Nerdy comedian gets called a sexist by a bunch of Stacy roasties while on stage and then proceeds to fucking goes 100% blitzkrieg on them.
Absolutely fucking incredible
Nerdy comedian gets called a sexist by a bunch of Stacy roasties while on stage and then proceeds to fucking goes 100% blitzkrieg on them.
Absolutely fucking incredible
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Fresh video. Anons can be first in the comments section for red pilling
make sure you leave a dislike
what a faggot. Men dont call cunts cunts
Bump niggers
got more of his shit?
Zionist charlie Kirk and shekelpiro need to fuck off
you sound like a cunt yourself bud
Bump. Men are finally waking up. Time to put the roastie plague in their rightful place, where God intended them to be.
Cunt detected
Lol pussy
I would not heckle a fucking comedian lol
>I would not heckle a fucking comedian lol
Unless its Dane Cook, you never heckle a comedian.
Weird slide thread. Sage.
That title is cancer
Also is he doing the Sam Hyde bit?
I love it when people call womens bullshit out. They get so fucking buttblasted.
Pretty fucking cringe desu
he's got balls. i'm give him that.
I bet all your boyfriends are cheating on you with transsexuals
Autism the video
I know
Shit comedy club run by female SJWs - what a joke
The text mentions he has a mental illness.
No it just came up in my feed. Obv this guy is just some nobody local comedian. Probably isn't even that funny....but this scene is fucking amazing
he's right but i wish his voice were less like quentins.
Get fucked cunt
>heckles experiences comedian
First mistake
Any person screaming at a stranger with the aggression of that women in the audience needs to beaten into behaving correctly in public. What caustic cunts.
Dude needs to go to the police, ramp things up - make it official.
That tattooed mole was way out of order, as was the MC/producer.
Fuck what genitals they have. They were in the wrong.
what a sperg
Sam Hyde is 10times better at this
you fucking suck, this isn't your "i'm posting my mediocre theater shit" board
hahahahhaahah the incel was shaking so hard
this is how I imagine the average Jow Forums user irl
Jow Forums is maybe the biggest comedy store on he planet right now. So many fucking funny guys. I swear.
Why even bother going to look for standup comedian shows when you could start a "Jow Forums humour thread" and laugh your ass off for hours.
Wow, this thread is full of lesbian SJWs and their "male" equivalents
This is different because this guy went after them for real. It wasn't part of his act.
Fuck Hyde - he has nothing to do with this
Fucken toothpaste
He went after them for real because they were heckling his act. Man, talk shit get hit used to be the way of things, but this was a comedy show. If that fat sack of garbage tried to talk shit about me, after letting them heckle my whole performance? Guess what, now you're getting heckled too. Cunt wagon on a wheelbarrow. CW on WB
3:00 he really crossed a dark line
Spot the spergy MRA
>Ultimate Charlie Kirk Mic Drops
it's not even 9am yet and some fucking reeeedit sperg has said hyde's name here. jesus christ, lad.
>haha Jow Forums doesnt like sam hyde I swear lol
All I meant was he wasnt there or part of this dude's act.
"Victims" fucking victims everywhere
Fucken toothpaste
Thread has drawn this assholes like flys in the summertime
>pirate flag
>no u r reddit
Good eye.
Haha awesome these people are scum
Young dumb, young young dumb and broooke.
Young dumb, young young dumb and broooke.
Young dumb broke highschool cunt.
Absolute lad.
This is honestly the funniest thing ive ever seen
I cant believe someone could be that autistic. At what point in the middle of that rant do you stop and look around? Lmao
I understand what you are saying. And there are comedians out there who get heckled then they one line it back at them as part of the act and continue with the act.
This guy went into an intense fueled rage against them. It was fucking personal to its core.
It's like the white man has been backed into a corner and this guy just came out fucking swinging. It wasn't a comedy show anymore after a few seconds of his initial rebuttal to them
SJW kiddults just need to fuck off
Good - you push a person this far and this is what eventually happens. Those "women" should have understood this. Perhaps they did and this is why they kept pushing.
Are these australians in this thread on multiple layers of irony being so fond of this spergy "comedian" in front of an audience of 12 people? whats going on here?
spot the incel
NO.... it was fucking perfect. Literally the best comedy I've seen in a long time and it wasn't comedy
my sides, lol.
Women status: Owned
I am over 40 and have had more sex in my life than you have had hot dinners, boy.
Time you grew up.
Everyone in the video is autistic. Also, who goes to a comedy club and who is a comedian anymore? I thought that died out like 10 years ago.
This is what peak performance looks like.
>have had sex in my life
how do?
I reckon he fucked up. He went a little too Jow Forums a little too quickly. Why did she even flare up?
fucking awkward. don't do this in real life, it makes you look like an antisocial nut.
being real is a very delicate skill that most people should not attempt.
Me too wtf people just stay at home nowadays watching Netflix and consuming degenerate music and porn all day.
What are you talking about? How can you come to pol and not be laughing your ass off at his performance and be fiat pumping for him?
Autistic or not this dude nailed this landing better than Kerri Strug
I don't know man.... what's wrong with going pol?
This guys basically fucking saying verbatim what pol says 24/7 but has the balls and platform to say it and now it's spreading.
Heros don't have to come in capes.
This is why people call us incels
>Women status: owned
This is it brother, the revolution starts today
its the manner in which he interacts with the females. this guy exudes insecurity and gives off weird vibes in general. doesn't make anyone look good.
I means it not comedy, but's its all true. Those truthpills.
Im fucking dead
See how the women recoil when he calls out there tactic? Poke and poke and poke, and when the man snaps and puts her in her place, she coyly retorts "wow calm down, why are you so angry?". This is the most potent argumentative tactic in the female playbook, and it's not even an argument. Just a way to manipulate you to make you feel like you're overreacting.
They fucking recoiled like kikes upon being called jews.
The only people that call """us""" incels are women, jews, and soiboys because they don't have any other insults that aren't offensive to normies. "Incel" is basically their only word because they can't say retard, faggot, nigger, etc.
I don't know, I would have just called her an ugly dike. He tried to go with the "Women are all..." but he never stuck the landing. He needs to lurk more and pick his moments for spewing philosophy about women. Somehow I don't think it went over that well.
You're right I've noticed that lol
Oh Sam.
Fuck man.... calling her an ugly dyke would have done nothing.
He should be embarrassed. Made any point he had invalid by stooping to their level.
>Life is rape
Fucking cringe worthy
Well it would at least make me feel better and maybe shut her up long enough for me to recite my prepared Hitler speech over the mic before the other fat bitch could interrupt.
Wow Australia, you have gone too far, as the other user pointed out, women are incapable children who need others to defend their crappy viewpoints and help people prevent them from feeling emotions they don't like.
You need to take your raspenct wamen pills.
This is true. Just because these women are actually cunts, it doesn’t mean he’s not a super shitty comedian.
Everyone in this video is a faggot. Including the kermit voiced victim faggot
Was it comedy, no.
Did I laugh, yes.
Sigh... I need to get the hell outa New York.
Shut the fuck up whore and post tits.
can you fuckers stop with these retarded clickbait fedora titles?
it makes you look like a joke
>BASED white male TRIGGERS feminazis and OWNS #NPC feminist
That is what adrenline does. Lol brainlet
The most cringe thing I’ve ever seen lol. What’s worst is you know he uploaded that video, look at the edits
100% could not be more of an incel.
First of all this guy has to read off a paper which is a noob move even in the open mic scene, but look how much the paper is shaking. He’s terrified
The end is the worst when he shows the commments and plays the victim card. He's no better than the women in the video.
Why do you keep commenting on this thread over and over? Adrenline makes people cold which makes their hands shake. Were you born yesterday?
Fuck off ya cunt.