Rise of the Armed Left


What do ya think, pol?

>As a squishy liberal, I generally find the idea of adding more guns to our febrile politics frightening and dangerous. But sometimes a small desperate part of me thinks that if our country is going to be awash in firearms, maybe it behooves the left to learn how to use them. If nothing else, an armed left might once again create a bipartisan impetus for gun control.

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>If nothing else, an armed left might once again create a bipartisan impetus for gun control.
is this a joke

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Liberals don't have guns they want to take them

Good joke lol

>left wing cucks
>gun culture
choose one

>leftist retards exercising their 2nd amendment rights

no matter what i think of their politics, i support their right to own and operate firearms. God bless America and the 2nd amendment.

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>unarchived msm link
>what do you think, pol?
I think you should read the rules.


You mean "Liberals didn't have guns"


It's too late now.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, THE ARMED LEFT:

>an armed left might create a bipartisan impetus for gun control
Millions of unstable people shooting themselves and killing people who have done nothing to wrong them tends to do that, yeah.

>picture of lever actions

this isn't the civil war. nice try though lol

I wonder how many people in the confederate south, Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia or China's last thought was "but liberals can't fight!" before a bullet went through their brain.

Probably a lot.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, THE ARYAN RIGHT.

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Anybody who wants to educate themselves about firearms, and take their own protection into their own hands is a good thing in my eyes. It'll make them less likely to fuck with my guns, and actually further their knowledge on something they were unable to comprehend before.

Fuck it man I wont hold it against anyone who wants to go through the process for legal ownership.

her name echos hard

When they get into shooting and develop a sense of responsibility and independence, then guess what...they become righties.

sage this is gay,

>What do ya think, pol?
This is by design. I'm glad the homos finally realized they had just as much right to them as anyone else.

Equality for all!

>afraid of words
>thinks they’d survive a hot war

What threats from the right?

Have you ever been to a website called Jow Forums before?

i dont trust an emotional ruled leftist with a gun.

i flat out do not.

who would have thought

One way to find out fags, meet us in the woods for some real life pain ball.

The owning of/regular use of/learning to responsibly use fire arms tends to turn people more towards being non-leftist, so I'm all for this. And the ones that don't but end up going postal, they'll help the public to see that mass shooters are either true nut jobs and/or rabid left wingers. All in all, I'm for this.

This meme that the left won't use guns is fucking stupid. Yes they are spineless faggots but take a look at their history they have done voter fraud, taken out people who get in the way (seth rich). My point is the left play a dirty game and they will do whatever it takes. They control big tech industries and mass media and have a many donors for their financial operations. Don't underestimate them

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simply asking them to explain their position is considered a violent, threatening act by most leftists.

they are threatened by being politely asked to explain themselves.

>next democratic president
>school shooting
>reasonable gun owners turn their guns into the police and call on other reasonable gun owners to do the same

So are they only buying flintlock muskets?

Why lie? The small desperate part is the whole of you.

Good. Maybe if people on the left start buying firearms and come to understand their importance in a free society they'll stop trying to ban them.

>clearly, we must surrender

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more like
>next democrat president
>its maxine waters
>school shooting
>mass executions of republican children to compensate for amount of children shot at the school

Ouch, I can tell that one hit close to home.
Why are liberals always so unkempt and ugly, anyway?
I went to a young leftist meetup once, the assault on my senses was tremendous; not an aesthetic face or charismatic personality between them, not to mention the smell. Smelled like dirt. Like soil.

Alright. Let me give you some tips. If your gun ever gets jammed you look down the barrel and pull the trigger until you see the bullet dislodge itself. Good luck. Good hunting.

yes, it's called jewish humor

This is the same chic that wrote the anti-white article a few weeks back, she signalling to the left that's it ok to kill white people and anyone that opposes their agenda, this is a good thing especially coming from a mainstream paper like the NYT.

Also this is the same Michelle Goldberg who wrote the "We Can Replace Them" article about white people.

So, they gonna br first ones surrendering they guns, it doesn’t matter if they arm themselves, they still gonna be first ones to cuck

>What do ya think, pol?

I will be laughing my ass off when the civil war comes to America and the leftist commies are all shooting pink Davis P380's at me.

Are we talking about a trained army you fucking moron?

I'd love to see a leftist with a gun that cries because of the recoil, get into a shootout with some redneck.

>get called out for being an effeminate pantywaist
>haha no u mad

it's ok buddy, cuck DNA like yours will die off with you--it's just natural selection at work.

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so this is why my shitty Mosin Nagants have been selling like hotcakes for 2k a pop

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They either go explicit Slave Master style over their darkies or their darkies realize that White Savior Complex has the money they need to steal by force. Check Mate all you white self hating idiots.

Quite the long reply for someone "just trolling" eh?

u mad bro?

Gotta make the Apple of guns and milk these fucks
>gun doesn't come with a firing pin, that's a $300 extra

>They actually believe this

Fake. The lot we see today are useful idiots. They aren't the ones to raise arms against us. Michelle Jewberg is penning this, as if she should be believed past that alone.

most mass shooters are democrats

No but really, I'm not afraid to say I broke a few noses back at school when my more awkward friends got picked on, but these young leftists were like the kids who don't even get bullied because they were just that invisible.
I'm sure you know the type, right?

The only reason the left is so anti-gun is because they're not the ones with the guns (also because they love government cock). I guarantee that if the left was the majority of gun owners, you wouldn't hear a fucking peep out of them. The left doesn't hold itself to it's own rules. They also operate on projection. So it's hardly surprising that their most effective playbook (rules for radicals) includes "hold your enemy to their own rules".

The right has been spineless for far to long.

Because I'm not trolling. :)

Now they understand the true meaning of the second amendment
>it’s not solely for hunting

Except most of the military are conservative and a vast majority of infantry are right leaning

That’s people that have been kicking doors for as long as you or me have been playing WoW

>...unless it's us of course!

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But how will they resist the urge to go on shooting sprees.

Could be good, could be bad. As Besminov said, "the Left are Social Prostitutes and will become your worst enemy in bad times." However, if these people could be reasoned with due to an event bringing us together, then more people armed means more people able to shoot the Government Oppressors. Only time will tell. I'm not entirely happy about it, however.

This is seriously underrated.

>if these people could be reasoned with
I've got some bad news for you, friend...

>a small desperate part of me finally understood why people want guns

I wonder if this is just a way to infiltrate the NRA?

> You want more supporters, right goy? Your organization should become more SOCIALIST! That's what all the kinds are doing now!
> (bourgeois socialists don't join because there's a membership fee and the paying members are now alienated)

Kind of like how the Libertarian Party threw out all of their principles except weed and rewarding illegals as if the DNC don't have that issue locked down.

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This Goldberg lady might as well be living on a fucking island, let alone in her liberal bubble.

So now there's no opposition to the second amendment and I can stop hearing these poofs begging to be defenseless?

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The "liberals" Nazis and Southerners fought wouldn't hesitate to murder modern liberals if they saw what was going on in the West today

>automatically liar

They either snap and become "mass shooters" or slowly shift to the right. Happened to me. I got into competitive shooting and was pretty Left, politically. I started with .22 rifles for sillouete shooting and got deeper into guns and moved up to Magnum handguns. I would argue the same old tired "no one wants to take your guns" bullshit between shooting .44 Magnum revolvers at the range because I believed it. Then Sandy Hook happened and the gun grabbers went full retard and I felt a deep sense betrayal. Went right and never looked back.

Or remove the impetus for gun control all together.

wrong liberals have guns, its the progressive leftists that don't. learn the different ya fucking mong.

>an armed left might once again create a bipartisan impetus for gun contron
how the fuck did these jews draw that conclusion.

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they have been trying to meme this for years now, all they have are some photo ops of antifags posing with their spraypainted airshit

Liberals and conservatives have always opposed an armed proletariat. Leftists have always supported it.

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Libertarians didn't abandon America, they just isolated themselves from Stormfags and ethno wack jobs. Keep crying about it.

many can
>t. former liberal

SKS prices are insane right now. Thinking of selling mine, but it's such a great little all around rifle that I hate to part with it.

In theory perhaps, but:
>The December decree of the Council of People's Commissars of 1918, "On the surrender of weapons", ordered people to surrender any firearms, swords, bayonets and bombs, regardless of the degree of serviceability. The penalty for not doing so was ten years imprisonment.
So not always.

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Don't they know that guns turn you Republican?! Don't be dumb, don't touch that gun! #GunsAreHorcrux

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This is a great thing, I would rather them be armed so they are less likely to vote for gun control. I would rather it be us vs them in a shootout then us vs the military.

The liberals want to have all the guns

U.S Liberals are ironically illiberal

PROVE and ACTS is all the gun control anybody needs in this world.

None of the people you described were defeated by social justice faggots who think that race is a social construct and borders shouldn't exist

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>all those commie leaders preached pro-gun, but ended up taking everybody's guns away
>all of those conservative leaders preached anti-gun, but ended up protecting gun rights

really makes you think..

Lenin and Trotsky betrayed the revolution.


Look at how annoying this woman's fucking face is. Why are Jews even a thing?

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How can they buy guns when they live in states that have banned 'em all?

good, hopefully they all accidentally kill each other off because theyre retards who have no respect for weapons

If you actually believe a moist nugget sells for 2k you're insane.


A friend of mine describes himself as a Jacobin and he has a nice gun collection. He's pretty fucking far left. What's funnier still is he lives with an ancap friend of mine who is also a doctor.

More power to them, guns are your right to have and own for any reason whatsoever. I don't care if you're left or right, it's your duty as an American to uphold your constitutional rights.

Leaf is blowing in a truthful wind

Reagan was neo-liberal.


I like you.

And Mao?
>"Inspecting for and Banning of Privately Owned Firearms, and Prohibiting the Unauthorized Wearing of Military Uniforms" (Council of People's Commissars April, 1933) Mao's Road to Power - Revolutionary Writings 1912-1949 Volume IV Rise and Fall of the Chinese Soviet 1931-1934 , p377

>I share a planet with these people

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Something changed somewhere along the way. Because the Left are currently the ones beating the drum for gun control and have been since the late 1960's.