Is it normal for 13 year olds to be having sex?

Is it normal for 13 year olds to be having sex?

I found a used condom in the trash bin in our living room and I have an 13 year old daughter which I'm pretty sure was the culprit.

I talked to my wife about it and she seemed more or less nonchalant about it, is this like very normal and I'm just out of sense?

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Definitely not, your daughter will be a huge whore/insecure thot


if you grow up in newfoundland or on a reserve
then 12 is the norm and you are waaay behind

Well I don't live in either of those

Op, I'm sorry to say. But your daughter is a slut and you're responsible for this.

your wife is cheating on you

Sorry to say OP but this is honestly far more plausible for quite a few different reasons based on your story.

This... the wifes lover missed a step, or perhaps your wife left it out for you to find. Ahe wants that jealousy you are oh so well known for.

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both are true, if she breath she a thot.

13 is definitely way earlier than normal but teenagers can be precocious.

Wanting to have sex that age isn't different than wanting to smoke watch our rated movies or go out drinking. It's perfectly normal, but she still shouldn't be doing it until she's older.

That said it does like sound like your wife's cheating.

Fairly, but not usually with condoms.

What about deets? What brand was it? What size? Was it tied? Ribbed, or regular?

A 13 year old isn't going to have great access to condoms, so what they'll likely have access to is just plain off-brand condoms. Could even be something handed out by the school, as they frequently did that at mine. They didn't hand out large condoms, for obvious reasons.

So if it's large, tied, or ribbed, I'd say it's unlikely it was your daughter that was responsible.

It's your wife. lol

I was gonna suggest putting in the condom under a microscope and checking the ehhem... "quality" of the content against your own personal sample. CSI style.

If it came from another man your age it would have the same number of swimmers, compare to a young adolescent.

But yeah looking at the brand is probably a lot more practical.

I think it's your wife who is cheating on you

Delusional white men. Its easier for OP to believe his 13 yo daughter brought a guy in his house, fucked in the living room, even thought to use a condom and then threw it in the trash than to consider his wife is fucking around on him in his home.

Is it possible that your daughter was just curious about condoms, bought some, looked at them, and then threw them away?

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Honestly, this.

I mean it's possible the daughter did it, but the wife situation is much more plausible

One of the valedictorians from my first high school lost her virginity at 12. If your daughter has good grades it's even likelier that she's had sex, because they know you'll think she's such a good girl just because she has the right GPA. So like said, if she breathes, she's a thot.

Well 13 isnt totally implausible, but at that age how did they get their hands on condoms and are they really that smart to use it?
I don't wanna jump to conclusions and say its your wife but considering how nonchalant she was about her very young daughter possibly being the one to have it... you can't really rule it out


Maybe your daughter got it in sex education and played with it out of curiosity or something.Personally, I think 13 is way too young for sex but at least it's safe if that's the case.

> have sex with some guy in your husband's home
> despite all the options available to you, you dispose of the condom in your own daughters room, effectively framing her

This doesn't seem super realistic to me. If it's true then this woman is not only a terrible person, but also potentially retarded.

If she's using protection then I personally don't see it as a big deal. If you want to talk to her about it, get the wife to do so instead. It'll be an awkward situation for her if you do it.
I lost my virginity when I was 13 and so did one of my friends and we both turned out to be decent people in society.

OP, update? This is gonna be good.

Give us a breakdown of why you think it was your 13 year old daughter, and not your wife?

Your daughter is doomed, statistically.
I really hope it was your wife covering something up.
Found the whore. You're not a good person, and you never will be.

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your daughter is going to be a slut when she's older if you don't instill some values in her man.

OP you're in a tough spot, because if it's your daughters then she is a whore.
If it is your wife's then she is a cheating whore who will only instill these terrible qualities into your daughter, making her a whore too.
Your only option is to kill them both and start a new life.

To the OP. There was little thinking behind the fact that it was dropped in the livingroom trash. It's something kids would do, or just someone not thinking far enough ahead. Maybe time to setup a spy cam in the living room. No matter what, as a parent and husband, it's something to be concerned with. Kids are sexually active at 13 and even younger. They are curious about stuff. Look at her friends that she hangs with too....that will speak volumes. If it's your wife, well good luck with that.

Most 13 year old guys are terrified of sex/girls and don't even know what it is really, while girls have matured to be horny thots already by age 10. You have to teach her that while she is horny that she must stay strong and not thot or else she will be worth nothing when she is older

and hell no aint no 13 year old using condoms nigga cause who is gonna sell condoms to them? they don't know what condoms are and they sure as hell don't have the balls to buy one. Your wife is cheating. Everyone knows middle schoolers fuck raw they don't care and don't know what they're doing.

not for me

But you're asking internet strangers when you should be raising and protecting your daughter. Your wife is so nonchalant about her daughter's welfare that she either truly doesn't care about her own offspring, or she's actually one at fault for cucking you.

I hope this post isn't real, otherwise your marriage is straight fucked, my dude.

>Delusional white men.
I don't remember OP stating his race, how people like you manage to make everything racial!?

This is scary as fuck. No. 13 is too young.

>and hell no aint no 13 year old using condoms nigga cause who is gonna sell condoms to them?
Its doesn't need to be hers, when I was 16 I've fucked a 13yo, I got the condoms by myself, the wife scenario still the most probable tho.

damn nigga you fucked a freshman? I wish I could have goddddd damn
I had a black freshman gf but she was black so it wasnt very good
I can only imagine that pale loli body

She wasn't the only one, girls at this age are usually starving for cock, and if they don't have controling parents they will be riding the cock carousel in a eye blink.

the furthest i got as a senior was seeing a freshman flash her pussy on facetime but she was too shy to fuck me irl and got scared or something, she thought I was only dating her for the loli pussy, which I was

What the fuck are you niggers talking about? Lolis at 13? The girls you knew were underdeveloped compared to any girl I knew at that age.

I would say not normal. I lost my virginity at 13, which was earlier than all my friends, they all lost theirs at 15+. What I don't think is normal is that your wife was nonchalant about it. I have an almost 13 year old son and I would be freaked out of I suspected him of having sex. You can talk to your daughter about this, but that's not going to get you very far (at least she's being safe about it?). There's also the possibility of your wife cheating on you.

Super normal. Especially now, ESPECIALLY for girls.
Get over yourself, chill out, then get down on your knees and thank the gods she's using protection.


Wife is cheating on you dude.
Thats why she is nonchalant about it.

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“Our rated movies.”

Seriously? Is the education system this bad?

Yes, its that bad. Could be spell check? Doesn't make the education system less fail.

There is some fat ugly cunt who constantly makes subtle cuck/troll threads like this every day for the past two years on this board because she can't figure out what to do with her life

>I found a used condom in the trash bin in our living room and I have an 13 year old daughter which i'm pretty sure is the culprit

I really question why you're "pretty sure" she's the culprit. You shouldn't be leaving your 13 year old home alone enough for this to happen without being absolutely sure. That's just dumb. Vomit out some more details there, OP

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> Fuck in your daughters room so there won't be any proof left in the bed both of you sleep in
> Feel secure about your decision, let guard down, the trash can won't be checked so don't even mind to dispose the condom in there

>Used Condom
Fucking retarded frog poster.
Fuck off with your weak bait

Your wife has been BLACKED

just because it was used doesn't mean it was full of sperm idiot

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Not once did anyone say the condom was in the daughter's room