I'm from 2022 AMA

I am from 2022, ask me any questions you have.

Attached: 2015.png (996x914, 1.6M)

Which of the following happens:
Do I find a wife
Do I kill myself
Do I become a monk

Are you a homo? I’ve heard time travel really makes you gay.

Do you have a penis still and if so is it contained in a permanent chastity belt

Did Trump win?

Become a monk. Its the only safe option

State enforced homosexuality. but I didn't travel, just am able to post backwards.
penis yes, balls removed by t he rabbi at birth.

>I am from 2022, ask me any questions you have.

You speak English? I thought by 2022 everyone would be a spic speaking that degenerate language of theirs.

Do people hate vets again?

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What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

what did you sacrifice to gain timeshift?

What is the price of bitcoin?

Does time travel really make you gay?

>fuck time travelers
>fuck niggers
>Fuck commies
>Fuck jannies

Attached: supertophatmegasupreme.png (331x10000, 160K)

How mixed is your genetic heritage?

the law requiring we speak Spanish in all communication goes into effect January 1st most people use it in conversation since madam chairman took over
they hate the old imperialist vets, but everyone loves the new people's diversity army
African or european?
left arm
0, outlawed and anyone who attempts to buy it is dragged out and executed for anti-semitism, and I'm not traveling, someone showed me how to send poss backwards and use the archive to read the thread.

Will the daily show finally be canceled?

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According to the government taxes I'm full white, but never looked into it. sorry, probably euro-mutt
mandatory viewing twice a day, mandatory calendar in our homes, and a few other places, so no.

Assuming the combo of memeflag and actual meme means you're the sort of Based Commie who dislikes liberal degeneracy, do "we" win?

I mean, does this drunken lurch into the wastebin of history for the sake of instant gratification and wasteful pleasure that hurts the greater good take a downturn?

Do Based Leftists grow some balls, have a shower and join Le Only Game in town?

I want answers, yo!

I'm not sure. I found it on the pavement.
Hold on - I'll ask...

did you finish transitioning, or are you still on your mtf journey?

the memeflag is to trick the algo that watches from checking me, they still aren't arresting people for the pictures, yet.

if only, After Auntie max took over things got worse, they have a bill allowing female pedophilia as well as for "religeous" reasons.

depends what you mean by leftists, people who were screeching about tump? mostly dead, social democrats? some, others are party members and others have given in to the pleasure farms to live out their days.

After making this thread I'll be either dead or they'll forcibly transition me and send me to a pleasure farm. or worse.

You become a monk who gives up his martial prowess in order to live happily with his one true love. However, due to your abandonment of "the path" gay frogs overtake your remote village, killing your wife in the process. You swear vengeance against the homosexual amphibians, but, after two days and two nights of fighting, you realize that the tide is endless, and that you are the only human remaining. You take your own life refusing to let the queer toads take the one thing you have remaining.

fucked if I know, best of luck and avoid the khazar milkers

How was Episode IX of Star Wars?

Of course it was amazing comrade, I thought it was particularly progressive when FN Blacked Rey on screen. An appreciated how they resurrected Luke to play as darth hitler
