
Attached: ITS-OVER.jpg (600x400, 119K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Are you the lad that has thought about joining the army?

that was months ago

Set me free from this Bavarian prison so that I can save the world

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I remember the image is all, you're off it now?

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>Yanks try to use Norf memes to offend Brits
>Brits post more Norf memes
>Brits use 56% face memes
>Yanks get offended and sperg out
Proof yanks have no banter

A teenager who drove into a boy in a hit-and-run crash told police he planned to hand himself in "after watching Love Island", a court heard.

Attached: loveislandme.png (764x768, 119K)

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blocks your path

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>tfw you live on a dystopian island and can't escape

Can't say you didn't have it coming

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He had nothing,yet he become the greatest ever.

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DEANO WOT A FUKIN LEDGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

theres no point in trying to offend you, some paki probably does that on your way to the chippy anyway

it's a small comfort but atleast you know it's not a tumor etc.

If it does it again don't wait 2 fucking hours lad.
It got me thinking aswell if you need to call someone (999 etc) and have lost your vision, phones with proper buttons are good because you can feel the numbers, with a touch-screen you can't see or feel fuck all.

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What butter do you use lads?

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given up on that shit
started smoking

For what?

Stop getting so offended mate. It's just how it is ya

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I'm considering getting rid of my phone and laptop, stop watching telly and reading the news, and spending all my time pottering about in the shed and watching the birds in the garden.

>he had nothing
Miraculous powers don't count?

sarnie, toast, anything really

Do you think there is a special kind of white guilt that's ok to promote?

>Yanks try to use Norf memes to offend Brits

kek they will never understand our self-deprecating humour

Many of our best genetic stock have emigrated over the last 5 centuries (mostly to Australia, Canada and America) or were killed en masse by war and disease between 1899-1947. It's difficult to comprehend the scale of these losses.

Makes sense. Thanks for the answer.

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Helps when you didn’t exist like

Redpill on why Americans can't banter: Banter generally consists of half-truths and stereotypes that people use as insults under the guise of truth, where every party is well-versed to the point that somewhere deep down they know enough to question its validity. The problem with Americans is that they're extremely gullible and take everything a face value, which is why you get absolutely retarded banter like complaining about Somalians in Sweden when America has more Somalians than Sweden. And when you banter Americans, calling them fat or ugly or stupid when obviously this doesn't apply to everyone, they don't get that and lose their shit.

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you're fucked lad

fair, suit yourself

Never heard of Lurpak. Must be a knock-off brand.

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For the taste, nightmare to spread.
Everything else tastes too thick ygm

the thumbnail makes it look like the kid has orangutan arms

Germans were the good guys and you guys were always cucking for the Jews m8. You're the ones who submitted to authority while we became free men.

Love a tub of repack

Ok, this is based. Much easier to spread ttoo

Can anyone link me said speech? Subtitles are fine.

Seems accurate. In b4 butt hurt posts.
Is this why America is so easily manipulated by the Jew?

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He’s done you

Fucking hell. Got a kek out of that.

Don't give up you guys.He spent most of his life being a carpenter before he performed any miracle and had any followers.
He had/has billions and billions of followers during 2000 years,more than any leader of any ideology ever did.Yet he started from nothing!

He proved there is a hope

Attached: Jesus.jpg (2141x3079, 629K)

>you deserve it because of decisions made decades before you were born
Fuck off, Leaf.

Nah you and the French were always scheming alongside the Jews. Now we have become their marionette thanks to the backstabbing Anglos and Frogs propping up the zionist shadow-government.


You should try Cornish sea-salted butter. It'll change your life.

Great stuff fer brushin ya teef with that is, makes em all shiny an sparkly like, plus the birds love the smell of warm butter on ya breath when ya chattin em up

He had nepotism on his side. His dad was God.

>no proof of existing

Cheers bud.

A Roman emperor - who had everything - decided to promote him.

Plenty of his apostles and close followers have graves that exist to this day.

Serbian Orthodox Church still has a mummified hand of John the Baptist that baptized him.

>Many of our best genetic stock have emigrated over the last 5 centuries
Were they our best though?

Sorry wrong video, it doesn't include the actual appeal

>this video is not available in your country's domain

Oh ffs

Thinking of doing myself in tbqh lads

Anyone know how to break a 3 week streak of bad luck?

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>Piss poor banter.

>jus banter lad

Good job on reinforcing his point

Who /best stock/ here?

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Just googled it and nothing came up lad

Show me them

It's not our fault you got Jewed.

A good night's sleep.

Banter has to be funny though.

Slowly become increasingly dead inside and plan for taking out thousands in a murder suicide

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No but it must have been a hell of a sight to look up and watch that in the skies, until you got a spent cartridge/round/debris in the eye

(this is you btw)
(this is what your American obsessed brain and threads look like)

You're projecting mate

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yeah Britain colonized the world with Zionist chump change because they bowed to crown and lay down their love of Christ for riches and power rather than the beauty and sanctity of the heartland of Europe, Bavaria.

come on INGlund

It’s the eyes that crack me up

>It's difficult to comprehend the scale of these losses.
This sadly, the reason they left is something the romanticists overlook, particularly when talking about muh empire or Georgian/Victorian England, the Constable snapshots of young couples in their finery strolling around the countryside and writing poetry all afternoon was reality for about 0.00001% of the population.
For the vast majority of people and for most of our history, life here was shit, muh empire in reality meant workhouses or subsistence level farming, living in slums or barns with 10 other people dying young and giving what little you produced to the church. The very best of us obviously turned their back on that life, foreign colonies were what saved these people, even if it was a massive dice roll the alternative of a job for life and perpetual poverty didnt bare thinking about.
There was no such thing as social mobility for almost all of history.

Genetically we've had a number done on us, the last 100 years especially with the world wars and RNHS.

Nope,they persecuted his followers for pretty long period.Still the Rome was ''conquered' at the end and without a single death.POWERFUL

I assume Pontius Pilate,borned in Rome,Italy and sent by Roman emperor Tiberius to rule as Governer of provice where Jesus was borned didn't existed or other historical figures that had contact with him,including those who's graves still exist.

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It's hard to tell but it seems true. A lot of good looking Anglos in Australia for example.

Jesus was a LARPer

What you guys did to ol Addy after Dunkirk was disappointing

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>calls us absolute state

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I’ve been on this site for coming up 2 years now, we’ve probably talked about Americans twice.

Why are American 'whites' so obsessed with Bavaria?

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Will yanks ever not be cringey bastards

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You can get this one in Waitrose (or a knock-off in Lidl) it's out of this world on toast.

Just got your DNA results back mate.

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''In all four gospel accounts, Pilate lobbies for Jesus to be spared his eventual fate of execution,and acquiesces only when the crowd refuses to relent.He thus seeks to avoid personal responsibility for the death of Jesus. In the Gospel of Matthew,Pilate washes his hands to show that he is not responsible for the execution of Jesus''

That much about Romans killed him.

It was not Roman governer but (((people of Judea))) that voted to save the biggest criminal Barrabas who was murderer,thief,rapist,abuser etc...and instead go agaisnt the most noble,innocent and sinless man ever.



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Good luck cutting your steak with dry wit, rather than a noife


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I guess

Can’t we just talk about booze and fantasise about rolling tanks over pakis

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From previous.

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that shop sums up the north/south divide so well

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>comes into Brit/pol/ to tell us

Talk to us some more, colonial.

What do you think about the pedestrianisation of Norwich city centre?

True. It's a bitter pill to swallow that most of the strongest, bravest and most pioneering fled to the colonies for a chance at a better life rather than rot here in the grey. And the NHS has been altogether terrible for public health.

I know it's a sad topic, but i'd love to watch a non-pozzed documentary about the effect of historical events, modern technology and modern medicine on British genetics over time.

The commonwealth is composed of nogs and nigs alike free to roam all over your tiny island.
Americans of European descent have deserts, mountains, lakes and oceans between them and creturas. Noggoids of all types depise nature, and Europe is completely depopulated of it, thanks to the greedy anglos sucking up resources for their petty empire, subjugating weaker people's because they were too cowardly to face the alpha Germans alone.

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Prickly pear