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>tfw millenifag and about to go on vacation

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You faggots are always on vacation.
Or just "out to lunch"

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avocado toast is good

I can't wait to see your photos from a Starbucks two states over.

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Gen X cucks are just salty

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>mfw event coordinator
>mfw it's my job to go on vacation with clients and businesses

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It's better on nacos.

Yeah, we're pretty disappointed in you.

I'm on vacation right now faggots!! And getting paid for it. Suck it

>implying anyone cares what losers think

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Suck our collective massive cultural and intellectual cock millennial doucheberry.

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>built the bunk beds you piss in nightly

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Vacations arent real.

Who has the money or the time?

I don't get the avocado meme. Are avocados scarce in the US? Here we put avocado in everything, even hot dogs.

They're not scarce in Commiefornia.
Millennials and other stupid faggots here will pay $8 for some rather than make it on their own while bitching about not being paid enough.

Show pics of avocado dogs

Here you go.

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Fucking mayo?

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You can order it without it if you don't want it, faggot. I usually eat mines with mustard and/or ketchup.

Tbh ketchup with avocado sounds even more vomit inducing. Mustard, on the other hand...

Well okay then

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I don't get why Gen X gets salty at people living at home. I don't like most people so I don't have a motive to impress them by moving out. After all why aim to impress people I can't stand?

>living at home
You mean with your parents?

In my experience only ugly, disgusting women care because nobody likes them and all they've got is putting down people who aren't doing well in life.

Yeah. I don't aim to socialize with most people so I'm not ashamed. They don't even know me. They are just a bunch of floating NPC strangers walking around.

Dude. Your parents have been waiting, since the day your were BORN, for you to move the fuck out so they could fuck in the kitchen and turn your room into a pool hall.
You are being selfish.

I live at home because it allows me a lifestyle that allows me to socialize as little as possible with the stupid masses. I don't even use social media or watch TV. It's like society doesn't affect me at all.

>I don't get why Gen X gets salty at people living at home

Because we were the last generation where it was not socially acceptable to live at home, while still having to deal with a fucked housing market and economy. So we all moved out and did it really tough by house sharing in tiny shitholes living off nothing.
Now we see these fucking whiny, fuckhead, pissant millenials shits crying about "waaah its so tough". All while living at home, shoving coke up their noses every weekend, PAYING for breakfast and going to every festival/gig available.

We drank the cheapest piss at home, lived 3-4 to a 2 bedroom house, drank instant coffee and smoked rollies for breakfast and went to maybe 1 or 2 festivals a year if we could afford it. And NO ONE apologized or made excuses for us. And cocaine? Don't even start me on the drugs millennial pay for now. We maybe got to drop a few x now and then when it was good stuff and cheap. We sure as fuck didnt speend $300 a night on benders

Fuck millenials living at home. You only live at home because you're hendonistic shits

I don't think selfishness is always wrong.

gen X never left the house, they're all druggie faggots still crashing on dads couch

There it is.

I don't do drugs, go to festivals, eat avocado toast or socialize with peers. I just think if something is there it's yours. I'm not whining either. I just think it's stupid to pass something up if it's free.

As for socially acceptable if I cared about that I'd think you could suck cock and be straight or that global warming was real or that you can transition genders but I don't believe in any of that garbage. Why? Because I don't give a shit if I'm socially acceptable especially to a bunch of strangers I don't know. Social acceptability is a giant meme.

I'll explain it yet again, just as I explained it to my wife. You and the kids going on vacation 4 times a year, IS my vacation. I'd rather work than go to some shitty island on a cruise ship or the same damn beaches in Florida.

>living off nothing
House prices are like 3-4 times the price they were compared to those days. Not comparable.

Sausage topped with fresh herbs and fruit on a whole wheat bun.

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It's a good lifestyle, over a life time all you need is a few people in your life. Going out a lot and putting up with the garbage coming out of most people's mouths often just makes you feel lonelier.

>pool hall.
Who the fuck plays pool anymore besides a few saddo fat rednecks at the local pub?

Gen x are the most NPC generation.

I get 3 weeks of paid vacation a year but can not afford to take it because overtime

I make 45,000 a year and I can barely afford a one bedroom apartment by myself at 1600 a month plus utilities and other bills. My income used to be middle class when I was growing up.

Also inb4 larp inb4 get a cheaper place inb4 you need to learn how to budget. I clear about 2700 after taxes per month. My rent is 1600 and that's for a shit hole 1 bedroom. I have a degree and I work in STEM. I'm 31. The average price of a home has doubled in the last decade from 200k to 400+k. Food is astronomical. I should be able to support a family off of my career and income but I'm barely scraping by. Fucking sucks.

Older people say I wouldn't have lived at home when it was socially unacceptable but I do and say many socially unacceptable things now especially since I don't believe I global warming, transgender, or banning credit or other things.

Why wouldn't I be socially unacceptable then? After high school the bully wouldn't be able to shove your head into a toilet so that wouldn't be the reason.

>I don't believe I global warming

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Move, commute, or live in an RV for a few years. You're making good money and giving more than half of it away to some jew and you have nothing to show for it but a temporary box to sleep in

If it sucks then move to a cheaper place fag. That stem degree is good in red states too. I never even graduated community college and make 70k a year. Own a decent home with a big backyard and pay about $900 a month on my mortgage. Don't bitch because you refuse to migrate when you should.

Climates change all the time. It got warmer in the Medieval Warm Period. I've read history. It's nothing to be alarmed about.

My problem is that I am a wage slave to my core. I like to work and I tend to take just 1 week off a year to see family during Christmas, after 3 days of which I am going stir crazy and thinking about work.

Hell in my field, machinist, vacation time is a hell of a luxury. Every shop I've worked at you get 0 vacation until after 1 year then it varies after that, but they all have topped out at 3 weeks vacation after a certain amount of time. At my current company you have to be there for 10 fucking years to get 3 weeks. If you don't use it you lose it completely. At a prior company I had 3 weeks after 5 years, and all I did with it was use the 1 week and cash out the unused time. A couple guys I worked with there did the same thing, they would cash out 1 week of vacation time to have money to use on the week they took off.

I don't like to travel, sure there are some places I'd like to see, but not enough to go through the hassle and expense of going to them. It's been just over 3 years since I took an actual vacation last.
Also what says. With out my usual overtime I would be about $170 short on my pay which hurts.

This. The first birth control gen so most are only kids of fuck up feminist hippies and the divorce generation. The reason boomers bring in spics is because they didn't want their kids but need the tax base.

>have a degree
>works in STEM
what are you even talking about dude, why not just say you have a degree and work in a STEM field. It sounds like they are paying you peanuts for all that STEM knowledge you dished out money for. Is the job market that dry for you where no one is willing to pay you more than that?

Same boat as you. When I get more then 2 or 3 days off, I am ready to go back to work. Guess I am just a good goy. Only reason I travel at all is because the wife likes to.

no need to be a condescending douchebag about his situation bud. I don't think he likes what he makes already. Why patronize him?

You didn’t build shit you meme loving boomer fuck. Just die already kike.

I only liked that show for the animation, the music was always shit

If everyone just says they feel sorry for him, he will just keep crying. If assholes like me call him out, he has a better chance of making a change and better his life.

I work in EMS on a 48 on/96 off schedule. So youre at work two, off four days.

Take 48 hours off and you get 10 days straight. Or for a mini vacation, just trade a shift: work 96 then off six days with no PTO used. We get 14 hours PTO every two weeks.

Its pretty awesome, and I work with some redpilled people, definitely thankful for it every day.

The other good part is having time off mid week when everyone else is working, pretty much everything is more enjoyable. You should all look in to it.

I was just talking about this with some guys at work last week. None of us really give a shit about travelling. Most of my friends are the same way, when we do it it's usually because a woman wants to. If I'm going to take a week off work there's plenty of shit I can do without spending thousands of dollars and dealing with airports. I honestly think one of the primary reasons women glorify vacations so much is because they don't have any hobbies. Also they just want to take pictures to post on social media

Agreed. Depends on the motive, women do it for status, recently saw on old friend I have not seen in 15 yrs. Stayed a week with him and it was amazing because I had a purpose and it was about connecting not consuming. Was the only time I've enjoyed a trip really, also helps I left the wife at home lol.

If you don't know why you'd want to travel to the Grand Canyon or Yellowstone National Park you're a very boring person.

I'm an architectural engineer in school full time and working in a Journeyman type apprenticeship for my father as a drafter. I've made more money in my life as a small business owner, but I am doing this to have a family legacy. My dad needs to retire soon as he's in his late 60s, and I need 7 more years working for the business to become a licensed architect. I refuse to let him pay me more than I'm worth. I will inherit the company once I'm licensed. I'm not complaining about how much I"m making, I'm just saying that it isn't as easy for us as you make it out to be. In 5-10 years when I'm making 6 figures I doubt it will be much easier to own a home when your average home is going for half a million here. I hope I can move, but I grew up here and all of the business is local. If I moved, I would either have to outsource consultations, or build a whole new network of clientele. Isn't that easy when the company itself has 4 employees.

I've been to every National Park in the country multiple times. Grand Canyon and Yellowstone are top tier destinations. I have family that work for the park service. Mesa Verde is absolutely breathtaking as well.

I've been to both of those places. Those kind of domestic trips are fine with me. I'm mostly talking about the type of trips women want to go on

>I should be able to support a family off of my career and income

>I'm an architectural engineer in school full time and working in a Journeyman type apprenticeship for my father as a drafter.

You're an INTERN at your DADDY'S COMPANY.

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fuck you youngsters

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>You and the kids going on vacation 4 times a year, IS my vacation.

If you hate your wife and kids so much why do you even have them?