Is this common behavior among roasties and niggers in America? Imagine the smell.
Is this common behavior among roasties and niggers in America? Imagine the smell
Enjoy your AIDS girls
Yes, but add about 40-60 lbs to each of those women.
Yeah it's pretty common among Western countries. This is just what we call diversity and it's beautiful you bigot.
>7 dudes
>3 chicks
Always knew niggers sucked at math.
the "Jazz music intensifies" meme is on a portrait on the wall. (man playing a saxaphone)
the porn producers are obviously trolling when they put that as the only painting on the wall in this scene.
well played, (((mindgeek))).
>Imagine the smell.
Luxury cologne and white pussy. The idea that American black men smell bad is a meme.
How else are they capable of attracting and breeding with fertile white QTs?
welp, you just reset my /nofap/ counter
I only count 6 where do you see the OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH
Man you really looked hard for that one
no porn