Should I approach her, Jow Forums? Give me a quick answer

Should I approach her, Jow Forums? Give me a quick answer

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Do it

Yes or you'll regret it forever

Get the most out of life that you can, this isn't the best place for this but you should make your life better.

show her your two inch titan

slap her ass

Oh it's this thread again

the sign says stop, faggot.


you should die

the best place to approach a random girl is a dance club

well, the easiest anyway

If you’re into traps, is that a trap I trust no one on 4chin if not I would say yes

Wow saw the exact same thread a month ago

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Okay fuck the optics, i'm going in

she looks like a basic thot/whore

up to you

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Fuck you Jew

Eat shit and die

Well done. Report back after she accepts your offer to meet up at the Damascus gate at high noon.

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She's Israeli. Of course!

>when her nose is bigger than her tittys

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>when her nose enters the room before her tits

And just like that, he was never heard from again.

call her a kike

you must find out more about her. for science.

for example, how come she is not showing panties even though her skirt is blowing in the wind.

those shoes...

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"hey bitch I like your butt can I smell it?"

best pick up line, totally works. the president even said so.

Post feet

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are you a gay confederate?

>Show bobs and vagene pls

It says do it.

Jump on them bones.

Call her a skank. Kikesses love that shit.

this is what a newfag looks like
also newfags, but appreciate you boys getting your sea legs about you
this is old

Does it have a Y chromosome or what