Is this common behavior among roasties and niggers in America? Imagine the smell

Is this common behavior among roasties and niggers in America? Imagine the smell.

Attached: 0F7DFB72-1AEE-4FF1-A8B8-77A5B63C2421.jpg (2559x1352, 324K)

Enjoy your AIDS girls

Yes, but add about 40-60 lbs to each of those women.

Yeah it's pretty common among Western countries. This is just what we call diversity and it's beautiful you bigot.

>7 dudes
>3 chicks

Always knew niggers sucked at math.

the "Jazz music intensifies" meme is on a portrait on the wall. (man playing a saxaphone)

the porn producers are obviously trolling when they put that as the only painting on the wall in this scene.

well played, (((mindgeek))).

>Imagine the smell.
Luxury cologne and white pussy. The idea that American black men smell bad is a meme.

How else are they capable of attracting and breeding with fertile white QTs?

Attached: 632711.jpg (880x584, 131K)

welp, you just reset my /nofap/ counter

I only count 6 where do you see the OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH

Man you really looked hard for that one

no porn