How to destroy any-Semitic paper

>be me
>Senior in High school taking US History II
>Our teacher, let’s call him Mr. G, gives us assignment to make an anti-imperial politics cartoon.
>Holy fuck, so many ideas go through my head
>Decide to draw a map of the world with a huge jew controlling nations with puppet string
>Finish it phewww looks good
>Next day come to school and show friends at lunch
>They browse Jow Forums too and think it’s good
>A toxic socialist teacher sees it and walks away
>US History II comes and Mr. G comes and says “Do you have Nazi propaganda user?”
>”What do you mean?”
>”Mr. Libtard told me you had Nazi propaganda, is it about my political cartoon?”
>Gets it out get yelled at saying is very offensive and I have to destroy my creation
>Got a warning didn’t get in huge trouble
>Pic related

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>inb4 underage b&
Frame it and hang it in your room

Can't made me put it through the schools shredder.

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If this is real which I hope it is fucking BASED

But its anti imperial

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We need to raise the age limit for this board. Needs to be some way to make sure you are noit a high school faggot

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Then change the age limit to 20 so retarded high school fags can't post.

Kek. I've found my new screensaver.

Not all high schoolers are faggots, only most

Btw that same Socialist teach, has had talk with students about how racism is a biproduct of capitalism.

Fuck him kid. Do you believe your own mind over another's? That's what this struggle for truth is. Do you trust your own experience and logical conclusions to be true above the assertations of a limp wristed faggot who would sell out their own people?? If you don't, get in line. Sheep.

What state?


Fucking shitlibs ruined California and the South, now they're coming for what's left of white America.

>get correctly called out for mimicking propaganda created by somebody with national socialist sympathies
>mom won't let me be hardcore

Could you scan it so we have a high-res version to work with?

Sue the school.

>made you
lmao don't be a bitch, tell him no next time.

It destroyed user sorry. That image was taken by one of my friends and is the last of it.

>get suspended or expelled from school over a little poster just to show you're an alpha

Draw a swastika on a piece of paper and just hold it up, don't say anything. see what happens. If they do anything to file a lolsuit.

i wish i had friends who went on Jow Forums in school

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>Can't made me put it through the schools shredder.
"Destroy the artwork which we disagree with goy !!!"

Mr. G's actual name isn't Gawedzinski, is it? You perfectly described my old history teacher, except I'm in Texas.

Its almost like your teachers are fuckin Nazis or somethin .

Not it's not

Your ID has GA5 in it which is what You should do to yourself.

Dude you're an idiot for doing that. Don't reveal your power level. Replace the Jew dude with those Porky memes and you'd be better off.
I would also say that it is not done all that good, yet you put yourself into a bad situation over a badly-drawn (good job on the face, wtf is the map and the hand) caricature.

I drew the world map from memory OK im not an artist, I get it Jaden.

You showed the mental potential to do better work. Try again. Grade kek

Nice drawing desu

Welcome to the real world. Take this incident as your first real-life redpill.

They live, and only you can break your conditioning.

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I'm sorry user, i tried to repair the cartoon for you, here is a version that should be printable. It is a very good cartoon.

Attached: cartoon.jpg (630x816, 142K)

Listen I don't know who this was, but the original three of the group who made it is, very proud of you. Holy fuck user, you mad man

I fucking love you. Im telling the other 2 kids about this and sending this image to them. Thank you user once again.

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I laughed

Scratch that. Know who it is.

Assuming this is true, make it a first amendment issue immediately. If handegg niggers can get away with kneeling, surely a little doodle won't harm anything. Oy vey.

god speed annon

you're welcome, just be careful not to reveal your power level in any way that could be digitally associated with you (emails, facebook posts, tweets etc. can last forever and could haunt you for years to come including in job searches or college applications) -- safest would be to save a copy, print a couple and give them to your friends

Great political art dood...never waver..never slacken...never lose hope!

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You shouldn’t have they can’t make you...worst u get is suspended for a day....fuck man...don’t bend the knee

sounds pretty fucking worth it to me you beta cuck

what a lad. thanks user, ill be using that

>maps without Tasmania


holy SHIT user this is a fucking kino history project

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