Took part in some activisn today

And it was fucking dreadfull. People would insult you, or be disinterested. Some were genienly charitable and open to what the movement I am a part of are trying to do, yet most used mockery instead of reason and compassion.

How can you not hate humans? They are fallacy riddled arrogant pieces of shit. Constantly using whattaboutism, ad homs, and appeal to nature fallacies,among others.

I try and be cordial yet I am met with insults. All I am attempting to do is making the world a somewhat better place yet people just get triggered.

How do you maintain a positive mental state when being an activist?

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English is not my first language. Apologies for any spelling errors.

Don't be confrontational.
If someone is antagonistic towards you then recognize it and move on.
The point isn't to turn people from one side to the other but to spread information to people who are on the fence or simply don't know about the issue.
People are always trying to get a rise out of someone and get it on video to share on youtube.

That's what I was trying to do, but I probably still could have improved. We were showing footage about the charity and I would only speak to people who were looking at the footage as I assumed that they must have some form of interest. I'd end up having a discussion,and then the person would as home me, have a snug face, and walk off before I could respond. Many were just going for "gotcha"moments and it became very disheartening.

Either way, maybe this is just the nature of activism. However, I wonder if maybe my emotional intelligence just leads to these kinds of issues. I speak often in a monotone voice and come off as somewhat detached. People maybe feel less obligated to be nice to me. I've noticed the other more extroverted activists who are more "bubbly" don't really run into the issue as much as me.

I've also only attended 3 activism events so I may just be a noob at this kind of thing.

Ad hom not as hom*

You are being too generic in order to get any form of constructive criticism for this situation.
Also stop saying ad hom. Just say what they say about you. It makes you sound snobby since ad hom is the easiest fallacy to use common words to describe.
We get it you took an english class and now you want to say specifically what each fallacy each person is using.
It's very easy to determine if someone is having a skeptical conversation with you or if they are just arguing with you.

the taboo of naming fallacies IS logical in many social settings sure. But this is Jow Forums, literally everyone knows the meanings of fallacies here. It's just a more concise way of speaking. Nobody finds it condescending if used in the right context.

Also, yeah sure, you can tell me to name the topic however that leaves me in a damned if you do damned if you dont situation. I've made a similar thread and I was told I was just virtue signalling. I am specifically not talking about what the issue is so people don't accuse me of doing that.

Basically I was arguing that X is wrong but then someone would respond with, " well being an ugly hippy is even worse" etc. You get the idea. Many people were like this, though, this was probably the worst case.

Well to be fair x is good/bad isn't a logical argument. It's an emotional argument.
You can't get mad at people for logical fallacy with you are discussing emotional appeal.

Well there was more to it in than that.i am being vague on purpose so as to keep the topic of discussion confidential. I argued that they think X is bad in one context therefore they should think X is bad in the other context two, unless they can find a distinction which makes X lose its value while being in one place as opposed to another.

You don't. You just need to accept the fact that humans are predominately stupid and are only really interested in political issues that effect them directly. That's how left wing policies usually get an edge, by appearing moral and having good intentions regardless of the outcomes of their policies, they use this moral stranglehold they have upon the common man and convince him they understand his needs better than he does and thus rob them of their freedom.

What I'm trying to say is, condense what your advocating to appear beneficial to those your advocating to, another piece of advice is never be antagonistic, angry or confrontational. Regardless of what points your trying to make, keeping your cool when others are yelling and insulting your will always make you appear to have the moral high ground. Contributing to negative political discussion will always make outsiders view both sides as degenerates. Also, remember that in politics people are biased, they will often only see what they want to see, present the facts in a way they can't deny, even if they scoff at your points they may leave with a new outlook.

Hope I helped, user.

It makes me really mad that this was happening to you.

And yeah, I worked in retail for a while so I can understand very well that most people are disgusting. I wish it wasn't like that but it appears to be the case.

You probably aren't doing real activism, you know what real activism is, mock trials, monks lighting themselves on fire to protest the Vietnam War, etc. Activism isn't just standing around yelling at people.

Don't get me started user, I worked at customer service and came across the most despicable and morally backwards individuals you could ever meet. Constantly trying to exploit return policies to get a quick buck and throwing a fit when they don't get their way, I remember this one bitch who tried to return underwear, I told her it was against store policy and she just wouldn't stop yelling at me. I started crying and she wouldn't relent, the manager ran over and tried to sought shit out, you could tell he was fuming with anger. Gave me the rest of the day off.

You're the ass for bothering people with your stupid activism. Life is hard enough without people like you interrupting our daily lives just to bring our attention to yet another of the world's problems we have no power to fix.

Bring it up in politics so we can vote on it, don't fucking waste our time on the street with it. I'd spit at your feet if you messed with me in public.

Quite a hilarious post as I was literally ONLY speaking to people who were causing the issue. The issue is also an apolitical one with essentially no political presence. I've emailed my MP and I can promise you it won't make a difference, wherease even though people were insulting me i still managed to help my cause greatly.

Good, if it's a political issue then keep it in politics. We the people hate you.
>i still managed to help my cause greatly.
Doubt it.

We have empirical ways of measuring these things. The post has been insanely vague so I don't even know how could agree/doubt, but sure, be triggered and jump to conclusions.

Also do you have any idea how anti apartheid, abolition of slavery, the suffragets, achieved there goals? Was it by being reliant on the government?

This is usually just the very human shit you argue against, by a different name. Nobody asked, and realistically you didn't ask anybody. You assumed the world needed your brand of activism.

Reality being considered, your issue is not as innocuous as you think most likely; everything has a skeleton in the closet.

>How do you keep a positive mental state?
You do, instead of thinking.

You sound like a massive faggot. People have their own shit going on in their lives and most activists are braindead and brainwashed anyways. Would you receptively listen to a telemarketer schill to you on the phone when you got shit going on? Would you open your door and listen to and hear out a Jehovah's Witness? You aren't entitled to people's limited time or attention you fucking dick. I would mock you too. Emotional intelligence? The way you're crying like a little bitch sounds more like emotional immaturity. Also activism comes off as self righteous and holier than thou. If you truly care about your cause you'd just be grateful to those who listened and wouldn't be such a pussy about the people who made fun of you.

>How can you not hate humans? They are fallacy riddled arrogant pieces of shit.
Yes, precisely. Have you seen my arguments on here?
What was your "activism" even about, though?
Society doesn't exist in a vacuum, stop pretending it does. This kind of invasive, irritating 'activism' is part and parcel of a democracy, shitty as the whole concept of democracy is.

>Also do you have any idea how anti apartheid, abolition of slavery, the suffragets, achieved there goals?
Jews, both domestic and international. Something like 70-80% of """white""" activists in SA were Jews, and the whole country was slammed with boycotts. Although Israel did actually give some covert aid. And mind you, the country has now gone to shit, like every single other African shithole.
>abolition of slavery
>not the government
Delusional tbqh. There was already a ban on imports of slaves from 1808, and a significant portion of US Navy operations from then were dedicated to catching slave smugglers.
An utter disaster, also Jews. I think they removed the list of feminists by religion on wikipedia, but if it's still up you will see similar numbers. It's quite simple--women in general have less in-group loyalty and are more emotional, which makes them prime targets for manipulation. The redpilled women back then knew this, that the 30% of women who could be trusted to vote wisely would just be drowned out by the other 70%.

Complaining about humanity and crying about getting his jimmies jostled does not make for a good activist.

I brought up the Jehovah's Witness example because my coworker is one and he said less than 1% of the doors he goes to even humors him to listen. But he's doing the work he believes in and never complains about it, he keeps knocking on doors with a friendly smile on his face.

>Complaining about humanity and crying about getting his jimmies jostled does not make for a good activist.
The latter part is true, yes, but I'd say that the former is just self-evident--humanity is shit.
OP probably just wanted to vent.

>and the whole country was slammed with boycotts

You do realise activists spread these boycotts though right? lol.

Well I want to vent about OP and people like him, who want to jam their agenda down the collective throat and then deliver this delicious gem of a self righteous diatribe. As I said, no one is entitled to someone's precious, limited time.

Oh, please. Useful idiots, nothing more. Those boycotts (or should I say, embargoes) were put in place to break a government that wasn't being taken advantage of, """activists""" just give a public face to special interests. You want to know the real reason? It's because black majority governments are invariably corrupt and easy to exploit--western industrialists give a pittance in "aid" that ends up in the pocket of some kleptocrat, and they get free reign to take whatever resources they want. Of course, when you have a white government in place, they tell you to fuck off, and you can't have that.
I guarantee you, if there were no resources there, the world wouldn't have given a damn.

And you're not entitled to mine. See how this thinking collapses in on itself? Mind you, I agree that the constant badgering over issues is ridiculous, but this is a product of the conditions we live in.

Conditions who lives in? I guarantee my conditions, your conditions and OP's conditions are not the same. Your conditions are a product of your decision making and making the most of your opportunitiea.

The condition of Western "democracy". The political system. That is the context we're talking in, yes?
Don't give me the "Not all X" treatment, it's in direct opposition to any meaningful discussion.

>thinking people will respond to logic
>thinking you are logical

>racism is bad

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