child, but they want to wait to have kids until their late 20s/early 30s, because they want to establish their careers.

I think this is perfectly justifiable, because women are curious, productive individuals, so it's natural and great for them to have their own careers.

The problem, of course, is biological - waiting to have kids until they're older means they'll have fewer kids, they're less fertile, and their kids are more likely to have birth defects. This is affecting Japan more severely than anywhere else on the planet, but the industrialized nations are all heading in that direction.

This brings up a really interesting dilemma: what is morally and intellectually "right" and desirable for us as individuals is in many ways coming into conflict with our biology. Which raises the questions: does nature limit our potential? Does nature dictate what's right? Should we focus on advancing science to allow us to move beyond the limits of nature, or should we be trying to strike harmony or a balance?

I'm personally of two minds on this. On the theoretical level, I'm all for using technology to move far beyond our biological limitations, toward achieving whatever we want. But on an honest, emotional level, my big urge would almost be to disconnect, live in the world more, have a bunch of kids, and live as part of nature.

Christ, some women are giant children that only care about themselves. Them not procreating is Darwinian levels of stupidity.

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The thing is, the cost of living for two adults, let alone children, is too expensive for one income in this day and age.

Economics is a big part of it. 2 people need two work to support children and then you are too exhausted to want to look after them.

I think we need to go back to communal living desu. We've only been living independantly for 2 generations and for a thousand generations before that we lived with our relatives. This whole live on your own thing was great for boomers who lived in the best economic times but it doesn't work for us.

I rent a shitty room in a house with a bunch of other young peolle for 600$/month. My parents pay 1800$/month for their mortgage. My grandparents pay something similar to live in their shitty old folks condo. This should all be consolidated to save resources. You can raise children a lot easier in a large multigenerational house with a big yard than you can in whatever tiny condo you can afford.

Plus it makes life easier. One person can cook for 10 and it only takes slightly longer than cooking for 2. If you're vehicle breaks down you can borrow someones instead of paying for a rental. Your grandma will love to babysit your kids and your grandfather can cut the grass and clean the cutters to stave of boredom. He'll probably enjoy his life more if he feels useful to his grandchildren and great grandchildren.

This is how our ancestors lived for tens of thousands of years but modern anglo-saxon culture makes it seem shameful.

Nothing's stopping you from living in a multi-generational home if you want to. I personally could never do that anyway, though I wouldn't have a problem living close to my parents.

Because they are thots

Once they hit 25 they love kids unless they don't have a boyfriend. True story. I popped out my first at 25 and then a year later all my friends are dragging their boyfriends to my place so they can say "Look how cute! We should have one! I'm getting old!" It's so weird and I have to apologize to their beaus every time.

I think the percentage of anti-kids women was always more or less the same but in the past women had to adhere to certain lifestyle (husband, kids) or else be scorned by the community. Now it's not like this so girls are just more honest with themselves and their partners