ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

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Should I be wearing makeup? At least a little mascara or something? As I get older (23), I notice more and more that the women around me are wearing makeup. The ones who aren't are some of the 65+ crowd, socially awkward girls, and hippies.

Does it reflect poorly on me that I'm not? What about when I'm in my 30's or 40's?

Everyone, How do you choose where to get your hair cut?
Fellow guys, hair salons or barber shops?

Do you look good with no make up? Do you FEEL good?

I googled and yelped local salons. Then I looked at pics they posted of their clients to see if I liked their style. I picked the one who had the most pics of cuts I liked, been going to her for like 2 years now

Not a guy, but I started wearing make up and styling my hair cause I got annoyed at people thinking I'm 14 year old. I mean it still happens sometimes but much less than it used to (I'm 25)

Guys, what are some things that make you feel manly? (however you wish to define it)

It's hard for me to say if I look good, because it's hard to look at myself realistically. I think so, and people tell me so. But it's not like someone is going to honestly tell me if I don't.
On how I feel about it, I feel fine, I guess. It's what I've always done.

I wear makeup occasionally, and the main reason I don't regularly is that it's inconvenient to not be able to rub my eyes and I don't like having to wash it off in the evening. I also worry about being intimidating towards other girls who aren't wearing makeup. Since I can be kind of intimidated by girls wearing makeup- like they're on a different level than I am. I don't know if I'm projecting my insecurities too hard, plus I wouldn't be surprised if my being bi plays into the insecurity.

I appreciate the input. I didn't think about that. I did have someone think I was 15 last week. I'm personally not super bothered by being perceived younger. I'm the youngest child and have always spent a lot of time with adults, so it's a role I'm comfortable in.

Why is /soc/ so dead compared to this board and Jow Forums?

Girls, how do you tend to behave on your period?

Do you all become neurotic messes?

Why are there so many underage fags like this as of late and why do they always post screenshots of bad advices?

It takes a special kind of person to wade through the dick generals. People come to Jow Forums to appease their own desires: to get a question answered or to feel like they have the answers. People go to Jow Forums because it's a community of its own centered around a certain population. /soc/ is primarily for horny folk and for people who are patient enough with the horny folk to find the other non-horny folk.
Also when /soc/ went through its various purges, it disrupted what they did there. It used to be a more happening place.

Unless they're all saving these pictures as the same name (unlikely), I'm pretty sure it's just one guy. I'm curious about who he is, honestly.

If it makes you look and feel better - ofc, just not too much. Makeup actually can be a lot of fun

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Most of the time I just feel exhausted because of the constant pain and diarrhoea, especially in the first days. I avoid physical work and chug paracetamol like mad.

If I was on pills for the previous month the symptoms are much less severe (less bleeding too).

Does it reflect poorly on me if I'm not wearing it?
I really have no frame for how I look with or without it. It certainly will never be a lot of makeup.

He has posted this pic alone at least fifty times. Bitter autist giving dating and relationship advice. Ignore desu

Does your personality change at all? I find I can tell 9/10 when a woman is on her period because she becomes suddenly curt and dry and borderline rude in every single response she provides. But I wonder if I just associate with rude cunts whose rudeness is exacerbated by period pains.

I act more how males typically act when I'm bleeding; more aggressive/violent, less patient, and more impulsive. Did you know that guys hormones also cycle, and they too have a period of spiked hormones? You just don't bleed, lucky you. If anything the bleeding probably is more of a nuisance than any actual basic emotions

>Men's hormones cycle too
Really? I have literally never noticed a guy being a bit more of a cunt on any sort of schedule.

It is hard to be warm, excited, and patient when you are dealing with chronic pain. Some women are better at recognizing this and compensating.
But it's also dependent on the woman's period. Some do not deal with the pain. Some deal with the pain sometimes, and not other times.

And how did you get this 9/10 thing? Are you also checking in with women who are kind and patient to see if they happen to be on their period?

Don't most guys consider makeup to be deceitful and slutty? It probably gives you some good girl points but what really matters is how good YOU feel and what you think looks better.

Can't do anything wrong with minimal makeup, such as mascara, foundation, lipbalm...

I've never had diarrhoea on my period, maybe you should see a doc about that, I'm fairly certain that's not normal

Periods have a vast variety. Just because it doesn't happen to you doesn't mean it doesn't happen to others.

Where I'm from, women aren't ashamed of their bodies and so they don't go to insane lengths to hide their monthly hormonal imbalance.

>it's a Hal episode

Like I said, you guys also don't bleed uncontrollably from your dicks for a week. Youd probably be a lot more "emotional" if that were the case. The actual blood flow is more of the problem is what I'm saying

There's been plenty of times I've thought "damn is he on his period or something?". You're probably just used to associating periods and all the associated stereotypes with only females

>It's all in your head
>men are just as bad you're just too sexist to realise it
What a stereotypically female response to criticism.

But diarrhoea is a serious issue that can cause dehydration and malnutrition, especially if you're having it at regular intervals. I've never heard of any female having regular diarrhoea just because it's her period, it's just a suggestion for the sake of your own health. Maybe you need to work on your diet as well

Insane lengths? If someone asks me outright, I'll tell them if I'm on my period. But I don't see what's necessary about bringing up that I'm on my period. I don't see how that indicates shame. I don't tell people when I'm constipated or when I'm feeling the need to masturbate.

>be with a girl in a something between a relationship and a friendship
>love spending time with her, and we were suposed to see one movie when she's back from her trip
>eventually things happen, I get jelly and say some shit along with a confession to her
>she heavily misinterprets it as me insulting her
>no contact for 2 months
>eventually reach out to her
>she doesn't respond but I press her a bit and she says "user do you even know why I'm not talking to you?"
>try to get things straight with her and apologize to her
>"oh yeah okay, I forgive you, but I don't want people who treat women the way you do"
>wtf I never treated women badly
>explain my behaviour to her and that I meant something completely different that she thought I did, but be pretty sure of her still being mad at me so I just straight up ask her to block me at the end of the message (I figurd it'd stop me from ever texting her again)
>"user, you should think before you talk next time ;)"
>tell her that I will and things have changed in my behavior (I listed specific things, and they really have changed for the better actually)
>she asks me how are the changes working out for me and I just tell her it's fine and how I wasn't joking with the blocking and want her to do it
>"oh user I don't feel the need to do that"
>respond with a "alright well if you ever need anything, you know where to find me"
>15 minutes pass
>she texts me asking if I saw that movie we were supposed to see those few months ago
>tell her I did
>she asks how was it
>I give her a detailed response
>no response at all from her

I personally think that wearing makeup is lying to others so I suppose it would be a good idea not to. If you were comfortable not wearing it up until now - keep at it

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There's a whole ad campaign on youtube right now complaining about how countless teenage girls are not attending school because they're too ashamed to ask their parents about getting tampons for them and shit like that. It happens everywhere in the anglosphere too.

Very generic questions, but I would really like to get replied.

>What do you usually see in guys that make you like them? How he looks? How he dresses? The way they speak? How popular they are? How important is each of these features?

>How do you usually react to a guy aproaching you? In a public place like college, are you generally polite and stuff? Is it too weird to get randomly approached in college or such?

There was another question but I forgot.

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>tfw somewhere between
feels good

Shit's dead, Jim.

Had the same thing happen to me almost to a T and within a week of seeing me regularly again, she confessed feelings for me and wanted to give a relationship a serious go and I'm kind of just going along with it. My feelings on her have changed bigtime due to her reaction and behaviour in the two months of no contact. Honestly, I wouldn't recommend the situation I'm in. The trust is fucked and I know it will end badly. I'm just along for the ride.

After I finish working out the issues I have with women, what can I do to get the girlies in the coupe like the colonel's got the chicken?

>It's all in your head
Funny, that's what guys have been telling women for centuries, how does it feel to have the shoe on the other foot for once? Lol. Yeah, guys are a lot more crazy and hormonal than they admit, ffs senior citizen male politicians are still tweeting middle school tier threats about beating each other up. Yet some guys are still delusional enough to call females "overly emotional". Most males act crazier than most females even if they're bleeding. Meanwhile the one week females have no patience to put up with your b.s., and they seem relatively crazy because they're so patient with your emotional nonsense regularly.

>How does it feel to have the shoe on the other foot
It doesn't feel like anything in particular. It just reinforces the idea that women are in fact mental cases that shouldn't have the right to vote.

Wait, so are you saying you've managed to get her to actually come back? How?

Because to be honest, I actually trust her. My feelings have also changed but in a way where I don't love her like I used to but I still find her quite a catch and I straight up want to start over. Just wipe all the past memories and do it all again but better this time. I can trust her. I grew up to that.

We're not talking about those insane lengths. We're talking specifically about the idea that this guy can accurately judge if a girl is on her period based off of her behavior. For this to be true, he'd need to know when the women in his life were on their period. Because just asking a bitchy girl "are you on your period" doesn't account for the non bitchy girls who are also on their period.

I am mostly being pedantic here and rolling my eyes at this guy who thinks his anecdotal evidence means anything.

Calm down honey. It'll be over in a few days

>"how can I prove women aren't overly emotional headcases?"
>"I've got it!"
>makes this post

I didn't "do" anything per se. We're in the same class so I just continued to be myself when classes started up again after the two months no contact and a week later she said her feelings were back and stronger than before. That's all.

>Does it reflect poorly on me if I'm not wearing it?
Only if you look ugly.
Minimal make up is good.

>moving goalposts
>"I am mostly being pedantic and rolling my eyes"
Why are all the women in this thread so far such utter stereotypes? It's borderline comical.

>What do you usually see in guys that make you like them?
>How he looks?
Initially yes
>How he dresses?
Just don't look like a slob, be clean
>The way they speak?
Yes, i greatly dislike people who fail to use basic english. And saying "like" every other word is the quickest way for me to ignore someone
>How popular they are?
Idc, I don't see how popularity is still a thing after school
> How important is each of these features?
Honestly their personality can make or break them. External stuff is just a shiny lure for initial attention. You need to be interesting for me to stay

>How do you usually react to a guy aproaching you? In a public place like college, are you generally polite and stuff?
I try to be, but it depends completely on how they appeiach me
>Is it too weird to get randomly approached in college or such?
No, I've had guys do that to me. Unless you're immediately talking about sex or something, that's just creeper status.

Then it's not the same at all. We haven't seen each other for two months. I've been the one to reach out first and well she was still mad. I somehow managed to get her to talk but it didn't go too well. I described it all anyways. I'm still very much looking for help here.

I mean, it doesnt happen that much these days because im on the pills most of the time. Guess it won't hurt to mention this to my ob-gyn on my next visit though.

Is setting up a date for four days after the last one too soon? I'd usually wait a week but she mentioned wanting to go to a particular place that's only open during the day, and her only day off work is this coming Monday

Do whatever you want, don't feel pressured by society. Plenty of girls out there who look good without make up.

? I'm sorry my explanation was too much for your heads to handle anons. I hope in the future you realize the error in your lack of thought processing so you can one day be happy
But hey guys, you're completely off topic

Idk user,theres even more bad male Jow Forums stereotypes lurking here. At least the female stereotype doesn't end up as a bitter mass shooter like Elliot etc.

It is exactly the same. I pissed her off. No contact for 2 months. She was still mad when we started uni again. She just happened to find she couldn't stay mad at me and my personality overshadowed that one flaw I'd exposed. You already fucked up by begging and pleading and telling her you changed for her. Do not initiate again. Be blunt and cut convos short if she texts you. Be yourself in person.

Sugar, there's no need to be upset. Now run along and fetch us boys something drink while we do the talking.

That's like one of the most common period issues lol

Alright, going to ask her out by text, I don't want to postpone this any longer.

So this is how I'm going to do it:
>hey, got any plans this X?

If yes
>cool, meet up at Y?

If no
>too bad, "..."
No idea how to handle rejection, what do I say here?

Does this all make sense? Ladies what do you think?

Really hard to predict, I don't get exactly the same symptoms every month. During the best months, I have no pain at all, my sex drive sky rockets to the point where I feel in heat, and the only drawback is not feeling 100% because of the bleeding itself/the hassle surrounding it, the fact that my skin is a little worse due to hormones etc.
During the worst months it's like wearing emotional sunglasses, every issue in my life looks just a little bleaker. I get cramps, am emotionally moved very easily (in general I can tell my period is about to kick in when random kids almost make me tear up just by being fragile and young) and feel disgusting physically. Shit sucks, but I'm so used to it now that I just tell myself to shut up and wait it out and not indulge my more negative thoughts.

Also these are two extremes, usually it's more of a mix where it's not the best case scenario or the worst case scenario. Neurotic mess though, no. It's not really different from having a hangover, having slept too little or being under the weather. Just because you don't feel your best doesn't mean you're out of control.

It absolutely is normal, a side effect of progesterone is softening the stool.

user. She doesn't feel anything to me. She will never text me or talk to me on her own ever again.

I made the mistake of texting her "happy easter" some half and hour ago. She fucking read it and not even responded. I don't know how fucking mad do you have to be at someone to not even respond with a simple "you too, user". I don't understand this girl. I love her but that's just too much. She's stomping every single attempt of mine to be a good person and to fix things between us. Could be because she already has someone but regardless that's just fucking shitty behavior that can't be excused. I'd reply with a greeting even to my worst enemy but she didn't do so much as that.

God fucking damn this why can't things ever work out my way

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I would just ask her if she'd like to grab drinks (or whatever you want to do) on the day you have in mind. Asking her if she's free is rather unenthusiastic. Besides, this is so casual that she might not realize you're actually thinking of a date vs looking for someone to kill time with.

As for the rejection, she'll likely say she has something else planned/can't make it, then I'd just say have fun and to let you know if something changes. If you really like her you can try again, or instantly suggest a different date, but honestly if she just blows you off without mentioning that she'd like to hang out or that another day could work, it's safe to assume she isn't loving the idea yet. You have to decide whether you like her enough to chase regardless and hope she changes her mind.

If she flat out rejects you romantically, say that you appreciate her being straightforward and that you'll see her around.

I suggest having it all in one. "Hey, have you got any plans this Sunday? Want to meet up at the Cool Place?"
I don't like it when people ask me "Do you have plans" because it feels like I'm agreeing to something before I know what it is.

"Do you have plans this weekend?"
"No, I'm free"
"Cool! Well we're all going to be butchering the pigs, and I'd love for you to be in charge of the blood draining!"

No, in general I don't think it's too quick as long as there's mutual enthusiasm, but given the circumstances it's definitely fine.

I got impatient and suggested it anyway, she said yes! Thanks for answering

Alright, fair points
I'm just afraid it'll be too sudden if I just ask her right away. I really am not experienced with these kind of things and kinda afraid she'll notice if I'm too direct.

No problem, enjoy!

Nah, you're overthinking it, the single line doesn't make a huge difference there.

This girl and I from work have had a ‘thing’ for past two months. Going on dates and making out, shes younger and virgin. I think she doesnt wanna fuck because shes afraid I’ll leave, but we act like gf/bf.. im confused. I also know shes an attention whore, but I was her first kiss so she isnt a slut.

Is she leading me on? I’ve tried before to fuck her, she didnt even let me put my hand down there.

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I don't understand why it's so surprising to guys when virgins aren't dying to fuck. How do you think she held on to her virginity until now? Whether or not you personally agree, society also makes a big deal out of losing it, especially for women. As long as there are no other signs of leading you on (not reciprocating efforts or general affection and the likes), it's infinitely more likely that she just wants to take it slow and wants to be sure about you before she takes the plunge. I would focus first on becoming an official couple. There's also a lot of stuff to enjoy in between making out and full on penetration.
If you don't want to actually date her, don't expect her to want to lose her virginity outside of a relationship. It's not impossible but given that it didn't happen so far, not that likely either.

refer to Reading about guys trying to fuck their colleagues here is getting annoying.

What sorts of places can I and activities I be a part of that would help me make lots of female friends?

I can get quite emotional but in a harmless way. I don't get angry at people or anything like that. More I want to lay on my bed and cry a bit.

>it's infinitely more likely that she just wants to take it slow and wants to be sure about you before she takes the plunge.

This. My last ex was a virgin when we met we slept several times together before she was finally willing to try. And you can't rush their first time either, you really have to work with them and let them feel their way around to get comfortable and confident

It took us a while to find our rhythm, but once we did she it was like a switch flipped and she became dedicated to great sex and constantly trying new things

>volunteering, particularly stuff with animals (kids and old people are good, too)
>reading circles, literary events and anything else drawing in avid readers and amateur writers are typically absolute clamfests
>dancing lessons, yoga, cooking courses, stuff relating to traditionally feminine arts & crafts, like needlework
>extracurricular activities if you're still studying

Just reposting my own thread but I need quick help

Anons I need quick help.

There's this one girl. We broke up, she was mad as fuck at me. Two months no talking, I finally reach out, apologize, she still seems mad as fuck at me but eventually seems to let off just a bit.

After sorta ending the conversation, 10 minutes later she asks me about something we were supposed to do before the breakup, but when I respond, she no longer texts anything.

Two days later (today) I send her easter greetings and she reads them. Then some half an hour later she responds with a "thank you, same to you".

Do I end it, or can I talk to her and just have a chitchat about how things have been? I'm kinda scared because she might be mad at me still a bit.

What can I text her to talk a bit? I'm looking to repair that bond.

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Ladies, would you date a guy with herpes?

You were going off the rails at how she's such a cuntbitchwhore for not responding to you, but she actually did end up responding to you within a reasonable timeframe. It took you less than 30 minutes to turn tail on her.

Thank you very much

Yes it was me. But user, is it really weird for me to think of her to be a cunt to not respond to that? If she responded now, I'm back to hoping to have her back.

Bear with me, I"m in quite pain after her.

If I only talk to the women in a place will people (others and them) assume I'm just a desperate creep?

Why do bigger girls look only kind of thick in their photos, but they're full-on balloons when you see them in real life?

All women want chads
Not some skinny fat dyel loser. If a women disagrees with this:
>1. Shes lying and trying not to hurt your feelings
>2. Undesirable women (i.e fat, ugly) will pretend they dont like chad, because they cant get with him.

But don't fret Niceguy anons just wait until your 30-40 years of age, she come around to marry you when she has 1-3 children from chad and done whoring herself. >.O

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Because women become experts on how to take a good photo and they know how to use different angles to take advantage of how the camera lense isn't faithful to what you see with 2 eyes.

photoshop dummy

>50k salary
>700k bonus
lol wut

Angles and lighting and things like pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth to lessen double chins.

Not to say celebrities are all ugly people, but they don't look as good as portrayed while in the limelight - a lot of it is trickery via professionals that do that shit for a living. Its the same shit with fat girls, just to a lesser degree.


By not using makeup you are signalising you arent as other women: average. Is not being average good or bad? That depends if you want average bf or something special. Do you have bf? Ask him. Dont you have one? Tinder.

Personally i like my girls natural. Often when they have makeup, you cant even smooch them without them getting angry about messing makeup: uhhh. There are special events for makeup, daily activities arent that.

I go to same place where my dad goes. It gets the job done.

Sport. Paycheck. Teasing her body until she cums.

That is only me. Nice to meet you. Rest of anons are adult, always have top tier realistic advice, are respectable and never use logical fallacy to "prove" their points. I post the shit tier advices only to make other posts look better. Never ever listen to me, dont even read my posts. Have a nice day.
Wanna CV?

Not really. And you should be asking this her, not us.

Just do it already!

She is your ex, delete her number and forget about her.


Just be yourself

just be confident

Girls who don't want marriage, I'd want to ma-- eternally date you.


Nice bait.

Wtf are you even asking

t.skinnyfat soyboy beta cuck

I'm a girl but ok

I literally don't care about makeup. But, if makeup makes my significant other feel comfortable then it would definitely make the relationship more productive. I don't want my relationship partner to feel constrained or like they can't express themselves because of my preferences.

You don't know that.

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>I'm a girl
Female opinion

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>the blood is more of a nuisance than the cramping and the emotional flippancy
I am a guy and this is untrue. Every girl I've met hates the fact that their insides cramp and their head is a goddamn warzone. With all the products and understanding about periods now, nobody really cares about the blood nearly as much as they do the fact that it flips a woman's hormones around.

I don't know how far up your ass you intend to shove your own head, but please, if you start to sneeze shit-- bring tissue.

Women have mastered the art of deception. If she looks slightly thick in her photos, expect her to be a hambeast irl. Serious advice.