Half Of Millenial Generation Could Still Be Renting In Their 40s

>Up to half of the millennial generation could still be renting in their 40s and a third could be 'retiree renters' who live in private rented accommodation all their lives, a report warns.

>At age 30, four in 10 millennials live in this way, double the rate at the same age for generation X - the generation above millennials - and four times that for baby boomers born in the 20 years after the end of the Second World War.


Why aren't you a homeowner yet Jow Forums?

Attached: millenials.jpg (656x264, 54K)

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Most of the ones who are "homeowners" live in a house for 3 years. All their payments only cover interest and they don't build any equity in that short time span. After selling fees, repairs, insurance, etc they come out behind the people who rent.

I take it you aren't a homeowner?


Yeah let me buy a cheap ass cardboard house. Quality has taken a nose dive while prices increase

its not going to stop

I paid off my mortgage last year at age 35.

Then, I told the bank guys to go fuck themselves.

Then, I started improving the home.

Then, I finally bought furniture that hadn't been recovered from yard sales.

Now, I consider myself a homeowner.

I moved to this country under a E26 visa, but since I am not yet a citizen, I have less political voice than Chris-Chan.

I have enough money for a down payment on a house. But seeing as I don’t have a family yet, I’m waiting until I find the right woman

Where did you move from?

you know what the solution to this is, right?