Are there actually any Americans here that descend from people that lived in or fought in the independence war? I know most Americans are larpers and johnny come-lately but I'd like to know if there are some on Jow Forums.
Are there actually any Americans here that descend from people that lived in or fought in the independence war...
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Yes and it will be a shame when I leave this flaming shithole. 1630 fyi
Do you have proof?
Ancestors came to PA from Germany around 1750
I do but I’m not going through activating my account again and pulling up the tree, not like it’s gonna save the country. There’s actually a society I guess? Sons/daughters of of the American revolution, it’s a lot more common than ppl realize I think
An ancestor was a German who served in the Continental Army.
>it's a lot more common than people...
White population of the 13 colonies was around 1.7 million at outbreak of war and around 3.2 million at the end. Unless amerimutts are the biggest mutts of all time then it's statiscally unlikely a lot of people actually descend from the original colonists.
Yes, ancestors were at the Constitutional Convention and signed that piece of shit, unfortunately.
Yeah even mine weren’t original, that was like the third ship to make the journey, the John. Even then the records are vague/ spotty with the years.
yep, family from Virginia. Bring it up nonstop for get togethers
Actually my mistake. War officially ended in 1784, white population was 2.8 million, increased by over one million throughout the war. Bunch of immigrants I guess.
my white side has only been here 150 years
most blacks have ancestry that goes back farther than mine
t. El goblino de las americas
Several direct ancestors and many more collateral fought in the Revolution and on both sides of the Civil War.
Is there any Americans here that descend from the 1607 colony? I.e the first white Americans apart from the ranoake colony that got enslaved and mutted by injuns?
My ancestor William Carr Allen fought in the revolution. My ancestor Richard Allen came to Virginia in the 1640s. A true pioneer
My lineage goes back to Martha Custis Washington.
Ellis Island babbbbbyyyyy
Had an ancestor that served in the Halifax District Brigade out of South Carolina. He had sons that also fought in the the Texas Revolution.
No but my grandmother was a direct descendant of John Wilkes Boothe.
Civil war yes on my grandfather side they came in 1850s from england to study steam engines
Yes, early 18th century on my mother's side.
I don't think you realize how far out these couple million people would spread in 20 generations, though.
There was a society of people who held ONLY ancestry from one of the old colonies, and were "pure" British having ancestors that all directly came from England to the same colony, but the last ones died out in the 90s
Have an ancestor who camped at Valley Forge and was in LaFayette's light infantry division at Yorktown. His ancestor arrived 140 years before in Connecticut. Way more Americans than you think have some roots going back, English and Scots-Irish are undercounted groups in the US
Mine came from Cornwall when it was still Wales. Way before the Civil War. We have a book that's been passed down for a long time. But it's a bit vauge going super far back.
(I moved to Poland, I am American)
Especially as more white emigrated here, not just from the 3rd wave of Catholics and Jews but early periods of immigration, they married Old Stock Americans and had children
My mother and aunt are members of Daughters of the American Revolution. They have documentation somewhere, I cannot remember all of the details.
Father's side came in the late 19th century.
Depends on where you live. I can trace all of my ancestry to England and Northern Ireland. All of it Old Stock.
My ancestors were pilgrims that have lived in this land before it was its own country. My family has fought in every war since the revolution including the civil war on the side of the confederacy and in the Indian wars. Coincidentally we were one of the lucky few non Jewish families to be slave owners.
Fuck all you pretend Americans, Americans are a people not a citizenship.
>that feel where this is the only war where your family fought on both sides
I can only go as far back as the civil war.
Lmao born in Kent died in new Kent what a legend
One of my uncles died fighting in the American Revolution. My parents live in a 200 year old house in New England. They even have an old ass Model T rotting in a barn somewhere. They want to pass the home down to me but America is a lost cause now, and I'm going to tell them to give it to my younger sister.
I have a few, family came to America in the 1640s.
yes my family has been here pre revolution. they were puritans escaping persecution. No i do not have nigger DNA or kike DNA. what else do you want to know
Population was less than 4 million so highly unlikely even if they talk shit to their kids that "we wuz patriots n shiet". Most of them came after civil war when steam ships made travel cheap and fast.
I have done my genealogy pretty thoroughly and I know for a fact that my 6x great grandfather fought in the Revolutionary War. My family of course didn’t know or the people that did know just didn’t care
Germany in the 1890s here
One of my ancestors was an officer in the Continental Army.
Have ancestors who fought in the civil war, but that's as far back as I know about.
Haven't traced my ancestry
My grandmother's family settled in PA in the early 1700's and moved to NYC about 100 years later. The rest of my line is 19th/20th century Western Euro immigrants to Brooklyn
>it's statiscally unlikely a lot of people actually descend from the original colonists.
It was 240 years ago that's 12 generations or 4000 progenitors who lived at that time all creating your lineage. It should be very common a white person today has at least one ancestor who lived here at that time.
I can trace my last name back to 1850's immigrants from switzerland, but they also intermarried with people here who may have been here for who knows how long. My moms side of the family is potatoniggers so they likely aren't descendants.
my grandmothers met through the daughters of the american revolution
Virtually every white Southerner is a descendant of colonials.
Hell, I have both Revolutionary and Loyalist ancestors.
How the hell should I know that was like 300 years ago
Yes, about a quarter of white Americans are direct descendants of the Mayflower and Winthrop fleets.
Yes. Related to James K Polk.
Most Whites in the Eastern seaboard have Colonial blood. It's pretty mixed in with other Western European immigrants though
my genealogy is half French Huegonots & half 1910's German immigrants fleeing murder from the Bolsheviks
Understanding that I'm nowhere headed to nothing in the full context of history & my lineage pains me.
I'm a direct descendant of John Adams and John Q Adams.
My mother's family came over on the Mayflower, my sister was invited to The Mayflower Society's debutante ball.
Related to Elijah Clarke somehow, it's in a courthouse record apparently
My grandpa has records going back to the 1600s, our family came here from england, i hardly see him but Ill have to ask him
has has our family crest and everything, he says a couple came over and had 10 sons, and then they all had 10 sons, and then all had 10 or so sons so I assume someone in there was involved in some way, but without asking him just as likely they stayed out of it
>1910's German immigrants
>fleeing murder from the Bolsheviks
Volga German?
You must also come from Winthrop fleet people. Mine was aboard the Arabella.
I’m pretty sure I do I tried finding it on ancestry but I think it got a little iffy around 4 generations back
5x great grandfather was a matross in the continental army, 1st Artillery. His grandson and namesake was a CSA soldier in the 12th Georgia regiment and was wounded at 2nd manassas.
I don’t know why people focus so much on America, especially considering it’s very rapid decline recently.
Our shared history with Europeans is ancient and I only hope we can unite in these dark hours before the hordes of barbarians consume us completely.
this whole thread = doubt
Yes my family's been here since 1641. One guy fought in the Lexington alarm and another was a captain in the Continental Army through the whole war.
Also wrong, much like that Finnish idiot. Here's a pro-tip: the foreign-born population of the post-revolution United States was never more than 1% of the total population until nearly 1850, and the fertility rate was seven live births per married woman. Do the math, fucking faggot retard.
My mother's side of the family traced their ancestry back to the Mayflower, or at least that's what she tells me.
All the documentation is in the hands of both my hoarder aunt (lovely woman who I love with all my heart despite her excess of belongings and taking all my Grandfather's belongings during inheritance to be kept in a hoarder's... hoard), and some relatives in Minnesota.
My father's side is much more "recent" coming over to Wisconsin from Germany during the late 1800's. Even have a geneology book from them written in German.
Grandmother and sister as well on my dad's side. Going back to Plymouth.
Close relation with General George Custer I am told.
Mom 3rd gen Nordge.
Rambo family @ New Sweden, before falling to perfidious Albion
I must look more, I’m pretty damn sure my ancestors go back they’re English on my dads side so it seems likely
Sons of the American revolution member here
My ancestor was at Yorktown when Cornwallis surrendered.
Sorry I don't know the specifics beyond "German speaking / land owning / living in Russia up-to-prior-to the Bolshevik revolution and them emigrated to California."
where at in va? family on my moms side comes from the colonial fredericksburg area
spoken like a true weaboo
Also this guy didn't fight but he's the most famous ancestor I can trace my family back to. He was captured and held by the Spanish in Florida during the war because they thought he was a spy.
Yes, I am related to Mel Gibson...
Also, one side of my family has been here 15,000 years or so.
Yes I have a document of family genealogy that goes all the way to the 1640s, my ancestor marched as a Mass minteman
My ancestor was the first man to own a black servant in the USA.
Yes, I am directly related to george fucking washington himself: and eventually I will be running for political offices - 4 more years... 4 more. You all will know my name, Im a self made millionaire based with conservative stances and rub shoulders with very powerful people. Screen-cap this and wait till 2021.
>ave nex alea
Yeah a have an ancestor who fought in the revolution as well as signed the declaration of idependence (German-Scotish if anyone gives a damn)
Not if if white people were having big families of five to eight kids every generation
which they were
I think ben franklin came from a family of 13 kids or some crazy shit like that
In all honesty anons it seems to me that white nationalist americas have a habbit of being overly critical of the founders.
I mean did they make mistakes?
The hordes of niggers spics and arabs in our cities along with the jews in positions of power and banking prove that the founders definately created a corruptable system
But did they get nothing right?
somethings they got a hell of alot better then europe
For one the put both the rights to free speech and the right to bear arms in their fucking constituion, requiring rediculous amounts of political power to repeal
and what was the result?
Here in america we cat at the very least talk about the JQ, race realism, and gender realism without being thrown in a fucking cell
unlike europe where they're still locking up grandmothers for questioning the holocuast while on meds
And through the second ammendment white americans gun owners are the biggest armed population on the planet controlling huge amounts of the global food supply
>b-but user the jews have the american military with all its tech and sheeeit
Oh you mean that 90 percent pluss white christian organization full of rednecks and phcyhos who are just itching for an excuse to put a bullet in the head of their transgendered black affimrative action ass CO
>but user....DAT TECK DO
Yes, tell me more about how veitnam went?
Or how are war in afiganistan is going lol
the US military does not have the capability skill or willingness to fight a war of attretion against an armed and dedicated population over a country 2/3rds the size of russia
An ancestor of mine was the last slaveowner in Maine
Both of my wives were Daughters of the American Revolution. No shit.
The first one was Native American as well.
I have reproduced 3 times that I know of, all blue-eyed males.
I am the son of Nordics and Irish.
My sons are as American as you can possibly be.
Their claim is greater than Indians, Indians, Blacks, Mexicans, other Brown-eyes, or the newcomer East Asian.
Come at us, bitch.
That's fuckin neato.
My ancestors were loyalists who fled to India after the war
The Founders did plenty right. One major issue I can think of right off the bat though was not solving slavery then and there in their own time and instead passing it off to future generations to figure out. The Civil War was one of the worst things that happened to Old Stock Americans both northern and southern. Also sending blacks off to Liberia or wherever would've been more realistic in their time than at the time of the Civil War.
Asians, take a hit for us. It looks infected. We'll help you when we can.
My mom did the whole Daughters of the Revolution thing back in the day. Her father's side, at least, is old school colonial. All of my ancestry is NW Europe and the British Isles. Willing to bet a good 35% of this country is the same.
Yes, the patriarch and namesake of my family came here from Heidelberg, Germany and got off the boat in Charleston, SC in 1749. His son fought in the SC militia and bought a farm in 1805. We still still have a 15 acre piece of that property.
Really need a son to pass or down to butbthings aren’t looking good.
My great grandad shot the first musket of the revolution. He then befriended a Chinese railroad worker and they went on to found Nintendo.
I'm a descendant of Ulysses grant
Thanks grandma mary
Damn shame to fight the Brits and then allow the Mexicans to flood in.
Defining citizens ship and immigration law as purely racially european would have been helpful as well
though in all honesty this requires a bit more forsite then is reasonable to ask of them lol
its sort of like asking them to write about abortion in the constitution
they couldnt even imagine a culture this fucking marxist
I will say this though
Wasingtons chartering the first central bank for only a brief number of years shows an amazing level of political understanding espeically considering jewish banking cartells like the rothschilds were only just getting their start in the late 1700s and saying
"This could easily turn to shit"
Was an amazing economic insight on a system that barely even been born yet
Descended from Winthrop boat people. Founded Charlestown, Mass and Stonington, Conn. Weird so much family on Jow Forums...
Richard Lee I
Col. Richard Lee I (1617–1664), later nicknamed "The Immigrant" was the first member of the Lee family to live in America; he emigrated from Shropshire, England to Virginia in 1639. Lee was a lawyer, planter, soldier, politician, and Member of the Virginia House of Burgesses.
By the time of his death, Lee was the largest landholder in Virginia, with 13,000 acres, and perhaps the richest man in Virginia.
He was the great-great-great grandfather of Confederate general Robert E. Lee and the great-grandfather of President Zachary Taylor.
Col. Richard Lee (1618–1664), the "Immigrant"
Yes, albeit on the other side. I can trace my paternal grandfather's ancestry back to a Hessian who decided to stay after the Revolutionary War ended.
1740's Anabaptists from Germany. Have proof of one relative fighting in the Revolution.
1630's Puritans from Braintree, England. Great uncle was captured at Petersburg and died in Andersonville prison aged 23.
Probably other relatives fought but no proof yet. Interesting story from my grandmother. Another great uncle fought in and survived the Civil War. He brought home a negro and kept him as a "servant" the rest of his life.
Most Americans have colonial ancestors. They just forgot it because tracing your ancestry only became a thing for normal people in the last 100 years. Oral stories preserved the most recent migrants but not the normal people that had been here 200+ years and were just plain Americans.
Also Jimmy Hoffa, but I think he is a cousin rather than a direct ancestor. I'd have to bust out my family histories again
It's not like they didn't know that their system was corruptible, as all systems are, which is why they included things like the 1st and 2nd amendments, many of them believed that eventually it would be corrupted, which is why some like Jefferson believed that there should be periodic revolutions. The state of America today isn't really the fault of the mistakes of the founders, it's more due to the corruptible nature of power and the negligence of Americans.
Settling the west is still lagit
>mfw have colonial american blood via a whaler who settled here 200 years ago
Mine came here in the early 1800s and owned land in the south.
It's why I actively ask as much family as I can for photos, records, family heirlooms, and such. It's amazing the stuff people will throw out.