Japan is

>Tokyo immigration bureau put up some graffiti nearby their office that saying "free refugees" and warned it stop doing this in public space on their twitter.

> A bunch of zainichi protesters aka c.r.a.c and SJWs started to chimp out and all those saying shit against officers, saying it is you putting someone into room and forced them to die, etc,.

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Other urls found in this thread:



That is still to much to pay.

wheres the Japanese RWDS

That's not a very effective campaign if it's written in English. Like who the fuck is going to take out an English to Japanese dictionary just to get woke on your stupid bullshit?

Where are the Samurai?
Jews fear the Samurai
Niggers fear the Samurai
Sandniggers will fear the Samurai


Japan is where you get the cane for putting up graffiti.

That's how you know it was pushed by jews. It had to be written in English to get international media attention.

Why in the fuck was this written in english? Seriously? Japan does not use English outside of schools or business with the west. How retarded do these Jews think we are?

get some guys to paint over that shit as soon as possible,

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reeeeee they're going to close up to respectable tourists. someone make the F an pepe, quick

literally the cleanest, safest, second richest country in world.
imports third world hordes under the guise that it will improve your life some how.

Japan should send in resident aliens to work for cleaning up that graffiti

It is kinda appealing to the world or UN where they believe their protests are protected by western SJW society. It is exactly the same tactics koreans built their comfort women statues across the world.
Plus crac is a base of Antifa, they are tied with Jews and maybe Soros.



Probably a bunch of gaijin writing this shit, seeing that it is in English and defacing public property. Japan should deport all the fucking English teachers.

Why is it in English and not Kanji or whatever else Japan uses?


On one hand Japanese are in fact xenophobic but on the other hand all you'll see in Tokyo is Japanese women with white, brown and to a lesser extent nigger men.

They're like a weird limbo between based and cucked.

>Plus crac is a base of Antifa, they are tied with Jews and maybe Soros.
Why do they even exist in Japan? There really is no safe haven anymore.

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This SJW bullshit is going to lead to a world war if it continues like this. Won't that be strange...

I've been following NHK and they're pushing leftist ideology now. It's only a matter of time my nip friends... tick tock.

>on the other hand all you'll see in Tokyo is Japanese women with white, brown and to a lesser extent nigger men.
Well there's your problem. I would honestly be surprised to find a capital city in any western/western influenced country that isn't cucked and/or degenerate beyond repair.

what happened to the samurai?
they forgot to fear the white man

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Why? It is easy, they are still such powerless over here, they need someone else's help.
However, I am very concerning that new immigration law has once settled, their power is going to have more power.

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An hero

>asian youths

right back at ya

I've already seen videos of nips saying the same kind of stuff, but it's always easier to just blame it on the zainichi so you don't have to face the reality that your own people want it too, isn't it, Takata? When you choose to lie to yourself about the reality then you will never fix it because you won't know how.

True, pretty much all westernized international cities are gonna have that. Jap women overwhelmingly prefer their own but the men are just super fucking shy and passive. Combine that with corporate slavery work culture and female hypergamy people are gonna stop fucking.

White countries got it bad but you really need to unfuck yourselves too, Japan.

What you really need to be worried about is your educational institutions and government. Once you start noticing Marxist rhetoric in academia and politics, then you know you're in trouble. Never let evil take root, user.

Also, you come off as a legitimate Nippanon. Is day-to-day life in Japan still normal despite these parasites?

The country that dropped the bombs gets to decide the units.

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Fuck off, how much you do know about them?
Do not talk that as if you are native. Their commitment to this activities is fucking massive than you think.

my flight leaves in the morning. there won't be a murder weapon to find when i kill this "graffiti artist" with my own hands.

Why do you think? Because your society still treats them like 2nd class citizens they have an incentive towards this. But do you bring this up? Of course not. You ignore the english teachers, you ignore your own people doing it, but you focus on the zainichi day in and day out, blaming them all while not even realizing how foolish you are being.
So no, I won't fuck off, Takeshi. You need to wake up and stop denying reality. Ignorance is not bliss and stupidity definitely isn't.

Any chance of this causing split into two-party system, or is it just LDP getting pozzed with SJW agenda?

2020 summer olympics: Comiket and lolicon banned, immigration forced under threat of tariff sanctions on JP from EU. Monetary policies aimed at providing credit to refugees, as abenomics of leveraging zombie companies is not exactly working out as planned to save japan from falling off the demographic cliff.

Jpana is full of weebs and wishful thinkers. There are no strong men in japantown

>your own people want it too, isn't it, Takata?
nobody wants them anywhere, faggot

>nobody wants them
Then why is Abe choosing to take them in, you colossal weeaboo faggot?

>Because your society still treats them like 2nd class citizens they have an incentive towards this.

Who the fuck are you? Second class citizen? Go the fuck look at the richiest man lists in the past decades.
They are a bunch of millionaires. How could they be rich if we treate them as a second citizen.
Son masayoshi , the ceo of Soft bank is also zainichi.
They are also protected to work in everywhere else than they used to only work in limited workkplace but it was long long time ago. Fuck you we do not need immigrants in the first place, and savages from outer space should always be treated like shit. It is should be, Japan first, and Japanese first.
And you fucking Amerifags, because of you we should have had those refugees from Korean peninshula during and after Korean war. Always you amerishits are the cause of production of massive refugees into different countries.
Fuck you, then you go protest to southern boarder and take all caravans in your fucking rich house and look after them. you dipshit.

Jews invented the atomic bombs. The samurai fear the jews

Are all zainchi yakuza? Nope. You're retarded and acting like an emotional women. Just because I state facts that you don't want to hear you now want to assume that I'm pro refugee too and like a woman, you're bringing up things from the past in general to try and throw in my face. That's a bitch move. I'm not pro refugee at all. I'm just calling it like it is, and you're in complete denial and trying to move the goalposts. You're weak.

They are coming in,
Visit Japan now before the Olympics and the flood gates open.
Stay strong weebs.

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Shut the fuck up you son of a bitch.
All zainichi yakuza? What the damn question is this? Fuck off do some research before asking me.
It is you amerishit that thew shit and never cared. I told you we are costruscting this country for a long time more than 2500 years, you are helping destractive of one etheno state, then you are pusshing that responsibility onto us?
You are fucking son of a bitches that destroy a foam of country.
> you're in complete denial
I do NOT deny that any alians like you should treat like second citizen. We do not care we are seen as a racist.
We never fear of it. Remember it.

You really are retarded. That wasn't a question. It was a statement in response to what you said about zainichi being rich. I know about the yakuza and the zainichi. Apparently you don't or ytou're trying to play dumb so you don't look foolish. I know the truth you fucker and you choosing to deny that does not help you.
What you are in denial of is that some of your own people want what you don't and thatd enial is causing you to basically lash out and blame everyone else, just like you're trying to do to me now. You're such an emotionally reactive cunt. Holy shit.

>some of your own people want what you

Did i say so. I wrote zainichis and SJWs that includes our Libs and SJws, you ilitererate nig nog two digits.

This. Always this.

>grasping at straws intensifies
Kek. Once again you try to paint me out as something I'm not just because you can't handle reality. Did you focus on the SJW's though in your posts? No, you didn't. So for all intents and purposes, yes, you are in denial and your posts show it with what you choose to focus on. You refuse to address your own people. Don't deny that you faggot. It's very clear what your bias is.

I should focus on zainichis because I know they are the cancer, and you don not know. You can not even an specialists of zainichi shit, as well as you are imcompete of Japanese skill. You talk me like as if you know better than me. I do not like your attiude and that's an attitude you are trying to get away from the fact I mentioned earier. It is always you amerishit chages a topic to your favorite and bring it towards counterparts, cowards.

Yeah. Sort of like when ISIS made all their videos in English. That tells you the target audience was the West. So, why did they give a fuck about the West? Other than to be the biggest pieces of shit possible. The goal was to tell western people they are evil, and you need to get involved, but in a way that only serves Zionism and kikes.
There is basically no graffiti in Japan, so what the fuck. It's like a photo-OP. Totally contrived, meant to look like that is the consensus opinion when it is just the opinion of a hired-propaganda outfit pushing an agenda. Take a couple of photos of a contrived and manipulated scene and say that represents the will of 100 percent.

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Honest to Christ, the future is fucked because of how many of you do what Takeshi has. So many of you can't seem to handle being criticized in any way without trying to paint out that person as your enemy, even when the person is just being honest with you and trying to help you. Didn't any of your parents teach you that when you're emotional you aren't thinking clearly?
Now you're just proving my point all the more. Kek. Now it's not WHAT I said, but HOW I said it. My "attitude." Once again, a bitch move. Female shit. Then you project your hypocrisy about changing the topic. Sad.

Do something Nips, please.
Look at us, look at what happened to us, you dont want this to happen to you.

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Okay then you gook dispora cancer cell or whoever
You choose me which one is the Japanese SJW's post that agaist immigration bureau of the tweets? Can you do that smartass? protip you can't

fking refugees get off my sunrise land

Of course it was the Jews, we Japanese don't defile our fuckin' cities with that crap. Only 不良 do that and they only write edgy shit.

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You got shit stained you cringy little faggot, shut the fuck up and stop embarrassing yourself lmao.

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>Free refugees
What do they mean by this? Are they being held or something. Shouldn’t they stick with the refugees welcome crap.

See? You have to picture me as some kind of caricature archetype over and over just because I'm challenging you to be honest. You're fucking pathetic, Takeshi. What are you even saying? You talk about speaking to people a certain way, but here you are on an English speaking board not making sense and being a hypocrite. I've explained this to you over and over. It's about what you chose to focus on. Making one mention of a tweet and then thje majority of your posts being about zainichi means what? Your focus is on them.
I'm honestly trying to help you, but you're so emotionally reactive you can't even see that.
When your women are getting blacked will you still blame me and everyone else? It sure seems like it. Fuck you for how you have chosen to react to just being criticized. Your generation is gonna get fucked over in a big way and it'll be because of what you chose to focus on.
>you got shit stained
What kind of retarded faggotry is this? Christ. You all deserve the future you get. You're so egocentric and you all have tunnel vision as a result. Fuck this Gay Earth.

Shiiiiiiiiit staaaaaaaaained, AHHHHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

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Retarded weeaboo redditor is retarded. Enjoy the future you chose. Kek


> he doesn't know how second person works
> being this grammatically incapacitated
YIKES, you just can't stop SHIT STAINING yourself can you lmao?

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stfu already you sound like a bitch in heat, go suck on a bulls cock maybe that might cool your jets, fucking faggot.

Your ignorant of Japanese skills explain to this assblasted rant. And you keep saying to me you are trying to help me? How come? Are you retarded? I do not need your help.

Why would they write it in english though?

Fuck it, bring in the refugees. Aren’t they all able bodied men? We humans are not that different. Give them something to be proud of; they’ll all be conservative in no time and vote these retards out.

Of course he's retarded, he shops at Shart-Mart.

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Chances are it was done by gajin college students.

English looks cooler.

>outing yourself by not knowing the meme
I've been logical the whole way through. You're the ones projecting and acting like females being all in your emotions about everything. Literal projection from you faggot.
Oh, now I'm ignorant, huh? Kek. Once again, you move the subject. Why am I trying to help you? Because I don't want to see your culture and country be destroyed by the new demographics that will result. It's a bit like how the kikes are the problem here, but they use pawns like the dumb basic bitches to further their goals through them. If you never acknowledge all the problems within the issue or just choose to focus on only one or two things causing it, you will never fix anything because you will always be playing catch up. And instead of acknowledging this, you would rather do whatever you can to try and salvage your ego on an anonymous mongolian throat singing forum. Your priorities are fucked, Takeshi.

Japan detains foreign invaders and then deports them unlike the communist west

> muh memes
t. shit stained Shart-Mart shopper lmao

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I'm enjoying this gook vs jap thread. I find Asian racism hilarious.

Also you need to ask yourself why you have gooks in your country. It's your own damn fault, you can't just take them over, bring them into your country, then blame them for everything. That's just fucking retarded.
I don't like niggers, but they are just a symptom of our problem, not the cause of it.

t. weeaboo japanophile redditor retard newfag


Hey Japanese dude. You people need to wake the fuck up. Communists are knocking on your door and the Olympics will be the foot in the door they're going to use. Your economics and major industries will be attacked as international Jewry attempts to convert your island into a mudslime and nigger shithole EXACTLY like they did to England.

Do not think you are safe AT ALL. They're gunning for you guys. It's very obvious.

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Go full Unit 731 on the SJWs while it's still controllable.

Nobody says japanophile anymore, you fuckin' homophile.

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I give you some question and give me any clue about this?
You told me that Japan treated zainichis as second class citizen.
Japan has massive immigrant polpulation other than those who came from peninshula. We have brazilians, peruvians, chinese( largest), pinoys and many more. How would you think that only zainichis ( gooks) are always target of criticism in politics?
Where did Ichiro Ozawa born?
What is
What are your point of second class citizen? In terms for what? They are in variery of work places right fucking now.
Why do the largest minority, the chinese immigrants are not to be hostilised and accepted by majority of Japanese?
Why do not the chinese immigrants not cause so many problems than that of koreans?
How much do you know about zainichis commiting crimes about?
What did zainichis do to Japanese in the post world war? Tell me?
And why would not normal Japanese treat them as they did to our anscestors?
How many of neutirised Korean Japanese are in the politic field?
Who organises the Tokyo legal circle?
Why can't Japanese right wing press ( sunkei) question when it comes to zainichi issues in forgien the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan?

What is the main point you are trying to susggest us? I do not see any productive answer at all other than you criticise us and cover up gooks problem and my english skill .

We all know it, that's why we are fighting right now.

Someone let Jews into your country.
Find the Jews, find the perpetrator.

>appeal to popularity
You have to go back
I'm glad you're being more level headed about this now. My main point is that if you choose to focus completely on zainichi you're going to be blindsided by your own people rolling out the red carpet for the refugees. I'm not trying to cover up gook problems, I'm trying to help you broaden your vision to see what is around that. I'm not attacking your English skills, I was just demonstrating how what you were saying about me talking to you a certain way you didn't like because of my "attitude" about it was hypocritical by using what you were saying as an example. If you think I'm trying to make fun of your English skills just from how I am typing and the words I choose, I'm not. This is how I always type.

This is a famous TV programme run by TBS, it broadcasts every Sunday moring, they bring on evrery politic issues. Well you smartass, Tell me who are the gooks and who is not? Who produce it? Why could only 0.09 % of immigrants of toal population in Japan could do this shit? You are lame. You do not know anthing or you are trying to cover it up, gook. Most Japanese including me even don't know they are zainichis after checking up internet.

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>And why would not normal Japanese treat them as they did to our anscestors?
As long as someone abuses another, the cycle of abuse will always continue, with the one abused seeking revenge, until the cycle repeats. You and the gooks both need to stop living in the past. It's blinding you both to your futures and the kikes love playing up the divide and conquer. If you don't, both of your gene pools and culture will be damaged beyond repair forever.

Communists fear the Samurai

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>I'm trying to help you broaden your vision to see what is around that.

We do not buy your fucking shitthy Jew behind this and that, you retard. The problem I am saying here is zainchis are the ones taking initiatives to bring refugees and shit to destoy our community.

It's pretty bad already the Japanese teachers association is openly hostile towards the current government turning a blind eye when teachers were telling their students to protest against the 2014 Security agreement and are against forcing schools to stand for the National Anthems. And you wouldn't believe the state of most Universites something like half the Universites in Western Japan signed a agreement that their stem departments wouldn't help with government research because muh article 9.

You don't? Well, you will eventually. And by then, it'll be too late for you.
Hey, OP, are you gonna blame this on the zainichi too?

How the fuck is Antifa a thing in Japan? I thought they didn’t allow that shit.

Probably doesn’t exist in China though. It’s probably funded by them.

>its weebs who live/want to move to japan complaining that they aren't the only minorities able to live there

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Look what you are doing? Well you know better who you are first before talking shit to someone. Are you a californian? many whites are biggots that run away form city to suburb, to not interact with minorities you retard. look at Chicago also. California is a state of drug dealers, junkies and a bunch of homeless.

Are you saying that if your culture are intrulded by them? you fuck off to death, we will never give up until we deport them all shit out of our country.

Got him.

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That's not what I said at all and once again you're trying to paint me out as being something I'm clearly not. You're already giving up by disregarding seditious elements you choose to not believe aren't involved.

Got him. Get out you fucking Jew.

> he can't address the statement so he's just rambling about how he's been portrayed again

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>That's not what I said at all and once again

Why? It is basically the same.
You do not know about LA riot?
It is about racial collision between whites and blacks. It is basically the same.
And you whites are carrying that deeds agaist blacks, too. Do not be a hypocratical.


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You couldn't be a more obvious samefag, samefag.
and the nose reveals itself through projection and scriptfagging. Fuck it. Takeshi doesn't want to believe the kikes are involved when they're already here itt trying to egg him on. Fucking kikes.
La Riots started out because of LAPD beating up Rodney King. It escalated into violence and vandalism against Korean owned businesses. It figures that you wouldn't mention that and try to paint it out to be something to fit your bias and try to flip something back at me.
>and you whites are carrying that deed against blacks
see image
>mfw all the deceptive faggots calling me a jew when I'm clearly against them
It's all so tiresome.

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