Detroit City council passed a law limiting ammunition sales, also requiring a mental health background check.
>they think this will stop niggers from using guns
Detroit City Council approves 'Bullet Bill' resolution,
Detroit City council passed a law limiting ammunition sales, also requiring a mental health background check.
>they think this will stop niggers from using guns
Detroit City Council approves 'Bullet Bill' resolution,
Fuck Detroit
I warned Jow Forums about this years ago they didn't give a fuck. durr I got mine
It'll work just as well as background checks do now. If you cant pass one you just steal that shit. Passing one today is no guarantee you wont flip your shit tomorrow.
It's all bullshit.
>giving a fuck about detroit
>thinking this won't spread now that its been implemented in one city
yup you're a short sighted bootlicker from Jow Forums aren't you
The niggers will come up here to Oakland County, or go down to Monroe County.
It won't work at all. It just bring more niggers into my community.
Heh, Bullet Bill...
>not giving a fuck that the constitution is being burned before our very eyes
I agree
where can i purchase this sticker?
>this sticker?
Oy vey! How could they let such an antisemitic law get passed?
this. there will never be enough gun control to satisfy the libshits. they will keep adding bullshit regulations until theres nothing left.
yes nigger where can i buy?
t. mentally ill mutt scared theyre going to take his precious guns away
this does't affect you if you aren't some edgy mental patient say goodbye to your AR15s future school shooter
the I'm in Detroit right now
>the hell eternal
What database will they query to run the background check?
I’ll never tell
go back to fucking dogs, chang.
This thread is for non insectoids only
>We have to remove the stigma of seeking help with mental health
>What? You visited a psychiatrist for depression? You don't deserve civil rights anymore!
>wayne county
Just go to the next county over to buy ammunition. Done, problem solved.
Dumb niggas can still kill other dumb niggas and inflate our counties gun crime statistics.
Why don't they just ban niggers? Seems easier and more effective.
>I-I'm not white therefore nobody else is!!
classic mutt projection
I said this already
And then they will go after something else. We are literally descendants from the same people that are doing this to themselves in england. So better stockpile them knives too. Yes i know we are guided by some hand wringing hook noses but ultimately its our fault.
>can't but ammo in Detroit
>drive two minutes to Royal Oak
>buy ammo
> even less tax revenue going to Detroit
>Detroit stays a shit hole and no fewer people get shot
It's like they haven't learned anything from the last 60 years of history in Detroit.
>t. world leader talks about feminism at an economic summit
Just order it online where the prices are better anyway lmao
Yes I know. I was using a web crawler to locate ammunition during the Obama ammunition crisis.
But did you say it combined with a dumb negro picture?
I think not.
Here is your dumb nigger pic
>can't read the license plate
It says "not a cop", there is a nigger driving.
I used to go to Royal Oak all the time. The last few times it was as black as the Neighborhoods. Haven't been there in months.
You must be mistaken with ferndale....niggers are frowned upon in royal oak.
All it needs is a "don' shoo me nigga" bumper sticker
checked. whatever ill just get them printed. you should try not being a literal faggot for once
seriously. id love to put them up
> you both are a couple of faggots
It was free +ffl pickup fee so its whatever. I have others, just snapped a pic so the person that shipped it could see. Its a babbys first meme gun.
Nintendo should sue.
My point is this: When will gun owners stop being defensive on the 2nd amendment?
The constitution guarantees us "the right to bear arms"
The time is now to be on the offensive to secure the 2nd amendment.
eat a bag of aids dicks
Running some guns back east is starting to look like a better and better idea
im gonna put one on my truck. i live in broward county too. fuck niggers
>Fuck Tyrone stickers.
The point of this thread is this: more and more of the constitution is being eroded daily.
It is very small pieces everytime, but it's being taken from us slowly but surely.
>> Detroit is 95% black
Didnt the Democrats' Jim Crowe laws prevent blacks from owning guns too?
There has to be an event that will slap down the enemies of he Constitution. What does that look like?
>What does that look like?
It involves belt-fed weapons and a gravel pit.
When they were a thing. Detroit niggers have always had guns. That one dentist that moved into a white neighborhood in the 40s had guns.
That's a little impractical. What would a non-violent Constitutional militancy day look like?
ITT: future school shooters seeth because they can't shoot innocents
A total failure. This shit isn't going to stop until we're all dead or they are.
to which i also commented on, moshe
>surely no one will be shot if we persecute law-abiding citizens
We need to attach literacy to voting.
It needs to be more and more 2nd amendment supporters protesting all of the little petty laws taking away the 2nd amendment.
>what does it look like
all of them. "Big data" wasn't a meme.
This. Modern law school graduates are coalescing around a radically different understanding of the Constitution.
My opinion is that Trump is the catalyst for a civil war in America.
For the last 2 years, the election has divided this country to either a left or right stance.
People that don't really have a position on politics are being forced to take a side.
Infowars used to always talk about government take over. Now they just talk about politics daily.
Did the government stop plans on taking over America? Or just shift gears to implement new tactics to take over thos country?
Yeah well they just did faggot. Whatcha going to do about it?
Oh boy, I can't wait to see Detroit's crime rate plummet!
>the sarcasm is to the point
I agree with this point.
If you know where to get them... why the fuck are you asking where I got them?
great. Then people with clean records buy as much as they can and sell it to negroid psychos at a huge profit.
Limit the amount that can be bought? Increase the profit margins.
also! and this is the important part!
It's really easy to make your own ammo.
>surely THIS law will stop niggers from shooting people
well there will never be "nothing left" because all of their regulations are asinine. A big reason why they're never happy is because their ideas, faithfully executed, dont fix any of the problems they complain about.
No respectable white man will ever sell guns or ammo to the niggers around here.
They are a disease in the state, just about everyone know it too.
I don't think any Bloombergite understands that. I think they think that the statement "manufacturing is dead" is literal and some kind of law.
Basically we will be living in a country with similar laws to europe.
Full of fucking immigrants that have guns, while the tax payers won't be able to defend themselves.
A lot of their ideas are attempts to fix what had been their ideas a few years ago. Leftists demanded action on ghetto drug use. Then they demanded leniency for people swept up in responses to their demands for action on ghetto drugs. They decided that mandatory minimum sentencing was the only way to stop racist judges for punishing violent black rapists worse than white tax cheats. Now mms is racist.
modern law school graduates skip classes about sexual assault because it triggers them
if you could equip the polio virus to kill itself, why wouldnt you?
and an aggressive gun grab will be disproportionately enforced on blacks, and get repealed for being racist.
first group to challenge this in court will win. michigans right to bear arms AND "provisions" is very specifically stated.
We have a tremendous advantage over them. We have a coherent, simple, and happily enough correct general understanding of the law. For example the "Palladium of Liberty" pamphlet. It takes minutes to propagate. They have opportunistic lying mendacity and that takes them years to learn.
agree, we should kill all insectoid gooks
> additional county axes imposed on the purchase of ammo with revenue going to victims of gun violence
What the fuck? Even when you pass the mental exam you still get penalized. Shouldnt the criminal be responsible for the shit they cause? Absolutely ridiculous thinking at every level of this bill.
Haha where could a fine meme enthusiast get some of these stickers for myself? These are definitely dank memes and I would like to acquire some my friend. I sure do love memes that are dank.
I just moved to Wayne County/Michigan. What a fucking shithole.
>3rd world roads
>High as fuck property tax for no reason
>Have to register handguns
>Now this
So when did leafs get to be opinionated about matters in the United States?
>Fuck the cities
where do you think the jobs are retard?
i dont know where but theres a jew print shop everywhere. i figured you had a link, potato nigger
And how the fuck was Jow Forums or anyone else on this Mongolian Chant Singing board supposed to stop this?
Would you really just post your weapon's serial number on the internet like that? How about your phone number and SSN?
Looks like the first two abortions didn't work, then they gave up trying.
its all a game to them. no politician is on your side. theyre all the same just with a d or r as their title. personally i believe there is a big secret we are not aware of. something they all know and their arguing back forth is just a show to keep us from looking behind the curtain. could be ayys could be lizards could be something we have never heard of. whatever it is, we the public are not aware of it.
"This will certainly cure the issue of violence in my city" says retarded Democrat for the 5000000000000000th time
>thinking any city on the planet looks to Detroit as an example of anything other than how a city dies
Detroit and Chicago are literally living monuments to liberal stupidity and what happens when cities reach a critical mass of diversity while removing productive citizens’ rights to protect themselves against said diversity.
But that’s cool, keep calling anyone who doesn’t idealistically virtue signal with you a bootlicker
that's racist
>implying nigs are mentally healthy
Alright you stupid fucking faggots. Are you going to sit here and bitch, or are you going to do something about it? I've donated $1,000 to the SAF, aka the fucking group that got the god damn Heller and McDonald decision.
Do something or shut the fuck up you retards
Mental health is not science. This is a government imposed religion. Criminal conviction is one thing but rantings of looney narcissists isn't a reason to take away someone's rights. They need to be sued on the separation of church and state clauses which are pretty clear. Government can't impose a religion and that is exactly what this does.
Better investment than the NRA.
yo white people be living around there, that's right by somerset