Why does watching propaganda make me feel so fucking comfy? Even when I totally disagree with the message, it gives me this big smug grin on me chops. Case in point: the ending of this webm is like a bloody orgasm!
They are sending their very best which is causing those countries to become even bigger shitholes. First we robbed them of their recources during colonialism and now we are draining them of their best and brightest human capital. Shame on us.
>First we robbed them of their recources during colonialism
Every time I hear somebody say this I know they can't think for themselves at all. How do you even "steal all the resources" with the level of technology available at the time?
It was the age of fucking sail, not the age of alien doom machine in high orbit hoovering up all the resources with a giant tractor beam.
Zachary Hill
How do you feel comfortable even finishing the 2nd half of that shitshow? You must be fucking trolling, every encounter with a foreigner, especially african descent, has been absolute fucking shit.
Lucas Richardson
Verhofstadt is one of the ugliest people on earth and with his bank account he has no right to be, he needs emergency plastic surgery.
Kevin Garcia
It would be cheaper to hang him.
Thomas Wilson
Not to mention a great deal of those tradable goods grew on plants thus they were perfectly renewable. They got western medicine, infrastructure, common law, science etc. in return. Sounds like a good deal to me.
Isaiah Brown
What a saving!
Liam Reyes
>tfw it's been almost 3 years since I saw Google pumping out their migration propaganda on New Year's. Fuck...
Hudson Gray
o kurwa you've got to be kidding me! twist after another twist lmao.
They have to make propaganda look cool, or be humorous, or otherwise entertaining so you'll consume more of it.
Also to dissuade you from wanting to take more drastic action.
Imagine you're living in paradise or a hotel resort, you've got a nice drink, the weather is good, the people are kind and nice to each other, there are new people checking into the hotel. Then someone comes up to you and asks you to help keep these new people out of the hotel.
Obviously this new guy is a paranoid crazy person.
Now imagine you're not huffing the propaganda, whether it's musicals about refugees or videos as you shared or kurtzgesagt vids that are supposedly smart-think videos.
You're sitting at a war zone, people are helping new people climb the walls to get inside. Some of the people that get inside have guns with them. They carry booklets issued by UN how to evade interrogation. You are strongly alarmed and want to tell your friend next to you, but he's all: "Why are you so scared?"
You look at his eyes, you see them bloodshot from the marhuijana that you can now smell. You remember that he is on anti-depressants. Your other friend next to him is on cocaine-like stimulants for his ADD. They laugh at how comical you seem to them.
That's why they make propaganda, to divide people and prevent you from protecting yourself against the globalist plan for mass-migration to destroy every potential unity and threat to the upper-upper-class of tech billionaires, zionists and euro-aristocrats. Though the zionists are the most powerful among these.
Not to mention that you deeply desire the kind of peace and unity that is displayed in this propaganda. A peace and unity that you could experience if you opposed the propaganda, ironically and that you are certain to lose if you submit to it.