YouTube channel exploiting the handicapped for monetary gain

I'm not sure what to think of these videos...

Is this exploitation for monetary gain? Or is there a darker malicious intent?

I'm pissed off at the mother in the first video since she was offered an abortion but chose, selfishly, to have the child knowing full well it was going to be retarded.

What's his endgame Jow Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

He’s has converted his channel and everything else into a legit non-profit charity, so there's that. He's been doing this for a while and seemingly started out legit as a special education teacher in Florida.

What's odd though is that his degree from Penn State is a bachelors in communications with a specialization in (((media))). Doesn't seem like the type of degree a special ed teacher would get. So, who is this guy? His name is Chris Ulmer. Is he jewish? Highly likely. This would explain the (((push))) behind his channel and MSM exposure. Was taking tards to tv land his plan all along? Looks like it.

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He's just made it to 1 million subscribers.

I wish zero ill upon these kids, and I really hope they're okay and safe BECAUSE HOLY FUCK IS THAT MAN CREEPY. Like, some literal Eyes Wide Shut shit going on here.

There's no way he isn't a filthy jew: Long-nosed Disingenuous NPC Turbo Chad + exploiting disabled children for monetary gain + making videos about Holocaust survivors + overt pride in an apparent sexual fetish = K I K E.

What the fuck is his endgame?

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I really am unnerved by people like you.

I work in special education and the way he interacts with people with disabilities is actually really amazing. He sources his guests with permission from their caregivers - or they even seek him out to get exposure for an otherwise known condition.

GREAT special education teachers act like him and many special education teachers don't start out in special education until they start interacting with somebody with disabilities in their lives and they take it up as a sort of cause.

It disgusts me daily that there's freaks like you in our movement that would put down our brothers like this. Just say you are disgusted by the disabled. I am not advocating we hold them up as something to achieve to but for us to act like the most compassionate and empathetic race and civilization on earth like we are.

Even if it's not the main purpose, every video is a pro abortion advertisement. The parents are trying to speak about how gratifying it is, but they let slip that it's a full time job while the kid next to them is either sperging out or eating a blanket

that guy is mentally handicapped himself! just because he's a pretty boy doesn't mean he's a supercreep. He's a bit slow and he found a good (for him) way to make money.

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OY VEY! Never forget the 6 bijillion, goys!

>(And Still Holding on to Hope)
What the fuck does that even mean?

This is probably the jewest video I've ever seen. Fucking Jewception.

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Your feelings control you. You’re a useful idiot and not a real man. Having emphathy and treating freaks as if theyre normal are two different things.


>legit non-profit charity
Apparently not
And he still hasn't disclosed his numbers pertaining to his profession, either.

Not to mention what's happened most recently…

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Don't mind me goy! I'm just trying to spread """love and understanding"""" of these brainlets (that'll drain welfare.) And, in return: give me shekels on JewTube! OY VEY!

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it's educating
i'm thankful for the guy because he's being fun and letting you see these people in a more real light

I was just getting ready to reply about this guy's facial expression, maniacal smile, the look in his eyes. It's always the same in almost every pic he poses for. I've been looking through his instagram just now. Let me tell you, I've spent plenty of time lurking /b/ and looking at these pics is difficult for even me… and I've seen a lot of fucked up shit in my life.
I'm sorry, but I'd have to put these kids in stormtrooper helmets to hide the horror. I feel bad for them, I do, but it's hard to look at.
Anyone who would exploit these children deserves to come back as one.

I hope he's not up to no good. Not sure if we should to investigate this one...

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I don't care if he's a kike and I am disgusted by the disabled, but he's doing a good thing as far as I can tell. Some people actually are good. What can anyone gain from going after this guy? You'll make us all look like monsters. Get out of the house and make some connections with humans, dude. They're not all evil.

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Jesus you guys are still making these threads? Who cares? This is just an outlet for people with a desire to virtue signal. If they don't get it from him they'll probably donate to some retard with a working set of genitals. This is far better.

People who devote their lives to doing good are Ned Flanders faggots and deserve to be bashed for being goody goodies.

yeah, fuck people trying to make the world a little better

Jow Forums - POLITICS


Jow Forums - Political Incorrect + Social/Political Issue = no argument for you.

Anyhow, here’s the quick rundown on SBSK for those not informed.
>autistic megachad
>used to go to a special school
>has an IQ of 85
>claims to praise Jesus as his savior
>literally a psychopath
>has the deadest eyes
>a sick fuck who enjoys the taste of tears and sadness
>hobby is the penetration and impregnation of anything, anywhere
>married a qt roastie on the spectrum
>fucks every woman he ever wanted since the age of 8
>fucks every mother of the disabled tards
>eventually get bored of the hottest chicks the world has to offer
>decides to fuck retards instead
>becomes a brainlet rapist
>endgame becomes the destruction and dominance of brainlet anuses
>uses literal brainlets for shekels on JewTube
>wants to create the fourth reich using an army of tards
>tracking the defects for a long term gas plan
>thinks Israel is our greatest ally

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Chris “gimme a little kiss” Ulmer
Chris “suck on this” Ulmer
Chris “let’s see if it fits” Ulmer
Chris “let’s see how bloody it gets” Ulmer
Chris “not on the clock then I dismiss” Ulmer
Chris “I want to fuck your disabled sis” Ulmer
Chris “let me drink your son’s piss” Ulmer
Chris “I get away with it because the parents remiss” Ulmer
Chris “It’s not what It looks like miss” Ulmer
Chris “into the tard’s abyss” Ulmer
Chris “don’t resist” Ulmer
Chris “raping retards makes me bliss” Ulmer
Chris “no extra chromosome then something's amiss” Ulmer

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throughout that entire fucking video... oh my god.

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why would god allow these kids to be deformed like this? Why the fuck hasn't genetic science remedied this issue?

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And that's not even the worst of it...


What a fucking hell of an existence, to have a perfectly normal and functioning mind but trapped in a monstrous retard body. Begging for someone to shotgun your head off but you can't communicate it and people just think you're so brave for enduring that misery of a life. Her parents should be shot. She's a literal abomination that defies every law of nature and isn't being euthanized by her parents who use her for virtue signaling on twitter and keep her alive with tax payers money, having to live her miserable, painful sad excuse of a life strapped to a wheelchair with the only instrument of communication being a fucking "yes" button. And on top of it all turbochad uses her to get some shekels and roasties drooling over him on yt

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why do you care so much, just because someone kept their disabled child alive? Do you have a disabled family member?

How manh times are you going to make the same thread

Religion is to blame for this "all life is precious" "Jesus loves her". "God has a plaaaaan" just put the thing out of its misery

disabled children are hell

I agree, I have a disabled extended family member too. However, in this case, it's strangers who have disabled children, strangers that OP will never meet.

SPBP. There is a push on Jow Forums to destroy this guy for no reason at all.

>This guy is using them for profit
>... actually it's a not for profit but let's attack him anyway
Fuck off.

who fucking cares if he's exploiting them? Nice that these genetic inferiors can generate at least a little value with their worthless lives

Said the incredibly obese man in the middle of the night as he has no obligations and has not showered in months.

You should probably call her doctor with these revelations.

>t. butthurt mutant
there is literally no objective reason as to why mutants are allowed to exist

>What's his endgame Jow Forums?
easy youtube money. Quit making these retarded threads

Why do special ed teachers always seem a bit off? Not retarded, just stranger than the average teacher. It's something in the eyes.

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1. It takes a certain type of personality to be a special ed teacher
2. special needs people are hell

>there is literally no objective reason as to why mutants are allowed to exist
None whatsoever.

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That's what the handicapped exist for, Eurocuck. Exploitation. They are LITERALLY incompatible with any efficient system if given any amount of decision making power.

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we're onto you
stop fucking the disabled you cunt

To expand as well, almost any continental culture that passed its tribal phase will have remnants of myths and legends about "hunchback" servants, or such equivalents. As it turns out, people born with physical deformities are also QUITE often born with mental retardation, PERFECT for easy labor: easy to manipulate, easy to make happy, inherently strong (retards often have increased muscle access due to various things like pain inhibition and the lack of natural bodily limiters).

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Yeah man, x men are reaaaaall!! Why take the chance On killing a freak when it could have SUPER POWERS!?? HERRRRRRPP A DURRRRRPP DUURRRRLL

That guy is a chad.

>gods little miracle
Remember, he lets this happen. Those things won't go to heaven because they can't suck God's dick every night

Is there any way to bring the jews up at parties without sounding like a sperg?



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Probably mossad psyop for something bigger.

idk man seems like a living nightmare. I really hope no of these things have sentience. My #1 fear is being a prisoner in my own body

I dont know if I would have it in me to okay the death of my child but at the same time if I knew they would end up like this I couldnt bear the thought of condeming them to that hell of a nightmare.

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Found the child molesting JIDF shill. Fuck off kike scum.

sorry fuck you flaggot
i hate niggers and all that fun shit
but this was heart melting:

play toys asshole

Then again a permavirg like yourself will never have an 18 month old blond haired blue eyed son to play with to understand how sweet that statement really is.

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only a fucking jew bitch would try and fuck with this channel.

this is fucked

found the tard parent here

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This is just sad.

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wear some kind of surgical mask at least, i mean, come on.

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Schizophrenia meets virtue signalling and narcissism.

when i look at these children i just feel so much sadness, this is not a life worth living

i would rather die early on than having such a terrible life

Imagine being a ridiculously photogenic Chad like this guy, imagine your life. You would literally never even know about this site, you'd be sleeping with beautiful girls who love you truly, hanging out with friends, travelling the world , carefree, posting your adventures on social media with tons of comments and likes. Oh well, at least you're "red pilled"

This looks like he wants to cook and eat the retarded children. Holy fucking shit this guy subconsiously hates this shit or maybe its no passive or sub conssious at all as if it is 4D chess awarness and does that midget look like him darky mom fucked a nog?

its a free country faggot he can do what he wants

These families might be Jewsih people who didn't get abortions. As in awarness for Jews to Sparta their own children. Subliminal productions of general production.



Thank you for making that edit

>that fruit symbolism


Based and redpilled

He has a great smile; If anything it might just be jealousy you're getting. See: assuming they have capable motor coordination and listening skills.

It's relative and easy to say that stuff when it's not you and you 'know' what it's compared to, in the 'actual/typical' body of a normal person. Similar things might be said about acquired disabilities and yet most of them continue otherwise fulfilling lives. Would you really give up so easily if it's all you've ever known?

I had some things happen to me a while back, so to ease myself back into 'life' I volunteered some time to supervise/train work-*able* disabled people learn the routines of some really menial jobs that would ideally help them on a path towards earning their own money, live independently, or at the very least help out paying for their own care. Obviously not everyone has a realistic chance at even that but it taught me perspective and appreciation for what most take for granted. And you could tell they really enjoyed the company of someone they weren't otherwise reliant on.

It's one thing to think someone is doing 'good' to make themselves feel better but it's another to think ordinary people can't or shouldn't be kind and helpful to people other than themselves.

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