I will also post my take on it....
I'll just leave this here
Other urls found in this thread:
If you're going to quote Vader do it right.
Slide thread
They are all slide threads.
This is now a jimmy thread. Say hello jimmy.
Realistically, look at the extent to which Jow Forums is controlled by truly perverse AI, that gaslights heavily, among other things. Look at "incels"-- pure fakery, used to as a relentless club of self-reflexive negativity.
>retards troll each other
>'dey be bots'
the absolute state of Amerilards
Look at the fakely viral "NPC meme". Look at the absolutely bizarre, demonic "mutt meme". Purely bot phenomena. There is always a heavy emphasis on dehumanization.
you beat me to it
please try to stop barbara streisanding yourself in the ass, bot
this is godawful reddit-tier garbage. holy fuck, i think i'm gonna be ill.
sh u t u pb ot
take your redditpills bommah, we ain't no bots. lurk moar.
>humans good
>silvermen bad
>What is my Bidding
Oughtta be "thy bidding."
W ha t a s tu p id b
ot yo
u a re.
What about me? You never know...
Who’s the poon?
Go back to your fucking containment board with this shit
Ex p la i
n fo r th e pe
o pl e wh
at y ou m ea n.
I want to kill myself after reading that
You never seen empire strikes back? The fuck is wrong with you?
Should have made the Cybermen to be the NPC meme visual.
THY bidding.
You'll rejoice when you see the Lord
It's a fucking bot trying to make a thread, what do you expect?
Jidf sends only the best lol
It's really amazing. You can't adapt anymore, can you? Prepare to fall apart.
No faggot I'm talking about the bot
You didn't get it. Read again and then think
Wrong. My bidding implies the npc has a will. Even if it's asking what it should be. Asking implies an awareness enough to ask. Think again and get back to me.
The bot is "from jidf"? Surely there aren't people that are thinking on that level.
It's posted everyday on the QLarp
s hu
t u
p sh
i t bo
Checked, sound reasoning, fren.