I hate polish women

I hate those bitches so much I can't even imagine that I could marry a polish woman. They are so manly and disgusting! Level of their clingy-ness is beyond words also they hate sex! My ex girlfriend wantedto have sex only ONCE in a month! For God sake I'm not that obnoxious and ugly to be treated like that! Also polish women are liars and the most vicious alcoholics you could ever meet! Whole their life is build on a lie. I had 4 girlfriends and all of them have some personality issue where if I don't text them back within 3 minutes I would be called a asshole, doucheback, idiot etc etc... Then they would apologize and treat me that they will kill themselfs if I ever leave. All I want to now is to meet nice foreign woman. It doesn't matter if she's asian, latina or whatever. But the problem is there is no foreign women in Poland!! I tried Tinder and still nothing. Do you appreciate women of your country? Would you also marry a foreign woman? Photo is my ex girlfriend who said she is going to kill herself if I leave her but that doesn't stopped her to have a sex with my best friend in MY CAR which she borrowed to "get her lil sis from kindergarden because is so cold outside". BITCH.

Attached: takurwa.jpg (960x960, 152K)

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>they hate sex! My ex girlfriend wantedto have sex only ONCE in a month!
Spoiler: She was fucking around and you're probably shit in bed.

I want a Polan gorl fren, especially alcoholic


Barring a very few exceptions, women are for the most part the same everywhere. Polish, British, Pakistani, Califronian women are all one and the same aside from perhaps appearances.

Jesus user
That's one hell of a post

Attached: 1524367516203.jpg (620x827, 42K)

cool more for me,

>tfw your of slavic descent living in burger land

Attached: index.jpg (215x234, 6K)

>sex only once a month
Op... I got bad news for you



>this entire post
Let me give you a hug holy hel OP

Most women are like this. also stop dating thots

Aren't there a bunch of European immigrants from other parts of the EU in Poland? You could hang out with some of them.

This, girls need sex more than guys do. The once a month sex with pity sex while chad was busy and unavailable.

Was pity sex*

Hi Jewanon, on this website we use image reactions, not emojis or their degenerate text cousins. Don't be lazy and choose a relevant file, preferably one with a Pepe or an anime girl.

Attached: schaudenfreude.png (432x386, 89K)

Honestly I understand now why Elliot Rodger hated women. I thought he was just a socially socially awkward autistisc dude but now I totally get what he felt. Women are disgusting. I'm thinking to hire a polish submisive escort and beat the fuck out of her with a whip. And I swear I'm not trolling I need to release my anger somehere otherwise I may hurt innocent people.

Me too baby!

Know a guy who literally just moved to Poland. To teach English. He thinks he’s in love with one of your horrible skanks.

You need to lift more. Take it out on a punching bag, don’t be a nigger.

Postnij jej nagie foty.

Yeah watch how he is going to become a baby daddy within a few months. Too bad the kid will be not his but her "best friend" who she knows since primary school

Właśnie nie mam takich. Jak ją raz poprosiłem to dostałem ochrzan że jestem zboczeńcem

what do you think those boobies feel like?

>also they hate sex
Noticed this trend among women from the obscure Eurocuck countries. Romanian, Russian, Polish, Swedish, Estonian, Ukrainian women etc just seem like they don't like fucking and can never adequately naturally get wet and literally rely on lube gel to make penetrating their pussies worthwhile. An extreme lack of enthusiasm towards sex overall.

Balkan/Slavic/Scandinavian girls are the biggest whores while at the same time the biggest prudes. It's amazing white women in America are descendant from this.

Attached: 1542561768988s.jpg (125x123, 3K)

It's you, you dumbass, you're attracting nutcases cause you want a nut.

Like one of a dead person. She would lie down and look into ceiling like a zombie.

Hispanic here who dated a white woman

Seriously white bros why the fuck you put up with women? I don’t care how good white pussy is white women are fucking trash. Always whining about everything, nothing but bitchness and always looking for attention.

Ja pierdole, ale z ciebie ćwok. Następnym razem nie pytaj tylko rób. Robię każdej lasce nagie foty bez pytania podczas ruchania po pierwszej randce i żadna nie protestowała jeszcze.

her front teeth are hella long

Not sure whether I could say that I really appreciate Estonian women in general, but my girlfriend is great. She was still a virgin (at 19) when we first met, which was surprising since she looks definitely better than 99% of the female population. She goes to church, reads lots of books, loves vidya and has almost identical political views compared to mine.

Attached: 18700794_1364512090303218_7552892613817414336_o.jpg (1440x960, 196K)

Sounds like your problem is falling for women with borderline personality syndrome. They are in all essence the female version of a male psychopath. Stay the fuck clear of such women and learn to recognize them before they shit in your soul.

>3kb image
Kill yourself immediately, then get the hi-res version of this picture.

Attached: 1509602848223.png (300x300, 123K)

The ones here are largely cunts.

go for ukrainian, they are top tier

ma tean teda

I could never imagine being with a french woman

All women are the same. They are whores. Accept this, move on, and stop giving a fuck about them as they are not important. They should be enjoyed like a glass of scotch. Do not over indulge, and do not commit. Addiction is a loser's game. Any man that commits to a whore is as bad as an alcoholic that commits to the bottle. You deserve the bad ending.

>I hate polish women
This kind of behavior is not confined to Polish women. All women are subhuman whores and that's the only thing Muslims got right. Stop wasting your time with these sluts, it's completely degrading. Block all contact and never respond to this whore. Take some time to cool down, maybe 6 months, and then you can try dating again ... but don't use Tinder because there's only dumb whores.

>they hate sex
That's not a bad thing nowadays, unless they just hated sex with you.

you sound like some type of kike faggot

sorry to break it to you user, that sounds like the moist holes here too. this isn't a polish women thing, this is a women in general thing.

>All I want to now is to meet nice foreign woman. It doesn't matter if she's asian, latina or whatever.
Don't sully your bloodline you stupid faggot. If you make children with a ugly mongoloid asian faced GOOK animal, then it's even worse ... you can try to find another European girlfriend, but don't even begin to think about this asian or latina or nigger shit ... thanks

Have had this random pic for years, you're probably mistaken, user.

Maybe it's because you're an unattractive loser that they only use for beta-bux and as an emotional tampon.

The average white woman has had one of fewer sexual partners in the last year. Stop being a fag.

Top tier in being AIDS infected.

Any white woman who would date below her race is mentally ill garbage, obviously whoever you dated isn't going to be a quality woman. That's like some nigger complaining his white gf is a coal burning thot, woah, who would have known?

Bracie, ogólnie nie polecam polskich. Jesteś na wykopie? Ogarniasz polskie środowisko MGTOW? Sam jestem z dziewczyną (na razie) i coś o tym wiem, z tą "rzadkością". Do dupy z nimi. Wyjedź z kraju, bo tutaj kobiety nie znajdziesz. Najlepiej zdobądź fach, dorób się i wtedy szukaj... gdzieś indziej. Polskie księżniczki puszczające się z obcokrajowcami (wystarczy odwiedzić większe miasto lub na zachó aby zobaczyć skale tego zjawiska) nie są warte zachodu. Zapomnij o nich i nie daj się połamać. Nie rób nic sobie - życie jest za piękne i zbyt ciekawe, aby tracić czas na księzniczki.
Based Kelthuz dla Ciebie.

Napisałbym po angielsku, ale tak myślę jest lepiej (dopóki Jow Forums nie dojebie mi bana).

Same with Korean women as well.

Completely sexless. Relies on parents to introduce them to a male partner that the family deems proper enough for their daughter. No raw physical attraction for anybody except for money and status approved by their parents blessing. Thats literally how relationships work in Korea. No desire for physical, social or emotional bonding. Its no wonder their birthrate is the lowest in the world.

they like sex with big dick musclar alpha males

Dziękuje Ci za rady, cieszę się, że jest ktoś z Polski kto przynajmniej rozumie co czuję. I tak dopiero co zacząłem wciągać się w MGTOW

Jak to jest być trzydziestoletnim prawiczkiem? Masz już moce czarodzieja?

why don't you beat them like every pole does, so they will function properly? fukin pierogi-janusz

stfu you beta faggot licking women's feet.

I am a Chad and have 7 kids at 28 years of age. Trust me, women ain't worth it.

Yeah but what about their personalities?

I want to do this. The only thing that I'm afraid of that those bitches are staying together and her 20+ girlfriends, her mommy and her 20+ friends are going to call cops on me and put me to jail. These whores are always uniting to destroy men lives.

Mam 21 lat i mam dziewczynę, ale nie ufam ślepo we wszystko i rozumiem jakie pierwotne mechanizmy rządzą tą płcią. Prawiczkiem też nie jestem (noo już od 5 lat...)..

>mfw just married a Polish girl
>she is right wing conservative Catholic just like me
>we both have brown hair and blue eyes
>she wants lots of kids
>she rarely drinks alcohol and can get drunk after half a beer

Im learning Polish now on Duolingo. I suck at it. She makes me watch shitty soap operas but I understand a couple words ever now and then.

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beating a prostitue is a good way to get killed by the mafia

I literally feel your pain user. I dated this doctor and thought she would be the one considering I literally had to court her for like 2 weeks before even get a kiss. After another 2 weeks we had sex and it was should I say quite terrible, she didn’t want to give head and she had an unusually big pussy considering her height and measurements. She was also a stingy bitch and I think with a touch of asperger. Awful companion and overall disgusting feet as well. I came to her place on night drunk as a menel and started calling her for what she is, a stuck up and boring bitch and I left. Polish woman really are boring as fuck

Kasia on pornhub is not your wife, she is a porn slut and she will not marry you just because you learn Polish. Drop the act Santiago

Just fuck her raw and cheat on her back?

I proposed to her at Jasna Gora bruh. Its over.
Kasia is the GOAT though

Brzmi jak typowa laska po medycynie. Myślą że są niewiadomo kim. Ale ruchanie zazwyczaj dobre, musiałeś mieć pecha.

Are you going to live in Poland or USA?

Right now we live in USA but I would be open to move. She's from Wroclaw area. Poland is very nice.

Come live in Poland, buy a dworek in Bieszczady and live like a real Szlachta.

Attached: Dworek_w_Bieszczadach.jpg (640x480, 87K)

Roastie detected

Gladt o know I'm not the only one feeling like this. I think to emigrate to other country because after many,many years dealing with those bitches (paskudne dziwki) I think I'm going to die alone here without even kids.

The Sex was kind of orchestrated It was practically inpossible to even fuck her from behind because she made some weird movement that put to much pressure on my abs and it became stiff as fuck. But the deal breaker was that she didn’t give head. Also, she told me that she wanted to wait until her 30’s before having kids. Fucking bitch God I hate her so much, she stole time, time I won’t get back.

holy shit o.p
I have been with my polish gf for over 30 years and you described her exactly! no shit! I am blown away and thought that i was just special.

Best of luck to you then burgerbro

lol I wish. Im not that rich though.

America honestly sucks. Shit is expensive. People are retarded and lazy. Even though we can have guns...some states here are so bad you can't get any of the good ones.

Personally I like how honest Polish people are. Its very refreshing coming from America where people are very fake.

that's like almost every girl, polnigger. get urself a rin

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thats why ur country will be full of niggers in a year

The thing is I’m not so sure I’m willing to procreate with some skank from abroad. I mean most of my friends have kind of decent gfs and they seem pretty happy with eachother. I think we had some pecha bro, I think we have to look some more here before ordering some Thaiwhore or looking for thots in the west.

LBFM and negresses are the only good fucks

>he didn’t read the full post
OPs friend was plowing her in OPs car

At least we're not full of AIDS, like you.

Attached: aids_map.jpg (700x452, 81K)

Im white Catholic. I don't have a Polish face but I would assimilate well unlike fucking mexicans because I would try my best to learn the language.

If there is a race war back in America I would have to go home though to serve my country

Stick to your own kind...fix yourself...and a good woman will show up

>sample size: 1

No one cares

stay the fuck out of Poland you faggot, you will never learn Polish. Don't dilute the national character anymore

>entire nation of beautiful Polish girls
>too beta to hold and maintain a relationship

Try getting a real haircut and throw your sweat pants away you fucking byldo faggot. I took my szara myszka's virginity and am going to marry her. She literally worships me like a God because I treat her right and don't let her walk all over me like a limp wristed pussy.

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yeah one of the reasons I'm less interested in prostitutes is you have to be gentle