Laugh and flame all you want. Germans, French, Scandenavians. Call us all subhumans while your women are being raped, terrorist attacks ravaging your countries, degeneracy increasing daily.
No migrants in Slavic countries, no degeneracy, were mostly religious.
Sure it’s spreading to our women but once the west dies we can crush women and force them back into the kitchen like before
German newborn generation is majority immigrants... think about that one hans
>created the bane of the white race known as the soviet union >superior You fags did more damage to europe in 50 years than islam did in a thausand.
Ayden Sanchez
>No migrants in Slavic countries, because you idiots live in shitholes. see pic related, cant find a slavic country on there, except russia, which is below fucking ireland. most people who migrate to germany, sweden, france or england are slavs, not shitskins. because your countries are so horrible.
>were mostly religious so you believe in jewish magic. literal dumbfucks
Pol is so useless all the people of europa that should be working together arguing about their races being superior because broad generalizations. No wonder nationalism failed.
Germans are inferior to Slavs. I mean just compare women.
Matthew Rodriguez
Poland checking in We should have went for Pic related, now poles and Ukrainians hate each other because of some retarded szlachcics Chmielnicki was right all along
>how is that a Jewish symbol Polan, you are literally the most jew-blind country on earth
Semitic religions should not be practiced by Europeans altogether. And keeping Ukraine in your borders is a racial suicide without getting rid of all the Romanian, Tatar, Pontic and Balkan shitbloods that live in Ukraine.
Honestly tatars are the only problem, Romanians and balks and insignificant And honestly Ukrainians hate tatars and would have loved to get rid of them. They had to allay with them to attack Poland, but the honestly hate each other And with Ukrainians on your side tatars are fucking dead
I’m not talking about the purebloods. I’m talking about the so-called “ethnic Ukrainians”. You see Ukraine suffered a genetic crisis and underwent a serious deSlavofication of blood >Romanians and balks and insignificant if you want the future “Poles” to look like this piece of armenoid jew shit, then yes. As of now Poland should cleanse itself from kike mongrels, tataroid and gypsy/armenian genetic remnants before trying to get new lands >based assimilated subhumans off to reddit with you
Jaxson Baker
Well Ukrainians have strong national bounds and are were very aggressive at a time. Assimilating them isn't as simple as assimilating tatars cuz tatars just blended in or beacomed łemkami. Conversion to catholicism on such big scale isn't possible so we would have to openly made orthodox religion tolerable. This would had also lighten the problem on Belarus border. Ukrainians would had to keep their language in beurocracy And Jews well... they fear the szlachcic
I'm talking about the past bro like the 17th century Ukraine now is unrescuable, filled with Russians sympathizers, self righteous nationalists and shitskins
Slavic countries from BEST to WORST: >Czechia >Slovakia >Slovenia >Poland >Belarus >Russia >Croatia >Montenegro >Serbia >Bosnia and Herzegovina >North Macedonia >Ukraine >Bulgaria
Oliver Price
Romanians stopped using the Cyrillic alphabet, despite being genetically, culturally, religiously, and in every way the same people we are.
>romania, do you have tens of thousands of slavic words in your language >da
If you have to name 3, it would be these 3. However Bulgaria was only relevant for a short period of time, and Poland was only relevant as part of a federation with non-slavic people. So really, its only Russia. Which is fine, thats more relevant states than the majority of peoples in history.
and then we are roman-illyrian and only real slavs are poles and belorussians
James Sanders
coastal turks are just muslim greeks, it is known
Joshua Morales
yep. Modern Poland should start with lipka-kike mongrels before giving a shit about some long lost lands >Slavic >Bulgaria >Southern >Slavs cringe
Adrian Stewart
that's actually the case except belorussians are semi-balts. poland should've been the central state of the united slavic states but they got massively jewed over.
Gavin Carter
says the fake slav
Cyrilic aphabet was adopted by romanians in 14th century to combat the catholic church from spreading using latin All the documents in cyrilic use the romanian language, while the cyrilic alphabet was modified since the slav one didn`t had some of letters needed
Also the vlachs subjugated the slavs that migrated here and in panonia. When the hungarians came they had to fight the romanian proto-states in panonia and transylvania
Nestor Chronicle (850–1110)
>“For when the Volohs attacked the Danubian Slavs, settled among them, and did the violence”
>“Then the Hungarians (Ugri) expelled the Volohs, appropriated the land, and settled down among the Slavs, making the latter their subjects; ever since, the land has been known as that of the Hungarians (Ugorska)”
Christian Sanchez
>Among these same Slavs are included the White Croats, 3 the Serbs, and the Carinthians. For when the Vlakhs attacked the Danubian Slavs, setded among them, and did them violence, the latter came and made their homes by the Vistula, and were then called Lyakhs. 4 Of these same Lyakhs some were called Polyanians, some Lutichians, some Mazovians, and still others Pomorians.
Vlach armies chased proto-polish people from danube to vistula
>6396-6406 (888-898). The Magyars passed by Kiev over the hill now called Hungarian, and on arriving at the Dnieper, they pitched camp. They were nomads like the Polovcians. Coming out of the east, they struggled across the great mountains, and began to fight against the neighboring Vlakhs and Slavs. For the Slavs had settled there first, but the Vlakhs had seized the territory of the Slavs. The Magyars subsequendy expelled the Vlakhs, took their land, and setded among the Slavs, whom they reduced to submission. From that dme this territory was called Hungarian. The Magyars made war upon the Greeks, and seized the Thracian and Macedonian territory as far as Salonika. They also attacked the Moravians and the Czechs.
Then the bozgors came, fought the vlachs for supremacy in pannonia then when they won they subjugated and maghiarized the local slavic population
Ryder Fisher
Another mention of vlachs chasing the slavs from danubian areas
>Almost at its beginning, the Povest' introduces the problem of the original and prehistorical habitat of the Slavs, preserving the tradition that “for many years the Slavs had their abode by the Danube, where the Hungarian and the Bulgarian land now lies.” From this locality, the Povest' represents them as expanding into the valley of the Bo- hemian Morava, and after attacks by the Vlakhs, it is likewise asserted that the Slavs moved north into the Vistula basin. Further movement is also reported toward the basin of the Dnieper and the area between the Pripet’ and the Dvina, while the founders of Novgorod settled upon the shores of Lake Il’men’.
Aiden Powell
>No migrants in Slavic countries, no degeneracy, were mostly religious.