How much do i have to lift to get a qt muzzie waifu?

How much do i have to lift to get a qt muzzie waifu?

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to be brutally honest if you aren't a drooling creep you can just be average healthy & get gf
we have apps for one night stands, being 10/10 baywatch mode attractive has been supplanted by fucking swiping right
if you're not obese your face will matter more than putting on muscle & being not retarded will matter way more than either for a relationship, but you should look like you have a decent chance of throwing somebody for a loop if you catch them solid on the jaw
also you people overthink finding somebody who's your type, go to concerts, shows, & other fun things, then only strike up a conversation with girls wearing hijabs
dumb fuck
good luck

Nothing really, they like the smart slim look.

not helpful
everybody wants a doctor s m h

>not helpful
you need to look like zyzz or you'll never get laid
that helpful you abominable lobotomized inbred

stop projecting
whats got you so hurt my guy?

projecting what, son?
you being retarded enough to not see when somebody's answered your question is what's got under my skin
average will land you a girl
that's why it's the average

>abominable lobotomized inbred
that looks like a projection to me snowflake

you learned to use that term on this site didn't you baby
uhhh what's a good one
unredeemable mutagenic deleterious dredge
go on say i'm projecting again

>i want a muzzie waifu
Welcome to /ad/ everyone. The border between reddit and Jow Forums.

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What is your ethnicity and what is your religion? This is important because they can be kind of racist and selective

lift phone, call uncle. so however much your phone weighs.

Mixed race (black/white)

plz respond...

>the border between reddit and Jow Forums

Like, real Muslim or Nation of Islam Muslim?

Sunni Muslim

Don't you have family to fix that for you?

I wish..
my family is non-muslim

Just find another convert, most of us real muslims can't stand you guys. It's always annoying dealing with converts since you guys didn't grow up with Islam and tend to have a superiority complex.
Also, stop fetishizing hijabis, it's disgusting, this is why we don't like you, those girls in your image wear a hijab for modesty to appease your backwards idea of purity.

You saying converts cant be real muslims?

thats kinda extreme don't you think?

Not her but I'm Lebanese, idk if she's Arab or Paki or something but no, we don't see converts (you're actually called reverts because everyone is born a Muslim) the same was as people that were born muslim, different values and all that.

Finding another revert is your best chance because you have something in common and both have a history, not two different types of histories. This is something I've spoken to with my other female friends and as far as I know it's the same for all of us when it comes to relationships.

No, it's really not. For some reason you all think just because you became Muslim you're better than us. It also explains why so many of you lot end up becoming extremists and give the rest of us a bad name.

ok it seems you're just as prejudice as the other individual.
>opinion from a female

>asking a place with barely any Muslims how to get a Muslim gf
Go to a Muslim forum you colossal retard, what's anyone here going to know about getting with a Muslim girl? If they're dating they're clearly not a Muslim lmao, us your head you half nigger.

But as others have said, if you're not the same race/culture/religion as them you're better off finding someone who joined the religion from being a non muslim

thats defeatism; a beta trait

are you even muslim?

Yeah my guy

I doubt that.

Ofcourse you can doubt this is a vietnamese basket weaving forum.
am i replying to a female, again?

They're not wrong, she(?) has a point about Muslims views on Reverts, mainly because as of late it seems people only do it for a joke or soemthing,or to get with muslims, so we (speaking as a male for muslims as a whole) never take them seriously because of the assumption that no Reverts are actually doing it sincerely, moreso for attention/publicity.

The part about them being extremists seems a bit off though, not sure what that is about.

What you're forgetting though is that even though we're taught to be good muslims and not discriminate by race or nationality, Brown people, as in Middle Easterners/Arabs/and Indian Asians, are really hooked up by culture and all that jazz, so non muslims or people of different backgrounds aren't usually looked at in a relationship kind of way. I mean, that should be fairly obvious from the fact middle easterners are sorted into cliques that all hate each other (Arabs hate kurds/persians, vice versa) despite them all being brown lmao. It's just difference in culture end of the day.

You'll find a few girls that move outside of their own race but from what I've seen it's rare.

As for finding a "gf" good luck with that, you'd need to find one that isn't a practicing muslim (so basically, not a muslim) unless you got engaged to them which is how muslims "date" now days. They date for the long haul, not for short term rides unless like I said, they're not a muslim.

TL;DR - Revert is most likely the way for you to go.


You are now, the first time when you said "my guy" that wasnt me

>How much do I have to lift to get a qt muzzie waifu

Lifting isn't important, your ethnicity and religious background matters more.

This entire thread seems like bait/trolling anyway, I doubt the OP is serious.

>lifting isnt important
I doubt that. A female wouldnt want to be with a skinny fat loser, nor would a male want to be with an overweight/obese female. Its mostly physique and aesthetics. Hence why i asked "How much do i have to lift"

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No, it's not that important, what's more important to Muslim girls is what has been stated above, can you read?

who r u replying 2?

Forgot to quote in my post too

I'm not interested in a guy that can lift a truck, I don't care how good he looks, the most important part is if hes as good of a Muslim as me and has good values, as well as being compatible. I want my kids to grow up not being confused about two different cultural backgrounds, if we're both the same the easier it will be

muslim girls / girls in general dont know what they want lol

>female opinion

But obviously attraction has to be there too, it's just not he be all and end all, I'm not a basic white bitch looking to get laid, I'm looking to find a guy that is a good Muslim that can start a life with me together.

This guy says he's a male and this was me and I'm a male. I always find it funny how khaffirs and whites/blacks think they know more about girls in our culture/religion than we do

They don't like what we are saying so they ignore it, pay no attention to them it's either bait or just retards being retarded

you got proof to back up that takfir?

>lift a truck
found my answer lol

Doesn't matter even then, if you've not been a muslim since birth and don't have the same cultural background youre fighting a losing battle, I don't get what you don't understand

Good point, they don't even respond to the posts so I think it's clear enough.
The way you act

I thought muslim women loved guys that lift trucks and run them into crowds of innocent people.

prove it

>being so worthless with nothing to bring to the table that you think lifting a certain amount will make you more likeable

Muslim or not, chicks will sense your lack of personality from a mile away lmao, being fit doesn't change that, there's a reason average guys can pull hot girls if they're witty enough

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This is probably the best post in this shitheap of a thread.

I do have personality, im funny
but can you pull hot girls?

I have a fiancé and I think she's the most beautiful girl in the world and a lot of other people think too, so yeah I can.

post pic or gtfo

So an autistic mutt on Jow Forums can jerk off to her? No chance

"Muslim" guy asking another man to post pictures of his partner.

There's all the takfir I need lmao.

Thread closed, thank you, Assalamualaykum.

>think she's the most beautiful girl in the world
>No chance
in other words shes an ugly goblin

That's all the proof needed to back up the takfir*
Had to clarify it for the kuffar.

how is that disbelief?

Says the guy that can't pick up a girl and has put it down to him not being able to lift enough?
Fox and grapes.

do you even study Islam? or know what Iman is?

says the guy who has an ugly fiancé

Asking to see another mans woman, if you can't see why that is haram then I'm fairly sure the sisters above were right in saying you converted for the wrong reasons. No wonder they avoid "converts"
Like I said, I'm done arguing with a kuffar, sisters and brothers have both pretty much explained everything to you and you still didn't listen, so lol.

haram yes, kufr no.
The guy made a large claim and want to see proof.

Alright so she's ugly, stop asking to see her then lol

Meanwhile you had to change your beliefs just to try and get with a girl, and they're already telling you you don't have a chance lmao.

I'd rather have the "ugly" fiancé than ask on Jow Forums how much I have to lift to get a girl because I have nothing else to attract them.

its not like im asking for pornographic pics either

Nope. I reverted for me, not for a girl

Doesn't matter, avert your gaze nigger.

Are you an actual muslim or are you just saying you are for the ebic 4chins lulz XD

And they still don't want you, meanwhile you're asking to see my girl and then calling her ugly when I say no because you don't have what it takes to get your own lmao.

Tragic life you have.

Ay man you cant say your fiance is hot without proof , do you not know how Jow Forums works? "The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."

Of course I am, what value would I get out of pretending to be a Muslim? Anyone can troll a nigger, you don't need to lie and say you're a Muslim just to troll them.

You act like you dont know what your talking about, like you only know the surface stereotypes.

Ok I'm happy for you, believe what you want I don't care, your thread as well as posts are embarrassing, I can see why no girls are interested in you

you're an obvious Jow Forumstard
go back

>implying i dont pull females already

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>Claims to get girls
>Makes a thread asking how to get girls
Why? Because I used the n word? If you think Arabs aren't the most discriminative race on the planet you're a moron

Using trip so no one can impersonate me now either.

read the original post, it said muzzie.
reported for flaming

>Can pull whores
>Can't pull girls with values

Also it's against the rules to announce a report. Let's hope you do get banned though, it's a disgrace that this thread is taking up space for someone that could really use the advice and is willing to listen to it.

you reply like an angry manlet. whats your height and weight?

6'1 155lbs, but no point in me saying that because you're only going to assume I'm lying and demand pictures, you are that predictable.

Sorry for the delay, had to pray fajr. Not that you would know that, nigger.

>implying implications
Im 6ft 200lbs

im stronger than you i win.
Do you even eat or lift?