Relationship advice

I have been dating this person fro about 4 months. The other night I went for a walk and she thinks I cheated on her. the next day we talked about it. I got suspicious and decided to look in her phone and I find out that she has been talking to other people. SHe has been able to cheat on me directly but she talks to in a sexual manner. What should I do???? Should I just break it off or should I confront her and she what she has to say about it?

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The second you look at someone's phone the relationship is over.
I'm not saying you did the wrong thing but there was obviously a huge problem if you felt you needed to check her phone and you just wanted evidence to support your opinion.

SHe has gone through my phone as well

And guess what happened?
She has been flirting with other dudes on her phone.
The relationship has already been over because the trust broke.

She has been flirting with other guys.And most of them are people that she use to sleep with


Does anyone have some advice what I should do?

Dump her and move on, no need to confront her, nothing good will come out of it, if 4 months in things are this bad is because she(and proprably you too) isn't relationship material, try focusing on maturing before going out there again.

I agree I was immature for going through her phone but I had to know. And the evidence was there. And your right I'm just gonna dump her its not worth my time to always wonder.

break it off. once trust and communication is blown with someone its hard to get it back. think with your head not your dick

She is trying to convince me to stay with her. That she only does it because she likes the attention. I thought i gave her plenty of attention. Shit we fuck 4 times a day and she messages me all day long when she is at work . I fucking work from home so I'm home 90% of the day

Its bullshit, just let it go, also, how old are u both??

i'm 32 and she 37.

Jesus fucking Christ, you're both retarded to be honest, this is some college tier drama.

I feel like I'm just retarded for being in a relationship I've been in

My ex bitch made me put her fingerprint on my phone, I had nothing to hide, but was triggered she didn't trust me.

Don't worry she was a walking, talking, insecure red flag that I continued to date.

But I feel like my trust has been betrayed now and I mean don't get me wrong I probably shouldn't have gone through her phone but I always thought that if the other person is accusing you they're doing something already so it bothers me a lot so do you think I should ask why should I leave it alone

accusing an SO of cheating is a red flag for the accuser actually cheating

cut and run dude

Thank you for the advice everyone. I've chosen to leave her

Only right choice, now please, grow the fuck up, you're 32, not 20 anymore.

You two are a terrible couple, end this madness.

Why do I feel like I made one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made