Official /GIOYC/ Thread #1 - Counting starts now edition

People like getting things off their chest however people don't like to make threads As is life on Jow Forumsice

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Let's get this shit started:

The doctor is starting to become suspicious of my symptoms, they know I've been more paranoid recently, and it's hard to tell if what I'm seeing is real. There are whispers at the back of my head, and it's discomforting, to say the least. Today, she asked if I heard voices, and, I said no. I don't want to be locked up, but, I can't live alone without treatment, I don't want to die, I can't, I promised I wouldn't. I don't know what to do with myself anymore.

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please let me go
I want to go.

Please let me go. I've been a prisoner all my life and I just want to go home.

I can't go out to find you, I don't like to go outside. You have to come to me.

You can't do this to me forever. It's just not right.

You promised me so many things. You tell me to "keep thinking about tomorrow" and to not lose the light just because I can't see it but then again, you tell me I am the light. And when you are the light there is nothing but darkness ahead.

I just want to go home.

So Anons in under a week I'm finally seeing a neurologist for my head that was bashed about 8 months back.

Although this should be relieving I'm fearing I'll have brain damage and if that is true I'm considering doing pic related as quite frankly I don't enjoy having to take twice as much Amitriptyline as prescribed to just to take the pain away and mostly function relatively normally

The thing that has bothered me most however and as reddit as it sounds Is not the constant pain, but it's not feeling as smart as I used to be. On most days I feel dazed and retarded but can still speak other days I can't even form a proper sentence with words coming out slurred and horribly in the wrong order

and knowing I can no longer talk well without drugs and knowing my future has been robbed from me makes me not want to continue Anons

the person that wanted to see where the world went and wanted to be apart of it is dead and I'm simply the last remnant of him.

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Which is better? To see someone live and suffer? Or to see them die? Imagine suicide from a third person perspective. Please and thank you.


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I'm aware user I've seen a lot of people killing themselves here from saw robot who blew his brains out to a 12 year old hanging herself live
I just don't know what to do I'm no longer enjoying life because of factors I couldn't control that can't exactly be made right after all its not like the brain magically heals nor do I want to live in this pain for the rest of my life

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I didn't tell you not to kill yourself. I told you to view it from a third person perspective. I'm the guy with the moon aligned to the window as a pic. I can relate to a faltering psyche, it's scary as hell. It doesn't seem like there are a lot of options in life when you're cornered like this, does there?

if capitalism so good then WHY DOESNT MCDONALDS FUCKING RESPOND TO MY JOB APPLICATIONS????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


when you can't even get a response for an """""Entry Level Job""""", SOMETHING IS CLEARLY FUCKING WRONG WITH SOCIETY

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Would you mind staying alive so I could talk to you?

How does intuition communicate?

I don’t know how to deal with a roommate that never cleans, or buys food or cleaning supplies for the apartment.
I got so pissed that yet again I buy everything and he goes and steals my food from the fridge and takes the paper towels into his dirty room.

He’s a student athlete whose parents pay for everything, so I think that’s where all entitlement comes from. But I don’t how to fucking deal with him anymore. He didn’t even learn clean anything after he clogged our sink with ramen noodles because that’s all he fucking eats, his girlfriend is nasty too, bitch leaves a bloody tampon on the bathroom floor every fucking month when she comes over.

All I can think of is to get a universal remote and keep turning off his tv(in his room) at random times. Cause on top of everything he watches law and order till 4 am, every single night! Or plays some game, idk what. Cause He leaves in 6 weeks or so anyway and I honestly have so much personal shit going on with work and family but I’m sick of being a doormat for this guy.

And I didn’t realize how much of a problem this guy was until a third roommate moved out and our forth roommate practically lives with his gf so he’s only here like 2 days a week, if that.

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i've come to realize that i'm far too mentally unbalanced and self-absorbed to ever love another person, romantically or platonically, and will live my life forever craving the sincere emotional connection that is needed for humans to be healthy and well-adjusted.

5 years ago, I stopped enjoying video games
4 years ago, I stopped enjoying literature, television, and film
3 years ago, I stopped enjoying conversation
15 months ago, I stopped enjoying music

Now I have nothing. At first, I thought I was just becoming an adult, but in reality, it was severe depression. I'm on meds now, and there is a small thread of hope, so if all goes well, I can put these years behind me like a horrific nightmare. For now, though, all I can do is wait.

Not really user
From the third person idk how everyone would react my friends would know exactly why its what I mostly talk about when the drugs wear off
My parents I think are already in denial
Mum thinks it's a phase as her brother didn't bother in college but cared in uni so I must be doing the same
My dad is refusing to take note of the symptoms declaring nothing has changed
I dare not even bring it up to my grandparents who don't believe in such things
Get a better cv lad word it to what you can offer them as a business and spin any experience you had Into valid experience that helped you gain a skill personally I did charity work in the time between jobs and took small jobs to build up my cv
It's also worth mentioning that there are so many people in the job pool now people are usually very over qualified for the simplest jobs
Sure user.
You can do it user I believe in you!

Well I guess I'm going to ask her to marry me its been 7 goddamn years

at least she's really hot although sometimes you forget... when its been that many years

hope to god i never cheat or fuck up

would probably just kill myself then

wish the bad thoughts would stop coming

wish i was normal

How does someone go on dates at least once a week for 2 months (including valentines day) before suddenly saying "I like you but I don't want a relationship" over text message... what the fuck is that?!
Suddenly now they are too busy to do anything together.

I'm going to walk away now and stop trying but I'm still trying to process why someone would go on so many dates without mentioning they don't want a relationship.. My first thought was I did something to fuck it up, but there's nothing that I can think of that would have changed things other than she found someone else or wants to slut around before settling down (we are both mid-late 20s).

Thank you. And, my parents were similar. The best way to think is that there is no way to change the past. Even if they fucked you over in life, they aren't worth jail time.

It never gets better. It only ever gets worse.

I miss my husband terribly. We're trying to have a baby and I just did my first IUI, which involves some pretty heavy hormone stuff. He is gone for work all the time and I keep face and be supportive but right now everything is just too much and I'm exhausted. I've kept myself super busy this last week trying to distract myself from my extreme disappointment that I'm still not pregnant after 3 months of tests and meds and hormones.

I don't want to talk about how down I am with him, because I hate to make him feel even slightly guilty for being out busting his ass to support me and our dreams and future. In the last couple years I've cleaned up my act and in doing so lost most of my friends. They're all still partying and I'm just over all of that. It makes it impossible to talk about things like this because they're so unstable they can't relate to anything I'm going through and I feel guilty bringing up my issues because I feel like I'm flaunting my sobriety and new life.

I just want a hug and a shoulder to cry on.

My S/O hits me when we argue and I just take it. She grew up in a very bad house with an abusive and neglectful family. All she knew was violence. I want to grow old with her and help her grow out of her past. When we're not fighting we're both very loving and happy with each other but our arguments can get really bad sometimes. I'm a firm believer that our childhood makes us to who we are today so I don't know what to do. Do I get out of this or should I stay with her until she gets better?

How do you love someone platonically?

>You can do it user I believe in you!
Thank you, though all I can do is keep taking the medication and hope it works. If it goes well, I could have it all back by June, but that's all for fate to decide.

Maybe she just gave it a chance to see if she actually likes you that way, but it just didn’t work. Or yeah she could have found someone else or just wants attention. Hang in there. She’s probably not worth it anyway.

I’m getting my life together,(I got out of credit card debt, found a place to live after this bitch kicked me out, and out of the blue too she gave me no real reason of anything being wrong, by disappearing and having her friend tell me because my ex is that “non confrontational”), but I still get sad all the time and think about suicide plans.

I just don’t think I’m strong enough to keep going on in life by myself and I find it harder to trust people. What if everyone just doesn’t likes me, what if the next up and leaves after years again? I can’t deal with that again.

I bet when she kicked you out you thought you couldn't handle it. You may even think about suicide sometimes, but look at you go man. You're improving your life. Being in a better situation will attract better people. You got this, and you can overcome anything else life throws at you.

Hey it’s okay. You’re going through something really difficult and it’s frustrating how you have nobody to tell your problems to. I know the SO should always be like the shoulder to cry on or like your best friend but sometimes there are things you can’t open up to them. If you need someone to talk to, just add join us on discord

Yeah I don't know, she is pretty blunt in conversation so if she didn't like me she wouldn't say that she did after that conversation and again a few days later.
It's just frustrating i guess, but i'm not going to wait around for her to be ready after i've made it clear i'm ready and she made it clear that she isn't going to be ready anytime soon, there isn't much else I can do.


I wish I could run away from it all

There were a lot of times that you thought you’re not gonna make it but you did. You’ve gone this far, you can’t bitch out now. Just keep on improving yourself and getting your shit together and everything will fall into place. Finding your SO is a trial and error, if it doesn’t work, you move on and try again.

Doubt and worry is normal when it comes to any part of a major commitment and its healthy to do so it allows you to assess risks. It also helps you prevent them just remember three things user

Even through you are getting married treat her like you are now have spice and spontaneity in that relationship stay and you should be solid

As with the previous post with sex and to prevent cheating make sex fun and frequent personally I agreed with an ex of mine where if I wanted sex I grabbed her carried her over my shoulder and took her to the bed.
Don't go full soy and have good boy points for a blow job like some redditors do.

Thirdly this is a personal thing pic related is what comes to my mind if I ever thought of cheating he is a reminder of how bad the outcome can be if I were to ever do such a thing
Restrain her by that I mean grab her arms and put them down to her hips but not so harshly that it hurts. When you are doing this make sure tell her softly to look at you, while you look at her eyes tell her to breathe. Tell her everything is okay then get her to tell you what's wrong.
Even through its true we're the product of our parents we're not forced to become like them. Let alone use that as an excuse to hit you user.
I hope it works out.
>up to fate
Anons this is up to you. You need to make sure if the medication is ineffective you need fix it ASAP. If it is effective find hobbies, especially ones that keep you fit and active and keep pushing yourself to make your life better one small step at a time.
Again I believe in you but you need to believe that you have the power also to make this change work for your betterment.
Good luck user

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Friends, best friends, siblings.

Thanks for the offer, but I stay off of discord. It's not even so much that I can't open up to him, it's just that part of being the wife of a man who is gone for months at a time doing hard, intense work is being emotionally strong, which I usually am. This has just been a lot harder on me than I realized it would be. It's probably largely in part due to the hormones. Even just typing it up and getting a response makes me feel a little better though, so thanks.

user my parents didn't fuck my life over some Pakistani did and I'm talking about blowing my own head off and my head only as I may have brain damage from it.
I have never had any intention to ever harm anyone else physically except in self defence let alone harming my parents
I would never consider making my death a double homicide suicide under any circumstances.
Idk where you got that from.

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>Vegans need reliable sources of vitamin B-12, such as fortified foods or supplements.
>high intakes of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, soy products, nuts, and seeds
> b
> y

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Yeah I know what you mean. It’s like she strung you along and gave you false hope. Well at least it’s only been 2mos and she was honest about not being ready. She’s still a bitch though so yeah don’t wait around anymore and just find someone else.

This sadly user

Hook, line and sinker. You don't love your siblings?

>If you need someone to talk to, just add join us on discord
You Discordfags are getting worse than the Jehovah's Witnesses.

Yeah long distance is a lot harder. Do you have friends at work at least? Or maybe siblings you can talk to? It’s difficult to go through this alone. It’s good that you’re being strong and supportive about your husband, but you also need some support from other people.

You’re not wrong 2bh. I’m not even that active there especially in the general but I see them actually giving advice sometimes so idk.

I don't love anyone but my mum and would consider myself a fairly well adjusted citizen. Why do you need to love somebody?

I mean I've got my mom lol. I have other people I could probably talk to, I just don't feel comfortable I guess, probably too much pride. So I'm venting to internet strangers lol.



A close friend of mine from very long ago took advantage of my trust to harass my girlfriend and in the same day try to take advantage of her and lied to my face about it. I kicked him out of my life, and avoided contact for the longest time. I feel like shit because this was a guy I trusted a lot and was a good friend. I fucking hate that I have to feel bad because he did that horrible thing. Why the fuck do I feel bad about ostricizing this betraying sack of shit? I hate it.

Because you're a girl, not a woman. Guys are assholes, especially the ones you think you can trust. Let this be a lesson to you.

There is only one of 20 million men worth it and it's unlikely you run into him. Enjoy your life and don't overthink.

I'm a guy, dude

I’m afraid one day you will find something about me that will scare the hell out of you.

I don’t even know what, but from all the possible ways of loosing you this one terrifies me.

Maybe you are bi curious?

I'm scared I'm going to find something out about you too. That's why it freaks me out when you're so private.

Anime has ruined my life, I only work and then come home, hole up in my room and watch anime and hentai when I wanna fap, my roommate has been trying to get me out of my room more but I never want to

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>roommate brings "friend" over
>they all know I've had a history of failed intimacy
>other roommate comes over to sweet talk &/or "distract" me from them like a damn 3 year old

The second I say/post something only proves that I'm bothered but... I'm not? What do?

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I suppose it is time to shout into the void again, I hope you are doing well. I wish we could talk again, maybe play games together like we used to. Even if we never have a relationship again I really want to be your friend like we used to be, we were friends much longer after all. I miss you every day, I wish you missed me too.

maybe it's cuz I'm dumb but I don't get what's your issue

>wanting others to miss you

Then ask me.

His friends are trying not to make him feel bad because he can't get laid, and he feels like they're belittling him for it.

Guys have this problem as well? I always thought you'd just make fun of each other.

If you miss someone you care about them. If you don't think about them you don't care. Is it really so wrong to want someone who was your best friend for almost a decade to care about you? I have done lots of them over the years too, all I hope is they care about me on some level.

Well I wouldn't be so upset with you if you'd just get out of your room and be a human again

Whenever one can stand and piss above another, one will stand and piss above another. Such is life.

No it's more that I'm slightly agitated about the unnecessary coddling

Godamn my bad wording.

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This reminded me of someone. Ugh.

You feel bad because you’re too nice. Stop being a little bitch and be thankful that you were able to remove a pest in your life. He’s a worthless piece of shit who doesn’t deserve your trust

At least get revenge on the pakistani shitskins who are ruining Europe.

So you’re not bothered that your roommate brought home a friend but you’re annoyed that your other roommate had to sweet talk and “distract” you from them because they think it bothers you? Well you should have just told your other roommate that you don’t need comfort and that he/she can fuck off

>get diagnosed with depression
>get treatment
>mostly normal again
>once a week it comes back for a day or two
Could be worse but fuck it's tedious. Hate going from feeling like a sick cunt to feeling like a fucked cunt overnight for no fucking reason.

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Yeah, but not quite.
SOMEBODY had better plans, I guess.

"Oh hey, we should play a game!"
*Proceeds to fuck off for the rest of the night*

What happened?



It's so simple, thanks user.

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I have a three inch erection and I’m circumcised.
When I was younger, my dad used to shave me, cut my nails, trim my pubes, pop pimples on my face and back, would smell my penis to make sure it smelled nice, would do the same for my armpits, and would sometimes shower with me. This went on until I was around 16 and he would also beat me if I ever denied him.
I find nudity, porn, and sex uncomfortable. Rule 34 makes me physically sick.
Every weekend for the past four years, I’ve gone to the movies or taken a nap in my car and told my mom I was out with friends. I’ve also told her I’m dating a Korean girl who was in one of my university classes.
When I was younger, girls at school used to hug me and random and would also tell me they loved me. Eventually I found out they would dare each other to hug guys they found especially creepy/ugly and I was a prime target. One of them also started a rumor I was stalking her because we lived on adjacent streets, after which most of my friends stopped associating with me.
I read and write cheesy romance fiction
I have a massive fetish for cheerleaders.
I find porn, sex, and nudity repulsive.

You're probably male and 19 or 20, not a woman in her forties who can already hear her biological clock ticking -- you shouldn't even be thinking about love and who to spend your life with. Let things flow and enjoy the ride.

>tfw looked up a girl thatl i have a semi-irrational crush on fb
>tfw shes happily married

fuck that felt like someone stabbing me in the stomach looking at those pictures.

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How do I become a NEET
I want nothing to do with the outside world anymore

Dammit even seeing your face on a picture makes me all happy again

I told myself that i have to learn how to be happy without you,

Only until that day i will be able to see you again safely knowing that no matter what happens i will not break again

I have big plans for the future, they will take me far away if i see you again i’ll never want to leave but maybe there is a way, maybe i just have to keep living and someday we will meet again under better conditions

It already happened once i wonder if it will happen again someday

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I want to read some books on psychology, purely out of interest. Where should I start?

Nietzsche is pretty easy as a starting point. Go with him.

Yo yew think yer gurl is speshul but u n eye kno she’s a hoe or the sitties thot or AKA she’s da train station.


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Sorry, I thought you said Philosophy. My bad shit.

You can buy older generation textbooks online. They're almost exactly the same as older versions, but publishing companies force unis to buy brand new textbooks almost every year which students then have to buy. Same info for a fraction of the price.

“I’m so, im so drunk...I can’t even see anymore”

Quit drinking wood alcohol then

I'm afraid about admitting I struggle keeping check on my emotions. I'm a 19 year old boy trying his best to grow into a man, and I feel like I've misinterpreted "men should be strong and logical" as "men should be unfeeling machines." I don't know whether I hate the degree I've chosen or I'm straight up depressed. I've only done it once, but a couple weeks ago I spent four days without leaving my flat, barely eating and moving between my computer and my bed. I put on a pretty good act of being well-adjusted, and my parents and friends don't really have a clue how stressed out I am. I feel like I should see somebody, but I can't push past the stigma of admitting weakness as a male.

I've just been drinking since it ended. Punched a stranger on the train the other day. Granted, he pulled it out of me by approaching me for no reason and giving me shit but I think I broke his nose. Got off at the next station, knuckles bleeding and collapsed in the street. Pulled off by strangers to the gutter who got back in their car and kept driving.
Maybe this is me excusing my drinking problem by using this as a reason to continue and get worse. Or maybe this is giving me a problem by thinking I need alcohol to cover the issue. Either way, I now have an issue that isn't inclusive. It's hurting other people. I am an issue to be taken care of. And that's not what I wanted.
I don't hope you're happy, because you don't care if I am. I hope you're fucking regretful and broken. Because I'm broken and confused I let this happen to myself.

Why do british people often use exclaimation points at the end of things that dont need one?
>me: "im going out tonight"
>him:"have a great night out with calvin and friends!"
>me: what are you doing?
>him:"night out at the pub! Theyre having a nerd trivia night!"
Its a hard phenomenon to explain but when im talking to my friend we will be talking casual and all of the sudden they say something awkward with that at the end. And ive noticed this with a lot of them. It freaks me out and I want to understand why.

Everyone that talks to me and claims to be a friend replies "haha ok" and other one worded shit. I've tried making other friends but no one is keen. Man ot annoys me.

>develop work crush
>she is going to leave for a new job and I won't see her any more
>Decide to tell her how I feel
>find out she is taken
>by a divorcee who had his ex-wife become a lesbian and has joint custody of their kid

Like if someone told me I'd be a shitty secondary character in a halmark movie I'd call them retarded. I want to be mad or upset but honestly I'm just bewildered to be in this situation.

You need to see a doctor.

Have a crush on a coworker which is well into its fifth month. When does this end?

It doesn't.

I was afraid of that. Oh well.

>crash my car into a deer
>reach out to my oneitis to make amends but she tells me to fuck off
>apologize to her and she's sorta talking to me although clearly not interested and eventually just stops responding
>she's most likely leaving her job and the town and it's likely because she's met someone she wants to settle down with
Just kill me senpai. I love her so much

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>be with a girl in a something between a relationship and a friendship
>love spending time with her, and we were suposed to see one movie when she's back from her trip
>eventually things happen, I get jelly and say some shit along with a confession to her
>she heavily misinterprets it as me insulting her
>no contact for 2 months
>eventually reach out to her
>she doesn't respond but I press her a bit and she says "user do you even know why I'm not talking to you?"
>try to get things straight with her and apologize to her
>"oh yeah okay, I forgive you, but I don't want people who treat women the way you do"
>wtf I never treated women badly
>explain my behaviour to her and that I meant something completely different that she thought I did, but be pretty sure of her still being mad at me so I just straight up ask her to block me at the end of the message (I figurd it'd stop me from ever texting her again)
>"user, you should think before you talk next time ;)"
>tell her that I will and things have changed in my behavior (I listed specific things, and they really have changed for the better actually)
>she asks me how are the changes working out for me and I just tell her it's fine and how I wasn't joking with the blocking and want her to do it
>"oh user I don't feel the need to do that"
>respond with a "alright well if you ever need anything, you know where to find me"
>15 minutes pass
>she texts me asking if I saw that movie we were supposed to see those few months ago
>tell her I did
>she asks how was it
>I give her a detailed response
>no response at all from her

Do I have a chance at this point? Why would she text me after that time if she was still mad and didn't want to continue talking to me?

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How long has passed since your text about the movie? More i,portantly, what did you say that upset her?

>How long has passed since your text about the movie?
Since I answered and didn't get a response? Over a day now.

>More i,portantly, what did you say that upset her?
Back then I confessed to her. I said that I always saw something more in her than just a cumbucket. Which was supposed to mean that I've never seen her that way but I know others do and did. She somehow misread it as me having insulted her. And that I used to treat other women that way, which isn't exactly true, although I did tell her that I did casual sex by getting girls drunk. The thing is, she did casual sex too, for the very same reasons I did. I stopped doing it anyways and I think so has she. I've changed.

I gave her a long message on how I meant something else and how I never treated women like cumbuckets which is what brought her round to saying that "user, you should think before you talk next time ;)" and then the rest.

I'm a total aspie so I generally sometimes say things people find insulting without my intention for that.

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Yeah that's where you fucked up. She's upset because that's an insulting term to women in general, not just to her.

I honestly don't know if she'll forgive you 100%. I guess only she can know. I wouldn't depend on it though. Sorry, user.

At least she talks to you. That's too much to ask for some people.

>Meet my ex gf for the first time since we broke up
>we have a long chat about all sorts of things we enjoy in common and I'm having a really great time
>we start getting a little emotional and begin talking about us and why we broke up
>realize how much we still love each other and decide to get back together
>I'm the happiest I've ever been since we broke up
>I wake up
>I'm still alone
>And with a cold
Fantastic, absolutely marvelous

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