Aren't the American "left" basically just economic third positionists with terrible social views...

Aren't the American "left" basically just economic third positionists with terrible social views? Most of them want "socialism" as a balancing force against the market rather than as something to replace the market altogether. Even Bernie Sanders is against open borders and is basically a national socialist, as opposed to an international socialist. If they accepted their own ethnic/genetic interests they really could be /ourguys/, since American fascism would have to be further to the left economically than the current or the historical system. I know they know evolution is valid so what is keeping them from it's political implications?

Attached: embraceathirdposition.png (530x687, 173K)

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That's not third position, that's just social democracy. Third position is more like fascism with more leftist economics.

Yes but they serve Capitalism by promoting modern degeneracy and open borders.

I think you mean Third Way, social democracy and laborist.

third position is abolishing money and watching the usa get devoured.

A fascist America would do well under a corporatist economic system (not to be confused with corporatocracy). We wouldn't be able to go the National Socialist route though, maybe before the 1960s we could've, but American fascism now has to be multiracial.

I would unironically go fascist if it wasn't for the fact I participate in the market. IDK what to do.

The fascist economic system still has a market.

Here's a relatively short video with more detail on the economic system of fascism:

I see. My particular industry would be wonky under that.

When I say "third position" I mean it in a broad sense of rejecting capitalism and communism and seeking a middle or alternate path, but I was also specifically only referring to the economics of both systems and leaving the social issues aside, because socially the American left are worse than communists.
The anticapitalist right probably should start talking about economics more, but for me that means learning a lot more about economics first. If they think we're the capitalists any appeals to them being slaves of capital via their social attitudes will seem dishonest, like we're trying to catch them out, and ironic, because most of us are not rich, so we would be the slaves of capital promoting capitalism in their eyes, much more than they are, even though it's so true that open borders is against the interests of labor and degeneracy is in the interests of (some parts of) capital.
I just mean anything other than capitalism and communism. The third way seems to fall in that category, but I just looked it up.
With the United States being as large as it is, I don't know if a corporatist system would have much choice other than to become stratified and bureaucratic, although I guess we already have that to an extent with federalism. Multiracial fascism would probably only work better than multiracial capitalism if the races were encouraged to segregate geographically. I don't find most white people in the US letalone nonwhites to be committed to the idea of America enough to sacrifice for it.
Ironsides did a video on corporatism as well. His mic is shitty, but he explains it even more concisely than c-t

What if I want to ditch collective bargaining and provide a better value proposition than all of them combined which would not only make me a leader but also increase revenue?

Ok, upon further investigation I take back what I said. Corporatism sounds gay as fuck. Fuck the optics of "hurr well its bad to be greedy". I want to exchange my proposition for my markets capital with no restriction.

I suppose it would go to a vote by the members of the industry/corporation, or maybe the idea would be tried out on a small scale to test if it works the way you say it does. It's vague what you're saying though.

Modern entrepreneurship already works this way. A lot has been inspired by the Japanese manufacturing principles. Essentially you construct no product to see if you can validate your idea in the market whatever it is. Then you create a minimum viable product and of course iteration from there. Small scale testing is what creates all these giants in silicon valley.

It also seems very very inefficient. In reality, most corporations under corporatism would cut corners.

>American "left"
What left? The dems? They're not left-wing just like trudeau in canada isn't


>russian culture

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Thats the point of this post. Americans don't have a culture

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I'm just saying you could do that under capitalism or corporatism.
That's why I put it in quotes, although I'm more referring to the Bernie Sanders type mixed economy people. The types who favor socialized health care, housing and food assistance, student debt forgiveness, etc.
Proletarian identity politics is still identity politics.

Basically i was fucking around with the lesser keys of Solomon and called up these real hard cunts to fuck the 1%. The only way to fuck them was to flood society to collapse, forcing mass suicides and mental illness and dividing the populations on sexual,political and religious belief systems, neighbour against neighbour, brother against brother, so they rule over ruins and souless fuckholes that are worthless empty vessels.

Shits real yo. It doesn't matter what side you choose, you been played you got 36 years.

>Bernie is a national socialist
Just get the fuck out

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>give up your culture
>give up your land
>give up your people

The problem with the West is that you have trust fund kiddies and art school rejects larping as Che Guevara.
Meanwhile in communist Easter Europe only the second was true. Post communist countries have more of their culture and are racially more homogenous.

>nazi germany
>not essentially a regulated capitalist state

Watch this video.
Well yeah, but that's largely because communism is such a bad economic system that no one wanted to migrate to the USSR. It's a good point that despite it's ideals, communism is better for the homogeneity of the race than capitalism though.

>need to be a nazi to practice mixed economics.

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What if I told you that you're in a mixed economy right now?

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>third position
its just fucking socialism/facism served with ethno autism.