How could any right winger who remotely gives a f*ck about right wing values support legal non-white immigration...

How could any right winger who remotely gives a f*ck about right wing values support legal non-white immigration? Do they really care about virtue signalling about how race doesn't matter to them more than they care about their values? Is virtue signalling their highest value? Why do we have to let them in? They have Mexico. We have the US. Why do they need two Mexicos? Why do they need to come change our country? How could anyone support this? How could anyone be so stupid to say, "I'm only against ILLEGAL immigration"? And they say it so smugly. Who cares if the people replacing us have some documents or not? Many right wingers are crafting their suicide. Suicide of their values. Suicide of their people. Because they're too afraid of someone with blue hair calling them a bigot.

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They just don't realize they're backed into a corner yet. They'll figure it out eventually. Or they won't.

They have to figure it out pretty much right now.

No, you want them to realize it right now. I do too. But that doesn't mean they have to.

>betting the future of your race on rural retards

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Legal vs illegal immigration is just a wedge to cover the real agenda of supporting more consumers for major corporations in lieu of wealth redistribution to the native populace to spend and stimulate commerce that benefits the masses instead. Concerns about race are not to be totally discarded but racist sensitivities have long been exploited to get people to vote against their well-being in favor of some kikes and wanna-be kikes.

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>racist sensitivities have long been exploited to get people to vote against their well-being in favor of some kikes and wanna-be kikes.
Uh no, people just do that on their own.

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Ted Cruz is just a terrible candidate. Put anyone else there and Texas stays red.

It’s hard not to get black pilled about Texas. It really is just a matter of time until it goes the way of California.

>t. Born and raised in Texas

>Many right wingers are crafting their suicide. Suicide of their values. Suicide of their people. Because they're too afraid of someone with blue hair calling them a bigot.
As long as the dominant mode of right wing thought in the US is "conservatism", this will always be the case. This is because conservatism seeks to conserve, while it's opposition seeks to change. Any compromise between the two benefits only the opposition.

The problem will get worse until conservatism is replaced.

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Fuck off blackpilling shill.

Based criminal justice reform, based amnesty and based no wall means red wave 2020 when based blacks and latinos vote red in record numbers

the immigration thing is basically just doublethink that's a result of generational propaganda

>some gook from a homogenous country must be correct

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I chuckled

laughed out loud. Good on you for admitting your ignorance though.

Not an argument
It's fact that Republicans utilize dog whistles to get poor whites to vote for them cause muh race even when they really don't do anything about immigration and just pass policies antithetical to many of said voters. The Democrats have to yield to being either being Republicans who are honest about supporting immigration or against it to support a stronger welfare state.

I've thought about this awhile and believe the answer is more complicated than just most people are stupid. I think people who are content with their lives in the present don't think a lot about the future. People on Jow Forums and any fringe politics sites are mostly rejects who are not happy, so they focus on the future, and can see the incoming meteor about to obliterate us all.

This is the heart of it. Le both sides are le same is actually true now. Republicans will just let billion dollar businesses save and hoard more money and quietly allow in immigration and promote gay and multi racial people. Trump loves to talk about what hes doing for mexicans and blacks. How their employment is so good. Nothing on whites. Democrats are just outright open about their intents but hey, at least well get better health care out of it. Republicanism is dead until conservatism goes away

Poor whites vote for republicans because it is in the interest of whites to vote republican. This is because the average white person is better off than the average black person. So, all other things being equal, tax cuts are bad for blacks, and service expansions are bad for whites. The fact that politicians are bought and paid for liars & traitors doesn't really factor into it. You revolution lost the working class a century ago buddy. Better read up on more modern marxist theory if you want your dumbass ideas to even pass the smell test.

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Well Utah is now blue, as is Arizona. Next up. Texas and Florida. You thought Trump was a win but Hillary wouldve guaranteed Republicans for the next 20 years.

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>muh averages
There's a racial wealth gap but there's also a growing gap within the white population as well.
Yes let's vote for the party of Reagan who amnestied millions of beaners. The party of George Bush who in 2007 supported a failed attempt at another mass amnesty. The party of Trump who last year phenomenally fucked up DACA repeal when it was so easy to just do it when he had the chance, his troop border deployment ended as the caravan arrived near the border just recently too.
Keep believing there's a white peoples party buddy. I didn't Democrats were perfect either but at least some of them support policies that would deter mass immigration even when they don't acknowledge it.

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>Keep believing there's a white peoples party buddy.

This part is true, nearly nowhere in the western world you have a party for the white. (((Republicans))) don’t care about white people and use you like the dems use niggers.

>some of them support policies that would deter mass immigration even when they don't acknowledge it.
Which policies? Open borders? Or abolishing ICE. Paying lip service to immigration controls is better than abolishing immigration controls. Yeah, the republicans are shit, but you're a moron if you think immigration would be slower under democratic rule, especially considering immigrants vote overwhelmingly democratic. As bad as the republicans are and have been, they're still the white party more and more every single year. Eventually they'll realize that. Probably once the population is closer to 50% white. By that time "conservatism" will be gone, because there won't be anything to conserve. So we'll replace it with something else.

The republicans already are. Implicitly only, and not to a major degree, but definitely moreso than the dems. Regardless, it'll have to get worse before it gets better.

A better question would be what point is there in the electoral system if the states don't have the rights to limit interstate immigration and/or limit voting rights for out-of-state arrivals.

Why have the electoral college if a hypothetical CA can shit out twice the population of a hypothetical WY?

Or the answer is not democracy.

Never said it was, nor do I believe it is.

I don't support any immigration unless the person has some special skills that we actually need in society.

I don't see why we need so many people here at all.

>ted cruz wins by just 3%
>proceeds to talk about how people chose tax cuts and " freedom " once again by voting for him

has a mainstream conservative acknowledged demographics yet?

Because right wing mentality is aligned toward securing power for the individual and reciprocal responsibility. This is expresses itself as some combination of minarchy, private property and negative rights as a core, other purely individualized rights, and securing YOUR reproductive success, ie a pure group of genes to select from for you and your children which are closest to your own. It makes sense that some would take up individualism while missing out on the reproductive success suite of right wing thought. We all need to realize that both must be considered simultaneously in order to move forward.

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as a right wing Catholic i support legalizing all illegal immigrants and letting in millions more legal. Catholicism is the only way to fix the anglo american prot hell hole hat we live in now

Because our economic system is essentially a pyramid scheme. It needs a constant supply of more and more people, or else it collapses in on itself.

I mean, there's plenty of people saying the dems are for illegal immigration because they vote democratic. But no one is questioning legal immigration as far as I know, except for Tucker Carlson. He's definitely fully redpilled on the demographic question.


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How do br's have internet given their poverty rate? Go steal bread.

Catholicism is white Judaism, glad we did away with that meme hundreds of years ago papist idiot

Bullshit. Greg Abbott won big over Lupe Valdez.

Beto was a special case. The circumstances surrounding his candidacy are very rare: Obama-like popularity, opponent who's pretty uncharismatic, raised crazy amount of money from out-of-state liberal activists (rare when the challenger can spend more on their campaign than the incumbent), 'blue wave' year that would have made this race entirely different had it occurred in 2010, 2014, or even here in 2018 had Clinton won in 2016.

The stars completely aligned for Beto... and he still lost. Spare me the "hurr, GOP so scared" bullshit.

you will be lucky if your grandchildren are brown and catholic. chang

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>How could any right winger who remotely gives a f*ck about right wing values support legal non-white immigration?
They're reigned in by the Jews that run the Republican party, the same way Horseface here had to walk back her comments about Israel being an apartheid state, same way Drumpf denounces anti-Semites. Jews play all sides, and constantly misdirect blame away from themselves.

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Fuck off memeflag Mexican lmao

Nobody’s lucky to be brown or catholic