How come technology failed to make home ownership affordable?

It's now more expensive than ever

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they were affordable and then boomers got more and more greedy and destroyed everything

Gee, I wonder who could be responsible....

Stop living in commifornia, they're not that expensive.

non-american here but is this considered a gated community or not?

the jews.

>tfw you will never live in an American suburb with a dog and a pickup truck in your driveway

its just a suburb. not all suburbs look like that though, just the shitty ones

It's not the cost of home ownership it's the cost of everything in general. Boomers got cheaper education, higher wages, better rates on virtually everything and now a third of my paycheck goes to some boomer for rent because I could never afford to put a deposit down in the first place.

Greed, greed and more greed.

>just the shitty ones
Fuck me in my country this kind of suburbs is considered upper-middle class

Boomers currently aren't a big factor on real estate. Sorry.

this. those suburbs look comfy af

Learn to budget.

Boomers also didn't have millennial entitlement.

it looks nice because it's new. the construction is dirt cheap though. give it some time to weather, let spics and niggers move in and you'll have a slum.

lmao this damage control

If you were to visit a suburb like this how would you actually determine the construction quality?

t. white trash

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i live in new england sweetie :)


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if it's built before 1990 it's shit, if it's built during 2005-2010 it's shit

Sorry if you failed at life and want to blame bankers err boomers.

Oh yeah I'll just budget enough so I can afford to put the deposit down on a house that's twice as expensive as it was 10 years ago, nice. Property is like this because of boomers crashing the housing market.

The cost of living is increasing whilst wages are staying the same. Saying that's unfair is not "millennial entitlement" it's just pointing out facts.

how does that make sense? if anything, if he's calling that suburb "shitty" you'd think he was upper class...?????

this has been happening a lot lately I see people say the exact fucking opposite of what's expected

Buying homes is a thing of the past. It's all about paying $5000 a month for a one bedroom apartment now.

it's just sour grape

You mean you can't tell?
Everything looks cheap and made of plywood.
It's a problem that fixes itself however.
Construction is dirt cheap compared to the land it sits on, everyone ends up renovating and/or expanding their 1950s era house sooner or later.

He's right. It's the Chinese elite. Currently dating way above my league financially. My girl and her friend are buying properties and starring businesses left and right.

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aren't the chinese pump and dumping houses all over the u.s and canada? it's just going to get worse and worse. the states dont give a shit because they get those delicious taxes

I live in Seattle, and the high cost of living (relative, it used to be a lot lower, but is still better than other parts of the country) came about because of the success of Microsoft & Amazon, and all the other companies that followed on their coattails. Workers brought everyone and their mother to this area.

Minimum wage and the federal reserve.
Minimum wage should be obvious; every idiot feels entitled to a home and if every idiot is getting paid more prices will go up. They see this and demand to be paid even more. Making the numbers arbitrarily high will never get all these losers in homes because they are not worth it. They do not have the skills or assets to justify the skills and assets needed to make a home. Nothing besides self improvement can change that and they refuse to get a real job.
The Federal Reserve is also playing a role here by shitting out money and shipping it oversees. If all the dollars they churned out were used here hyperinflation would have already destroyed the US government. So they send these dollars elsewhere, mostly to subsidize the import heavy euro markets at the expense of the American taxpayer to avoid reintroducing that post Great War economic chaos. The how and why isn't really important though, what is important is that foreign entities are getting fuckloads of US dollars and want to invest them to protect them from inflation. Wanna guess what their solution is? Spoiler it's real estate.
TL;DR It's the (((government))) as usual.

wtf, they just need to build more houses

Government regulations and zoning laws

Bretty accurate, Warren Buffett said it's like a family that's in too much debt so its debtors start taking real assets like the car and house.

Turns out devaluing currency doesn't increase purchasing power. Counterintuitive, I know.

>paying jamal $10 an hour to work at mcdonalds is the reason nobody can afford housing
the absolute state of americans

this is the answer

remove all the trash and that imagine looks comfy desu

Have you ever gone outside once? Seattle is flooded with utlra rich Chinese retard

Lying is ba for you.
Ny salary keeps on rising. My mates slary keeps on rising. Meals are pretty much the same price.
Do you mean the price of your consumerist shit keeps on rising?

The rich own all the land and refuse to develop it. The rest is owned by the feds to be used "nature preserves" until a billionaire needs to build a new ski resort. Seriously like 40% of land in the US is federal land

10$ for flipping burgers is a lot.
How much does an house even cost? A small family home shouldn't cost more than 250k. 2 wage cucks can easilly afford that on 10$ hour. Unless they spend it on toys.

How much of that ten dollars a week do you actually think they can spend towards saving up for the deposit on a house user? What about cars, healthcare, food, clothing, rent, utilities (water gas electricity internet phone etc.). Two people earning $10 an hour working fifty hours a week with zero holiday leave earn $48000 a year before taxes. Do you think they can just put all of that money towards a house and photosynthesise or some shit?

Move out of the city, buy cheap land in the countryside, go live there with your wife and your 6 children and collect welfare.

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White people have no family value so boomers are now selling their detached homes to the Chinese and Indians for 600k~1mil and living like kings while their offspring, which they kicked out at 18, because for some reason there is an stigma with living with your parents, are struggling to make ends meet. The males resort to drugs and the females resort to selling their bodies. Luckily some still make it up on top because at the end of the day they're still white.

I'm a minority and I've never in my life seen so many white kids working fast food and other shit jobs. Just the other day a bunch of white kids came through and cleaned the floors. I admit, it feels kinda weird. Imagine how much further they would go if they were provided a safe shelter until they finished college and gotten a good job. Almost every other race allows this except for whites, why?

White "culture" is destroying their early settler advantage and their lazy work ethic isn't enough to make up for it. White people are finished. They're done.

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Marry into that shit, make your kids' lives easy.

Because the housing construction industry is a scam run by greedy incompetent persons that hire illegal workers to build over priced under constructed garbage in the field. At this state of modern technology houses should be pre built in factories, delivered by truck and installed by a crane. This brings up the other problem. Consumers are fucking idiots. They actually think Bob the home builder and his illegal workers build a better house in the field when in fact they don't. This forces demand for pre fab houses down which in turn raises their cost due to limited constriction. Because of this the pre fab industry doesn't bother with what could be affordable mass produced homes. Instead they build "custom homes" at a higher markup so there isn't much price difference compared to the trash Bob the home builder is selling.

tldr: The house building industry is a scam and consumers are too retarded to care.

the "kick your kids out at 18" meme is only a thing in America but kids are still struggling in other countries like the UK and Canada, I don't think it's as simple as that - though I agree those Ameriboomers who kick their kids out are disgusting human beings.

>The jews killed the economic housing

>Population keeps going up
>omg why do huge things that take alot of space and are needed by everyone get more expensive??

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>At this state of modern technology houses should be pre built in factories,

Well to be fair we kind of can do that, but they are those wide more mobile home types, not necessarily trailers but like one step up from that.

I'm american and in my 30s and still live at home, I'm pressured into thinking I'm a big failure just based on that.

Sorry but you are way off on this. Pre gab construction includes everything from what mention to standard homes to mansions to apartment / hotel buildings and commercial buildings. Research modular construction for more info. But yah the image you have in mind is like 40 years old. A lot has changed in those 40 years.

>Pre gab
Pre *fab*

>his parents don't own multiple homes
>he didn't get a free house from them at 18
>he has to work like a slave to pay rent to a jew
How does it feel to be poor?

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Terrible to grow up in though. Literally no third spaces to go to and you are utterly dependent on your parents. Still paved over so you don't actually get much greenery. Combines the worst part of living on a farm and of growing up in the city.

Okay redpill me on the prefab homes - I see the point that they're cheaper than building homes on-site but are they safer? Can they withstand earthquakes and hurricanes better than on-site homes that are built with cement & concrete?

This unironically looks better, if you clean it up a bit.

Housing prices depend 100% on how much money people can borrow.

If the average person can get a $100k mortgage then the average house will cost $100k.
If the average person can get a $200k mortgage then the average house will cost $200k.
As simple as that.

I guess better technology leads to higher wages which leads to higher mortgages.

Its funny that the antiquated concept of pre fab home was immediately brought into the thread when they were mentioned. The very first thing a pre fab seller will bring up in their sales pitch will be informing the customer that the dated image of a pre fab home is just that dated.

Also it should be mentioned that no one should give a shit what a house looks like if affordability is the first consideration. This thread is about affordable housing. Giving two fucks that a house that could be fully finished and installed on site for $50,000 is smaller then and doesn't look like a McMansion is fucking retarded.

Yes to all your questions except spoon feeding you the info. Just search google for modular homes / buildings. Find some sites that build them. Go through the FAQ pages on those sites. All the answers will be right there.

>Too lazy, wont do. Please spoon feed.
Yes modern prefab is same if not more durable, quality, etc. All houses / buildings are built to local code building spec regardless of prefab or built on site.

I'd personally be happy in a rather simple house , just me wouldn't need a ton of rooms even if I was rich. Especially if said house had me a nice comfy swimming pool. That's prob the one really "richy" feature for me personally to dream about but realistically pools are probably an insurance bitch aren't they?

I too live in WA. two hours north of seattleā€¦ out here houses are expensive because nearly no one can come in and build new housing units due to zoning restrictions + environmental laws. to a degree I like because its nice keep our forests. so everything is old houses for sell.. low supply, with a decent demand = jacked up rates.

and the new homes that are able to be built can only be small sections and are usually custom built. so that jacks up the rate as well.

haven't noticed any Chinese here though. I know Vancouver Canada is loaded by at least here haven't seen many.

I hate the idea of having this economy so based on shoving in debt. Hell you need to have had some debt and repaid it to even have a "Credit score" which you will be completely ignored if you don't even have one. Never borrowed money? Go fuck yourself.

Its all fucked user. Fuck a home. Just live inna trailer working on something like templeOS. Nice comfy private cheapass life versus living in a place like shitfrancicso with poojeets and trannies where your wages get garnished to live in mumbai tier housing. Die with honor knowing you fought the eternal botnet rather then being a cuck in 5G neighborhood that gets arrested for saying you have a problem with gooks on the internet.

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>Why are houses so expensive?
Decades and decades of "Houses are a good investment!" and other literal boomer advice.
'Affordable housing' and 'housing as an investment' are contradictions

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>they don't get paid enough because they aren't worth it
>you should be forced to live on the streets, go to vocational school or college, and work $10/hr because... it builds character?
why do you assume everyone working a minimum wage job is working that job because they want to? why do they suddenly deserve to live in a house when they learn what you define as a skill? do you not eat fast food? do you not get gas? do you not get groceries? all these jobs require people to work them, and they need somewhere to live too.

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Home ownership is as cheap as it could get without you building it yourself, what is expensive is the land you put that house on

A van down by the river

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The house isn't the "expensive" part - the land is.

Another issue is that housing is seen as an investment. I found a new apartment and tons of them are all owned by investment firms and it's not uncommon to see the investment banks are headquartered in Singapore, Hong Kong, or Japan. Housing should be treated like a basic necessity not like trading cards. Seattle has stupid ass zoning laws that cucks a lot of places into being single family homes on plots of land which artificially restricts the amount of housing

Yes they do. They got their houses basically for free because the inflation in the 60's and 70's ate their mortgages away. Then when they got their stuff they decided that inflation was bad and voted for economic policies that pushed for low inflation, punishing people without assets.

It's OK to poor.
It's not OK to be dirty.

A friend of mine from work had trouble getting insurance for his house because he had a slide for his pool.

Pools definitely affect your insurance in other ways too, though. I'm not sure by how much.

Yeah that's a shame. I like swimmin, would give me good exercise.

yep, this is what I mean. Fuck ((cities)) ((5G)). Let the cucks work at ((google)) and ((big tech)) get yourself some basic form of income, a weapon, a dog, live like a human being not an insect.

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Cheap build house, huge economy make land price skyrocket

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>photosynthesise or some shit
Hello Jamal, you're going to be late for your afternoon shift.

that's an oversimplified approach. If the only variable in play was supply and demand the market would be much different (better).

parents who live lower middle class and below just shouldn't have kids, mine included. They doomed me to a life of wageslavery.

Those houses look nice enough, I suppose. I sort of prefer the style of suburb we have in older neighborhoods in Northwest Ohio though.

Way more trees, including a small lawn between the sidewalk and the road which I've always been told was the 'tree lawn'. The city technically owns that lawn, but you're responsible for mowing it and you can plant small trees there if you want. Typically more space required between homes, and a larger yard in front of the home between the home and the sidewalk. Back yard seems about the same though. In general, the homes are a bit smaller too, though some builders sacrifice a bit of the back yard to get a larger house.

Wanna know how I know you're not old enough to browse this site?
>Haha you're just not trying enough
He LITERALLY did the math for you. How the fuck do you budget $48,000 toward your fantasy house costing $250,000 while sustaining yourself? You must be 18 to post here.

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>better technology leads to higher wages
Number going up =/= better wages, it's completely offset by inflation.

He's right, I can't let typos slide though

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If your wage is raised to match inflation and your debt stays the same, then in fact you have less and less debt. That is how boomers came to own so much shit so easily.

Yeah it's horseshit. I made 36-40k/year at my old job and even having a roommate I would've needed to be extremely disciplined to save up for a house. I now make more than 70k a year and have actually saved the excess toward buying a home for the last couple years. (obviously not 30-60k because taxes)

The truth is you could probably do it on those lower pay-grades but it's actually tough. And people fetishize self-deprivation so much that they think it's a virtue to always deny yourself the things you want. Further, it's tough for humans to really consider the future good versus the present good. It's far easier for a person to rationalize getting the small present good than waiting for the greater future good, especially when the future good is exponentially more expensive/difficult to achieve.

bullshit they refuse to develop it, the problem s very project now is for the upper middle class and above. No one buys a ton a of land in a decent area, and builds a bunch of 200-300 thousand dollars homes on it.

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a lot of the """""houses""""" being built in my city are fucking 2-5-way-split townhomes. no fucking way i'd buy a townhome and have to share a wall with neighbors and not have a yard/space on all sides. next thing you know some nigger moves in next door and blasts mumble rap at all hours and when you move out you lose 60% of what you bought it for because of the nignogs.

I just want a small house with yard on all sides. A garage to put my home gym/drum set, and a 7-foot tall wooden privacy fence on all sides.

I know you're shit posting but Google employees can't even afford the housing in the same city as the headquarters, and many either live as close as possible in a van or commute multiple hours one way to their job.

It's not about who deserves what. Saying someone deserves something or calling it a human right does not make the necessary resources immune to scarcity. The resources needed to make these homes exceed the contributions of the people who will live in them, as evidenced by the simple fact that they cannot afford the homes. Arbitrarily equating them to give everyone a home results in a net loss of resources, which is unsustainable and will eventually result in complete economic collapse given enough time. You can't just make homes cheaper or make grunt labor more valuable, the resources still have to come from somewhere.

I earn less than 10$ an hour and just give the deposit for a 150k house. By myself.
Sorry you guys can't save money.
Next time start working as a teen and don't move out to work. Move out when you can actually afford it.

That's a pretty ideal setup (minus the relatively low wage of course.) I did live with my parents until around 22 or so, but from 18 on they charged me a small amount for rent because I wasn't in school anymore.

I'm guessing you don't have that same job now, because the mortgage cost alone would almost entirely devour your income. And then you'd have bills on top of that.

Fuck America looks ugly.

So are you saying that burger flippers should live homeless and die in the streets, come winter? Who's going flip your burgers then?

>I earn less than 10$ an hour and just give the deposit for a 150k house. By myself.
That's like 12k a year in my state. You can't even rent a house by yourself with that money.

>The people who bought extra houses at dirt cheap prices and rent them out like the slimy greedy bastards they are isn't affecting supply.
Neck yourself Boomer.

They could just get roommates, stop paying $60 a month on unlimited internet for their $800 phones, and generally live within their means. In any case if they do die off en masse then burger flipping will become more valuable due to a decrease in supply. Problem solved.

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I just don't live in a shitty place. I live where 2 persons getting 10$ hour can buy a 250k house. It's called culture! I did it. My friends did it. Just don't cuck yourself with rent.thelp your parents expenses instead.

or not.

>every idiot feels entitled to a home
What the fuck? Are you saying people should be fine if they don't have a place to live in? Yeah man like I'm so like entitled and shit for like not wanting to live under, like, a bridge.