>Trump made the economy strong agai-

Oh really, Jow Forums? Then why is one of America's biggest and most iconic clothing store chains facing a gigantic shutdown of stores?

>Gap looks to close hundreds of stores

>Gap Inc. said it exploring whether to close hundreds of underperforming stores at its namesake brand, after the unit reported a 7% decline in quarterly comparable sales. The long-suffering brand still has about 800 stores in North America and CEO Art Peck said Tuesday he was reviewing some flagship locations as well as "hundreds of other stores" based of profits, traffic trends or other factors.

>Mr. Peck said closing the underperforming Gap shops would boost overall earnings at the company, which also owns Old Navy and Banana Republic. Overall, the San Francisco-based company had about 3,700 locations around the globe as of Nov. 3...

>On Tuesday, the company reported flat comparable sales in its third quarter, as gains at Old Navy and Banana Republic were offset by the decline in the Gap brand. The company had a profit of $266 million on total sales of $4.09 billion. Gap lowered its full-fiscal year profit targets.

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sodomites BTFO

>absolutely dreck merchandisers going out of business

Gap should have died a decade before radio shack anyway, who fuckin cares, spoon clink, peace out

Sometimes shit doesn’t float

Urban white boy look, like Friends.
They shoulda gone nig.

Its only going to get worse from hear on out.


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fuck is Abercrombie and hollister next?
where will i buy pre ripped $100 jeans?

>the Gap
more like...the Crap

The only people I ever see at GAP are brown. Poos, chunks, spics, etc. White people haven't worn the brand for a decade now.

reality is probably they were carrying massive losses over form the last 8 years and the huge influx of profits gave them something to write it off aginst.

>selling burlap sack grade material so stacy can buy little letavium-uranium some more gubbament shirts
cya kek

Gap still exists? holy shit. They were terrible way back in 1995

>>their butthole Gap

Nobody shops at the gap since the 90s. Surprised it lingered this long.

you don't even know what iconic means

China tariffs.
Retail jobs are shit, people just order online.
They just need show rooms these days. Box stores in general are dead. They are probably doing this because they realize the rent and wage costs aren't worth it.

Maybe they need to stop being so anti consumerism.

Its called the e-commence you fking moron!

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all big retail shit has been dying for years, how braindead are you. Are you gonna blame sears dying on trump too? Only thing thats gonna be around is maybe jcpennies, walmart, and along with your supermarkets. Shit that was big in the 90s that was dogshit like radio shack

>dogshit like radio shack
them's fightin' words

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The Amazon jew stealing the mall jews lunch money.

Trump hurt the economy.
The reason we see so much growth was because he lowered the corporate taxes so much that they finally started taking money out of their offshore tax shelters. That huge influx of money was a one time hit, and most of it went to stock buy backs, which mostly helped the rich who had large stock holdings.

I think all that money is finally running out as around a trillion dollars can only last so long, honestly impressed it gave us a 2 year boom. Most notable because Apple is finally dropping and they had the largest known offshore reserves out of the major index players.

big box stores are failing because they refuse to innovate or at least remodel their stores.

Look at walmart they are always doing work on their public image, advertising, store remodels, adding additional shit to sell to idiots.

look at sears for example, they dont advertise, their image is shit, they removed items/under supplied their stores, refused to innovate.

its not rocket science here, either you adapt or die off.

dude, radio shack only sold shitty tech parts and other shit really noone wanted. They were fine for awhile, but they died and couldnt come back because they offered there shitty expensive brand stuff. I wont bash you keep your good memories of radio shack.

Sears ceo is also a money laundering kike, hes tearing down the entire thing for his own benefit.
Heres a 20 minute video explaining how retarded sears is.

Maybe because the real gap is between the ears of people who buy these shite clothes?

>Heres a 20 minute video explaining how retarded sears is.
I agree he burned the place down for money, but the same formula fits for almost all these big box stores dying off.

In 10 years we will have no retail stores. People will be eternal shut ins.


>I wont bash you keep your good memories of radio shack
i will, thanks. i agree radio shack went to shit, but in days gone by it WAS the shit.

>the walmart of clothing
gee who gives a shit?

Saw a BMWF family ad outside an Old Navy this week

get fucked GAP Ill enjoy buying your shitty sweaters when they’re 80% off- maybe

radioshack was always a gross store to walk into

OLD NAVY is fantastic. It's all that is left of military surplus stores.

A&F did an complete overhaul at my mall. We’ll see if anyone gives a shit. The only thing I kind like of theirs are the shearling jackets

>he doesn't unironically shop at Dillard's ironically.

look at some of your most successful franchises like: starbucks, and mcdonalds. Both update their stores religiously in both menus and stores

>went into gap
>every poster and advert is Asian (1 black)
>clothes cut for asians (long arms short torso)
>"these clothes are not for us"
>black family shopping over hears.

Leave and never go back.

Gay and Proud is for homos and Asians. They arent even cut for white people.

These stores take a shit because no one wants to go to one store to buy a specific brand. Also most boomer stores are kill because their online presence is non existent or their eCommerce site is shart. I have always been fascinated how Amazon and Newegg manage to make their sites catalog and sort pretty much every part under the sun, while bestbuy and staples you have to be selective with what you want and in general their stock is shart, payment options restricted, item descriptions are inconsistent or incomplete. That is why I have not bought at bestbuy in a while.


There is no economy. There is old people with money.

The younger generation is broke and destitute. And that aint no joke. In 15 years there is going to be hell to pay.

No retirement, no assets, no money for college tuition, entirely dependent on government programs.

This lag is going to fuck people up.

>Then why is one of America's biggest and most iconic clothing store chains facing a gigantic shutdown of stores?

Because there is no demand for them

that makes absolutely no sense

You're a fucking idiot if you didn;t see the death of retail coming ten years ago.

Premium prices for Chinese sweatshop tier clothes.

I'm glad all of these overrated, shitty clothing retailers that sell overpriced cum rags, that traffic in race-mixing, and preach social justice every fucking day, while using globalist slave sweatshops, are dying painfully.

You should too.

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I can agree. There was a McDonalds on Michigan Avenue in Dearborn. After 30 years they knocked it all down and rebuilt another right on the same site.

The old one wasn't really that bad. But I guess they did a ROI analysis and figured having everything new would be more profitable.

McDonalds keeps it new.

Because (((The Gap))) can no longer use cheap child labor to manufacture their goods. Now (((they))) actually have to compete with American companies on a level playing field.

This. Of all the store that went belly up I miss Radio Shack the most. They just had stuff you couldn't get anywhere else.

Diversity strikes again

The real gap is the one between your ears.

This user gets it. This is what the future will look like.


>wearing GAP clothes

Back in HS only super prep fags wore that overpriced shit. They used to wear sweaters with GAP emblazoned acrossed the chest. The nickname was "gay and proud".

this poster is correct. i work in one of the larger tech shops of corporate america, and even my "enlightened" colleagues who gargle blue pills nightly before taking whatever the psychiatrist has given them are all miserable. they all make at least 2-3x the median us wage, and are broke, and complain about menial things like why the latest video game release disappointed them, why they are not looking forward to discussing politics with their conservative parents at thanksgiving, why they are happy pushing off kids because they are too expensive, why they are bemused that they spend $500 a month going out to clubs and bars, etc. these same dipshits make at least 60-80k a year, but their shitty 2 bedroom downtown apartments + the_current_year car payments + tinderdate/bar-scene nightlife keeps them broke. hey zoomers -- don't do this -- it fucking sucks. just fyi from us before you. **sips** ... enjoy nature. enjoy the physical realm. avoid people stuck on their phone, or be that person awesome enough to get people off theirs

there is a large swath of the millennial generation that is a living embodiment of all npr/cnn/msn commercials put in a blender, poured into a public school vat, and then tossed on the conveyor belt of life with no motivation to question how they got there or where they are going.

it's all so tiresome.

whats a redpilled clothing store?
i can only think of mark's

Young person here making $140k in STEM.

Just take out more loans goy

Adidas is pretty based if you can pull off the terrorwave aesthetic

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I was actually on reddit the other day (great site)

Anyway someone had done an analysis of how long it would take someone earning 30,000 a year getting a yearly 1.5% raise and saving 15% in the stock market would take to reach $1,500,000 (enough for retirement.)

He found that depending on the year you start the length varies widely the best outcome was starting your career right before the great depression. Within 20 Years youd have 2.5 million. Others starting just 2 years apart could have a 20-30 year difference in attaining the figure of 1.5 million. (Lost generations). This was all due to varience in the markets.

But his analysis was flawed because it assumed a 1.5% raise, zero inflation, and zero debt, zero student loans, zero taxes, zero delay in gainful employment, zero poverty line, zero cost of living, and no emergencies or layoffs.

What happens when you incorporate these extra facts?


That's the joke. Every single one of you dumb fuckers will work until you die and youre voting for people who will ensure it stays that way.

LMAO. Enjoy your walmart greeting jobs at 75 and your death in the poor house as an abused elderly person.

This is the plight of all modern youth. That system that existed in the 50's-80's is gone.



>(((the gap)))
lol who fucking cares about trendy cunts and their nigger pets?

>Dat Gap

Poor sales means they're not selling what people want. And that's trump's fault how?

I am in your fiscal league as well user. But look at the income distributions. That number is around the 90th percentile in terms of the US population. I.E., we're one in every ten.

So neat. You made it. We made it.

Fundamental questions for you.

- Do you have too much income, and should re-distribute it?
- Do those in higher percentiles than you have too much, and should they redistribute it?
- What is the percentile for which redistribution is acceptable?

I ask this rhetorically ... there is historical precedent for income distribution gaps resulting in societal upheaval. The trick is convincing the population there isn't one.

Rather neat how the "rabid left" has the current optics of the media on how trump is racist|sexist|homophobe etc -- the rich v. poor gap hasn't really been talked about during this administration, even by the media... hmmm???

Note that the rich vs. poor argument has been halted. Note how most zoomers don't even know what the fuck OWS was.

Neat, right...just neat.

tldr; ask yourself who benefits from a news story, and why?

>store A overprices chinese slave labor merchandise
>store B next door has the exact same chinese slave labor merch at a much lower price

It's literally this simple. they can't even compete with the jackass right next to them.

It was simply too late for a number of stores. They overexpanded and overextended themselves prior to the recession and have never recovered adequately.

But stock market is boom

Who the fuck buys retail anymore? I didn’t even know the gap still existed. Trump’s dominating economy is so great that people have enough money to order everything from Amazon.

Lmao, that has nothing to do with it. You can order everything from Amazon now.

Hahaha get fucked. Amazon will rule the world soon.

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Gap hasnt been popular since the fucking 90's. This is a non-story

>Then why is ONE of

One business shuts down, PANIC! BAIL THEM OUT!

Why are you mad that the giant corporations aren't invincible anyway?

>h really, Jow Forums? Then why is one of America's biggest and most iconic clothing store chains facing a gigantic shutdown of stores?

>Leftard cuck attempts to measure total economic conditions by stock market and the number of corporate/globalist brands that stay open.

Nobody cares about gap or any of these other "brand portfolio" corporate entities. Trump's focus is small to medium LOCAL businesses, and that's booming...but to know this, you'd have to actually do something other than sit and squint at your phone all day.

Oh Trump did that? Really? When was the last time you went into Gap? When was the last time you owned something made by Gap? The last time I was in Gap, Bush was still president. The people around me are not that much different. The truth is that gap has been synonymous with crap for a long time. That is why they are failing. Gap was struggling long before Trump. They are simply blaming him to cover up their shoddy practices.

Also Gap is very disposable to the US economy. Everything on their shelves is made in China or some other shit hole. One less chain supplying cheap overseas crap onto the market is usually a pretty good thing.

Why are you explaining to the retard that his money will be worth fuck all in 15 years after the communist revolution.

Hes a """STEM""" major. Hes got it all figured out.


Ok, the products were always junk, the store was aesthetically ugly as fuck, the employees were always gamestop employee tier, and you mainly found them in ghetto filth malls

Does that clear it up?

McDonalds is honestly fancy as fuck on the inside now. Plush seats and bluray looking menus, a fancy burger menu, and clean looking kitchens with special machines for everything

>Does that clear it up?
yeah. you're clearly an idiot.

Brick and mortar stores have been dying for ages.

On an unrelated note, how are Amazon stock prices right now?


A store named "The Gap" that sells tight jeans

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>over-priced walmart tier clothing isn't selling
>somehow Trump's fault

you either blame millennials or you blame Trump. easy politically correct go-to scapegoats for when you can't blame jews

the trump economy is only "strong" when compared to like 2013, it's still terrible compared to the us historically

>Oh really, Jow Forums? Then why is one of America's biggest and most iconic clothing store chains facing a gigantic shutdown of stores?

Because it's an outdated method of shopping for goods. I bet you buy your shit over the internet too, faggot.

Why do I engage? Because in dialog, the thoughtful shall prevail. That is why.

The thoughtful shall choose their lot in life. I try to show them the options.

I'm not saying they'll get it. But the odds of winning the lotto, being a Kardashian, being a viral yoootooober, being an ambulance chaser settlement winner, etc, they are lower than being an average citizen. But an average citizen has a choice. A choice to choose to take the path that makes them down a path that can make them above average. Not just fiscally, but physically, mentally, spiritually, etc. The neat thing about trying to max out your stats is you have the option to choose which ones you try to max out. Note the words choose. Note the words try. Those are the most important. If you don't choose, and don't try, you are the NPC. The normie. The bluepill.

Note what I said. You have the option to choose which ones you try to max out. I didn't say you have the option to choose which ones get maxed out. That's not how it works. You could choose to pursue muscle-bound hero-dom and die by barball to the throat. Or choose to try to max out max monetary gains, and then get got by futures settlements after making a bad options call. That's what is neat about life. Rise above to to the point where you can make that choice, take that risk, and be conscious enough to accept the consequence and move on to the next roll of the die, and keep trying. And if you fail, fuck it, at least you got the chance to be a sentient mass of matter made of stardust floating around a star floating around a black hole floating in 3-space floating in a subset of Hilbert space floating in some dream of some deity, or an AI, or of a cyclical nothing that was existed forever, whatever god of infinity you ascribe to.

Same old story, life looked good for retailers before net retail and 2008 crisis. They all over leveraged the fuck out of themselves expecting continual growth forever. Toys r us was making profits but it all went to paying debt, same with most of these.

i drink your milkshake

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toys r us had the same problem as sears though, the most recent owner robbed the place to make a quick buck then let it rot.
it was the king of toys so much that Amazon, walmart, jcpennies, macys, targe etc they all rushed to attempt to fill some of the demand they had.