In this powerful video, a 16 year old powerfully tells a story about his grandparents experience in the holocaust...

In this powerful video, a 16 year old powerfully tells a story about his grandparents experience in the holocaust, and makes a powerful plea for gun control. And it’s powerful.

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kys shill

>government rounded up my gramps and put them in camps
>please, government, disarm us
are they really this stupid?

Geez. When does this crybaby sissy shit stop?

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Israel has open carry


How many times did his grandparents survive the gas chambers?

My grandpa told me Hitler HIMSELF used to give him tittie twisters every day in Auschwitz.

>a right to good jobs

Who is going to do the shit jobs?

What a fucking asshole thing to do.
At least it wasn't indian sunburns

A 16 year old's grandparents would be too fucking young to have had any experience with the fucking holocaust.

Lol. There are Jewish gun groups in the U.S. who are as pro-2nd Amendment as you can get because they don't want the Holocaust to happen again. Fuck this little stickboy fag.

>Hitler killed my grandparents after he took away their guns

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Don't let facts get in the way of appeals to emotion, fren.

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>that ID

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And yours

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Powerfully retarded kikelett..

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Checked and true. Send this to the JPFO.

Jesus i would love to punch that kike

This, my parents were on the older side when they had me and their parents are still only in their 70s

Somebody should toss this little jew into the same oven so he can join grandma and grandpa

bitch a massive crybaby *dabs*

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And yours

Ralling for epic I’d to own the libtards.

>about his grandparents experience in the holocaust

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Chanting meaningless slogans to demoralize your own people because mister Soros gave you $20 and you can't be arsed to hold a real job doesn't make you care about the world.

autistic kike

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The nazis were gun grabbers. This kid is a fucking retard.

Wow. Okay. That came out of nowhere.

holy shit! lmao your ID says JEW in it hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

My grandfather was masturbated to death in Auschwitz. It took those sick Nazi bastids 600 orgasms to drain all life out of him.

He looks like a MtF tranny that recently changed his mind.

>powerful plea for gun control
just like Hitler did before rounding up his grandparents?

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Doesn't it say "Uew"?

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>a 16 year old powerfully tells a story about his grandparents experience in the holocaust, and makes a powerful plea for gun control
This is some peak npc shit

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>The nazis were gun grabbers.
Only if you were a jew

Hitler took guns from the jews before rounding them up in ghettos.

yeah but if you glance at it, it says Jew. Jew within the ID, pastabro

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>mandatory hall of cost classes
>hall of cost

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> if only you really cared about the horrors of the holocaust, you too would attempt to change the surface temperature of the earth

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Woah, a young kike breaking down. Guess I gotta change my beliefs now.

It should be more offended about gas stoves.

Do they know that having guns at home was very common in pre war Poland? It did not stop anything. I'm not anti gun but I just don't thik gun ownership can prevent genocide.

imagine just laying him the fuck out after punching his jaw off
he looks like he weighs about 90lbs

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Uhhhh...ban assault showers?

>Only if you were a jew
Nope, they grab everyones except Nazi party memebers. This was to redistribute them and to stop any other revolutions that may be building up against the Natsoc party. Rread up on your history, schlomo.

>Nope, they grab everyones except Nazi party memebers.
It was open to all German citizens. Post source of fuck off

Oh? Oh this is good then. This is about the division between the charlatans and true believers in the Democratic party.

What the fuck does the Holocaust have to do with gun rights

Whites and illegals

He also looks like someone that I would want to punch in the face before I even got to know him, lmao. He probably has a whiny kike voice like Shapiro and other annoying kikes.

Young people are retarded, they care too much about things nobody needs to care about while simultaneously NOT caring about the shit that will actually affect them the rest of their lives. Genocide everyone under 35 now.

>and it worked out swell for the jews

>Nope, they grab everyones except Nazi party memebers.
Literally fake news
> Rread up on your history, schlomo.
You accuse me of doing what you are doing, how very Jewish of you. Kill yourself.

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If every jew rounded up had shot and killed one Gestapo they would have ran out of Gestapo.

All sources are questionable. But it is said that they grab all guns in occupied countries and from "unreliable citizens and jews" we all know what that means.
here kikepedia
Few German citizens owned, or were entitled to own firearms in Germany in the 1930s.[1] The Weimar Republic had strict gun control laws.[7] When the Third Reich gained power, some aspects of gun regulation were loosened, such as allowing ownership for Nazi party members and the military.[4]:672 The laws were tightened in other ways. Nazi laws disarmed "unreliable" persons, especially Jews, but relaxed restrictions for "ordinary" German citizens.[4]:670,676 The policies were later expanded to include the confiscation of arms in occupied countries.[8]:533,536

>NowThis Politics
>sub of NowThis News
>org of Huff Post co-founder Kenneth Lerer
yeah goy

Disarming jews was a critical preoperative step to forcing them into ghettos.

>when you post a source that disproves your own argument

hahahaha! I love the black jews! lol id donate to them if they harassed more satanic jews like this.

Lies like this are why kikes are so hated.

They had a law that allowed them to selectively enforce gun rights. People they liked had guns and people they didn't had them taken away.

Not sure if anyone cares but nowthis was on my radar a while ago

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How did it disprove my arguement? Do you have reading comprehension issues, nigger?
>When the Third Reich gained power, some aspects of gun regulation were loosened, such as allowing ownership for Nazi party members and the military.[4]:672 The laws were tightened in other ways. Nazi laws disarmed "unreliable" persons,

Loosened for Nazi party members and tightened for normal citizens. And confiscated for "unreliabels and jews" reread what i posted, stupid nigger.

It didn't happen the first time Schlomo

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>People they liked had guns and people they didn't had them taken away.
A quick review of who was and wasnt liked by nazis

Not liked: jews
liked: ethnic Germans.

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It pretty much said verbatim what he said, I think you are confused or can't read. Keeping laws slightly open ended like that are done on purpose to allow exceptions as they desire, which is shady as fuck.

>I was gonna call my dad to ask
>to ask a question about my bank

Of course he was...

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He did read my post correctly. He doesnt unfderstand that only Nazi party memebers where allowed to own guns. Before the Nazi took power very little private citizens owned guns. When they took power, only Nazi memeber were allowed to own guns.

>guns should be banned
>Jews will be disarmed and unable to defend themselves
>guns should be banned
How come this expanding brain meme hasn't been made?

Yeah no, backup filthy jew

Does this kid not realize that the jews not having guns to defend themselves is how the jews found themselves in them furnaces to begin with?

I would whisper to him that it never happened.

No evidence for that claim.

>Underage faggot doesn't realize that the Holocaust "happened" because the Nazis confiscated guns
>The Jews had no way of fighting back because they were stripped of all means to resist
>Young faggot never bothered to read about the Warsaw Uprising where a few Jews with stolen weapons managed to kill so many Nazis that the Germans burned the entire fucking ghetto to the ground, killing everyone inside just to stop the uprising.

If you believe in the holohoax then you also must be pro-gun, since it kind of "happened" due to strict gun control.

>tightened for normal citizens
Lmao you stupid fucking retard. Read your own post, you literally wrote
>but relaxed restrictions for "ordinary" German citizens.

Were his parents 50 when they conceived him? Sounds like yid histrionics to browbeat people.

Probably a weekly call.

Last one. Its obvious where i am going. Also note how their foundung correlates to trumps presidency

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>but relaxed restrictions for "ordinary" German citizens.

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Yes. Yes they are.

This. Dumb kid.

Define an "ordinary" german and show it wasn't selectively applied.

Nope, they were only loosened or relaxed for Nazi party memeber and military. Once again the only one who has an issue with comprehension is you, you butthurt faggot.

This, Jesus fucking Christ. I realize that they think "muh holocaust" automatically gives them the upper hand in any argument, but can they seriously not connect civilian disarmament to the helplessness of their poor jew/gypsy/homo ancestors?

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Shhhhhhh!!!!! It's postpartum HolloPTSD genetically inherited

Also, stop trying to derail the thread, kike.

I recently found out that my great great grandfather was a Jew, and his kids were Christians with German and Jewish lineage. Would they have been sent to the chambers if they were in Nazi Germany?

This is why you shouldn't virtue signal.