How do we stop lgbt epidemic, user?
How do we stop lgbt epidemic, user?
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Maybe we should maybe we shouldn't!
The fuck? League doesn't even have a story
is this what you want? our world will be huge fag parade soon.
Is that a boy or a girl
stop playing games dont be a manchildren, if you are over 18 then you are too old for games
>How do we stop lgbt epidemic, user?
This. Stopped playing when they stopped doing the lore after like the first season
>League Character is gay
Aren't they all? LoL is a game for faggots. How is this news?
Maybe it will maybe it wont!
How about we stop assigning sexual proclivities to things that do not physically exist.
>Apple tree in The Wizard of Oz is gay, great grandson of Frank Baum says
Just fucking stop already, it's cringey.
>ASSFAGGOT has gay characters
duh, it's literally in the genre name.
>it's real
Haven't played in years, but now I've finally uninstalled.
who fucking cares
if you are triggered by this you should probably rethink your priorities in life
what?!?!? they made a video game character gay!?
These people are trying to suppress our Judeo-Christian values and promote their gay matriarchy. WE MUST BOYCOTT RIOT NOW!
There can be only ONE solution...
The FINAL solution...
Play Fortnite instead and none of that faggot shit
This, Fortnite is based, no wonder zoomers play that game
>league of gay niggers
who cares
t. zoomer
I do.
I'm 18 years old
Boycott anything that has lgbt content.
this culture is cancerous. how can faggots have such a pull
>giving a shit about LoL.
then you're a gay nigger
Go play DOTA like every other proper russian.
Can't wait for the endless art featuring corrective rape!
Why don't they just tell people to think of the characters as whatever sexuality they want? Why do they need to make a concrete statement about the sexuality of a character with zero depth?
That's one reason why it's so based, no bullshit political messages or forced lgbt/muslim crap, just good themes (astronauts, superheroes, halloween etc) and competitiveness.
their influence has to be amplified by some other group, who already has power itself.
mhh, i wonder who that other group might be..
its an easy advertisement tactic
Brain damaged attitude like this is the reason why they are so strong now. Just because you don't give a shit about something it doesn't mean you shouldn't take action.
Do it before it's too late and they kill your favorite things too.
>Faggot game has faggot characters
You really shouldn't be playing it in the first place user.
lmao fuck that game, but I do enjoy running it down every game now, also they wont ban you if you put a space between each letter when flaming
True, you should be playing dota instead.
I have no idea
KEK gaystation!
>in 2018 this matters most in a game
just end my shit up
>rule 34, everyone is bi-furry-lolicon and nobody gives a fuck
Seriously sick of this lbgt shit. Businesses use it for marketing specifically to include what they think is 50% of their target audience. Next we'll be hearing Starbucks is lbgt inclusive and sales go up while these fuckers get priority treatment, extra nice compliments from the cashiers for being "so brave and strong and creative and unique" and before long normal people don't wanna goto jewbucks anymore because most of the lbgt community are rude fuckers with an entitlement complex.
> Durrrrr.... How do I stop the people I keep giving money to?
take away the tv, where do you think they're
learning this shit, morons.
This just just a stupid PR stunt.
Please God,destroy this world. You've destroyed Sodom and Gommorah for less
I don't know...
>Cube on forhead
They completely destroyed Aatrox's lore amongst others.
I stopped playing after season 4 and don't regret it.
How does it feel having your dick in a man's shit. Die faggot
>gay female
literally nothing. A so called lesbian coworker I had liked me.
Rule 34 takes care of that on their own. Don't need to make your character intentionally gay.
Gen z is 1995 and onward my fellow zoomer
hell yea
they already had a gay champion; Taric
>>Cube on forhead
that's his phylactery, only by destroying it can you permanently destroy him
Are you shitting me, i'm a zoomer, fuck . . . how am i going to tell my dad im a faggot.
>still playing league
riot became a kike company long ago, if you're just now realizing this you deserve the gas chamber
>still playing leauge
abandon the ship you fucking madman
Since the beginning the LoL has been the faggot choice of moba. Even the ones who don't know moba knew LoL is the faggot copycat of Dota.
Future generations will only wonder why LoL even get any attention and will be buried next to a mobile gaming.
There's a book called Camper Diaries by Gangweed based in this.
Gamers rise up.
you stole my post
how relevant is this during gameplay?
So when you hunt down and kill Neeko, is that a hate crime?
This. I have a "lesbian" co-worker that is always wanting to go to lunch with me and follows me around like a puppy dog. Her "partner" has already walked up to me and told me I am to stay away from her or she will kill me. I am tempted to take her from her just for the lulz but I am more happy not having to deal with any drama so I will continue to keep this "lesbian" in the "friendzone".
I believe that "lesbians" are just that till the right guy comes along. Then they will drop that in a heartbeat.
So this is the power of the PS4.
wait wait wait wait wait
some fag who plays games for a living is a fag!?
why stop it?
let the degeneracy spread and cause the HAPPENING
Do it.
All the ills of technological society die with the collapse of technological society.
You can't, dipshit. Societal evolution is like a hurricane or earthquake... a force of nature you can't control. Just have to deal with it as best you can.
We live in fagtopia now... better get used to it.
Alien Plant person is gay
>putting your phylactery on your fucking forehead rather than buried in some dungeon or cave or in a coffin below your estate or even just in your bedroom drawer
what fucking retardation is this
>oh we killed him
>no we didn't, why have to find his magic reincarnation stone and break it before he's truly dead
>good news, the fucking retard was wearing it as part of hi currynigger cosplay
champion is a character in the game you old boomer fag
Faggots are the ideal consumers, E.micheal jones goes into this, even you aren't gay you are expected to act gay. Fags don't have families and thus don't argue for increased wages to support families, fags are frivolous with money and are content blowing it all on the gay disco, and most of all fags are VERY easily controlled by their passions and their passions are obvious. The homosexual is the ideal citizen in modernity.
Why don't you just report them to their chink owners? The chink government just tossed some gay smut writer in jail for a decade so I'm sure you'd get some traction.
>born in 95
s-say it aint so. Zoomer is 96 onward.
Finally, a character that represents 100% of League's fans.
ching chong is right
Simple. Stop buying their games.
Who the fuck cares if like 10% of the population is gay.
Let them fuck each other it really doesn't matter. All that matters is we stop the trannies.
t. faggot
Fag-enablers like yourself don't get to decide what matters.
If you actually a think a chink could type English like this you should take your Asian worship back to r/hapas where it belongs.
Well, it is a chimera.
look up the original definition for phylactery, the non D&D one
Hot/Cute lesbians don't exist.
The "real lesbians" are only completely ugly hugos.
That's an empirical fact.
lel lol is going to be banned in russia
what a day to be alive
gee i wonder
Gay? Maybe a scaily or something. It doesn't matter. I'll still play the game as I've been doing since season 2.
I saw something about this last night and just immediately uninstalled the game. Haven't played it in a while and hated the direction of the game anyway. I haven't even looked at this cunt's skillset, her face alone annoys me.
She just looks like another irritating champ like the pedoshit champ Zoe, and is probably going to be in some gay pedo relationship with her or some stupid shit like that.
>b-but she's 1000 years old so it's not really pedoshit
Yeah whatever niggers, thanks for the Lamb porn, at least that champ was alright.
Gayness is OK when it's cute girls
>how relevant is this during gameplay?
Character shoots hot, sticky loads
The new adverts on Twitch are for the PS4 featuring a diverse gender-creative set of actors. A far cry from that great PS2 ad that David Lynch made.
Everyone just play vintage vidya till we get this figured out. Stop finacially supporting this shit.
Is she still gay if my dick is inside her and she likes it?
A gay underage furry at that, there's plenty of faggy things amiss at riot hq
I'm so glad this game is dying.