I'm disgusted by females

I'm disgusted by females.
Specifically their vagina biology.

They're always leaking something disgusting out of their holes and are very likely to have or have had some sort of disease down there.

I'm relatively good-looking, and I receive (some) attention from females, but the very thought of sticking my clean, healthy, pristine, well-kept penis in their disgusting holes is enough to cut all my flirting short.

Anyone else have this problem as well?
How do I get over it?
Should I get over it?

Please help.

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Date men


But that's gay.

Well you're not that clean down there too....*coughs* our sperm is also dirty so get over it and just fuck them

Nigga you gay

My problem is that every girl smell down there unless they're coming straight out of the shower and then you have an open window of around 60 minutes without any specific odor.

Well you probably only had smelly girls got ya a not smelly girl or just don't lick her and later just wash you dick and use protection so it won't even touch your dick

How come girls vaginas smell like piss 95% of the time? My theory is that they don’t drink enough water.

Hypnosis fixes this

Google "become a pussy addict"

just baka desu senpai

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Why do mens dicks always smell of piss. Is it because they go for a piss. Shake their dick. And then just shove it back in their previously soiled underpants and trousers.
At least us women have the decency to carry wet wipes in our bags and wipe ourselves clean.

>implying men don't use a piece of TP to clean their peehole

And us European women use bidets. WTF do you men use.

Men are supposed to smell like dick unlike women who are supposed to smell nice.

I'm convinced I'm the only guy that does this

Where in a public men's urinal is there a place to hang TP?

No. Men just are dicks.

You like it, though.

whats dirty about sperm

And you love my shaved tight pussy. And me standing over you showering you with my.....
How many of you men are gonna complain about the smell then?

No.... I don't. Not aware of this being a thing anywhere.

Being cut I never have a problem with a smelly dick. All I have to do is wring out the wang to make sure there's no urine left in there, I do this by squeezing and sliding my fingers along the length of my dick until no more drips come away.

My gf, who's euro, says it's the cleanest dick she's ever had and loves it's look, taste and texture. She says uncut guys don't take enough care to prevent urine drips from getting into their foreskin and making their dick rank.

I'm this way, but a girl. Have never understood why guys find vagoos attractive but I guess it makes sense why I wouldn't?

You're normal bro, vaginas being attractive is a huge meme. Best you can do is find a virgin who hasn't had 50 STDs and taken 100 gallons of rando semen and doesn't want to be eaten out.

OP here, just to clarify something.

I'd love to fuck and even eat out a clean and healthy pussy.

It's just that I'm pathologically terrified of encountering a nasty one. Something just tells me most women aren't all that pristine down there.

Like, I know many girls. They sometimes talk about the condition of their intimates, and I've heard very disturbing stuff.

Guys? Not once. Not because they're not telling, mind you; it's because there's nothing to tell in the first place. Hell, the worst condition I ever had was a jock itch, and that shit's baby mode compared to some stuff the females have told me about.

And it's not just the unattractive ones, either. I mean sure, if I see a slightly overweight girl with oily hair and a bad case of dandruff, I won't go anywhere near her crotch, and I think that's something many of you would agree. But some of the most horrible stories told came from really hot Stacy-type chicks with bodies made for bedroom and model-tier skin.

It just seems like a major risk. is right for the most part, but the thing is, I'm pretty sure even a qt3.14 pure Christian girl has a high chance of having a yeast infection or some pH imbalance or whatever.

I know this may sound funny, stupid or offensive to some of you, but I'm being sincere here.

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>thought of sticking my clean, healthy, pristine, well-kept penis
Do you wipe after you pee?

Yes, always. I wash it regularly. Haven't had smegma since my early puberty, either. And all of this on an uncut dick.

There are few things in life that I am certain about, but my dick belonging to the top 10% of the world's population hygiene-wise is one of them.

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Seconding 's opinion.

Bro vaginas are gross. Blood and urine come out of there regularly. Puss is not rare. Nor are yeast infections.

This is coming from a guy straighter than a flag pole. Even the thought of 2 males kissing sends a repulsive shiver down my spine. But I also think you're just a classic germaphobe. Even escorts I've seen are very clean down there (still wouldn't eat them out because of above mentioned), but generally speaking if a girl is attractive and well kept there's a very slim chance she reeks or anything.

Also to add on, you have to take into account that penises are external body parts and vaginas are "internal" so to speak. If you wash your dick, it's almost impossible for it to have any smell whereas you can try to clean out a vagina but since the body is constantly producing oils, odors, and secreting them through whatever pores or in this case, holes, are present, vaginas can get icky really quick.

I appreciate you posting this, man. It's nice knowing I'm not completely crazy. Maybe just a bit.

And now that you mention it, I might really have a case of germaphobia. Will look into it.

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have you even ever had sex with a woman?

a vagina shouldn’t smell at all, or if it does it should just be kind of light and maybe a little acidic

most women don’t have STDs, and all women secrete discharge which looks very similar to semen but smells of nothing. this discharge cleans the vagina out and is healthy

if you’re with a woman who doesn’t smell clean, that’s a her problem, but i don’t think most women are like this

good luck to you mate, i just think it’s a germ problem potentially?

> that’s a her problem
what so now you expect women to have control over microorganisms like they're not goddesses they're human beings

They literally just have to pee once before I arrive and it'll smell.

anatomically the urethra is located in between the clitoris and the vagina. I stuck my tongue in the urethra before and wondered why it wouldn't fit

Giving some vagina input here. If I suspect there's even a chance I'm going to get laid then I wash downstairs beforehand - it seems polite if I'm expecting someone to put their face down there that it's fresh and clean. Have I ever had thrush? Sure, twice, both caused by medication I was taking for something else, and I treated the thrush straight away and it went easily and quickly. I wouldn't let anyone near there even if I were on the medication as a precaution. I won't let anyone near it if I were on my period (and honestly, tampons aren't as gross as pads anyway as the blood isn't gushing everywhere).

I guess what I'm trying to say is sure, it isn't perfect, but some people keep it clean and it's not some smelly cess pit. Some women have gross vaginas and some dudes have gross, stinky, disease infested dick and balls too. I've legit only known one other woman who told me gross shit about her snatch but she was 10/10 crazy. Vagina is a bit weird tho (and so is dick) so I don't blame you for not being super turned on my it (and still being hetro), just known they aren't all disgusting, and if vagina turns you off try to focus on other things about a girl that turns you on. Also legit if someone is gross downstairs you're totally within your rights not to have sex with them (foreplay in shower or just don't have sex with them at all). It's perfectly normal not to want to fuck someome with poor hygiene

Thanks, solid input.

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not me baby. bring it on..

>I'm disgusted by females.
more for me

OP, honest question:

What is more gross: the thought of sticking your dick in a girl's slimy, pissy, fishy vagina, or sticking it in a dude's shitty asshole?

Those are your options.

A mouth is also nasty and full of germs and smells bad and has all sorts of nasty shit come out of it or hang out in it and all that, but if you stick your dick inside of a mouth and a pussy I can tell you that it feels pretty darn good my man.

The asshole? Not so much.

Add me on Snapchat. Maybe I can change your mind ;) @elisa_ko

This dude. Or date trannies, this way you can keep deluding yourself that you're not gay and that they are real girls with no nasty snatches

Give me some of that hit thick flesh steak covered in woman gravy, dripping alll over my meat,

Are you a virgin?

It's got a strong smell too

atta boy

you're gay

its a fair fear, although the chances of you finding someone who doesnt clean themselves is unlikely unless they are a teenager or just dont know that they smell.
Most girls make sure it is clean and are sometimes insecure it might not be clean.
the chances of you finding a virgin in this year is very unlikely
i think you should get used to the idea that there are slim chances of finding someone filthy.

wrong. no, it would not smell like pee if they pee once and then clean with wet wipes.

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Short hair/pixie cuts do things to my boy parts

You're probably unironically gay user. Have you explored this notion?


i mean i’m a woman and yes if she cleans well and often it shouldn’t smell. the microorganisms only get out of whack when there’s an infection

That's the way it is. They urinate different and there's no changing that smell unless she just took a shower..

BTW..I'm a fucking virgin although I have seen pussy face to face b4.

Nude strip club
When I was a kid my babysitter would fuck around..

Good job. You talked yourself into being a faggot.

Seriously? I mean, in the heat of the moment I enjoy the stuff so not complaining in that regard, but it's a thick blob of bodily fluids with the texture of snot, that dries up like paste on the skin, taste and smell can be pungent depending on his diet and habits.

Agree with some of the other posters that it's a mental thing and you just find vaginas scary. Sure not everything to do with it is sexy to think about. But it's no different for any other bodypart. You have no issues with the mouth right? But the mouth is also a pool of germs, constantly salivating, able to pass you STDs, and she could have an inflammation, abscess or whatever in the mouth easily. Plus she vomits sometimes at least.

Same with dicks. You can argue endlessly about how they are somehow cleaner than pussies but if you want a girl to suck yours, your peehole is going right into her mouth, she's licking the genital sweat from build up in a damp warm place, and the grand finale is having a mouthful of lukewarm bodily fluid shot into her mouth that she better swallow like it's candy.

Basically, it's all in your head. Think about any part of the body long enough and it's gross. You have tiny creatures living in your eyebrows eating your dead skin.

Did you forget that your penis isnt actually clean and pristine? its a stick of meat MADE to go into that "disgusting" hole, you seem to also be forgetting that men arent all that attracted to the vagina itself, you dont think about that when you are having sex and men who arent germophobes like you dont think about it before sex either.

>Have never understood why guys find vagoos attractive
We dont find them attractive, we just dont care. The thing about sex for us is that it feels good and touching your body adds to it. Some guys love eating girls out, though. I'd just do it for the sake of the girl, it's her enjoyment that fuels me, not the vagina.

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