It is now legal to kill white people for saying the N word

Man calls fedex driver “racial slurs”, black driver gets out and punches him dead. Gets off scot free.

Why is this not all over Jow Forums right now? Thoughts?

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fake news

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Kek, you have weapons, what are you storing them for?

>Fox news

Didnt post link (to a credible source).

>It is now legal to kill white people for saying the N word.
Only onions who die in one hit.

are you trying to out-cuck us or something, yanks?
First you elect 2 muslim women for senate, now this shit.

Americans are so cucked

As shitty as European countries are, the US is way worse.

Dead guy swung first you stupid sack of shit. Then he died from one punch because he was an out of shape fuckface. Sounds kind of familiar...

>out cuck the UK
Not possible
>Mr. Magnuson then escalated and became the initial physical aggressor; Mr. Warren again responded in kind

Retarded, sensational news headlines that don't describe what actually happened.

Shut the fuck up. You guys can't tell when a tranny is a tranny and if a news article is legit. You idiots make me sick

Sure Achmed, suuuuuuuuuuuure.

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He is right.

Kill anyone calling you racist

Jsut because you enjoy your waifu getting fucked by only God knows who, doesn't mean the whole country does. Go to bed, you're not thinking straight

Kek those gooks are so confused.

Skyrim is not for the nords it seems.

At least we have a chance to shoot Rastus dead before he lands a punch. You can't flim flam the Zim Zam. In Europe, self defense is prohibited and you are expected to give your attacker a blowjob.

>That absolute disdain for niggers
Based fellow gook

Y'know it's so funny, the gun debate. On one hand you're sooo adamant that you neeed guns to protect you from shitty government but you don't do shit. Occasionally one guy will go on a rampage and will be wiped out and forgotten a week later. Where is this militia the constitution talks about protecting freedoms? All i see is a country held together with gaffa tape whose central bank and political swamp have torn it apart at its core

>black gets lynched or something equally as horrible
>black fedex worker punches white supremacist cuck to death
lmao never change white people.

Literally part of the legal defense. America, land of the eternally cucked.

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Also, this isn’t even the outcome of a trial. This is a man not getting charged at all.
If a black man called a white man a cracker or redneck and the white man got pissed and punched the black man. Would he not even be charged for manslaughter?

>the 2nd ammendment is the fight tyrannical governments
Dude the 2nd is there to keep americans pacified, that's it's only reason for existing. Dont let the weird 3 percenters try and tell you otherwise. If it was really for tyrannical governments, we would have used it already

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well, since the first is a past control and the second is murder, the connotations are significantly different


This doublenigger has a point.

choose one

/discussion on 2A

Seething snowflake is mad because nobody who isnt retarded takes fox ""news"" seriously

I don't get the logic

The Nigger needs to be lynched
Also deandre Harris and Corey long should be lynched too.

>be nigger
>kill white dude
>police arrives
>what happens?
>he called me a nigger
>so sorry
>have a nice day Sir

If we ever become 15% nigger it'll be the same for us too.

Of course he wasn't charged its fucking Portland, Oregon. The most cucked ass backwards place in the US. Any other state he'd be going to prison for manslaughter.

Literally google fedex mans no charges and you’ll find plenty of news outlets covering this.
Is it hard being this retarded?

Chuckled but sadly

no pol is filled with brown skinned losers who desperately need white people to love them for gibs. so they shill for niggers and spics as based and say shit like that

Most Blacks who were lynched were guilty of rape and/or murder.

sven has already turned europes donger past the point of no return. you better prepare to winter war on the other side of finngolia.

Whats the problem? Whites did the same lynching, what this black did is tame in comparison to the shit that used to go down. He only punched him once, how was he to expect the guy was gonna die?

This Fed-Ex guy is black Saitama

This. The FedEx driver got off for self defense, since the dead asshole was the aggressor in a physical confrontation. Being called a nigger isn't the reason he wasn't charged

That's still a crime

>pol is capable of being more impartial than the people who wanted Zimmerman hanged, despite being self-confessed rabid racists

Diversity is our strength.

Oh gross, don't talk like that. I saw a nigger in real life last year, let's not make it a habit.

>White guy in Florida shoot a nog who attacked him
>Gets charged and is now in jail
Shut the fuck up kike

blatant lie. Remember Emmit Til? The lady on her death-bed said she lied. All lynchings were just ambushes started by former Confeds who were butthurt they lost the war. lel

But it IS the reason he stopped and got out and confronted the guy.
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.”
More like “sticks and stones may break my bones and if I say the wrong thing words will break me too.”

Emmitt Till was a rapist. You should believe women even if they are lying.

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This. Manslaughter charges exist for a reason.
Plus the guy got out and confronted (escalating unnecessarily) the man.

I was stating a legal fact in this specific case. Not some bullshit shooting.

Learn to read, you stupid motherfucker.

What? He was a fucking 13 year old kid. What the hell are you blathering about?

So fists are more deadly than guns now?
What are you going to try and ban anything but slapboxing now you fucking libtard??

and you want his cum in your ass, dont you user

Don’t be so smug you cunt. When the shit blows up here soon the refugees will be looking for a place that speaks something similar to English.

So if some white guy punches a nigger for calling him cracker, he falls back and hits his head then he'll obviously not be guilty too, right?

>anyone who disagrees with me is a homosexual

Good. The Nigger was in the right. Talk shit, get hit.

this kind of bullshit is necessary I welcome it because the more obvious it becomes to normies that civil rights means being above the law the more their primary anger will burn. it's reaching the point to explode and when it does the shitskin will know vengeance

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Every citizen has “no duty to retreat”.

>”the nigger was in the right”

Found the Jew.

I keked

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I said it before and i'll say it again - americans shoot in their own leg when they brought niggers to America. And you dare say something about Sweden, GB and others? Look at yourselfs - SWJs, Antifa, Niggers, Illegals, BLM, gay prides, slutwalks, white guilt and so on. You can shout "Fuck USA", burn USA flag, kill whites for words with no consequences, and in the meantime say something bad toward minority and you are fucked. Pathetic.

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There was no duty to retreat. While the driver should have just let it slide and moved on, telling somebody to fuck off for talking shit to you isn't necessarily escalation (although in some cases it could be, depending on the circumstances). The dead guy started a fight by throwing the first punch, making him the aggressor/assailant. As much as I hate having to defend a nigger for anything, the nigger in this situation was defending himself against physical assault. He didn't kill the white guy because he called him a nigger.

The Emmett Till case wasn't really a lynching, but rather a murder. Also, it's a fact that many Blacks who were lynched had already been found guilty by a court of law -- Whether you believe these court proceedings were legitimate or not, it's still not the case that the vigilante justice came without cause.

>He was a fucking 13 year old kid.
Muh boy dindu 'nuffin, right?

>be American
>it's illegal to attack a postal worker
>but they can attack you

>Africans in Sweden: 112,000 (1%)
>Africans in the United States: 40,000,000 (13%)

There’s literally an estimated 1 million self defense cases involving firearms every year and state militias all over the country were preparing for leftist insurgencies into their right wing neighbourhoods back before the 2016 elections. Come on man I want to see this country nuked as much as the next guy but at least give the mutts some credit.

If the nig attacks him first, yes. It's pretty simple dude.

so when a nigger calls you a cracker you can punch them to death

Literally if you talk shit to a black guy he can kill you know thanks America. Look at all the bootlicking Magapede faggots in this thread defending it. This board is fucking garbage.

Self defense and man slaughter are mutually exclusive

That.. WTF look on their faces

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fuck off illuminati shill
go eat some babies elsewhere

This board is legit half spics and a third fucking nigger.

No shit it’s called going Postal for a reason

>Mr. Magnuson then escalated and became the initial physical aggressor
So Warren killing Magnuson is just a simple case of self defense? Why get worked up over this?

Maybe you should read the paragraph above what you highlighted. Not only did Magnuson call him a nigger, he also threw the first punch.

He initially confronted the guy verbally, not physically. You call someone a nigger, you can't expect them not to at least stop what they're doing and call you an asshole to your face.

He probably means his father Louis Till, who was executed for a murder and two rapes during the Italian campaign.

No guns were involved you retarded, drooling faggot. It was a fucking argument turned fist fight that went bad. And self defense isn't limited to weapons, you mongoloid.

You are going on a tirade over shit I never argued about in the first goddamned place. Take your fucking meds, Danny Downie

>Cringe: The Post

Literally wut?

lol you guys are so cucked in the USA

here in leaf land we get away with shit like this every fucking day!

If I confronted someone for insulting language while on the job I would be at the very least fired.

Good name for someone who's gonna get fucked by the long dick of the law.

oh, what this state has turned into. It's so hard to keep from moving out

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>So Warren killing Magnuson is just a simple case of self defense? Why get worked up over this?
because Jow Forums posters are illiterate morons just looking for some excuse to chimp out over some feigned outrage

Those comments
Whew I dunno how you do it leaf. I sure hope you don't boil them in curry in Minecraft.

>This. Manslaughter charges exist for a reason.
And justifiable homicide laws exist for a reason.

>Plus the guy got out and confronted (escalating unnecessarily) the man.
You have no legal obligation not to do so.

More deadly? No. As deadly? They can be. Given that Warren managed to kill Magnuson with his fists alone, that would seem justification enough to use deadly force against someone who was also using his fists. He met his opponent with the same weapons that were used against him, and just happened to be better.

That said, he could have used a gun for all it mattered. Precedent from the Trayvon Martin case should suggest there is reasonable grounds for using lethal force against someone using their bare hands to attack you.

Fuck off with your conspiracy shit.

Yeah but there's not even going to be a trial so it's not the same at all dipshit.

Trump probably does a lot of business with Fed Ex and doesn't want to jeopardize his "America First" policy by punishing him.

i dont care, talk shit get hit. most of Jow Forums defends that fat retard who crashed his car into a mob just because he is white, they would do the same here if the driver were too. bunch of DINDU NUTHINS sjws

>chimp out and punch someone
>he dies
>tell police he called you a nigger
>free out of jail card
What could possibly go wrong by setting this precedent.

Still no link you fucking retard.