Is gay conversion real?

Im a 19yo male, I dont want to be gay. I feel shame about it every day like im a freak, like im a failure.

And like. I like feeling turnd on by guys and i get.. Feelings for guys, but i think of how people would think of me if i was... "Gay" like some twink fag, like my mom or dad would see me that way. Like some gross deviant who slinks around gay bathhouses or clubs or some shit. i just want normality and not being this freak..

Why did i have to be this way. Is conversion real?

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What is "being gay"?

You are not gay But need to jerkoff more it will help


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This is an issue of geography. Many urban places (if you're in the US) are very socially accepting of homosexuality, and frankly it's pretty normal, seeing as those urban centers have higher than average concentrations of gays and lesbians. If you don't want to feel like a deviant and want to feel 'normal' a shift to a place like that is likely the answer.

Or he could try therapy
It's not like it doesn't work, it depends on who takes it mostly

Gonna need some citations budday

Neing gay is goid. You're guaranteed not to produce another worthless new that for capitalist consumption. Move if you live where people don't like it. I live down the street from west Hollywood, you'll get beaten by a gay as fuck giant bear if you say anything against gays there

You could try killing yourself

The thing with therapy is that it won't take away your desire to be with men, and it won't make you want to be with women. You can learn to control your actions & your public appearance and choose not to act on your gay impulses, but you can't make those impulses go away

Lol it's pseudoscience mate. He can choose to not have sex, but he's always going to be attracted to dudes

Relax man, it's CURRENT YEAR after all. No one cares about you being gay. It's perfectly fine. Just find a boyfriend and settle down.

just move to an area where it's OK to be gay

Whay about my parents? I dont 2ant to habe the image of a bottom faggot

What country are you from?

United states, michigan

Don't define yourself as gay. That's the first step. If you put that out there then everyone else has a right to have that as their first impression of you. You're you, first and foremost, and you happen to have an attraction to men. It's just what you're into. Some guys are into redheads, some women only like older guys. But that isn't the first thing they let people know about themselves. As long as it isn't hurting anyone, it's nobody's business, so keep it casual. Be confident in yourself and don't treat it as something different that sets you apart. Don't set that bar for people.

Its not just that, i still feel slightly religious and feel im an affront to my beliefs

You’re overthinking things, and probably projecting a bit. If you’re prone to anxiety, your concerns about what people will think are probably way out of proportion (I know because I used to have really bad social anxiety). Like that other user said, it doesn’t define who you are, and you just have to keep reminding yourself of that, and others if necessary. You’re not obligated to make a scene about it or even tell anyone for that matter. Just gotta live yo life my mans

But my mom found out and didnt take it well

Look, Christianity (I’m assuming that’s what you mean when you say religious) is highly interpretable, considering the Bible was originally written in Latin over 2000 years ago. I haven’t read it myself to interpret from, but from where I stand it seems that love, tolerance and selflessness are pretty fuckin important to Jesus. If your parents can’t love and tolerate you as you are, then that’s on them.

she found your dildo and chastity cage, we know. how can you still not have gotten over this.

What means more to you?

(a) why would your parents give a shit about your sex life? (b) why do you care? The other anons are right. You being gay is fine. It doesn't define you. You're overthinking this. If you're looking for normality, just find a boyfriend and settle down in some place where people don't give a fuck about your sexuality.

>written in latin

You can be bi, see how it goes. This whole you have to be out is bullshit. The only people that need to know what you do in the bedroom are the people you wish to do what you do, with...

conversion is a waste of time, find a community of people who accept you for what you are

The Bible was written in Hebrew and Koine Greek.

It is a notable fact that many of the anti-homosexual sentiments contained within the Bible which people (particularly Americans belonging to sects advocating literalist readings) use to justify homophobia don't have quite the same tenor in the original languages in large part because the people of that era didn't quantify 'sexualities' as such.

Ok sorry I’m atheist and don’t study this shit, I just pick up bits and pieces from friends every now and then. Maybe I shouldn’t speak about things I have no authority on lol

I dont know

The point, in any case, is that the scripture is actually pretty dubious on the point of homosexuality and Jesus doesn't comment on the subject at all. Ascribing overtly anti-homosexual tendencies to the bible is a later invention.

Because being gay is inherently different from being straight?


Somewhat. I doubt your parents are going to give a shit about something as asinine as your preferred sex position though.

out of curiosity, have you had much experience with girls or other guys?

No i havent dated

Perhaps you should try? You don't need to 'come out' to your parents or anything. But maybe you should try and figure yourself out. Are there any dudes you're interested in? What about women? Do they do anything for you?

I got butterflies in my stomach for one guy, but never a girl

Well, I suppose that's a start. Is he gay or bi? Does he know you might be into him.

When you count in relapses, it only works in like 5-10% of people, and of course even with them it depends on whether you can trust their self reports.

But if you TRULY want this, you could give it a try, eh?

Better tried than wondering. Probieren geht über studieren.

Just don't feel sad if it doesn't work.

Watch this:

He is gay

Great. You should make a move. Does he know you're into him?


Have you thought about hinting that you might be into him or just flirting with him?

Has he hinted that he's into you?

maybe idk

why would he? i wouldnt know

Sorry mate. There isn't really any good treatment or research out there to help people like you. People would rather turn a blind eye and be 'accepting' than look into the science of it seriously.

Of course there is nothing wrong with being gay in itself, you can't help it. Try keeping it low key and fight the stereotype of promiscuity you're worried about by choosing to not partake in it. Work for long term relationships, avoid disease etc. Might be tough because sex will be much more readily available but try anyway.

Good luck mate.

Stop being a pussy and ask him out

Lol there's plenty of research.Therapy just isn't going to change something that's most probably caused by genetic/epigentic factors.

What if people see me with a guy

... They're just see you with another guy. Unless you live in a very conservative area, no one will care.

See, I think "being gay" is a misnomer. I think acting gay is more relevant. If you go around sucking dick and crap, you're acting gay.

Ibdont act gay


Then it shouldn’t be an issue

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Watch straight porn and lesbian porn

Have you tried these categories? See if you can get off to them and find some form of woman attractive whether that be muscular women, tomboys, etc girls that are more boyish

Are you sure you're gay and not bi?

I know I saw a segment of people's sexualities changing if they were porn addicts as they needed more extreme materials because they were desensitized (men masturbating to gay porn or trannies or really fucked up shit)

> giantess

stop triggering me m8.
trying to do nofap.

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