Based and redpilled?!

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Other urls found in this thread:Ștefan_Odobleja

It's a shame. There are alof of mixed race couples in Poland. I see old babchas smiling at half black kids and it makes my heart burn

Thot status: paid.

It's really hard to get pozzed with vaginal.

no wonder they fight so hard to get there.
I get it now.

There are not many black people in Poland, so when the coal burners smell their chance in Poland they grab it by the balls. And lets be fair Polish woman are not a classy bunch I'd say on par with English chav skanks.

ITT desperate westcucks try to paint Poland as cucked
for your information, simon mol infected mostly antifa girls, and after case blew up people got redpilled on sex with niggers
he was our greatest toll payments taker

Why do polish girl love black men so much?

Rebelling against tradition, trying to be part of the brave new world. Why do swedish (((men))) love black cawk so much?

>Interracial births/marriages in UK are like 15-20% by Polish women while only being like 1% of total pop

I couldn't find the article but it's around these numbers bro

Fuck off

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What else didnt happen

>Why do swedish (((men))) love black cawk so much?

They're just super, super, super, SUPER gay.

You mean the article you've misread?

No the article you haven't read

>50 a month

Jow Forumsacks will marry these women, though. Base Eastern European women, as I hear.

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All of white women are trash. West or East, all white women. All trash.

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it could happen, this nigger was heavily promoted by our equivalent of newsweek written by commies, "Gazeta Wyborcza"
he even got award for spreading tolerance
good that he spread aids as well, now we have less tolerance since it died out
and nigger is in jail, and everybody normal lived happily everafter

Anyone who cares about this needs to have a listen.

This just in: Nigger lies about everything... wait... this isn't news? This the constant state of affairs... Ms Brandt, get out there and fine me some real fucking news. I need pictures, pictures of Spiderman!

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I find it highly unlikely to fuck two different women a day on a purely stamina point. The desire to take a break occurs.

300 whore fucked that dude?

Hahahahaha, this is what justice looks like. Burn the coal, pay the toll. With all the media attention this got, you know those dirty polacks got redpilled by the tens of thousands

Polish women are the BIGGEST coalburners ever.

300 antifa progressive leftist whores
but probably numbers were off, but who knows, 3City is hub of garbage, leftists and germans

He’s an ugly fucking nigger, too.

He's like the ugly Scot in Love Actually.

non-shills not allowed you faggot. gtfo


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>Polish UK population=2 mil
>Female population is less than 700k,i guarantee it there are more males
>Marriage of those aren't 100%
>Let's say 60% get married
>60 out of that 700 is 420k
>Out of those 420k less than 100k pass the test of time and have kids

So that's 100k Polish females in the UK that have atleast ONE biracial kid.If those stats are to be believe in the first place ofc.

Let's see for Bong females now

Also 100k is to much of a number as well.
Didn't took into consideration the age of those females and how many are at marriage/child bearing age.

kek face it nymzcek all polish women want BBC, poles are not based they're worthless faggots that cannot live without a monthly paycheck from EU
get literally fucked by a aids ridden nigger you worthless faggot.

Also the Bong is lying his ass off.

"In Poland, Mol was accused of knowingly spreading the HIV virus and was charged in the cases of eleven women and remanded in custody"

Also,he's dead.

It's the EU faggot you invited us,we came.

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black men have bigger dicks and are stronger than white soiboys

Pfffft,go and get my bottle of vodka Sanjay before i beat i take your cousin hostage in his own store.

What is fundamentally wrong with White women who fuck niggers? Is it genetic?

fuck it, ban me i dont care. im sick of you cucks getting away with the psyop memes. taste white cock pajeet

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Should be treated as murder desu

It's stupidity mostly.
Most girls think blacks are part of every society and that they are native.The TV shows reinforce this,with all this interracial bullshit.Until they fucking realize it's not.

Also virtue signaling(look at me neighbor im a better person than you)

how come romanians never accomplished anything? like literally if the nation of romania never existed, we wouldn't be hurt in any way what so ever, the world would actually have been a better place, i guess another word that comes to mind is non-country.

its because muslims all marry their cousins bong

Show your flag first than we can talk.
Also the pc you type from or to be more specific the motherboard and the basics of cybernetics are a Romanian invention.
Try harder next time.

He was known for being against racism, he fucked dumb leftists, it's natural selection, those people crave death and the end of their kind

Google "euroweek Poland"
Mol's legacy lives on

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Just so i can blackpill you even more faggie.
You live in a world where all the major inventions/byproducts and products are made by this regions/countries.

>Slavic Countries and Hungary
>Asian countries(mostly China,Japan,Korea)

EVERYTHING ON THE PLANET,that isn't just ideology and useless theories were invented/made in those 6 regions.

>pc you type from or to be more specific the motherboard and the basics of cybernetics

Well factually incorrect on both accounts.
However your dick is 4 inches or less.

Because Eastern Europe is about 10-20 year behind the west culturally.


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here you go faggot.Ștefan_Odobleja

Educate yourself first.

Euroweek Poland
Quick rundown:
Shady foundation that operates in Poland organizing camps for Polish youth with """teachers""" from abroad
"""teachers""" are mostly adult shitskins and niggers imported from third world countries
Polish youth are mostly teenage girls teachers from the camp stay in contact with their pupils after the end of camps and post selfies with them on instagram, facebook and so on
Foundation has unknown source of funding but contributors from EU and our dearest kike George Soros are the obvious suspects
Point of the camps isn't really specified and is hidden behind indefinite codewords like "school of leaders"
Foundation has origin in a small town with around of 10k inhabitants which should raise suspicions
Parents send their children to these camps voluntarily
Mastermind behind this is Adam Jaśnikowski and he is a member of organizations such as European forum of Youth.
It all smells like a Soros funded program to spread multi cultural propaganda in Poland and give paedophiles a nice hidden spot to practice their deviation at the same time. What can we do about it? How do we stop (((them))) from killing another society?

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he's nothing, he was given a EU award to make romania seem less of a non-country, he contributed nothing, NOTHING.

Keep telling yourself that.
You stole a whole lot from Romanians in terms of inovations.
>The first recorded flight
>the first Tandem rotor Helicopter.

All stolen.Also show your flag faggot.

Polacks are only outcompeted by croats in ugliness. Stop coping, once a high test big dick black man comes in, all your daughters and sisters start dripping.

I'm sure they do.

Maybe you should stop shitting in the streets

>South African Press Association (SAPA) and Agence France Presse in their article described him as "a darling of Poland's liberal press" due to his political campaigns[15] Thus some of his victims were reportedly intimidated and threatened[16] and Polish police delayed his arrest for long because of his political connections,[17] thus allowing him to infect new victims.

I guess the press and police are also antifa, right?

Is there a more perfect disease than HIV? It literally affects the garbage of society. If you're a straight man and not a junkie you have almost no chance of getting it. Why do we bother treating it?

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>being baited so hard by a flagcuck

Give it a rest, son. Don't take things so personal.


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I'm angry today,i just want to beat someone into a coma to be honest.
A family member just died and i want to vent.

Unironically yes, natural selection in action, garbage genes getting removed from the gene pool.

>toll: paid

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He wasn't a random nigger, he was an "anti-racist" activist of minor celebrity.

Dick size is both a gaslight and irrelevant to geopolitics. Niggers do not have a right to our scarce resources, women included, because some jew creates posts BBC memes on mongolion basket weeving forums.

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Oh I finally get your outrage... your sister and mother are probably looking for comfort in Jamals strong arms while they feel his huge bulge.

You do realize you became the dumping ground of leftist and liberal Poles right? The rightwingers stay in Poland.

Eastern Euro girls are notorious race mixers, you can't deny it Pawel. Every time I got to your Polski shops to buy cheap 8% beer or lidl I see a single slav woman with a niglet.
Pic related. OC

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>1 post by this id
Think before you reply

>50 grill/month

300 people was the extent of people who needed to be tested, meaning the women and the others they had sex with

Does this mean our date is cancelled?

The 40+ had buttsex with him

I wish they all died
fucking niggers is bad enough but lacking the commonsense to wear condoms is just begging for AIDS

Dude. He literally fucked 600 women. There are like 10000 women that are of legal age and single in the entire city. Statistically every single 18-30 year old woman in that town knows a woman or she herself has fucked this nigger.


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>lacking the commonsense to wear condoms is just begging for AIDS
indeed, they're victims of anti-racism at very least
>"blacks don't have AIDS that's just white supremacist propaganda"

I mean even with white people, you should wear condoms so wtf were they thinking?
he may have called them racist for asking for condoms though lol