Why does Trump go out of his way to suck Saudi cock so much?

Why does Trump go out of his way to suck Saudi cock so much?

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It's actually Israel's cock.

He’s desperately trying to stop Iran and thinks vacuuming Saudi cum no matter how toxic it is will make Iran go away

Of course this is going to never work out as planned like every fucking thing he’s done that’s only ended up backstabbing his supporters

Zionist's rule the United States and it follows that you need to express support for their policies to be elected and not be impeached.

We have like a 100 billion dollar arms deal that's being negotiated with them. Trump said he doesn't want Russia or China to get the deal instead.
>wanting to destabilize another middle eastern nation because they killed muh journalist

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says the memeflag with a parliament stuffed full of kikes that is recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel

>letting your own legal residents get killed for no reason and do nothing about it is a good thing

How does admitting that MBS ordered the assassination of an American permanent resident destabilize anything?

It’s the closest thing to a Jewish cock

Israel literally told him to

Because they give him gold shiny things.

>Not gonna lie, former Muhammed bin Salman supporter here. It's kinda funny watching him crash and burn like this. But in all seriousness, we can't let him get the nuclear codes.

saudis arejust kikes larping to be mudslimes

>Permanent resident
Lol who cares, obongo drone striked citizens

obama drone striked terrorists u retarded gook

because the saudis pay trump a lot more than $400k per year

usa and ksa are both part of the zog empire. same goes for uk. if you are high-profile enough and publicly question the redchilds you'll get necked. even someone semi-prominent like nassim taleb would get hacked into pieces if he ever stepped foot into saudi arabia.

You have to go back sensei

because there is a pact between the EU, USA, Saudi Arabia, and Israel. With Russia and China as the obligatory scapegoats/boogeymen. They're playing the game, as well.

This Kashoggi thing smells similar to Skirpal nerve agent thing in Britain. Fake and gay

KSA and Turkey can suck a dick and Kashoggi too

fpbp and /thread

it comes with his responsibility is to take even more power away from the goyim

>Skirpal nerve agent thing in Britain

How is that fake? Russia has basically admitted at this point.


I'm not going to deny Australia is kiked, but no country is more more compromised and loves Jew's more than the United States, we just have to go along with it because if we want the US to protect us from the Chinese so we have to express support for Zionist policies as well.


no one is visiting your pathetic blog, fuck off

This is the problem with a businessman as president. He doesn't understand diplomacy, he only understands business deals.

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>Lol who cares, obongo drone striked citizens
huh nice to know the salon.com and foxnews comments section has made it to the boards

ME Strategy
BTFO the media
BTFO glowniggers

and make you cry impotently on this board

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Saudis are cryptokikes, Trump is a jew.