ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

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If this girl I know almost always stays with me and always talks to me when we are in a bigger group of people, it still doesn't imply any romantic interest, right? I did ask her out a few times but we only went out once and I think she's dating some other dude now.

Does a man have to be the most strongest alpha for you to want to date them?
Or can they be a little weaker and you wouldn't mind?

if anybody could make sense of this
, I'd greatly appreciate it

>meet this girl on tinder
>hit it off instantly and text for hours
>agreed to meet up for lunch
>date goes great and hug at the end
>tells me before we go even further she just got out of a intense relationship and wants to take it slow
>agree with her
>starts texting me more everyday
>next week agree to grab something to eat again and watch netflix at her place
>hour into the movie she starts dry humping me and end up fucking
>tells me i was the first guy to actually care about giving her an orgasm during sex
>couple days later during facetime convo she tells me shes deleting tinder and wants just hang with me
>we start hanging out every other day and facetime/text when we cant meet in person
>starts calling me daddy during sex and wants to experiment with kinks
>introduce her into drawing and help her improve her grads in school
>5th month into our relationship she all of sudden starts getting distant
>no long texts me goodnight "ily"
>ghosts me for a week but is active on social media
>find out this week shes back with her bf
>acts like i never existed

girls pls explain why she did this. its like the minute i get invested into caring about somebody my heart gets ripped out for being an caring idiot.

just ask her if she's seeing some other guy then

You are right. I should have asked her today, I will the next time I see her. Thx

How the fuck I get a woman to sell me her womb? I fucking want a child but I don't want a couple.

>what are surrogates

Why would you ever want a child? Are you retarded?

get better at differentiating between decent people and not decent people

Girl I've know forever keeps calling me when I'm out running.
Says she likes hearing me breath heavy.
Doesn't talk just sits on the phone and listens for about 2-3 minutes until I hang up.
I feel creeped out by this. How to I go about fixing it?

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You were a rebound and she's a selfish cunt. Sorry bro.


just fuck her hard, so that she hears enough of your heavy breathing every day not to disturb your nice runs

she changed her mind and either isn't interested in you anymore, or actually doesn't have time to see someone right now. maybe she wanted to date you originally but then later realized she shouldn't get involved with a relationship because of other factors. people change their minds, it happens.

just throw me a bone...
please I am so weak and scared.
Do you really need a manly man?
Save me.
I hear voices..this dude verbally harrasses me.
I didnt ask for him to bother me. He got a big dick, and straight nose...he got through college...what more does he want from me? I am already down. I am already a disgrace. What more does he want..? The girls dont even want me.
I cant even commit suicide, it wont even make me feel better..I am living in hell please help me

So, girls, tell again that creepy girls don't exist:

unless you're into it, don't talk to her anymore.

go get therapy

what girl told you creepy girls dont exist

I don't like her like that.
You're probably right. I'll just stop picking up the phone. Thanks user.

My current gf dated a guy for about 8 months. She had feelings for me the whole time but I was busy elsewhere and wasn't able to be with her. I finally became available and she left him to be with me.

The problem I have is they still talk. Her excuse is "they both do the same thing in their department at school". Recently she showed me a snap where he asked her if she'd ever be down for a booty call and she said fuck no. She said she thought I should know that it happened.
Why the fuck do the still talk? I get you do the same shit at school but that doesn't mean you have to snap him all the time. They were even playing video games online. She just got super defensive when I asked why she hasn't basically ghosted him. He's very obviously trying to get at her.

So what reasons would she have for not only talking to him, but defending it?

Would you think a guy viewing you as out of his league is flattering or just make you think of him as insecure?

Also, am I in the wrong here? Is it normal for someone to want them to not speak to their ex?

both women and men can answer if want to

But I'm a lonely neet , just finished high school a year ago and will soon go to college.
Basically I never was social and always had depression, and hatred for normal people.

Since a few years ago, Ive been trying to improve myself , with more and less success(its pretty much a roller coaster ,highs and lows), picked up hobbies, started working out more. Now I'm on a barista course(oh well, isn't the best job but I gotta have a job at all ,for at least summer, and I'm interested in coffee, specialty coffees and all that hipster shite) .

How do I start to talk to people more when I have nothing to say really?
I think maybe I miss something ,a skill or an ability to hold up conversations with people. It's really hard but not impossible to let loose a bit with men, but with women I just cant really talk about anything...What could I talk about with a women, let alone how could I initiate some flirting.My high libido is really distracting and frustrating, at the same time I know I'm so far from even getting laid , got to evolve socially much more...

Really what can I do now?

depends on his mindset. could go either way. based on you asking im gonna go with outlook not so good

Just ask questions. 50% of your conversation is listening to the other person.
But you sound like too much of a self loathing ass to realize that.

why do guys hold their girl's hand when they see me walking towards them? i'm just minding my own business.

help me i'm 30 and still autistic with women

To feel better about themselves

Guys, who is the most beautiful woman in your opinion? Besides your 11/10 girlfriend of course.

all of them.

I wouldn't mind my GF speaking to an ex, however I would assume she wouldn't want to, and also wouldn't appreciate him asking her if she'd give him some pussy on the side. But also, if you can't trust her enough that she wouldn't give him her pussy even if she sees him daily, then she's not a keeper.

This happened with a girl I was dating. She remained "friends" with her ex-husband (and father of two children) and she said she did it "for the kids" and that she "hated him". Hated him so much she started fucking him again a few months into our relationship.

Didn't have a problem with them being friends, but I realized I couldn't trust her to remain faithful around other men, so I dumped her for the same reason her ex probably did, if I had ever cared enough to hear his side of the story.

>but you sound like too much of a self loathing ass to realize that

>theres anything bad in self loathing
>implying you wouldnt be self loathing if you lived my life

Yeah you surely showed me , yeah you helped me so much

You cunt.

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Advice for life: people like this (whether they're creeping or doing other socially inappropriate stuff) rely on your self-consciousness to do whatever they want. As long as you keep tip-toeing around hurting their feelings, they can do what they like.

You have to straight up tell her "hey girl, could you stop calling me, it honestly creeps me out". She doesn't stop? "Girl, it's concerning that you can't respect my request to not call me anymore." Don't give her a descriptor she can argue (e.g. "stop being disrespectful" -> "how am I being disrespectful?!?!") stick to the facts. Third time (or second time, depending on how patient you are)? Block her. She gets around that? Threaten to contact the police. It might seem exaggerated, but it's not about the actual behavior in that hypothetical scenario but in how big of a red flag it is that you can't get through to her and she doesn't care that you blatantly don't want her.

Besed Mortita

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>Hanging out with friend
>Her sister surprise joins us
>Get along with the sister amazingly as if we've been friends for years
>When she has to leave says she hopes to see me again


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Someone like this.

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I mean it is flattering but I do see it as insecure if a guy sees me as out of his league and then because of it never tries or even sabotages our relationship.

Do you like girls, femanons?

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She looks average as fuck.

That's what peak performance looks like.
You may not like it.

I envy your low standards.

Insecure. No one can look into my head and know what I personally value most in a partner or am most attracted to. How worthwhile someone is as a person or a partner isn't immediately apparent anyway.

Having said that, it's natural to be somewhat intimidated by someone you think is the coolest person ever, and gushing over how you both thought the other person was out of your reach is extremely normal for a fresh couple. But if somehow a guy would make a spiel about how I'm too good for him... definitely insecurity.

Your choice was caked in make up.

Fuck yes. I adore men but at the end of the day I prefer being in the company of women. I love how overtly nurturing and protective women can get, how seriously committed many of them are to being a good friend. The majority of the most insightful and interesting people I've met my age were also women, though I credit that mostly to simply having met more women in general. Some are incredibly sexy, too.

What happens when you want kids?

Let me add to this, she's got a bf, so I'm more wondering if I've left a good impression/on the radar.

It's more of a gauging tool for other girls.

What do you mean?

You'd be upset if he never tries to sabotage the relationship? What the fuck?

That's an 'or' not a 'to'

You're a lesbian, right.

Does it bum you out that you almost never get asked questions in these threads?

No. Apologies if I misread the question, I read "like" as the broad, general sense, and added occasional attraction as an afterthought. I don't rule out ever falling in love with a woman and I've definitely met women I would've loved to sleep with, but I'm no lesbian by any means and have never had real romantic feelings for a woman so far.

and yet she gives me just as much attention when I come to her bookstore as before

kind of
but then again there's a lot of open questions for everyone


How do I make it clear in a non-verbal way that i'm not interested in dating them? Because the males I try interact with always think I have a romantic interest when (even if I would fuck them) I'm just trying to establish a rapport?
I'm talking about guys I have to interact with in the workplace, friends of friends etc. I've had a few siuations where my friends thought I was heavily flirting with a guy when I only felt obligated to talk to him because we were sitting next to eachother. So standard small talk.

So it's an issue because let's say it's my first few days in a new job. A guy I know i'll be working with a lot thinks i'm into him, and drops in that he has a girlfriend early on. He will now try keep emotional distance. What's worse than that is if he'll try it on with me despite having a gf (happened a few times). If their gf meets me at a gathering they are icy. cold.

So I'm very effeminate. High pitched voice, likes cute things and wears dresses etc. I have hobbies/interests that are considered to be more masculine I guess and am not amazing socially, so when I try and actively get to know someone it can come off as a little forceful. So i'm thinking these traits could help their perception but I don't know how to fix it so figured I'd ask.

I'm single and have been for years but have no interest in dating, maybe it's some kind of subconscious thing?

You're insane, men are so much more interesting than women if you factor out their tits and legs.

>>How do I make it clear in a non-verbal way that i'm not interested in dating them?
us guys only respond to verbal communication.
but anyway as a male i feel your pain. do you happen to be a fire sign? (aries here)
girls think im being interested in them due to my natural way of being passionate about shit i like.
probably will be harder for you, but act less "happy" whenever you do talk to ppl, you might get some assholes pulling the "smile m'lady" shit but they'll fuck off eventually.

As I said, I have met a lot more female peers than male ones, the education I follow is akin to social work and about 80% of the students are women, so there's a definite bias.

Stil, even taking that in consideration, in my experience women are more communicative/expressive when it comes to sharing their inner life. I can't count the amount of times I've asked men for their thought or opinion and to have them shrug it off with a joke or "dunno" or "something to say for both sides/it's all relative". Not saying that based on his I have very firm beliefs about half of mankind. Just that this is my experience so far.

what bums me out is that no one answers my question

In the end Jow Forums is /normie/

if it happened multiple times it's likely that you send them some signals, even completely unknowingly.
we won't be able to tell you here what can that be, because of that.
So come to one of your friends, possibly from your workplace, and ask what kind of signs are you showing.


I thought this was going to be a serious question for guys in this thread and now I'm even more bummed

If it's any consolation, I don't think I've asked a question more than once or twice in these threads and it's certainly not because men's thoughts don't interest me, but rather because I already read them everywhere on Jow Forums and many other online communities. It's the thing that drew me in to begin with.

don't you wish to try to et a non-meme answer though?
they appear here from time to time

then she likes you but has reasons to not be dating people right now.

That's the thing, I've been on this website for seven years, most any of the questions I wanted to hear male answers to have either been posed at this point or they've been answered before even realizing I was curious about that. The majority of the questions posed here concern what women think about men, how women experience sex, what women are attracted to etc. Obviously this is also a big area of interest of mine, but I don't have to ask because a good chunk of the internet lays it all out already.

then why don't you guys ask each other questions lol

Hello, anyone

Is it true that women secretly hate other women but just pretend to be super nice and caring to each other? Because I've seen some shit. Especially when there is a guy involved.

I already told you.
learn about something cool for you

we do all the time


what does it mean when she'll acknowledge me and respond to me in public, but won't talk privately or do any activities together?

How do I overcome my shyness when talking to the man I have a crush on? He's pretty autistic (as am I) and many times when we're together we go for long periods of silence. When I do say something I'm always nervous it came out wrong, or I look ignorant. What do? (I'm a girl obviously.)

She doesn't like you, but she doesn't want to seem rude in front of other people.

People don't typically have high expectations of their conversational partners. They want someone who makes them feel comfortable and who pays attention to them. You don't have to entertain them like a tv series, making them laugh or have new insights. I think you're probably setting the bar too high for yourself if you're insecure about your ability to make small talk.

The stuff you talk about with women isn't really a league of its own. If it's small talk, the most universal angle is something you both bear witness to or have in common. So if you meet someone on a train station, commenting on how the train is late or making eye contact and laughing after someone who's on the phone walks past and you hear a funny bit of their conversation. Or a dry comment like "I was rooting for him" when someone is running for another train and just misses it. You'll be able to tell quickly from how receptive (full on eye contact, turning their body towards you, taking earbuds out, smiling, giving a full answer) or closed off (a quick nod, not meeting your eyes, giving a one word answer) they are. If they are receptive, that's your cue to ask where they're heading, whether they're going to do something fun.
This is also why the weather is such an overused topic for small talk, it's something you know for a fact you both have an opinion on, even if it's a very mild one.

If you get to know a woman better, there will be more context. If she's a fellow student, discussing course material, future aspirations or professors is the most logical start. If you meet through friends of friends, anecdotes about people you both know or what you heard about the other one are a good starting point.
If you meet as strangers, what typically happens is that either or both of you drop "hints" about what you can talk about. E.g. she mentions that she got up early to go hiking, you can ask about her hobbies and whether she's generally outdoorsy. You branch out.

Kiss him.

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i mostly date girls but the girls i've dated are really open and honest. where as girls in general usually aren't.. and i can't deal with people who aren't open and honest so.. i like girls but only specific ones i guess?

practice. it will be hard for some time, but will progressively get easier

is this bait


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On the lips, forehead, blowjob, what?

Ultimately, all people love to talk about what they personally love the most. So you ask about their education and what their dream profession is, their interests, how they spend their free time (hobbies, vacationing), and when you get to know each other better, what they value in friendship and family. A big part of whether you reach this inner core will depend on how much you align. If she tells you her biggest passion and it's so far removed from your own area of interests that you can't fuel each other in that area, a lot of doors will close. At least for a serious friendship or a romance relationship, otherwise it depends on how attracted she feels physically and how open she is to hooking up.

I thought she was a little interested in me. I would give her compliments all the time and it looked like she enjoyed them. or maybe she's a honey pot. gdi, that's the 2nd time.

reading too much, bro


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You seriously find women more interesting than men? Women don't even have personalities. Have you noticed that? One of the biggest wtf moments of my life. Realised it when I was like 13-14ish.

On the cheek if you're going for cute
Lips if your going for take me now lover
Blowjob if your in a private place and are going for a just fuck me and never call me again deal
Forhead if you're at a funeral and he's the guest of honor

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and you never grew up

Thanks man , I appreciate it

>Women don't even have personalities. Have you noticed that?
Please. You're not one of a handful of people who have realized women have no personality while the others are stumbling sheeple in the dark. Do you think all the filmmakers, writers etc create female characters out of thin air even though all the real ones are vapid beasts? You're deluded.

Not really, but I do find it ironic how guys ask for girl advice from girls when girls will never be in the same position as the guy who's nervous, shy etc.

>or maybe she's a honey pot
...Or maybe she's just not interested?

>I would give her compliments all the time and it looked like she enjoyed them.
Sometimes compliments make people uncomfortable, and sometimes a discomforted reaction strongly resembles a pleased reaction (which is annoying but makes sense since the purpose is to appease the source of discomfort and avoid conflict).
Also I hope you know compliments don't just guarantee that someone will like you.

my gf doesnt cum during sex and says she doesnt really cum much normally but seems to enjoy the sex a lot. as a guy, sometimes its hard to understand how she can enjoy the sex and not cum. i feel like it would just be unsatisfying?

>I realised women didn't have personalities as soon as I became obsessed with titties
What a coinkydink

No problem, the less you do it the more daunting it appears. Try to practice with sweet old ladies who don't intimidate you, friends of your mom etc. And again it's impossible to exaggerate the importance of giving someone your full attention, it is a very powerful thing that is surprisingly hard for many. When people can tell you are really listening and thinking about what they say, it takes a lot of pressure away from coming with witty/impressive stuff because you already scored points there. It is also much easier to create familiarity and emotional intimacy if you can have the kind of interaction where you don't rush through everything.

This is hard to understand if you've never experienced it, and there's different answers. If she in general doesn't really have orgasms and is not used to them (e.g. she doesn't masturbate either, or physically cannot bring herself to orgasm) then she is naturally less focussed on an orgasm as the end of her arousal because she's used to arousal being a thing that comes and goes without a clear conclusion. Especially if sex lasts long, the physical sensation of the penetration tends to numb and it can even get sore/boring. It is definitely possible for a woman to feel "done" with having sex after a while, whether she came or not.

If she does know and like orgasms - chastity play is a thing for a reason. In a way being aroused is better than a climax. Sure it's a few moments of bliss, but then you feel sobered up and kind of mundane, many people even get a little down after an orgasm. In comparison, arousal still contains that energy, the pull, the active desire that can go on forever if it's not satisfied. So, it can be enjoyable to not "end" that arousal (and just naturally forget about it by distractions and lack of stimulation), and a bonus is that consciously or subconsciously, she'll likely be more aroused for sex next time than if she did got hers.

Having said all this, if she does find it easy to make herself come and she would like more orgasms, an easy and very fun solution is to make her finish herself off in your arms, with dirty talk/toys/porn/additional touching/whatever she likes mixed in. Guaranteed orgasm, no pressure on either you or her to "perform", and you don't really have to wake up from post orgasm slumber to get back to work (like you would for a round two).