What the fuck is happening right now noooo
What the fuck is happening right now noooo
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I don’t know, I lost like 50k in the last fucking week and no one seems to be freaking out at work like they should be (a tech giant).
it finally happened, Trump finally ruined Obama's great economy
trump is making america great again
Jews are trying to crash the Global Economy and someone isn't having it anymore.
Patty cake patty cake we all fall down!
bitcoin BTFO
Everything goes up forever and never comes down. There must be a glitch.
>bitcoin dying
>all tech stocks down
good day to be a Luddite
call me when it hits 16k...
it's called a correction OP, you post these threads evevry time the Dow falls below 1%, and btw, have heard of the "Plunge Protection Team" at the Federal Reserve?
Dow plunges more than 500 points, erases gain for 2018
2018 entire loss is not a correction
The crash is upon us. lmao. I fucking told you faggots this shit was going to happen years ago, but you didn't listen because you are all children who mismanage your futures.
Just a bit but why not...i'd like to see what happen when it all fall down
user, I
It's cause of that BCH fork and the infamous hash wars.
1 post from this ID why
What does cryptocurrency have to do with the stock market?
it's a correction, not a plunge. Long-term corrections are good for a continuing bull-market, it's when you don't have corrections is where you need to get worried because that's when a plunge is possible, although the Plunge Protection Team is there to smooth that out.
I’ve been predicting the collapse of Google, Facebook, Twitter and Netflix for over 18 months. I assumed there would be a sudden crash though, not this slow haemorrhaging.
remember this day.
>markets are thriving at 20k
>rise to 25k
>responsible people think wow this is a bubble i should be careful. idiots buybuybuy
>markets correct
>responsible people shrug, adjust to bear market tendencies.
>faggots lose money and scream that ITS HAPPENING for the 22nd time since 2014.
Based. All my money is under my mattress.
it's called a sell off and it happens once pensioners and 401ks have invested enough funds
this might be the beginning of the end. Like most collapses in life, it'l be slow at first, and then all at once. I'm gonna do my best to enjoy the crash. 2019 is gonna be wild.
Tech companies are over-inflated shams.
>i don't know how markets work.
>but it's probably happening.
>for real this time guys. seriously. it'll be slow. but for real.
>i should make a comfy thread.
apparently two companies drag down literally everyone else. its all sortsa fucked
Checked, (((smart money))) buys when it's going down, goyim buys when it's going up.
Trump didn't audit the FED and know he's going to pay for being weak
FAANG is whats happening
I’ve been buying all the way down.
That isn't much. Especially with all the corrections this year from "Trump is economy Messiah" to "I guess we'll just do stock buybacks from the tax cut for short term bump" to "aww fuck, trade war & fundamentals aren't way better"
We're basically where we were in 2016. Which is fine. Don't freak out and make the markets worse just because our God Emperor over-promised.
yeah well MA, V, MGM, and most vanguard funds are happenin too. fucking established companies going apeshit. non-tech.
Oh no 2% it's almost like it can't go up forever
People cashing out for Black Friday retards
The sky is falling! AHHH! This is the end!
Or you can use your brain for a few seconds and come to the conclusion that, if tech collapses, we're going to war and there's more important things to worry about than what number you see associated with yourself.
Equity bubble, stocks are overpriced. As interests rates go up, some if these lame companies cannot reinvest and cannot as easily roll over their debt financing. The higher interests rates might prevent a full on market crash. It's deflating the equity bubble. Also, housing is gonna take a shit.
people should read and use there autism more
>threaten to break up big tech, FB, ABC, Amazon
>tech stocks in the big 3 lose over 1 TRILLION in worth
so..clue yet
you know they push narratives and censor
they get busted, openly by Trump
and you wonder why the stocks drop...
and bonus-Trump learns today of Schuemers relative working at FB..and blasts it out on twitter
o you can hear the shekels hit the floor!
Which tech giant?
trump economy kicking in
unironically this
Apple...go buy new phone or else
Blue wave happens
economy tanks.
Like fucking pottery.
nobody's buying those new $1000+ phones
apple got greedy af
It is I, the leader of fourchannel, please quit making claims that I can disprove with a PowerPoint buttmunch
the Dow was here a few weeks ago too
*a month ago
The stock market and housing market are grossly over valued. The government bailout was done to give sectors time to fix their bullshit practices. They didn't, so it is time to crash.
Switch to big pharma now!
yeah are right I miss Steve Jobs...
>Tech companies are over-inflated shams.
It is only a matter of time before they can't extract any more data to sell. Their data is tainted anyway.
If anything they are undervalued.
the old bait and switch...next you are gonna offer me commodities
just go down already ya stupid burgers
The economy is booming like it's never boomed before. Greatest economy of all time™
No refunds
What's your name
ive said this shit since 2015, we lost our entire years gaining, kikes are getting mad, trump might or not be on our side. The world in 2019 calander is a black fucking cover, so i think it will happen soon.
You have the correct meme flag my friend, because you are a stupid faggot.
would you relax faggot?
nobody here has any money or wealth anyway
what you SHOULD worry about is the dindus who won't be getting their ebt or rent payed anymore...that's the problem
go to sleep peter schiff
of course the next crash is always going to happen
how much is the stock market up this year under trump's glorious leadership?
>What the fuck is happening right now noooo
Perhaps you don't understand. The fiat market is based on immediate action and result. It is based on aggressive expansion projections spanning quick and effective deadlines in quick successions or quarterly terms.
As soon as a job market becomes obsolete, the entire sector falls flat and if that sector is a majority market share, the entire economy suffers.
Couple that with the recent influx of over-saturated tech companies offering nothing of nuance or value, the DOW will be obliterated for at least a year.
This same market mentallity caused the financial market collapse in real estate over the last decade.
Should've diversified your assets. RIP OP.
God I hope so.
>if wall st sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold
burn it to the ground with no survivors.
What's your name pal? Look I know my stocks and stuff and you been posting Ron Paul memes saying it's crashing for ten years now buttmunch QE fixed most the things that needed fixing
>Still up 33% from election night
Your 401k will be fine faggot
Schiff's argument
>fed kept rates at 0% for 8 years following the 08 bubble collapse which made the bubble even huger
Trumptard argument
>greatest economy ever trust me
this damage control
you'll be saying an even lower number a year from now lmao
Your clearly have no idea what you are talking to and had never had bills
>democrats take house
>openly plan to stonewall everything
>Markets plunge
peter schiff is right of course but he doesn't seem to understand that u can make a lot of money off a bubble in the meantime and lose a lot of money (for your clients) being like 6 yearly early
Comcast internet and phone just went down nationwide
the dow was even lower in october u retarded fuck
Try getting a job before you for an opinion that you Clearly haven't experience in i have a job and money and you don't who do you think people are going to listen to
how much is the stock market up this year under trump's glorious leadership?
Thanks to Obama Retard lmao
satan's right. we all saw this coming.
It was also lower a decade ago. It's almost as if, as time passes, the market trends upward.
Were you born stupid, or did you practice to get there?
Here comes the joyride, 2 or 3 years of up and down like a saw blade followed with another crash.
Dude just shut up
>first two years under republican rule
>huge growth
>libs win midterms
>growth stagnates
not hard to understand leaf
Thread Theme: youtu.be
im referring to people trying to blame it on the blue wave u fucking retard
the stock market has been down the entire year u fucking moron
do u even own 1 stock?
It's just the Ultra rich stealing your wealth again with their wonderful little game they invented and totally control.
how are the overseas market doing
They are fine but they said you are gay
Due to Chinas massive "cloning" stratagy, they are holding more and more of the chips while simultaneously running an expansionist business stratagy reminiscent of 1950's America with a modern twist, this has aided them and their allies. In short, without Indias rapid employment, the monopoly is clear.
I don't care mate, I have another 45 years to retire.
Nobody born after 1980 will ever be able to retire.
Any tips for getting a job at a tech giant? I'm in college most likely minoring in CS, and teaching myself full stack development, building some stuff on my own, etc.
>bottoms falling out of the tech industry
>over inflated stock market shrinks
Nobody but utter morons are surprised by this.