Jennifer Granholm, the Canadian lawyer who became Governor of Michigan, ruined the State on purpose in order to blame everything on George Bush. She thought she would be rewarded by Hillary Clinton but Barack Obama came to play spoiler by stealing the Democrat party away from the Clintons in 2008.
without this coup, Soviets would have been stuck in Romania, and Berlin would be taken by Americans. so no, Romania would still end up Soviet, but a few months later.
also anti-Romanian propagandists would not have another thing to spread lies about us.
> Second French Empire > Most effective regime we ever had > Rapid and constant economic growth > Well administrated state > Nationalist state
> Be pic related, Léon Gambetta > Be republican > Force France to declare war on Germany knowing the army can't win because hasn't finished modernisation > The germans have more than a million men > Napoléon III get captured by the germans > Immediatly do a coup, destroying to government > Proclaim the III Republic > Paris is besieged, flee the capital > Betray the people wants to do peace with Germany > The population refuses to stand down and continue the fight by themselves until the bitter end > Make peace with Germany, use german and french army to massacre the population
>flag: Serbia >posts a Hungarian propaganda comparing Romanians with rats.
nice try Zoltan.
our 1989 revolution was a great success as we actually got rid of commies, meanwhile you lost in 1956, be happy Nikita did not send you to Siberia after that.
He was so shitty he didn't even manage to take power but since he did that coup we didn't have a single effective government and France has gone down the hill
Christopher Hall
Same, but with presidents and from 1933
Landon Barnes
That was some great afternoon television programming, I must say. Top notch!
Chase Davis
yeah, at least we actually succeeded in getting rid of Commies, unlike out Judeo-Mongol neighbors.
i wish Television existed in 1919, we would have seen some good live reporting from Budapest.
It blows my mind why we would allow non-native citizens to 1:Vote 2:Hold office 3:Exist in our country
Anthony Thompson
All of them.
Elijah Campbell
it baffles me about it here too.
i don't understand why were Mongolian illegal aliens allowed to stay here after 1918.
America, learn from our lesson, don't be nice with migrants, you must invade their countries of origin like we did with Mongolia.
but don't repeat the mistakes we did, deport them home, before they stay for 100 years and demand autonomy.
Adrian Williams
including the Falcon?
Gabriel Rodriguez
He lead the overwritting of the articles of confederation which was the origin document that the Americans fought and died for in the revolution. It was a secret constitutional convention of 1789 that the people never agreed to. It led to the president having much more power than before. This also is the main cause of the civil war. Washington essentially became the tyrant king that our ancestors died to be free from. And we still deal with the implications today, such as the founding populations desendents having little to no representation whatsoever.
Hunter Harris
so basically you say George the American was a tyrant like George the English?
if this were really true, then you probably would have fought for the Red coats.
Gabriel Miller
Its a little late for us too though. Actually Im going to go as far to say that you are in a better position than America. Even if we kicked out all illegal immigrants in our country, we would still be as fucked as a football bat
Carson Anderson
Well a good portion of Americans just wanted more representation to the king. We didnt want to split entirely. That wasnt the originial intention of the tea party or other riots. It was to make a point that we dont like taxes or legislation imposed on us, loyal subjects to the crown, that we dont have a say in. Great Britain forced our hand in this regard. This wasnt the mentality for all americans of course, dont get the wrong idea.
Parker Cox
Not an individual person, but the Australian government has fucked us so over for so long. Not going to get into detail, but infrastructure, education, and everything else you need to run a country is really shitty
Owen Morris
are we really in a better position? i don't think so, until we get rid of the Mongol migrants and Indian antique farm equipment.
so basically they many really fought so the 13 colonies would have a Commonwealth like status, and if the British would have given it, there would be no revolution?
at least you won, so there was a good part in it.
Luis Gomez
>because of his retarded coup, we ended up with 50 years of Bolshevism, And that's a good thing. Look at France, Britain, West Germany, Sweden and America etc you retard.
Logan Sullivan
He killed Kennedy and instituted the modern immigration act. He made the new democrats and is responsible for the neocons. This son of a bitch helped create the Bush dynasty and was the one who got "niggers to vote Democrat for 200 years". He wasn't just the worst president, he was the worst American. Press S to spit on his grave.
Apples to oranges. Im sure both our demographic situations are fucked. I dont mean to demean your situation.
And theres not way to tell what could have happened but you could assume, wed probably have a similar status to canada or Australia. Im not sure if those were different.
In present day terms, I think of it like how the us claims Puerto Rico or Guam as a territory. They dont get to vote in our elections, but we own them. The difference here being we give a shit ton of money to them whereas we gave money back to great britain.
Jaxon Jones
I see him as the nail in the coffin for america. We may not be dead yet but he signed our death cetifricate.
Matthew Reyes
I have to hand it to him that he managed to become president in the one way he knew he could. He was too corrupt to be electable outside of Texas machine politics.
Isaac Cook
>He killed Kennedy and instituted the modern immigration act. JFK would have signed it too
Neck yourself, Hitler should've gassed you kikes instead of treating you like humans. What good did communism did to my country, especially to Bessarabia,both in ruins with most of the youth dead or in prison after years of terror and blinding people.
This. Doesn't fucken help that both Parties think the Prime Ministership is just a game of Musical Chairs.
Jayden Davis
but why really him?
i wish Klaus would learn from him, and build a wall between us and Bulgaria. we will make Bulgarians pay not just for the wall, but for every bad deed they did.
Eli Lewis
Marshall Deodoro da Fonseca screwed Brazil up by deposing the beloved Emperor and establishing a failed Republic.
The reason? He hated one of the guys Emperor Pedro II had supposedly appointed to his cabinet because that dude had cuckolded him a few years before.
Spotted the Jow Forumsfag who hasn't woken up that they're a fucking snake-oil customer. The fucking joke is going to get funnier and funnier...strap in. When Trump is done, Democrats will rule everything.
This, his brother spearheaded it. It was his brother right? Or cousin or something. JFK was only good because he died before he made the biggest fuck up of all. I supposed its an odd argument but I bet everyone agrees this is what would have happened had he lived.
Ethan Ortiz
When I was stationed in Germany the hookers I used to fich we’re all from Romania and they love die sperma lol Haha anyways I’m gonna go shoot up some black tar heroine good night
Jayden Myers
Ian Cook
It is.
Jose Jenkins
Grow up kid
Sebastian Evans
Trump is actually the sad outcome of Mitch McConnell, who basically taught America that Government isn't about governing, but about power. He laid out the rules...and then the country saw all these Republicans in Congress who talked endlessly about "respect," "honor," "debt," "deficits" etc. get a retard POTUS who will sign anything and flushed it all for a version of America 80% of the country doesn't want...and for what? Greed. Paul Ryan was like the famous fucking Reagan cunt, and he as Speaker saw the biggest deficit increase and House tsunami in American history...
Fuck you. Those assholes destroyed the fucking country. Two wars, destroyed the economy, gutted the constitution, put the illegal NSA surveillance in place...what are you 12?
Justin Howard
how many of them were blonde? like picrel for instance.
i only wish our first lady Carmen will have a great reign like Queen Maria did.
our German brothers should thank us that we immigrate there, otherwise more Syrians would come in their daughters.
Stfu he was based along side all the nobles that were thrown out of the country.
Connor Long
Those “assholes” established a fool proof empire for you to live in. Admit it kid you are comfortable even if you are lower middle class. Thank G-d you were born an American, it’s the greatest luxury one can have in this rotting planet.
Musical chairs? I think it's a mix of that and hot potato. >Get elected >dick around, media biased >election time >fakesmile.jpg >get re-elected >your diking around caused even more problems >throw the pm title potato at the next possible candidate >watch him get burnt >elections >watch as some knob-head gets pm easy >they dick around And it never fucking ends!
Joseph Allen
Every one of our PMs of the 20th century really.
Brayden Martinez
Thanks for that, Radu, but let an American speak instead of me >and shall suggest that we establish an Order of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves so that our Roumanian friends can also be properly decorated t. general Harry Hill Bandholtz
Thomas Sanchez
Its one thing to ruin country. Its another thing to ruin an entire empire
Charles Perez
Same here. We got (some) independence and now we are a poor Britain that likes to irl shitpost and enjoys the not at cool at all 40 degrees
Landon Lewis
in primary school they always touted him as some sort of hero but he was an obvious commie criminal
Brody Edwards
i am not Radu, call me Ferdinand.
and who cares what lies did some kike with an obvious Yiddish name spewed.
just stop crying, Bela.
Thomas Garcia
too bad we could not liberate Russia from Bolsheviks like we did with Hungary.
Juan Barnes
New phone,i don't have many photos saved. Thanks for the picture tho comrade. TLC
Not your fault. We alone were to blame for that. After all it's was us who fall for communism propaganda.
Sorry for your gold though. It was spend to fight in WW2 by Stalin, alone with Romanovs gold.
Nathaniel Howard
yup, that makes it even more sad.
if Stalin really spent our gold, then it finally makes sense as to why it was never returned.
Brody Wilson
Stalin paid Americans for supplies. I think it's safe to say that your gold somewhere in USA, hidden away in some globo-shlomo storage.
Jaxson King
Took our guns. Pretended to be tough on immigration while quietly mass importing Chinese and Indians. Sold off public assets. Shill for free trade killing manufacturing. Wasted a once in a generation mining boom on boomer gibs.
This vile bolshevik Jew right here. I don't hate Jews, but damn... ...Wyatt Mann couldn't draw a better anti-semitic caricature than this guy. What the fuck. How did someone like this exist.
but he fought against Bolsheviks in Warsaw, so he made some good things too.
how did he allow commies and other scum in Poland?
redpill me on the Marszal.
Jaxon Garcia
This cunt needs to hang. Bitch let Canada dump their trash here
Parker Carter
Fuck this guy as well. A highly competent, decorated, well-liked, respected, modest and completely apolitical military officer who turned to politics and went insane.