>No wall
>Caravan pouring in
>Continuing the wars in the Middle East
>Hillary isn't in prison
>No Clinton investigation at all
>Jewish fraudsters released
>Federal Bank as powerful as ever
>Most Jewish cabinet in US history
>Sucks Israeli/Saudi cock
>Uranium one has vanished
>FISA has vanished
>Unclassified Awan has vanished
>Sessions did nothing
>Massive voter fraud not being investigated
>Pedogate has vanished
>55billion sealed indictments have vanished

At what point do you have to admit that Trump is no different to a Jeb Bush POTUS?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Leaf is a good looking guy. Nice smile. Good personality.
He’s a young leaf who’s made up his mind and is unafraid to willingly expose his support of Trump, knowing the expected backlash from those in opposition to his opinions and beliefs.
It’s a shame that leaf's opinions and beliefs seem to be formed more by feelings rather then facts, and shaped primarily by propaganda and skewed rhetoric. (FYI ~ Facts don’t care about feelings)
Leaf's perspective and take on things, although amusing, was bizarre and questionable. Devoid of reason and detached from reality. Simple minded and surfaced. Unaware and uninformed. In other words, yet another dim witted, easily manipulated Trump supporter who believes the sky is red when it’s actually blue.
The GOP has for decades been misleading their flock with misinformation and outright lies. It’s something Trump has been doing for a lifetime. They dish out the bullshit with such conviction that their followers eat it up as if they don’t know where their next meal is coming from. Before you know it, all that bs quickly spreads throughout their party.
Like herpes...

Leftist meme style. Sad

>It’s a shame that leaf's opinions and beliefs seem to be formed more by feelings rather then facts, and shaped primarily by propaganda and skewed rhetoric.

I wasn't aware mainstream media downplayed Trump's conservative achievements.

And this is what a college degree gets you. Fucking sad

Get in here NOWW:

Are you mad?

Besides you're all but a leaf.

Noone but me is responding to you're shitshow of a thread. Goodluck.



Attached: 5276912+_4317c1b7643ffb70ab4cd2ab3214bb62.jpg (491x491, 72K)

Incoming r/the_donald fag in 3...2...1...

Based tea-drinker

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sup kike?


Most of that shit is nothing, except the Wall. If he doesn't start construction soon, he's in big trouble for 2020.
Trump has exceeded my expectations for fighting for what he believes in, but one area he's failed miserably is "I hire the best people".
Everyone has either quit, been fired, or is a fucking traitor.

How do Magapedes justify Trump hiring John Bolton?

>implying anyone who likes the guy is from plebbit

Last thread they were arguing that Trump wasn't continuing the wars in the Middle East.

Ooooh, we gots ourselves an NPC who knows how to play the game!

Attached: 1539292915984.png (636x773, 14K)

Looks like he didn't fly so good

why in the fuck is there no anti-kike conservatives
wtf is their problem

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There you are

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>a precision strike is a war
Still waiting on that 100% source map


except he hasn't caused any wars

Jables is a zionist neo-con ideologue, but he is NOT corrupt.

>defending and supporting trump makes you a kike
nice try 8gagger

Hi schlomo

Attached: Trump - America's first jewish president.jpg (700x396, 121K)

>No wall
Repubs won't give him wall funding. He can't do this himself.

>Caravan pouring in
Trump is trying to control the situation.

>Continuing the wars in the Middle East
He's been trying to get troops out of Syria, but fake chemical attacks keep scaring neocons.

>Hillary isn't in prison
This was never a realistic promise.

>No Clinton investigation at all.
DOJ reopened investigation a few months ago.

>Jewish fraudsters released
When did Trump promise to keep them jailed?

>Most Jewish cabinet in US history

>Federal Bank as powerful as ever
Fair, but is it a realistic goal right now to "end the fed?"

>Sucks Israeli/Saudi cock
Just like literally every president.

>Uranium one has vanished
>FISA has vanished
>Unclassified Awan has vanished
>Pedogate has vanished
>55billion sealed indictments have vanished
How is this a knock on Trump but not the media that doesn't report this?

>Sessions did nothing
Fair but that's on Sessions not Trump.

>Massive voter fraud not being investigated
He wants it to be though and he's pushing for investigation. What more can he do?


He is continuing the same wars, ramping them up against Iran.
Here's a link you might be interested in.

Is this fake news guys? :^)

>America First!
>The world is a very dangerous place!
>The country of Iran, as an example, is responsible for a bloody proxy war against Saudi Arabia in Yemen, trying to destabilize Iraq’s fragile attempt at democracy, supporting the terror group Hezbollah in Lebanon, propping up dictator Bashar Assad in Syria (who has killed millions of his own citizens), and much more.

Attached: TRUMP NUCLEAR.jpg (1200x638, 164K)



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Might as well link Politico fact check

Attached: 455.png (324x362, 58K)

get back to me when he goes to war against Iran and Syria shill

Leaftards are not allowed to have an opinion on American politics.

Sit down, be silent.

Oddly enough, I was against hiring him the most, but he's turned out to be the best and most loyal so far.
Sessions was the biggest disappointment.
And I don't know how John Kelly ever got hired

Trump HAS to get wall funding soon.



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That image needs more words memeflaggot

Time for another 60 posts from this faggot

You're already at war against the Syrians, you're supporting the terrorists.

Am I a shill for posting a link now?

go post some more 3rd world photoshop RT shill threads you little bitch boy

>all the trump zionists in the thread
These guys are actually sad

Attached: Sorry for your asspain.png (509x572, 40K)

>he thinks I'm from reddit
>he thinks I'm that guy
Ready to get BTFO'd again and again and again and again?

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Iran dindu nuuffin!

orange man good

>Repubs won't give him wall funding. He can't do this himself.
But Trump kinda fucked this up. Back in May (around there) he signed some huge spending bill that didn't have wall funding. He claimed "I will never sign a document like this again". Then in October another spending bill came across his desk...and he signed it. Yes, not signing it would have shut down the government, but even still.

Damage control the post
>trump is good goy he can do no wrong

Your ass sounds like it hurts real bad

remember zionism is a good thing. jews getting their own state = them not jewing up america

send them back

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>Yes, not signing it would have shut down the government
So it's basically, loose loose for Trump. He should go full retard, just sign an executive order to allocate 500 billion for a big beautiful wall.

Mistook you for another. Frenz?

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Remember when Q turned out to be total bullshit?

Is that supposed to be a comeback? Because you're just babbling in defense of trump.

You can scream and call us shills all you want, it wont chance the fact that we are right

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I don't hate him. I don't think him getting elected was part of the globalist agenda's script, but he's just one man, and America isn't the kind of place where one man can actually implement some meaningful change when some faggot judge can just block orders. The laws that were put into place when America was created, ostensibly to protect American citizens from tyranny, now only serve to further the globohomo agenda and to make sure no one can actually deviate from the plan. As for the GOP, they're still the same out of touch milquetoast boomer faggots I hated when they were the ones trying to censor free speech, it's just that the left doing it now is ten times as dangerous. No idea why Jow Forums, or certain contingents of it, suck establishment Republican dick so much, just considering that they were hampering and clashing with Trump for the better part of his first two years in office.

It's not damage control. Like Styx says Trump is a mild reformer. Did y'all really think he'd get in there and reverse literal decades of corruption and globalism in 2 years?

You don't get to bring friends

This list only consists of things he hasn't done, because there would barely be anything to criticise otherwise.

You as a leftist should be happy that he didn't do a lot of those things, such as imprisoning hillary, but then there wouldn't be a thing to criticise him anymore.

>, just sign an executive order to allocate 500 billion for a big beautiful wall.

Why not? Would be a rare occasion of government spending money on something actually good.

ikr. What is the deal with that?

>its a good thing
>give them their state
That's like giving a cancer a part of your body so it can live

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>He can't do this himself.
Yes he can, he repeated during his entire campaign that he could and he would without congress's approval.

>Trump is trying to control the situation.
Woah guys he made a tweet

>He's been trying to get troops out of Syria,
He's literally the commander in chief
t.h.e c.o.m.m.a.n.d.e.r i.n c.h.i.e.f

>DOJ reopened investigation a few months ago.
Any day now amirite fellow Qanon?

>When did Trump promise to keep them jailed?
>when did Trump promise not to break the justice system for the chosen people
you may have a point there

If you have to ask >Fair, but is it a realistic goal right now to "end the fed?"

>Just like literally every president.
>it's alright because the others did it
so what was the point of supporting him

>How is this a knock on Trump but not the media that doesn't report this?
I don't know, maybe because he's the one who can stop this shit as a president.

>Fair but that's on Sessions not Trump.
>"I'll hire the best and the brightest"

>He wants it to be though and he's pushing for investigation. What more can he do?
>Trump makes tweet
>woah he's doing something guys

>literally a guest writer for that chapter

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Orange man good!

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This is possibly the weakest president we have ever had. Obama let the Saudis walk all over him, but you can guarantee he would at least sanction SA for this shit, something the pussy Donald will never do.

go ahead and hate him if you want, you act like un-doing all the presidencies since Reagan was going to take no time at all and get no push-back....

How about we stop shoving billions to Israel and build a wall?

conservatism is inherently jewish perhaps? its just liberalism but dialed back a few years anyhow

>mild reformer
There is no winning with you faggots...
Styx is a fucking rat faced incel

Do your own fucking research into trump. Look up know more news and Blackstone intelligence, that will help you

>not undoing all the presidencies since Jackson
fucking cückservatives

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*since and including reagan

Dude it's impossible to reverse all those presidencies until we have a guy with the balls to say fuck Israel. They're the big problem here instead we get a bunch of zionist pricks. Rand Paul would unironically be a better president because he doesn't actually support Israel, just pretends to get votes from dumbasses. We need someone charismatic enough to say fuck israel and get away with it.

>bow like the good nigger you are

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Tell that to Trump.
Cut all foreign aid and build the wall.

The point is that the money is there user. I refuse to believe Trump WANTS the wall personally, he just uses it as a centerpiece in his rallies, he knows he doesn't need to build it anymore.

Probably not. The Saudis were even let off the hook over their citizens involvement in 9/11. They're America's #2 after Israel.

It's been since Kennedy
Reagan was a jew
Really America has been jewed since 1889

>We need someone charismatic enough to say fuck israel and get away with it.
>get away with it
You mean, live?

>So it's basically, loose loose for Trump
He was convinced to sign to the first spending bill because Kelly (or Mattis?) got on their knees and begged him.
He shouldn't have done it. He shouldn't have forced a shutdown then, long before the midterms.
He had to sign the October one, it would have been suicide if he didn't.
>He should go full retard, just sign an executive order to allocate 500 billion for a big beautiful wall.
Before the election McConnel talked about getting him the wall money. Though we'll see.
Another spending bill will be coming up in 2019 and if Trump signs it again without wall funding, MAGA might be over.

>This list only consists of the biggest promises he made
how's your tax evasion scheme going Menachem?

yes probably but also has to be very crafty

Your body is the entire Earth?

And also, giving them their own state means they'll inevitably get themselves killed. Jews don't make the best neighbors. Ask the Palestinians.

He has until December to get it. Trump seems determined this time to get it

We can just print how much we need.
Our money isn't backed by anything but authority
Plus a wall wouldn't be more than 2 billion

King Nigger made America look like a bunch of pussies you faggot

Reagan was a jew
KEK lol his mom is Scottish and English and his dad was Irish as well. Keep making shit up though.

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Trust the plan

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How about you Zionist cucks fuck off with your alt lite agenda.
We gave them their own state and look what they did

Now it's time for the ovens

>if I just keep saying orange man bad it will work

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>you have be be a jew in order to be a jew
Newfag spotted
Jew is a catch all for anything that is jewish

>Yes he can, he repeated during his entire campaign that he could and he would without congress's approval.
>"Everything a president says he'll do, he has to do personally within the first two years of his term with both parties not wanting to work with him or else he's a complete failure"

>Woah guys he made a tweet
He does more than tweet.

>He's literally the commander in chief
Mattis is not his bitch, it's really his call.

>Any day now amirite fellow Qanon?
Maybe, we'll have to see.

>so what was the point of supporting him
He was the better choice than Clinton.

>I don't know, maybe because he's the one who can stop this shit as a president.
>"Trump can singlehandedly stop pedophiles from raping, DNC from doing any and all shady shit, and literally find all missing documents himself, otherwise he's a failure"

>"I'll hire the best and the brightest"
"Best and brightest" doesn't mean "perfect in every way shape or form"

>Trump makes tweet
>woah he's doing something guys
He's not in the DOJ. he can't investigate himself, can he?

rev up those gas chambers! that's waht I'm saying ban all Jews from Merica!

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The average rich white faggot knows he is a worthless faggot, but he's rich, he wants to stay rich, the only industry where there is progress is IT, he doesn't want to have to learn coding shit and deal with the high risk high reward of IT, he wants to be a faggot, so all that there is left is to jew people.

Attached: trumpsaudis.jpg (1920x1080, 365K)

its nufag you dumb zoomer

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They left after 2016, trumpfags are just asspained that nazis on the capital of NatSoc call trump a jew

he's gonna nuke china and russia will invade
and stretch americas asshole so wide, no
one will shit logs ever again.

hurmph durmph im hanging up my maga hat
a fucking leaf.

Attached: op is a fag america fuck yea edition.jpg (637x636, 231K)

Dont ban em burn em you fucking retarded hooknose

nice try shareblue