Red Ice Radio/TV

What does Jow Forums think of Henrik and Lana?

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fucking retards

>fucking retards
This. But it's informative to realize that ecelebs are those who their audience demands

Explain? I dont know much bout them, but I would wife her. If she kept her mouth shut more often

>hand rubbing intensifies

Cantwell is decent.

Forward Observer podcast as well.

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>Anyone who is critical of whites is Jewish
You're a right wing NPC

Lana is cute and has made a baby unlike most of the ethots out there
it was a bit rough at the beginning but they have both improved their craft a lot over the years and Lana especially has gotten much better at interviewing
weird though how Red Ice seem to be the only ones with any idea of industry standards regarding video and audio production; so many others seem to think that talking in front of a grimey webcam will suffice

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they are good ive been following them for 6 years

>weird though how Red Ice seem to be the only ones with any idea of industry standards regarding video and audio production; so many others seem to think that talking in front of a grimey webcam will suffice
it's true. Red Ice is has very high production value... others can learn from this

>weird though how Red Ice seem to be the only ones with any idea of industry standards regarding video and audio production
Imo information security is more important, which they lack

>to be critical of whites requires a critical argument, where is it?

I find them incredibly painful. The real clincher was the "Einstein was an arsehole" video.

They are reactionary in the sense that they can only really define themselves by reacting to things.

People will throw crumbs in my eye, but they really come across as W.N. 1.0 with barely a veneer of sanitisation. I don't want my ethnostate run by under-educated thugs who box at shadows their whole lives.

>>to be critical of whites requires a critical argument

>where is it?

Nice try

>[Low quality White advocates] are reactionary in the sense that they can only really define themselves by reacting to things.
They have no principles. They need to read Hayek and Rand

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Incorrect. OP asked for my opinion, that's my opinion.

As left authoritarianism increases and people are taken away from their land, their heritage and their families, we need smarter, better presented people to challenge this. Not YT content hogs who have to make a video every time a niglet chimps out b.c. tfw no hot sauce.

Here's the big hypocrisy... even though he's clearly not well, I love Millennial Woes. I appreciate Richard Spencer and I understand that his contributions have been rendered flimsy by public unrest and personal problems, but I think he conceptually grasps the problem and can at least define the aesthetic contours or spirit of a solution.

So, have at it.

I like Red Bar Radio better.

They just don't come across as terribly bright.

The conspiracy is that there is no conspiracy. It's happening in front of us. It's really timely that we start to advocate for whites sensibly, uncomprimisingly and with more than a nod to our heritage. I appreciate altruism but the productive segment of society is essentially subsidising those who would have them against a wall in a fucking second.

are you a shill? if you are why not be honest? are you a congenital liar? is there something about your genetics that prevents you from telling the truth?

anyone that puts out content on a regular basis for so long will inevitably stray on to subjects where they're not very knowledgeable, especially if they do live shows
it's much easier for someone like Jared Taylor to write articles and have editors review and check everything for a monthly mag or whatever the useless thing he's doing now

No, Amerifat. I'm 100% Anglo Celtic. I care about the future of Western Civilisation. It isn't Homestead Henrik and his semi literate whore. You haven't countered anything I've said, which is why those of you "dark triad" rightwingers will only serve as useful in the front lines, where your low IQ aggression can be channel led into something constructive.

I think many right wing people on that platform would do well to adopt that approach. The left is all over the news cycle because it's largely driven by feminised anxiety. It's far better to keep your cool and drop substantive red pills rather than offering a "lifestyle channel for people who like tactical vests."

Good people. A lot of people forgot that their site went under attack the same day as Charlottesville, but they're still out there. And check out the shill comments right after OP

Thank you for your post kind sir. agreed. the shills are spamming this post hard for some reason. i love 'em. lana is a cutie and henrik is a chad (nohomo)

>They just don't come across as terribly bright.

> More than a nod to our heritage
>I already altruism, but

Thing is it's not altruistic to support that which sustains us (our heritage), which also improved our lives in the present.

Children, properly, are a selfish endeavor- wanting to make more of oneself.

And from a Misean pov, altruism is a non concept.

>Genetics makes people think a certain way
No. Genetics rewards thought differently.

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Controlled opposition.

Is there anything that isn't?

idk theyre entertaining i guess
they name the fucking JEWS so thats always nice

They are pretty good content with good quality. I subscribe, support them however you can. The sub price is really reasonable. Its not telumud content so its good.for.your mind and soul.

>Watch me shill