Wogs on suicide watch
Wogs on suicide watch
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Gingers have the whitest skin on the planet, designed perfectly for northern europe and its lack of sun
Based. Wogs are nonwhite subhumans and should be removed the fuck outta are lands
Why would he admit to that and get a more severe charge? I call bullshit.
If you're gonna do this shit at least pick your targets well. I hate these morons
Some of us are not afraid to take one for the team when it comes to defending our lands, Chen Stavros
Shits n giggles mate. Fuck the system!
punching a wop doesn't help anyone
Probably because you're a shitskin yourself.
Sure it does. It makes people realise that they aren’t alone and other people hate them too. It’s called waking people up out of thus politically correct nightmare. You should try it.
If the "wop" looks like a paki then there is a reason for that isn't there. No one is mistaking Daniel DeRossi for a rajah.
To be fair to the lad, he did think it was a muzzie.
Yeah but how the fuck do mistake an italian (even a fuckin scicilian) for a muzrat?
kek it doesn't end there. wogs are shitskins and need to be sent back
the eternal anglo ladies and gentlemen
What race is this bitch?
The NSU is a hoax carried out by the German intelligence services, nothing about it makes any sense at all
>we're a large national socialist underground organisation unafraid of resorting to terrorist attacks and murder
>so we'll murder a few random kebab stall owners instead of the people with any sort of power or influence at all, and not even tell anyone that we've killed them so they look like any other criminal attack
>that's a good trick
>it was a conspiracy!
>us wog shitskins don't stand out at all from regular whites! let us in your countries
Now imagine that every 50th Anglo-Celt in Australia smashed a nonwhite rat
Will our society become better? Absolutely
We must be as hostile as possible towards all nonwhite elements that try to infiltrate our society
you are a fucking wog aren’t you
>What race is this bitch?
>What race is this bitch?
God knows, judging by how she dresses, not a Muzrat. Presumably you'd kill someone after more information than how they physically look, especially when you're in Italy and not the middle east.
What are you on about? I'm not overly fond of wogs myself but the NSU simply wasn't real, it was yet another in a long line of fakes invented by the German intelligence service to justify cracking down on woke Germans
Claims it's greek. The question was how could anyone mistake a med for a paki? There is your answer. Some meds look like pakis. Big problem.
Xcept I have no cause to go to Italy or the middle east., and what is race but for what you look like. You people accept pakis as your own we don't. Putting the label "Italian" on some thing doesn't change what it is.
those were the woke germans
btw here's OP
what about punching a dutch? they're basically wogs in clogs
One more for the fabulous Busty Kerry Marie.
>definitely Juggistani
Who would you target if you were a fanatic national socialist underground terrorist group willing to kill for your cause?
>A) a few random Turkish kebab stall owners, keeping the murders a secret so that the murders look exactly like all the other murders that occur in the Turkish community that is heavily intertwined with organised crimes
>B) a person with some power and influence, a prominent traitor or enemy of the German people who is harming them more than his presence or through selling dodgy meat
>C) random kebab store owners, but publicise the killings so as to strike fear into the racial alien community
In order of likelihood it goes B >>>>> C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>A
It's just impossible that an organisation as supposedly organised, well funded and large as the NSU was supposed to be would make such a stupid choice of targets
Ok. One more, one more.
ok ok it was a set up. at least they killed 1 wog
is she really greek? have mercy nigga i was just googling what white/latino mutt babies look like
Go away, you fucking kike.
How did you find me?
"My real dad is half Greek...I do tan very easily. Some people are surprised. I get accused of being anything from Spanish to Indian to everything, so some people don't believe that I am English. But I am English, just a little bit Greek."
I couldn't give a fuck what her mum is. She is definitely not English.
Triggered Enzo Iqbal?
>punching with those tiny baby hands
Can that really even be considered assault?
Americans are 56% white, should we all mistake you for what you're not?
1/4 Greek
Lmao the rest is Irish
Native Britons are shitkins in denial, so she probably is some Rowan Atkinson kike-looking type
because you're a faggot
>I am English
>is of shitskin blood
1/4 greek? Seems to have had quite an impact. Enough of an impact for her not to be English.
Yanks aren't actually 56% White. The White population in their census is. Which is astounding as it was a nation founded by White English/British people. Further, I'm not american.
Right, white yanks mixed hard and fast. A nation of mixed breeds wants to tell Europe who is who lol
how do you mistake someone as a muslim? Guy should take the time to see an optometrist
Nice try ahkmed
Judging by your response you're probably a newly arrived somali. Jamacains were bad enough but for fuck sake why the fuck did they let you people in? We never enslaved you lot.
But that's beside the point. The 56% meme is based on the fact that america is a 56% White nation. Something like 3% of White americans are mixed non-White, barring their spic problem.
We have no issues zeroing in on muslims here, was the guy drunk at the time?
Enough of this crap pls, we tan in the sun while you anglos turn red, you're pink anyway, not white. Are you white? No, you're pink. Ergo you are non-white niggers, likes your brothers the kikes.
It's not about tanning in the sun though, it's about the fact that some of you lot LOOK like pakis. It's not the colour of your skin it's the features of your face.
nice try ahkmed
Stop it with this nonesense, WE white people have a duty to mix with as many white italians as possible as they're the most based race of them all
yeah nice try wog. you go to slavery
It's actually pretty easy to tell an Arab from an Italian, especially if the Arab in question has a beard. It disgusts me a bit how much White people lie, you're such fucking hypocrites calling out the Jews for their lies yet you lie all the time yourselves.
Italians are White, even southern Italians are White Christians. Only a fool like you thinks they are Muslim, this people have been figthing Muslims for centuries.
Not sure, White-ish.
I'm 100% Germanic white, as are almost all northwestern Europeans living in northwestern Europe. What are the chances you as a "white" yank are 100% anything? Very slim, you've been breeding with niggers, native americans and Sicilians for so long now.
and Italians have the big dick
>shit skins
idk how i feel about this.
t. 50% italian ginger
i'm more inclined to support the ginger because i dont know shit about italian culture besides spaghetti and the sopranos.
is there more to this story or are we just reading article titles like jewbook npcs? (yes we are reading article titles like jewbook npcs)
What race is this person?
>dad is half Greek...
which is probably a fancy way to say her father is a paki
black and native american breeding is very rare. mixing with italians and polish is more common
>I'm 100% Germanic white
I really fucking doubt it.
>as are almost all northwestern Europeans living in northwestern Europe.
Uh.. the Irish? the Scots? the French?
>What are the chances you as a "white" yank are 100% anything?
lol, i'm pretty sure most White Americans are at least 99% White.
>Very slim, you've been breeding with niggers
Some, very few.
>native americans
Very very few.
>and Sicilians for so long now.
Dude, also very few. Italians are some of the most racists people out there.
>wasn't a muslim
>'religiously-aggravated' and still 'hate crime'
Oh, really now?
and so are you shit skin
I'm Arab/Iberian i look like a Syrian, i consider myself a hwhite Chrishtun. I look at things through a soldier's viewpoint, "who would i side with and who would side with me when SHTF?" but yeah, i get what you mean Southern Italians aren't Germans (and neither are you btw).
I'm not "Germanic" White. I'm English from Notts. "Germanic white is a yanktard meme. "Germanic" White is the only thing "British" people from Ireland to Scotland regonise as White. To us everything else is not White. If you were "British" you wouldn't dispute this it really isn't up for debate. Italians and Greeks were known to us as wogs as well maybe no more than 50-100 years ago. They still are. If you're White you're White. If you;re not you're not. If you were who you say you are you would not be disputing this.
Probably an Iberian or a Castizo, i don't watch football but isn't that guy from our national team? looks familiar.
Exactly m8. You get it. Probably because you're White.
big titty mystery mix
He is Uruguayan. Is this what passes as White in Uruguay?
We hate wogs now? I swear we liked them two weeks ago. What happened?
>potatonigger beating up a based med
He looks White to me, skin color doesn't matter all the German soldiers had tans too. For example, i was pale when i was born, now i have a tan.
The people who look like akis ARE pakis, we now have them here too. Whatever you say Feng Shui
All Northwest Europeans originate in the Rhineland area in present day Germany/Netherlands. Search Survive the Jives video in Youtube about English people.
I could probably tell that guy was a Jew, i'm pretty good at that. Jews have a particular look to them.
>He looks White to me
And this is what the problem is. But it doesn't actually matter, you already admitted you're not White yourself.
paki here, you deserve it desu, you act like the serf of the white man
grow a pair and tell em to fuck off like us pakis do, whites only fear a strong man because all they have betacucks
The English are mixed with Celts and Meds to a lesser extent.
I'm actually an authority on the subject, kid. I don't care about skin color, Jews can be pale but they're still not White.
If he has black hair and has a beard I could see it.
Only reason Australia even exists is because Romans decided to civilise the British with hot doses of wog cock
Aren't Pakistanis basically Indians? you look different from Afghans, for example.
Paki doesn't just mean pakistani. It's actually a catchall term for all muslims you know.
think you answered your own question
there is no “we”, araboblacked cucked manlet
You DONT belong in OUR countries
I'm English from Yorkshire, you're a nigger to me being 50 miles of the M1 south. Just joking but I'm not disputing that Greeks are different to Germanic peoples. I'm disputing someone said they're Arabs when they're not.
She looks indian, no doubt her father was a paki.
Meds? Where the fuck do you get this from?
Very little interbreeding took place IIRC, also very little inbreeding took place during the Reconquista. All people's used to have racial pride back in the day, race mixing was shunned and looked down upon.
LOL isn't an argument.
>Jews can be pale but they're still not White.
Yeah, thats retarded. More yanktard gobshite. Are you trying to tell me this bitch isn't White?
brits actually are kind of woggy
this is what tacitus the roman historian said about the welsh
"... the swarthy faces of the Silures, the curly quality, in general, of their hair, and the position of Spain opposite their shores, attest to the passage of Iberians in old days and the occupation by them of these districts; ..." (Tacitus Annales Xi.ii, translated by M. Hutton)
The French have some Med blood, so do the Irish (Black Irish). Also the Romans from ancient times even though not much mixing took place, but yeah all in all the English proper are still basically Germano/Celtic. There's probably still quite a few pure Germanics in England.